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violent gremlin
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Hello! I am Sage, in my late 30s. I've been roleplaying for a long time pretty consistently. For the last 10+ years it was on video games (WoW/FFXIV) and I have recently returned to forum RP in the last few months.

At present I am only doing MxM pairings as far as romance goes. I do have some female characters that I may be willing to dust off again if I find a story I want to play them in.

Feel free to post in here, send me a DM or hit me up on discord.

I average 2-5+ paragraphs and you can see in my signature writings and posts I've made in current RPs. I don't need someone to match me post for post, I don't mind fast pace posting if the scene requires it. I only post in third person (past and present), maybe a little 4th wall breaking once in a blue moon to be a smartass.

Worldbuilding I do best on the go. I'm totally okay with plans being made if you have ideas, but I am just better building as I post. I do the same with characters that are new; I learn about them as I write them. NPCs are included in this.

I can post often, especially right now, however, this may change come January since I just had a major life change happen. I'm aware people can't always post too much but more than once a week would be ideal. If you can't, we can probably figure something out.

Oh, right, no fandoms. I don't do any fandoms. Original content only.

I am not a fan of being ghosted. Communication is key and I like OOC chatter. Talk to me if you want to change something or go in a different direction or just let me know you aren't feeling it entirely and we can stop. I won't inquire further, I just want someone who is communicative.

Remember I'm not my character. I very much know how to separate myself from them and I don't play self inserts. Whatever my characters say or do is on them, they do not reflect me or my personality.

PLOTSZombie: Modern day society, agreed upon state/general area. Either can be from the start of the apocalypse or some time afterward.

Frozen Wasteland: The earth has finally been covered in snow and ice, at least most of it has been. However, getting to a better climate that doesn't have you on the brink of death is difficult. Creatures and monsters of the night are constantly about now that the sun is barely seen over the frozen lands. Because very few ever make it south where it's said to be warmer and the sun is always out, clans have been formed, each battling over the land and its resources. There is no government outside the clans but there is still some territory being contested that is occupied by those who don't want to be part of the clans.

Cyberpunk: While I do have a Cyberpunk rp going on elsewhere, I'm absolutely for another one with different characters. I am immensely enjoying playing my little corpo in the other so I would likely alternate and play someone from the dregs if another cyberpunk story was started.

Video Game Horror: There is a manhua I enjoy and it is basically a person became trapped in a slasher video game and now has to find clues to get back out. Eventually one of the NPCs he is with starts remembering the previous restarts and his own personality starts coming out. However, the MC isn't sure if he is the killer or just happens to be some a glitch. (This can also be played as a group ig but I am not a great GM if someone wants to run something like this)

Some pairings or settings I'd play but don't have plot ideas for rn:
  • Mafia
  • Wuxia/Xianxia
  • Merman/Human
  • Past connections
  • 1920s/1940s
  • Fantasy
  • Feudal Japan
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