Showcase Sage's Character's


violent gremlin
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Welcome; feel free to browse. These are just characters that I've created that either have a story or don't. If you see one you want to interact with, feel free to send me a PM and we can do some worldbuilding and plotting!






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Sage Cedeno
Verse: Cyberpunk
Story: Offsite - AU of XIV characters in brand new setting

Name: Sage Cedeno
Age: 23
Race: Human
Birthplace: Vaporwell
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair: Red
Eyes: Heterochromia; green/purple
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Slender
Tattoos: Burning pixie cage on his left thigh and biohazard sign over his right hip
Piercings: Three on his lobe, two on his upper cartilage (both ears)

Occupation: CEO of Cedeno Technologies, Inc.
Role: Netrunner

Personality: Publicly, Sage is reserved, refined and extremely observant. Having been in the public eye from the day he was born, he was raised to have patience and take every word in stride when speaking with others. Much of the time he keeps a stance that is open and inviting, a content smile and politely nods and greets those he speaks to. He only ever speaks exactly as much as he needs to get his point across or to gain the trust of whoever he is meeting with. Everything he does is for the endgame goal he has in mind.

Out of the public's view, however, Sage is much more casual and laid back with a hidden temper when he is in a low mood. His attire changes between these two different versions of him; publicly he will always dress in clean cut, casual business wear while at home and in private, he can be seen in something as simple as shirt and shorts, half shirts and techwear pants or women's clothing when he's well and truly alone.

Background: The youngest of four children to Rain and Hendi Cedeno, Sage was born with hypoglycemia, type 1 diabetes. Despite this health issue, he had little or no issues elsewhere. By the time he was five, Sage could have a full on conversation with adults with a full understanding of how cybernetics worked and the biology behind it. He could read far ahead of children at his age and had learned how to spell, do math and start upgrading technology his grandfather brought to him.

The Cedeno's were already known to have tutors come and teach their children rather than sending them to school. However, Sage had proven to be a difficult student as he grew bored too easily and often could be heard schooling the tutor instead. With the way he was learning and how fast he could learn, both of his parents agreed to try a different approach presented to them by his grandfather; just let him teach Sage.

This satisfied Sage and learned all he needed to know through his grandfather and father when it came to the family's business. His interests had always been in hacking and bioengineering and several times they had invited their own bioengineers and netrunners, as well as outside ones with ties to the Cedeno's to teach Sage until he felt comfortable on his own. At eighteen, Sage had became known publicly as one of the best netrunners of the generation, having beat out the previous who held the title in a run that would test his abilities.

Since then, Sage had gone rogue with his work, so-to-speak. Building his own firewall and coding to protect the company he would inherit as well as advancing technology they were already selling. Once he was satisfied with building his own specialized string of codes, he began working on a new set of cybernetics with another colleague that would further enhance a person's abilities with a speed not yet seen.

Presently, Sage is now the CEO of Cedeno Technologies at the age of 23 and his learning has taking a different path. While he remains true to his work and continues to improve on his skills, he is starting to learn about the problems in the dregs and what truly happens in the city he grew up in. He is close with his brother Sato, who is currently aiding people in Steelfall, but his two older brothers do not speak to him.
Story: 1x1, pms

Name: Janara
Age: Unknown
Race: Ice Spirit (or Demon)
Birthplace: Unknown
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair: White
Eyes: Pale blue
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Slender
Features: Blue crystals adorn much of his body; crawling up the sides of his legs and upper body, tracing along his arms and the back of his hands as well as along part of his jaw and hairline. They illuminate when he uses his ice magic.
Piercings: Silver cuffs along his lobes with a chain connecting another cuff to the pointed ears

Role: Ice Spirit

Personality: Being mute has made his life difficult, especially since he doesn't remember how he lost it, or when, but he remembers having one. He is a playful spirit who enjoys having a lot of fun and pulling small pranks on his friends or even his enemies. Many times he has to be reminded a situation is serious but he does his best to come through to help when it's needed.

When he could speak, he never thought of other ways to communicate with people. Now that he's mute, Janara struggles to get his point across as he tries to find some way to communicate to people. This often leads him to frustration and throwing a temper tantrum which results in the immediate area turning to ice as he pouts.

Background: TBD
Necrosis New
Jaden DarlingVerse: Apocalypse, Dystopian
Story: Necrosis

Name: Jaden Darling
Age: 21
Race: Human
Birthplace: Baltimore, MD
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair: Naturally auburn, dyed, black/pink
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'5" | 165.10
Build: Slim/lean
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Ears, see attached image for ref

Occupation: Unofficial courier, self described 'lab rat' for a psychiatrist
Companion: Tam Tam, black lab service dog

Personality: Jade has grown out of his instant angry self and into someone far more outgoing and easy to get along with. With his service dog, Tam Tam, by his side he is able to relax more often and feel a bit more free despite the state of his mind. He's rather calm and will tolerate almost anything, always eager to learn something new and easily picks up on the 'mood' of the situation at hand.

Until he isn't any of those things and he isn't able to tell if he's being paranoid or seeing or hearing something that isn't there. While Tam Tam is usually there to help, when he gets into his own head, he's quick to fight whoever is around him as he backs himself into a corner. He becomes both scared and angry at once, taking some time to calm down.

Background: When he was four (4) years old, Jaden was involved in an car accident that took his parents from him, leaving him an orphan. The following years he moved between foster homes several times, growing more angry and developing a rather sarcastic and depressing mindset for some time. He had growing issues being able to connect with his peers, finding himself usually in trouble for his behavioral problems. It wasn't until the age of twelve (12) that he developed schizophrenia.

Now that he was officially diagnosed and given medication, he had even more trouble living among his peers in foster homes. Within the first year, Jaden started running away, taking very little with him and residing on the streets where he could find some form of shelter for the evening. Because of this, he dropped out of school and only ever made money by offering to help run 'errands' for people, surviving off of this for a few years. Sometime after he turned sixteen (16), he met an older woman on one of his errands. They spoke for a short while before she caught a ride to go home.

Every day at the same time, he'd find her at the same stop waiting for her ride, and every day they would talk. Eventually, he became comfortable enough talking with her that he revealed he had schizophrenia but hadn't been on medication in years. It was difficult to tell who was real and who wasn't and at times he wasn't sure he was hearing anything properly. Being a psychiatrist, she gave him an offer; she'd give him a place to stay and help him get on his feet and in return he would let her study him, his behaviors and ask questions. With this mutual agreement, Jaden was able to have a steady roof over his head for the first time in years, food in his stomach and worked to get his GED.

Over the following two years they spent together, Jaden was able to get back on medications and adopted a service dog to help him differentiate between a visual hallucination and a real person.


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Verse: Anime-esque, Fantasy
Story: ----

Name: Sentaro
Age: 29
Race: Human
Birthplace: ---
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual

Hair: White with blue, pink and green in the layers
Eyes: green
Height: 5'6" | 167.64
Build: Athletic
Tattoos: Blue lightening starting from his fingers and up toward his elbows
Piercings: lip ring, lobes and cartilage

Occupation: ---
Role: ---

Personality: WIP (not very sane)

Background: ----
Necrosis New
Samantha Edwards
Verse: Apocalypse, Dystopian
Story: Necrosis

Name: Samantha Edwards
Age: 26
Race: Human
Birthplace: Virginia
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Hair: Natural red
Eyes: forest green
Height: 5'2" | 157.48
Build: Lean
Tattoos: Phoenix on left hip
Piercings: None

Occupation: Student in last year of vet schooling

Personality: Introverted, book nerd, studious (WIP)

Background: Sam grew up on a farm, helping her mother and sister taking care of the animals while her father and two brothers did much of the harder work. (WIP)

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