Salutation RPNation people! :D

JNC Warrior

One Time Luck
Greetings all! The name's JNC Warrior, I may be a newbie but in real I am... Well, a newbie. After lurking around watching rps in this site i decide to give it a shot, I hope we all have fun and can be friends :D

All hail Nation of Roleplay!
Welcome, JNC Warrior. If you've been lurking, you know a bit of how things work; the community is open, put as much into it as you want to get back! Glad to see you've decide to bring yourself to light!

Make sure to check out the rules, when you have some spare time. You can find RPN's FAQ here. Any questions you may have for an admin could be potentially asked through the shoutbox, where people generally gather to just chat. If you are having problems with RPN which cannot be solved through the FAQ, use the admin contact link on RPN's homepage.

I hope you can find an RP that's perfect for you. Should be no problem!
All hail Nation of Roleplay!

Welcome comrade! I hear you've been eyeing the army! We here at RpNation are full of glory and victory! We have perfected our tactics, regimented our regiments, and continue to dominate all as the most superior fighting force this world has ever seen.

As you may have already noticed, we not only accept humans into fold, but trees too. This gives us the edge against anybody who dares to reject us with ordinary men!
JNC, bask in our glory!

Stay with us friend. We shall whip you into shape. We shall mold you. We shall break you, then mold you again. We do this for the world. We do this for the betterment of the citizens in our nation. JNC, heed the call! JNC, Join us! JNC, let us be your very life!

All hail Nation of Roleplay!
Tree said:
Welcome, JNC Warrior. If you've been lurking, you know a bit of how things work; the community is open, put as much into it as you want to get back! Glad to see you've decide to bring yourself to light!
Make sure to check out the rules, when you have some spare time. You can find RPN's FAQ here. Any questions you may have for an admin could be potentially asked through the shoutbox, where people generally gather to just chat. If you are having problems with RPN which cannot be solved through the FAQ, use the admin contact link on RPN's homepage.

I hope you can find an RP that's perfect for you. Should be no problem!
Thanks a bunch for the great informations! :D I've checked the rules as you say, and will try the shoutbox when I finished making my first character


[QUOTE="White Masquerade]
All hail Nation of Roleplay!

Welcome comrade! I hear you've been eyeing the army! We here at RpNation are full of glory and victory! We have perfected our tactics, regimented our regiments, and continue to dominate all as the most superior fighting force this world has ever seen.

As you may have already noticed, we not only accept humans into fold, but trees too. This gives us the edge against anybody who dares to reject us with ordinary men!
JNC, bask in our glory!

Stay with us friend. We shall whip you into shape. We shall mold you. We shall break you, then mold you again. We do this for the world. We do this for the betterment of the citizens in our nation. JNC, heed the call! JNC, Join us! JNC, let us be your very life!

All hail Nation of Roleplay!

Thank you! I shall sharpened my skill in rp as soon as possible for this nation! xD

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