
in the heart

jack was the first child of a woman who practiced dark, evil magic. she had done it secretly, as the realm of the sagittarians is self governed. the woman shunned her two sons while working, causing jack to have to care for his younger brother starting at the age of eight.

with such a responsibility, jack didn't have much of a childhood. he took it upon himself to care for tanner so that he could develop normally. the young boy matured ten years in the span of two. because of this, tanner and jack were inseparable. the eldest would not let the youngest stray too far from his sight - as if tanner would voluntarily leave it. they played together when jack wasn't studying or making sure the two of them were fed.

when the boys were both teenagers, tanner thirteen and jack seventeen, their mother revealed that she had been doing mercenary work for others in the realm. by this time, she had married a man who, unbeknownst to her, had many affairs. he would also practice the evil magic that she did and helped her on these jobs - he would scout for clients. she had cursed people, sent her familiars to harass caravans for other clients, created poisons and drugs ... their mother had been doing this since long before jack was born. they began moving from place to place more often as the people of the realm began to catch their tail. it wasn't long before the sagittarians captured the both of them and put them in a citizen-ran prison. a family had spotted the younger rosewood and offered to take him into their family and care for him - but jack would have to leave. jack was heartbroken. he was torn. he knew that the only way for tanner to live a normal life was if he lived with people who were fit to be parents, not an eighteen year old kid. so, jack told him to fuck off. he told tanner that he would love to not have to put up with the boy since he took care of him for so long. he told tanner that he never wanted to see him again. the younger boy, stunned with an aching heart, left him to be with the townsends.

they were all lies. jack loved tanner with every fiber of his being. of course he wanted to live the rest of his life with tanner in it and see where his brother would go and achieve ... but he panicked and told him the exact opposite. he lives now, loathing himself for hurting tanner and letting himself lose him. jack distances himself from his brother - if he sees a townsend, or hears that they are heading the direction he happens to be in, he packs his things and leaves. jack knows that tanner is confused and angry - he doesn't want to be stumbled upon. he knows that he has to keep living just in case tanner seeks him.

on the surface

jackson juniper rosewood

jack jack ; junebug

december 21 ; 20 years old ; sagittarius

male ; bisexual

6'4" ; 186 lbs

dark reddish brown hair ; brown eyes

because of his chaotic nature, jack has bandages scattered over his fingers and arms, and sometimes even his neck and face.


jack has many familiars:

ululo ; peppermint ; pipsqueak ; grandpa ; kitty ; styx ;  lucifer

the boy has a basket that is normally hitched in the crook of his arm at all times; it stores his herbs and seeds as well as the stones and gems that he uses for his spells. in a messenger bag that is always glued to his hip he has pre-made healing potions and anti-venoms, along with bandages that he uses quite regularly for himself. his caravan has plants hung up around the outside so that he can move freely from place to place while also keeping a steady source of supplies. inside his caravan are large bird cages for his five feathered friends and a desk with nine pestles and motars. herbs and other plants are hung up to dry along the walls, and a large pillow sits in the corner for lucifer to sleep on. he stores a kettle and a small setup for cooking in the corner. fastened on his back is a longbow and a quiver.

jack is a hedgewitch, and partakes in herbal magic; specifically, he makes potions and special teas for consumption.

in the flesh

being a mischievous young man, jack grins quite a lot. his teeth are almost always bared - even when he is nervous. when he is sad, he still smiles until the muscles in his face pull the corners of his lips downward ; he is aware of how much he speaks, so he is always seen with a lollipop in his mouth to keep his tongue busy ; jack seems to always know what direction he is heading.

noncommittal ; loud ; chaotic ; critical ; reclusive ; secretive ; self-sabotaging

caring ; sacrificial ; charismatic ; hard-working ; excitable ; goofy ; appreciative

archery ; herbalism ; animal-handling ; gardening ; survival in nature

children crying ; enclosed spaces ; sudden loud noises ; confrontation ; intimacy

a sense of purpose ; forgiveness ; to explore

a sense of purpose ; forgiveness ; to explore

jack turned on his brother when the opportunity for a better life fell upon tanner and not him. he did it out of love, but vows to never speak of it.

jack is reckless his magic usage because he genuinely does not care what happens to him.

the boy has a deep rooted hatred for himself that causes him to push away anyone who tries to break the ice.

harming children and animals ; becoming attached to someone ; littering

sanguine ; enfp-t ; chaotic good

where are you now? the monster's running wild inside of me; please don't make any sudden moves / and all the kids cried out, "please stop, you're scaring me!" i can't help this awful energy - goddamn right, you should be scared of me. / don't forget about me, even when i doubt you; i'm no good without you. / i'm a loose bolt of a complete machine

tanner basil townsend / brother / alive ; delilah lavender rosewood / mother / imprisoned ; xander clove hazeldine / step-father / imprisoned


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