• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern β˜Ύ π™¨π™–π™‘π™šπ™’ π™¬π™žπ™©π™˜π™π™šπ™¨

sunshine and whiskey

α΄€ΚŸα΄‘α΄€Κs Κ™Κ€ΙͺΙ΄Ι’ Κα΄α΄œΚ€ ᴏᴑɴ sᴜɴsʜΙͺɴᴇ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Character Sheet thread for the members of ☾ π™¨π™–π™‘π™šπ™’ π™¬π™žπ™©π™˜π™π™šπ™¨ π™žπ™£π™¨π™©π™žπ™©π™ͺπ™©π™š. Do not add things to the sheet that you don't see below. If you have more than one character, please put it in the same post.


The sheet may seem extensive but all the information is essential.

Name: First Middle Last
Nicknames: if applicable
Birthday: MM/DD
Age: 16-18
Gender | Pronouns:
Place of Birth:
Appearance: A picture is lovely but go in-depth here, please. include any scars, tattoos, or piercings, too
Likes: at least 5+
Dislikes: at least 5+
Habits: at least 3+
Fears: at least 2+
Vices: at least 4+
Virtues: at least 4+
Personality: at least 2 paragraphs here
Family: will make this optional
Background: at least 2 1/2 paragraphs. detail their lives up until where they are now
Year: 6-8
Blood Status: Pureblood, half-blood, or muggle born
Wand: if applicable
House: Andover, Ipswich, Danvers, Goode
Patronus: if applicable
Familiar: everyone should have one
Boggart: everyone has one
Specializes In: what do they excel at?
Talents: magical and nonmagical based
Strengths: magical and nonmagical based
Weaknesses: magical and nonmagical based
Last edited:

  • sebastian helmsley
    full name
    Sebastian Glenn Helmsley III
    Questioning, heavily
    place of birth
    Boston, MA

    163 lbs

    Golden Blonde


    Athletic; toned

    You really will not find anything out of place whenever your eyes gaze upon Sebastian. He likes to keep his appearance intact at all times. From the top of his golden blonde locks of swiftly combed hair, which sometimes he likes to keep unkempt, Sebastian stands about six foot one inches tall. He likes to work out whenever he can although looks really scrawny but his weight is a solid one hundred and fifty-nine pounds with a few muscles. His muscles can really be seen whenever he's shirtless or he flexes them to impress someone. He has a fair skin tone complexion with really good looking blue-green eyes that gleam with sun's rays once they are gazing upon it. He is supposed to wear glasses but doesn't wear them and has clear contacts. His skin is so smooth and he has no blemishes or scars but he does have a five o'clock shadow that's connected to his sideburns and a mustache. Sebastian's appearance is really one of a kind or that's just what he thinks often of times.

    Sebastian's style is very much preppy except for when it comes to the school uniform. He prefers to wear Polo buttoned-up shirts, short and long-sleeved, along with polo shorts or cargo shorts. His formal wear is only for whenever the school hours are active around the institute. His feet are usually covered with pure leather moccasins or vans and he crocodile formal wear shoes. Sebastian's been complimented on his fashion sense quite a few times.

    face claim
    Daniel Sharman

    ❝ A person's actions will tell you everything that you need to know. ❞
    persona & institute
    Sebastian is really, really full of himself. He holds a really high opinion of himself in just about any and every category possible. He expresses his vain ways every single chance that he gets and it really gets on other people's nerves most of the time but Sebastian does not really care, honestly. Sebastian is very much prideful in his appearance and his qualities and often of times thinks that he is God's gift to the world. Sebastian has been told that he is not on many, many occasions but does not that get to him too easily. Coming from one of the most powerful families in Salem, Sebastian is very much power with his speech and can really persuasive. If one was being honest then they'd say that he likes to cause confusion among others, turn people against each other and practically just cause a whole bunch of drama. He will not cost his friends to be caught in the crossfire though unless they absolutely needed to be and will always try his best to keep them as safe as possible.

    Speaking of his friends, he is very much loyal to them but much more loyal to the members of the Ipswich house so just be warned before you befriend him. He absolutely will not betray either one of those members and has proven that time and time again so it is really no secret at this point. Sebastian is also very intelligent and has a good mental capacity, which also means that he's very quick to process and comprehend much faster than others. He's even a very understanding person and this is a trait that he rarely shows unless you're his friend and a member of Ipswich.

    β€’ Whistling: Whenever it is too quiet or he is just simply walking or standing around, Sebastian will whistle a tune to himself but loud enough for anyone near him to hear him.

    β€’ Exercise: Just about every single morning, you can find Sebastian running around Salem's Institute campus, shirtless.

    πŸ•± Becoming one of the missing warlocks
    πŸ•± Darkness
    πŸ•± Tight spaces

    βœ” Guys? βœ” Wealth βœ” Mixing potions βœ” Owls and cats βœ” Learning new skills βœ” Being in power βœ” Manipulating people βœ” His Ipswich comrades βœ” Midnight conversations βœ” Stargazing βœ” Intelligent individuals

    ✘ Defense Against the Dark Arts ✘ People that out talk him or talk over him ✘ Frustrated people and being frustrated himself ✘ People using him because of his wealth ✘ Being confused ✘ Sweets ✘ Bright colors ✘ Wearing his glasses (no matter how many people compliment him on how cute they are)


    blood status


    German Shepard

    Black Widow Spider


    specializes in

    Besides excelling in Divination, he's pretty talented in charms and potions along with knowing about the stars that gleam the nightly sky above them. He also likes to garden certain herbs, which is seen on the institute side lawn and he frequently visits, too. He also knows Latin and chants most of his spells in that language.

    Intelligent | Quick thinker | Spell casting | Understanding (rarely shows it) | Creating powerful potions

    Tends to run his mouth too much | Defense Against the Dark Arts | Often praises his heritage status | Rambles on and on about something that he's interested in | Flaunts around his wealth a little too much

    Gwendolyn Stephanie Helmsley | Forty | Biological Mother | Witch | Owns Helmsley Bakery

    Sebastian Glenn Helmsley I | Forty-three | Biological Father | Warlock | Owns Helmsley Tailor Parlor

    Sebastian Glenn Helmsley II | Thirty-eight | Uncle | Warlock | Deceased

    Gwyneth Samantha Helmsley | Fifteen | Biological Little Sister | Witch | Student at Salem Witches Institute

    Sebastian Glenn Helmsley IV | Fourteen | Biological Little Brother | Warlock | Student at Salem Witches Institute

    Sebastian grew up in Boston and it was no question as to who his parents were. They ruled the area because of their social status within the town and also because they own two shops that surround the square. They kept their magical abilities a secret and posed as muggles whenever they were in town and running their shops and even made sure that Sebastian would not display his magic in public. It risked exposure to their community as a whole and that's something that is absolutely forbidden within their status. They did have a coven of witches and wizards alike but quickly disbanded it because of others wanting to create havoc and exact revenge for what happened to their descendants. It wasn't in Helmsley's plan to do so but they have thought about it, only once or twice though.

    When he was growing up, he did not attend public school because he was very different from them. His parents were just a little too timid to take that risk so they home-schooled him in many subjects and areas of magic. His father and mother recruited other witches and warlocks to help him train during the day while his parents would wrap the training throughout the night. Sebastian liked being home-schooled and had no regrets about it. Even though this kept him a bit introverted toward everyone that came around him and did not really know how to open up to others. But as he was admitted into an American wizarding school, that was on the other side of the coast and stayed in their dormitories and made some friends along with some enemies.

    From then on, he continued his time through the school until he was eighteen, going on nineteen then his parents shipped him back to Salem. They have recently heard of the all-girls institute being open to accepting males for the first time in Salem and of course, due to Sebastian's skepticism, they enrolled him. He was accepted because of the status he along with the rest of his family holds in the area but not only to the witches and wizards but also to the muggles. Sebastian learned how to interact with others from his old institute but that necessarily wasn't a good thing since he was and still is practically mean because he is entitled. He just hopes that the strange happenings at the institute are a myth to scare the guys or else, he's in deep shit. Plus, he does not know how to feel about going to school since it is the first year for males. But Sebastian shall see what happens this year.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis aliquam metus. Morbi vulputate dui eget est laoreet venenatis. Etiam in finibus est. Aliquam vehicula sem vitae ante volutpat, at semper erat egestas. Aenean scelerisque felis felis, ut bibendum dui bibendum ut. Ut non purus sem. Sed at mattis nisl. Ut lorem orci, venenatis a velit eu, egestas auctor turpis. Duis in nibh ut diam pellentesque eleifend ac vel nunc. Pellentesque nec viverra massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi hendrerit varius pretium. In faucibus et dui ac varius.

    coded by natasha.


  • /* ------ left side ------ */


    blanche boudreau


    babs, baby



    date of birth

    april twentieth

    place of birth

    new orleans, louisiana



    blood status

    school year



    elm wood, dragon heartstring core, eleven and a half inches

    star sign
    taurus sun, virgo moon, capricorn rising

    bisexual, but closeted

    english, creole, butchered french

    a crow named anise

    five foot six inches

    body type
    toned and healthy, but soft with curves



    wolf tattoo on her back, matches her brother's

    double lobes, right nostril

    face claim
    audreyana michelle

    while blanche might personally prefer to dress comfortably (a t-shirt and jeans), she does often find herself dressing to impress, at least a little bit. either with a skirt, or (more typically) some cute trousers with a nice blouse. she sticks with a calm and precise color palette of grey, black, white, light pink, raspberry, forest green, and brown.

    personality type - ESTJ-T




    teacher's pet







    whether it's lists, charts, or carefully articulated notes: blanche is always prepared. some could even argue that she's over-prepared judging by the amount of highlighters and sticky notes that she hoards, but hey-- it works for her, and it certainly works for those around her that like to use her for her brain.
    if you want something done, all you have to do is ask blanche and she'll get it done for you as soon as physically possible. with how organized she is and how many connections she maintains, she's absolutely perfect at setting up any events or just plain getting business done. it's not wonder her professors adore her so much, considering she gets assignments complete (and with good quality) way before the actual due date.
    blanche loves to flirt and absolutely turns on the southern belle charm, especially if it means she'll get her way. when the flirtation is turned back on her though, and she likes it, she turns into an absolute mess. if she doesn't like it, then she has no problem telling them exactly how she feels.
    unfortunately, blanche is very much a suck-up and will use it to her advantage. this means, of course, that may of her connections are less than genuine. to be honest, this does stem from her fear that no one will actually like the real her, so she shows them a carefully cultivated part of herself instead.
    when it comes to her intelligence and her scholarly capabilities, blanche knows she's good and flaunts it. of course, this can cause strained relationships with her peers at times, particularly if she isn't aware that she's making other people feel stupid. this also manifests negatively in the workload she takes on, which ends up overwhelming her in the end and making her quite high-strung.
    despite her ever-growing confidence when it comes to her intelligence, blanche feels very insecure about everything else: her looks, her personality, and her social standing. she wants to be liked and popular, but doesn't quite know how to create genuine enough connections with people to do so. she very much envies her twin for being able to make friends so easily.

    flirting, attention, math, pretty stationary, love letters, poetry, reading, mornings

    getting bad grades, being disliked, getting sick

    genius level at arithmancy, adept at voodoo magic

    bites her nails, pops her knuckles, chews on pens

    giant snake
    little more



    blanche was the older twin by four and a half hours, and hasn't let beau live that down to this day. she was always the more proud, outspoken twin. she started walking first, talking first, reading first. their mother absolutely doted on her, putting most of her time and energy into blanche, leaving beau to spend most of his time with his grandmother. blanche was a bright child, and their mother felt she was ready to take on studies early on in life, so she began to privately teach blanche voodoo magic at age seven. just the simple stuff, of course, nothing too complicated for a seven year old. she took it on quite quickly, though what bright child wouldn't if they were being consistently enriched by their parent? of course, voodoo magic was incredibly important to the boudreau family- their mother came from a long line of pureblood witches who practiced voodoo and had great pride in themselves. it was the expected thing to do: at least one of the children ought to carry on the legacy. and since beau never showed interest, and since their mother never showed interest in him, blanche took the full impact of her mother's obsession for perfection, and internalized it.


    blanche flourished as the favorite child, and only grew in knowledge and power as her mother doted on her. she was almost a little too prepared for school, and quickly grew a reputation as a know-it-all in her classes. she'd been excited for school, hoping that her skills would place her with the best of the best and make it incredibly easy for her to make friends. after all, she was the favorite at home, why wouldn't she be the favorite at school? it only made sense. she was in for a rude awakening, however, when she discovered that beau was infinitely more popular just because-- he was nice. for a while, it made her resent him. at least, until he came out to the family, and then her eyes were opened to just how terrible he'd been treated. wrecked with guilt that wasn't hers to feel, she reached out to her brother, and their bond was quickly mended and grew stronger than ever before. because of his influence, she's lately had a bit of an easier time making friends, but she does still struggle and it discourages her quite a bit.


    β™‘ person one: relationship here

    β™‘ person two: relationship here

    β™‘ person three: relationship here

    /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

    Β© weldherwings.
Harriet Locke
"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."
Β© reveriee


fc: Noah Centineo

Raphael A. Malot

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Name: Raphael Arthur Malott
Nicknames: Prefers Raph for casual encounters and interactions; his first name is too formal.
Birthday: 05/25
Age: 18
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender | Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Blood Status: Pureblood
House: Danvers
Year: 8
Familiar: A fancy rat named Julius Cheeser
Wand: Aspen Wood; Dragon Core; Flexible; Elven Inches.
Birth Place: Los Angeles, California, USA
Patronus: Red Fox
Boggart: His father finally tells him he’s the family outcast/disappointment, and his mother would be ashamed of him. Some type of familial rejection, though, changes between his mother and father.
Family: Lloyd Malot [father], Amara Malot [mother], Christine Malot [older sister]

History: The Malott’s in Los Angeles projected themselves as refined elegance, sophistication steeped in tradition & timely frills. Raphael was the only-born son of a lineage which prided itself on power and unquenchable power. To the mortal realm, The Malots in Los Angeles were nothing more than prime real estate, wealth in old money and buildings, coveting a secret life. Connections were deep and vast for his father, unrelenting in his pursuits to rule with an iron fist, in both the witchy world and beyond. Proclaimed as a respectable man in the witches & warlocks circles in California, there is much to be said about some of his prestige. Yet beneath glittering lids and cunning smirks, his coldness runs deep in his veins. Lloyd Malot expected perfection and that bore in his children β€” including Raphael and his sisters. Nothing should be out of place, his garden of Eden shouldn’t be tarnished and provided an army of tutors for his children. To excel in magical pursuits and academics, Raphael broke from the mould. His affinity didn’t meld with the ruthless expectation, making home life somewhat difficult in his formative years. It restricted his freedom and boxed him to do better. Yet ambition was cultivated in each of the Malot children. But the ambition stirring in this young warlock wasn’t one to ascend β€” he broke out from the house and beyond. He tangled himself in the human intricacies & fascinations that didn’t dominate magic.

It cultured Raph differently, affable, and personable and hanging with the children of his streets marked him in a way to relate to them. But the frictions at home barred him from making this a regular trip, and his social life was fragmented by sneaking away when he could. Aged sixteen gave Raph a short leash to attend an elite school for the last two years, hoping to school him into the best young man. It didn’t mend any bridges but furthered the gap in how freedom tasted intoxicating and the only for that to be certain was perhaps settling into a portion of his wizarding life. Raph did so, finally gelling with some subjects and β€œpretending,” in some part, that he was doing well. Well enough for his father to jump at the chance to send Raph to Salem, opening for males, he thought the old-standing traditions and ancient history would do well in carving a better head on his shoulders.

His father pulled some strings, but Raph’s personality might have impressed a lady or two in granting his admission. He was granted entrance, but the fragility wasn’t lost in the endless warnings. This year isn’t any different for Raphael, freedom is his choice of wine and dining on new experiences. The rumours will not chip in his fun and nor what he entails for a job outside of what his family wants.
Appearance: Raphael is known as confident incarnate, shown wildly in his appearance & attitude. It sparks against his visage in unkemptness, dominating slovenly over every line and crease. His family name demands formality, but yet Raph couldn’t summon the energy in his genetics β€” coming undone at the seams with bristled hair and wide eyes. Ragged and soft, attributes which have soaked up the seriousness from his bones. It left behind a boy whose smile is too large for his own face. As well as eyes which are too big, all-encompassing with emotion & empathy, bleeding out into long lashes, extending out to touch. Chaotic envelopes Raph pretty well with the rest of him, ruffled brown hair and baby hazel eyes, accentuating some cuteness if you like the wet puppy dog look. It includes his own clothing, mismatched colours, down to his socks and t-shirts. Comprehension is an afterthought, the floor is his wardrobe and through that messiness; unfiltered Raph at his finest. While his station is certainly forgotten, his comfort is first and casual styles coupled with his expression. He likes hoodies, pants, and low-key interpretations of his appearance and never attempts to go beyond β€” almost like he wants to hide his natural heritage.

His body can be rooted in his ego, curated in exercise & activity, shirtless is his prime state. He wouldn’t flash anyone unnecessarily, but a chance to flex his slender body? Yeah, you bet he’s grabbing the chance and pumping that to his advantage to attract someone he likes. He’s proud, admittedly, to heightened levels of vanity, abs and taut muscles, toned broad shoulders go with his package. Leaning towards five foot eleven, there’s enough of him to get a sense of grandeur or so he thinks. But he’s a little unhappy not reaching six foot. Scars are plentiful for him, gathering around his hands and legs, smearing across in faded lines. All from accidents. Yet the memories pressed upon his skin are something he treasures, Raph did that to himself and nobody could take that away from him.
Personal Profile:

Raphael’s got a wide carousel of likes, mornings, sunsets, bakeries, teas & comics. He loves his rats (above all else with any other creature), running in the mornings & field hockey. His active lifestyle mirrors himself as an active person and mirrors anything physical. Piercings/scary movies/knitting/art.

Dislikes: It’s hard for RaphaΓ«l to admit, though he generally detests staying still & silent. Closed spaces, the colour grey (too boring, in his opinion), cats (for wanting to hunt his rats). He hates people who are more attractive than him.

  • Raphael likes to bite his knuckles when stressed, anxious, or nervous. He bites the bridges under his teeth, picking the skin apart until he bleeds or it's over.
  • His hair changes colour based on his moods, more chaotic moods produce red in his hair/black means he’s upset & blue feels like his heart is aching. He’s a living palette of his feelings.
  • Cuddling small furry animals, Raphael will pick anything up and rub that against his face. An action born from picking up his rats and cuddling them, though; he’s had some mishaps.

Vices: -

1) Confidence:
Some might call him egotistical and others might tar him with the brush of arrogance, but Raphael is confident in his skill, leading him to be determined & stubborn. He rebels against what anyone else thinks.

2) Attached too easily: His own family life never provided that enrichment in relationships, thus, he is compelled to get attached to people & forming relationships out of necessity. Stimuli from other people settle the chaotic shadow looming in his head & surrounding himself with other people abates this.

3) Distractions: The self-proclaimed king at distracting himself, in the company of others, projects, drinking and perhaps what the school is cranking down on [illegal potions]. Thinking? Nah, Raphael will find something or someone to distract himself in the morning, which makes his attachments unhealthy. He enjoys messing around with his appearance as well.

4) Crafty: Getting out of trouble isn’t a badge of honour, but one learns to get crafty and avoid the hammer of expulsion. For Raphael, his talent in creative excuses, pranks & schemes ranks highly on his troublesome resume β€” cannot be the focus if something is bigger going on right?

Virtues +

1) Humour: Laughing a lot & bringing people together might be his most positive trait. A sense of playfulness exudes from Raphel as naturally as a breath, matched to see the absurdities in his life and a smile wider than his future. It complements his social profile very well, willing to engage in lighthearted humour & connections.

2) Perseverance: There’s something to be said for someone who never crumbles, but this characteristic identifies something real and tangible within Raphael's portfolio β€” never stepping down. He’s able to handle his setbacks and keep on driving, interlinking with freedom and a sense of independence which shapes his decision. He throws caution to the wind and absconds consequences behind his feet. Bowing down isn’t an option in his life.

3) Social Intelligence: While he cannot be branded the most intelligent man in the room, Raph can refer to his understanding based on the necessity of emphasising with people. His heart beats true in sympathy & sadness. It’s a trait that he’s managed since he was young, acknowledging someone’s pain and being able to comfort people. It’s his strongest trait in empathy and pushing forward.

4) Integrity: It can be a hard tag to demonstrate, but Raph’s shown something to people in terms of honesty and authenticity. Courage to follow his own paths and dreams, he’s himself without apology. Some people might find that difficult to swallow, but Raph is nothing more than a pebble of his own design and construction. He’s unimportant right now, but he’s got something planned for his future.

PERSONALITY: A constricted ball of energy represents Raph down to his core, glimmering and unapologetic about how he approaches any situation. His confidence putters around his feet lapped up from a dazzling smirk and a mien, which shines brightly into smugness. There’s something slightly magnetic about the Warlock, drawing into his aura to compel people to join & come with him. He works his charm and appearance into getting what he wants β€” which is rarely ever denied. Take on the world? He’s asking you to cover him and have his back. He’s a social butterfly, flittering his wings like addictive dust to build his personal network and web of connections. While Raph is centred on people, a larger portion of his personality is self-driven and pursuing what he wants, with a determined foundation to make that so.

Yet, there is something softer with wandering gazes and disappointment clinging to his eyes. He’s brotherly, protective and overall sympathetic β€” he knows. Oh hell, he knows when life spins you around and roasts you on the coals of misfortune. His experience humbled him enough to connect with people and shouldered the burdens. It’s not something he broadcasts publicly, a little embarrassed to admit he’s got a gooey centre when someone needs a hand.

Specializes in: Transfiguration

Talents: Metamorphosis; Metamorphmagus, an innate talent from his bloodline or biology, gives Raph some pretty wicked changing properties. He could right now change his hair colour, eye colour and some features on his face β€” such as enlarging his face or nose. He cannot do much more, though he’s considered a little gifted. Transfiguration is Raph’s greatest subject; perhaps his strongest area and charms are his secondary subject. He’s decent at knitting [something he keeps on the down low], learned from the house elf.

Strengths: Social butterfly, can start any conversation & end it. A little creative, and cunning when he wants to be elusive like no other β€” elusive when using his natural born abilities to blend into a crowd or shift up on the run.

Weaknesses: Potions, and Arithmancy, are his weakest subjects to date, something about formulas and numbers doesn’t click well with Raph. His confusion is tantamount to any lesson deriving from metrics, he can just manage his money & how much coffee he needs in the morning. Not the best with history either and likes to criticise his family too much and the entire idea of purebloods / running his mouth / flirting a bit too much / pranks & breaking the rules.






  • Prue

    I'm not lazy, I'm just resting up for my 30s

    Pretty Girl

    Maggie Lindemann

    character name

    Prue Nott








    25th November





β™‘design by natasha., coded by uxieβ™‘


  • szY1hPd.jpg

    Lisandro Valencia
    Nicknames: lis

    Birthday: 08/26 (virgo)

    Age: 16

    Gender | Pronouns: cis male, questioning, he/him for now

    Sexuality: gay, questioning

    Place of Birth: Barranquilla, Columbia

    Lis has a small frame and is pretty short β€” he’s always been smaller than his peers and has a hard time coping with that, leading him to wearing a lot of platform shoes to give him a subtle boost of height, even if it’s not much. He used to have a very clean look with medium length curly hair and no piercings or jewelry and overall bland clothes befitting of your typical teen boy. However, going through a period of rebellion lead to him shaving his head and getting his ears and tongue pierced. He dresses more freely and paints his nails black often.

    His outfits lean more towards being comfortable due to his sensory issues, but they are never frumpy or plain, as being put together was hammered into his head so heavily. So instead his style leans more towards cute sweaters and jeans, though he is trying to change it up a bit with his newfound rebellion. He wears a lot of blues and greens.

    He will often begin the day while wearing some kind of jewelry such as a necklace or bracelet or rings because he thinks it looks good, but will end up fidgeting or be overwhelmed and have to take it off. This ends up in him losing a lot of accessories.

    Likes: music, the quiet, the moon, being outside on a peaceful night, walks by himself, reading (nonfiction) books, alternative styles and experimentation, the stars, surrealistic paintings, art, dry humor

    Dislikes: total numbing silence, puzzles, loud noises, large crows of people, big formal social gatherings, messy spaces, scratchy or fuzzy textures, styrofoam, trying new foods

    Habits: he bites his nails and his lip a lot, constant fidgeting and movement, and patting rhythms out on his legs when he’s nervous

    Fears: owls, spiders, thestrals, germs, losing all of his senses/going fully deaf, claustrophobia, public speaking, rats


    β€” rigid thinking | he has his own set of rules and has a hard time deviating from them, very black and white, firm thoughts about people and scenarios

    β€” compulsive | has certain things that he feels like he has to do

    β€” enlarged sense of self-importance | due to his family’s status and his parents’ expectations, he has the feeling
    that he’s going to be something important, sometimes feeling above typical β€œteenage” things and feeling somewhat
    above his classmates

    β€” avoidant | he is prone to ignoring his own feelings and not addressing things with other people, as well as literally avoiding people if he knows they are going to confront him or say something uncomfortable

    β€” cowardice | runs away when things get too hard, serious or dangerous


    β€” observant | always looking around and seeing what people are doing, due to being a people watcher and having few friends

    β€” intelligent | is well educated and retains information well

    β€” neat | always keeping things around him neat and tidy, always able to find something in his room

    β€” diligent | when he starts a project, he is sure to finish it, always wanting to impress others and stay strong to his commitments

    β€” creative | extremely creative, always drawing and creating things, always with some new medium or subject



    Lis didn’t grow up with much comfort, his parents being more self absorbed, so he learned to self-soothe. He doesn’t have much patience for others’ emotions, finding difficulty in sharing his own and believing other people should deal with their emotions in the ways he does (quietly, without bothering anyone else). This leads to him struggling to connect with others despite desperately wanting friends. He tends to keep to himself, finding solace in kind of doing his own thing, until he realizes that there’s an alternative and that he could have a great time with others if he would open himself up to it.

    His friends from his school in Columbia were just vapid and surface level, not often caring much about each other aside from throwing parties with each other. He ended up really enjoying these parties, going to most of them and soon only knowing how to unwind when he was at one of these parties, with the beat of music and often intoxicated friends, it was easier to forget about the social rules there.

    When not partying, he’s kind of matter-of-fact and blunt, always letting you know if you are wrong about something, especially if it is an interest of his. He isn’t good at filtering his thoughts, but doesn’t speak out of turn, so he is usually very quiet. He is a good chameleon if he must interact, even if he doesn’t want to, due to the social events his parents required of him growing up. A lot of his silence is due to not knowing the β€œsocially accepted” response and being forced to play in-between the lines a lot of his life.

    Recently, he has become a lot more open to breaking the rules, despite spending his whole life so caught up in them. He finds it invigorating, though his anxiety holds him back from reaching the full potential of who he wants to be. He doesn’t want to be held down by rules he does not care for any more.

    β€” Maristela Valencia | mother | witch
    β€” Felix Valencia | father | warlock
    β€” Nestor Valencia | older brother | squib
    β€” Santos Valencia | younger brother | warlock
    β€” Flora Valencia | younger sister | witch


    Lis grew up in an affluential wizarding family with very high expectations of him. His father, Felix, was a professional duelist turned auror, who eventually came to work on a squad in Columbia, where Lis grew up. His mother, Marisol, was a journalist and socialite who managed to quickly climb the social ladder early on in life and met Felix through an interview with him for her paper. That interview turned into dinner, and a conversation that continued through the night. They enjoyed each other’s company, and also understood how they could team up to ensure one another’s success.

    While they loved each other, they both only became more obsessed with their image as time went on. This obsession eventually extended to their children, leading to expectations of them being overachieving socialites. Lis’ childhood was full of private tutors, elite social gatherings, filling their time with all sorts of activities. The most Lis had in common with his early childhood friends was that they had rich parents. Lis’ best friend, however, was his older brother Nestor, who was two years older than him and became his protector. Lis had a lot of anxieties, was often sick and was not very confident in social settings, but his brother Nestor helped him through it all. He would often speak for Lis when he couldn’t and would help him calm down when he was overwhelmed.

    However, as they both got older it became obvious that, as Lis showed more evidence of being magical, Nestor’s abilities remained the same, never producing any accidental magic. At first, their parents assumed Nestor was a late bloomer. However, when Nestor didn’t receive a letter inviting him to school, they didn’t know what to do with him, so they sent him away to live with Maristela’s similarly exiled squib brother in America.

    This left Lis with the pressure of stepping into the position of oldest sibling and he bore the brunt of living up to his parents’ hopes and dreams. However, without his older brother, he was left a little lost, suddenly without his greatest supporter (and protector), expecting to be able to maintain social activities the way that he did before but with the charisma of his older brother. His mental health quickly declined as he struggled in these highly social environments, not made any better by his parents dismissive attitude, not only of his social anxiety, but his other fears too, telling him to toughen up. He was also depressed because he had not heard from Nestor since he went to live in America, but figured that he had started a new life of his own so maybe he was busy. He figured it out in his own way, doing his best to stumble through these interactions and, when he got to school, he immediately got in with the β€œin” crowd so that he wouldn’t have to struggle through his high school years as well.

    This crowd of kids were often cruel to their peers, which in turn showed Lis what the social expectations of him were. He mirrored his friends’ behaviors and finally felt their acceptance and even his parents. However, in his private time he really didn’t care about what his friends were talking about. He was just an artist and a lover of herbology and potions, who spent much of his time by himself, not caring much for the hoops he had to jump through to be accepted, to reach the goals that were ultimately his parents’ anyway. He continued to do the classes that his parents chose for him (they were ultimately nudging him down the route of an auror, with an emphasis in defense against the dark arts and protective magics over practical ones) while maintaining a small garden and doing his art.

    When the Salem Institute announced they were allowing boys into the classes, his parents immediately jumped onto it, as the magic community in Columbia saw the school as elite and all of their friends had sent their daughters to it (they were planning on sending Flora, anyways, so it all worked out, right?), but Lis dreaded having to find a group of friends again in his later years at school. However, at the same time, his group of friends had been kind of imploding and they had all gotten into a big fight about something Lis didn’t care about (except when he was brought into the drama after finding out that he was leaving and he told them what he thought about the whole thing). This made his leaving kind of for the best ultimately and soon his family was off to America.

    It was the summer before his 6th year and they had just moved, but his parents had to go on a business trip, leaving Lis in charge. He remembered his brother Nestor lived in America and looked him up, finding out that he lived a couple hours away from their home in America. He decided to visit him and left their siblings with a babysitter. He was nervous but ultimately his brother was so excited to see him. Their visit was bittersweet, though, and turned Lis’ world upside down when his brother revealed that he’d been writing him since he left, but the letters had all been sent back, and their parents told Nestor to leave Lis alone, that he didn’t need distractions from his schooling. Lis was shocked as he’d never heard of these letters and, though he was glad to see how good Nestor was living with their uncle, he was beyond angry.

    He sat with this anger for much of the summer until he finally confronted his parents about it, causing them to have a huge blowup right before he started at his new school. This led to him deciding that with this new school, he’d give himself a new image, a rebellious one. He wasn’t going to live up to his parents’ expectations this time. His last years were his own and he was going to make friends of his own accord this time.


    Year: 6

    Blood Status: Pureblood

    Wand: Chestnut wood with unicorn tail hair, 8 ¾” | pic

    House: Andover

    Patronus: a fox

    Familiar: Lupe

    Boggart: his father

    Specializes In: potions, arithmancy

    Talents: photographic memory, painting (specifically oil paints), and sketching. very good at growing plants. very familiar with potions that involve a lot of plants.

    Strengths: herbology | organized | rebellious | determined | resourceful

    Weaknesses: awkward | too blunt | overly nit-picking | gullible | care of magical creatures

    Other: he is Hard of Hearing and uses hearing aids β€” he isn’t fully Deaf without them but he has a much harder time
  • Life is too short to blend in
    Seraphina DeLoughery
coded by natasha.
  • There are things out there that our little minds will never comprehend.
    Deimos Varnae
coded by natasha.
Felix Urias
Blood Status
10 inches, unicorn core, yew wood
Golden Retriever
Chester the toad
Giant Python
Specializes In
place of birth
Buffalo, New York
If you asked Felix about his defining qualities, the first thing he would mention is his handsome face. He's confident, but not cocky, about his fit body and pretty smile. Standing at 5'10 and weighing around 160 lbs, Felix has maintained a slim but athletic build throughout his years of snowboarding and wrestling. He keeps his dirty blonde hair styled up and out of his face as it bothers him if it's blocking his vision or touching his hazel eyes too much. His facial hair has started to grow more, so he's taken to shaving more often as he prefers keeping a smooth face.
Felix's style consists of casual looks and simple outfits. He likes to show off his body, so if the weather permits, you can find him in a muscle tee with shorts or sweats. Other than that, he doesn't really have a set theme, just anything that he thinks looks nice. That includes a lot of long sleeve shirts and sweaters, with jeans or shorts in various lengths.
Elias Kacavas
Are you taking this seriously?
Felix is easily excitable and full of energy. He has a bright aura around him that's unusual in his otherwise stoic family, and has made him a bit of an outcast amongst his three older siblings. Where they value intellect, discretion, and pride, Felix prioritizes having a good time and living his life to the fullest. This doesn't mean he's dumb or that he doesn't take things seriously, quite the opposite actually; Lix just chooses to put his passion and dedication into doing the things he loves. This includes learning new material, snowboarding in the winter, and having fun. He has a natural charm, but usually isn't aware of the affect he has on people, whether it's positive or negative. Because of this, he often misreads situations, not realizing when the person he's interacting with is interested in him or if he'd just annoyed them by talking too much. Being annoying is the one thing he worries about when talking to others, especially after growing up with two brothers and a sister who would constantly say his personality was too much or that he bothered them. Felix is soft-hearted, and can be sensitive when his feelings are hurt, however, he's quick to forgive and doesn't hold grudges against those he cares about.
Lix can be rash or impulsive at times when it comes to making decisions. He isn't known for thinking things through for the long term, and instead does whatever he thinks would be the most interesting or fun in the moment, which has lead to him getting injured a few times. He's often criticized by his parents for having an easy-going disposition, as they always assume that he isn't taking things too seriously, even though he's argued time and time again that that isn't the case. But despite this rocky dynamic, as an optimist, Lix believes deep down that his family loves him and means well with the things they say. To him, their love isn't shown through words or actions, but he still knows it's there and tries to look on the bright side of every interaction they have.

+ Running his hand through his hair
+ Humming or singing along to whatever song is in his head
+ Repeating certain words to himself

- Drowning
- Cannot handle scary movies

Old cowboy movies
Iced coffee
Making playlists
the dark
Reptiles (especially the big ones)
being bored
most vegetables
Felix didn't grow up in a particularly bad household, so to speak, it was just....cold. His parents were both muggles with full time jobs and little time for their children, so Felix mainly spent time with his two older twin brothers, Benjamin and Don, and his older sister, Charlie. The age gap between the three of them and Felix was only a few years, yet it felt like they were worlds away from him. His mom and dad loved them; they were the gifted children, the diligent children, the family treasures, and Felix was just their odd little brother who moved around too much and didn't seem to be like them at all. They teased him a lot growing up, and Lix internalized a lot of their mean words, to the point where he's still trying to be confident in front of them now. But as a young child, this made Felix pretty sad and frustrated. He didn't see why it was only acceptable to be smart and disciplined, why his parents treated him like the black sheep of the family just because he didn't show early signs of genius like his siblings did.
It wasn't until the magic in Felix finally presented did his entire world change. First of all, his parents were overwhelmingly shocked. His grandmother was a witch, but after his muggle mom popped out three muggle children, they'd accepted the idea that the magic had skipped another generation and kept that part of their lives hidden. So when Felix' had an angry outburst that exploded Don's glasses right off his face, well, they were surprised to say the least. According to them, his mom came from a long line of witches, but the magic had skipped her generation and didn't show up in her first borns. But now that Felix had shown his first signs of being a warlock, they didn't know what to do. Ben, Don, and Charlie, on the other hand, ostracized him even more once their parents explained what was going on with him. At that age, Lix didn't know if it was because they were disgusted or jealous of him, but he didn't care anymore. He had finally understood why he was so different from the rest of his family. For once, he didn't feel like he did something wrong or that he couldn't catch up to the others' level; he was just fundamentally unlike the people around him and he couldn't change that. It gave him comfort strangely, and it also eased a lot of the bad feelings he had towards them. His mom alerted his grandma of the new development in the family, and she immediately flew to New York and moved in to start teaching Lix everything she knew.
Felix juggled learning magic at home and going to muggle school at the same time. He picked up wrestling after school to let out extra energy and calm his emotions, which made him better at studying magic. It also helped boost his confidence as he began to socialize with new people and made a lot of friends. His outlook on life started to change the more he learned. Before, he was stuck in a cold home surrounded with people who never really understood him, but now, in his eyes, he was given this special gift and he was immensely grateful for it. Of course, all good things must come to an end. Felix knows that the biggest rule in magic is to never expose yourself to muggles, but he's also a trusting person and he sees the good in everyone. And honestly, does doing a few magic tricks hurt? Apparently yes. Trying to impress some friends by doing a few spells above your ability can get you in a lot of trouble, and it can get you removed from school. Once his parents heard from administration that their son had somehow started a fire in a classroom out of thin air and damaged school property, Lix knew his world was about to change again.
Grandma had been looking at this witch school she was an alumni at that was just starting to accept males. Honestly, Lix didn't want to go, but with the classroom incident, he knew he didn't have a choice in the matter. He just hopes he can have a fun time.
Naturally athletic and good at befriending new people. His specialty is charms but Lix knows a lot about plants as well since his grandma was a herbologist.
Can adapt quickly to new situations, is very open-minded, and is always willing to learn.
Maybe it's because he isn't a good cook, but Felix really struggles when it comes to potions. Even if he follows instructions as listed, things still end up the opposite of what he intended. His memory also sucks when it comes to recalling information that doesn't interest him.
Peach Tree Rascals - Mariposa

coded by Stardust Galaxy
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