Sage Tyet.

Amity Girl

Meta-Magic Eight Ball
Name: Sage Tyet

Species: Fey 

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance (Realistic Image): Sage is slim, and like the rest of the fey she does not look quite human. She has pale green skin, pointed ears, and some of her hair is strands of flowers. Her eyes are a mixture of green and purple, like her namesake, and her hair is a dark earthen brown.

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Height: 5'6

Marks on Body:  A deep scar that runs from her shoulder to her elbow. 

Personality: Sage is playful and mysterious. She's very arrogant looks down on most people. She moves with a cat-like grace and is hard to find when she's trying hide. She also comes off as flirty, but she never really sticks around long enough to form a bond with anyone. She seems uncaring and light, without a worry in the world.

Likes: Plants, busy places, apples, spring, clothing, jewelry, bagels.

Dislikes: Shadowhunters, people in general, probably you, iron.

Backstory: Sage was one of the faeries who fought in the war against the Shadowhunters. One of them killed her lover and her sister, and she's hated them ever since. She wanders New York as a rogue, stealing things and tricking people. 

Other: That's it for now, I may make changes as we go.

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@Amity Girl One thing. You can only start rping after I accept your character and not the opposite way :)  Anyways, I prefer if you use an image to your character's appearence. You can still keep description but I want to have an image.
ahhhhhh sorry! alright I'll add an image

sorry again!

Its kk :)  Even if you dont show her face I guess it is ok. Just one thing, you say you will change things through the rp. What do you mean with that?
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Well I might flesh out her backstory more as I get more ideas, and maybe her personality will be come clearer? If that's alright, it'll be nothing major

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