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Sakura would like someone to roleplay with? ^-^




Hiya! My name is Sakura, I'm 15 years old and I am a roleplayer. I have been roleplaying since I was 12 and I just love it. I love to write, and my favourite subject is English. I have written several stories in the past and I have roleplayed with others quite often. There isn't much to say about me, but you'll learn more about me as a person more as we roleplay and become friends (At least I hope you'll be friends with me)

A few guidelines:

Here are some of my helpful guidelines on what I like in a roleplay, and what works for me and what doesn't. They aren't exactly rules, only my preferances.

Have good grammar:

You don't exactly have to be a grammar and literature star, but I tend to enjoy knowing what people write when they respond to my posts. This doesn't happen often, but the odd time I have experineced roleplaying with someone who has, well, poor grammar. I could barely understand anything, and they had me confused! 0-o

Be active:

I like people who can respond on a regular basis. I for one, sometimes are unable to post because of being busy and school work ever so often, but if you're busy I would compltely understand, Just tell me in advance!

Be nice, and please don't ditch me:

Most of the roleplayers I've met are very friends and nice, but there are sometimes the odd few that can become impoliete and they probably barely even notice. If I get ditched without notice, I get quite unhappy. Just be gentle with meh ^^


Fun is the key to roleplaying! If you don't have fun, well, I won't either. Simple!

Genres I like in a roleplay:





Slice Of Life

Fandom (Occasionally)

What I don't like in a roleplay:

Here are just a few things I really don't like whilst roleplying.

Sexual content:

It is against the site rules after all, it just makes me uncomfortable, such as any use of pornography, offensive character pictures, rape or sex. I prefer to fade to black.

Bad Grammar:

Already explained somewhere above c:

One Liners:

One Liners are okay, occasionally. I prefer to write at least the minimum of 5 sentences.

Modern Pairings:

Male x Female

Male x Male

Female x Female

Deaf x Hearing

x Maid

Good boy x Bad boy

Assassins ( friendly or rival )

Prince x Prisoner

Researcher x Test Subject

Tutor x Bad student

Princess x Guard

Arranged Marriage


Vampire x Other magical being

Werewolf x other magical being

Human x other magical being

Demon x other magical being

Other than that, thank you for taking the time to read everything and take it into account. If you have any suggestions then just let me know~

If you would like to roleplay, let me know in this thread or send me a PM.
Hello there! :]

Wow, Awesome pairings there!

These are the ones I am interested in:

Deaf x Hearing

Researcher x Test Subject

Tutor x Bad Student

If there are any ones here you'd like to do with me, please just PM me!

- Flipper

P.S. We will be having power shortages where I live, so I may not be able to reply until tomorrow morning/afternoon. (CAT)
Hey, I'm interested and I feel I could suffice if not more as far a your 'requirements' are concerned. PM me, if you're interested as well.
Hey there! If you're still wanting partners then I would be up for RPing with you!

I'd be happy to do any of the supernatural pairings and the Assassins one too, if you come up with any ideas that you are dying to try we can discuss them also.

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