Hiya! My name is Sakura, I'm 15 years old and I am a roleplayer. I have been roleplaying since I was 12 and I just love it. I love to write, and my favourite subject is English. I have written several stories in the past and I have roleplayed with others quite often. There isn't much to say about me, but you'll learn more about me as a person more as we roleplay and become friends (At least I hope you'll be friends with me)
A few guidelines:
Here are some of my helpful guidelines on what I like in a roleplay, and what works for me and what doesn't. They aren't exactly rules, only my preferances.
Have good grammar:
You don't exactly have to be a grammar and literature star, but I tend to enjoy knowing what people write when they respond to my posts. This doesn't happen often, but the odd time I have experineced roleplaying with someone who has, well, poor grammar. I could barely understand anything, and they had me confused! 0-o
Be active:
I like people who can respond on a regular basis. I for one, sometimes are unable to post because of being busy and school work ever so often, but if you're busy I would compltely understand, Just tell me in advance!
Be nice, and please don't ditch me:
Most of the roleplayers I've met are very friends and nice, but there are sometimes the odd few that can become impoliete and they probably barely even notice. If I get ditched without notice, I get quite unhappy. Just be gentle with meh ^^
Fun is the key to roleplaying! If you don't have fun, well, I won't either. Simple!
Genres I like in a roleplay:
Slice Of Life
Fandom (Occasionally)
What I don't like in a roleplay:
Here are just a few things I really don't like whilst roleplying.
Sexual content:
It is against the site rules after all, it just makes me uncomfortable, such as any use of pornography, offensive character pictures, rape or sex. I prefer to fade to black.
Bad Grammar:
Already explained somewhere above c:
One Liners:
One Liners are okay, occasionally. I prefer to write at least the minimum of 5 sentences.
Modern Pairings:
Male x Female
Male x Male
Female x Female
Deaf x Hearing
Prince x Maid
Good boy x Bad boy
Assassins ( friendly or rival )
Prince x Prisoner
Researcher x Test Subject
Tutor x Bad student
Princess x Guard
Arranged Marriage
Vampire x Other magical being
Werewolf x other magical being
Human x other magical being
Demon x other magical being
Other than that, thank you for taking the time to read everything and take it into account. If you have any suggestions then just let me know~
If you would like to roleplay, let me know in this thread or send me a PM.