Story Sado Academy ~ My Story


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~ 1 ~
Hello, my name is Annabelle May. I’m only 12 years old, but I help my nana, for a living- nothing else to do, after all. Ever since my parents, Ado (my dad), and Lina (my mum), went on this big trip across the seas, my aunt has been taking care of me. So, my life so far. My aunt tends to her garden every few hours, and sometimes I help out. I’m a really hyper kid, which is why I go outside a lot.

One day, my black cat, Dusty, well, ran away. It was in the middle of a night when I heard him paw the frame of the open window, and without a warning, he jumped out! I woke up, threw a sweater across my head, and tied my auburn hair up into long ponytails. I rushed out, climbing out the window. Dusty was heading into the Misty Forest- which is rumoured to be dangerous, but no one ever goes there- when I saw my aunt’s door open out of the corner of my eye. My aunt looked around curiously, trying to find me. I slammed the window shut just in time and raced out to catch Dusty. His yellow eyes gleamed in determination, running, hopping, and sliding, under and over broken trees. My brown boots crunched on the autumn leaves while I was chasing Dusty. Dusty sat down on a mossy log, staring at me. The leaves flew up as I skid to a stop. “Thank goodness you stopped! I wouldn’t have been able to-” And before I could finish my sentence, he ran away again. “No, wait! Dusty!” I screamed. He was my beloved cat, and I couldn’t bear to see him run away. I sat down on the grass, hoping he would come back.

A few minutes later, he returned with a potion. A glowing, golden potion perfectly in a capsule. It was bubbling, and Dusty put it down gently with his mouth. I turned my head. “What’s this, Dusty?” I asked. He replied in a deep voice, “a potion, what else?” I jumped at the sight of my own cat talking. “Wa-wait, what!?” I exclaimed. Dusty smiled. “What, you couldn’t tell by my golden fur markings that I was an enchanted cat?” I stared at him, bewildered. “I never considered..?” I said, staring at his now glowing markings.” My eyes, metaphorically, lit up. “Your markings! They… match the potion!!” I closed my eyes. “Are you a wizard or-” Dusty laughed. To my surprise, he was still a cat when I opened my eyes. He shook his head, twitching his asymmetrical ears. “Nah, I’m just an assistant.” I stared at the glowing star on the edge of his muzzle, focusing on that more than what he was saying. I then processed what he said later on. “A-assistant!? For who!?” Dusty looked annoyed, as if it was obvious. “Your aunt Missy, who else?” He scoffed.
“Uhm.. a professional witch or wizard or something?!” I said, snapping at my talking cat. I realized how stupid I was after I said that. My aunt had always had a locked room next to her bedroom- that’s what it must’ve been for! Potions, witchcraft- my aunt was secretly a WITCH!
I stuttered, “E-excuse me, what? Are you telling me my family is MAGIC?” I still couldn’t believe what I heard and saw. Dusty nodded as if he heard this all before. Then, out of the blue, a broom appeared, and Dusty hopped on! “Are you crazy!?” I screamed. He shrugged, looking smug on his whiskered face. There was a lantern attached to the end of it for nighttime use, and it was nighttime alright. “You coming? I can’t steer this thing!” He meowed. “W-well I don’t have any magic!!” I spat.
Dusty held his paw up to me. There was a subtle marking of a moon on his paw. “Here, just hold my paw for a few seconds, I’ll transfer some magic!” I stood there, in the forest, not saying a word, until Dusty ‘threatened’, “I’ll run off without ya if you don’t come with me, you little witch!” My greenish blueish eyes sparkled. “F-fine! I’ll go..” I put my hand against his paw and a subtle marking of a moon transferred onto my palm. There was a strange engraving on the broom. I grasped my hand on it, and it started to glow black. It started to rise, and a few moments later, we were on a trip to Sado Academy.
Sado Academy was on the furthest hill in the furthest place that it wasn’t even near where my country even was... It was on a floating island, enclosed by a translucent border in a bubble guarding the academy. It was the best academy in the world- for witches. I yelled and hollered, but the broom kept going. No stopping now.
We finally landed on the flowery island that held Sado Academy- surprisingly. The barrier had vanished once Dusty had come near it. It was a solid stone building, with many tiny rooms for many tiny classes.
“You knew.” Dusty whispered as we entered into the medieval-like gate. “Knew what?” I whispered back. He meowed as if groaning. “Knew I was magic.” I went dead silent as I walked along the bridge into the opening area. “N-no I didn’t..” I stuttered. Dusty groaned. He pounced his paws onto a special spot on the ground where little paw prints were engraved, and a fountain rose from nothing. This was like a little alarm, to let the headmaster know someone was here. I stepped back, and a voice came behind the door. “Annabelle. Come closer.” The headmaster behind the door said in a calm tone, calmer than usual when I go to new schools. I walked towards the glass panel doors and they opened with a white mist. “Annabelle May, so glad to have you here. We’ve been anticipating your arrival.” I stared at the tall man with brown hair and orangey eyes that was in a jet black uniform with a tie. “How did you know my..-” I got cut off by his mature voice. “No need for details now, Annabeth. Now come. We’d love for you to finally become a student here.” I looked around the quartz palace-like structure, decorated with silver chandeliers. Dusty smiled as he turned a lighter shade mysteriously. I glanced at him, but just assumed it was the lighting. “Sir,” I paused. He stood beside me. “Yes, little witch?” He said as he placed a black witch hat on me. “I uh,” I stuttered. “I think- I think th-this was a mistake… My cat brought me here…” I looked at Dusty.
“That’s the whole point, Madame! Goldenstreak here brought you here for a reason.” “Goldenstreak?” The headmaster smiled, looking down at me. “He’s one of my star assistants- my only one, but- he’s just amazing. He brings new owners here all the time, he just hasn’t found one he liked yet! I think, after today, he’s changed his mind.” The headmaster winked at me. “Oh, I’m sorry, mind my manners today!” He stumbled. “I’m Headmaster Sado. I’m the one who created this whole academy.”
“Sir.. you look a bit young..” I said, looking a bit confused. This couldn’t be a new academy, because Goldenstreak had had a thousand owners before settling with me- I knew this because his cage on the shelter said so. How the shelter found out, I had no idea.
Headmaster Sado grinned. “Aging spells. You’ll learn them by year 3. They’re quite simple, just a matter of time and space.” Goldenstreak had reflected an even lighter coat by the time we went to the first room. He looked almost white. I was surprised, considering I always knew him as a black cat.
“So, what is this room?” I looked at all the brooms on the wall, reminding me of how lucky I was that I didn’t crash. Headmaster Sado replied, “The Broom Room. This is the first thing you learn in Sado Academy, for beginners. But it seems you’ve already mastered it, so I would just skip this year and move onto year 2. I can tell that you’ll be an amazing student, Annabelle.”
I smiled. “T-this is the first compliment I’ve had in years…E-eh.. Am I blushing?! Sorry, Sir!! I just.. No one ever compliments me, they always make fun of me..” He smiled back. “It’s okay.” He led me to the next room, for year 2’s, where I’ll be going when I enroll. If I enroll in this strange academy, that is…

I was somehow really intrigued in this school, even though it seemed much too advanced for me.
Headmaster Sado walked through the halls decked out with paintings and illustrations of wizards and witches that attended this school and were successfully famous. Sado displays these images proudly in a golden frame. Once we arrived, it seemed to be an animal-inspired room. Why animals were above spells, I had no clue. “Here is the Taming Room. Here you will learn to befriend and tame wild animals. Try it with this deer.” He gestured to a younger doe, who was giving me a strange look. I walked up to it slowly, and then realized I wasn’t even enrolled! I pointed this out. “I’m not even technically a student here yet-”
“Ah, you are now! You’re amazing.” Sado replied. I stared at him for a moment, then focused back onto the deer. The deer started to get familiar with me, and I started to climb up on it. It stood there, calmly, balancing my weight with its own. Only a few moments later, I realized that it was daytime and I was still in my pyjamas with boots. I got off, patting the deer. “Good deer..” I nuzzled the deer gently with my face. I stepped back, and asked the Headmaster, “May I have a uniform?” I stood in front of the tall leader, my small pale hands behind my back.
“Of course, Little Witch.” He smiled and made a uniform out of seemingly thin air. “How-” I was amazed as I took the uniform. “That’s why I’m the headmaster.” He winked, and walked out the door to wait for me to change in the bathroom.
I walked out in a burgundy uniform with a white collared shirt, and a burgundy tie, a burgundy skirt, a burgundy jacket and black shoes. I returned to the headmaster and he exclaimed, “Magnificent! Now, we should wrap up this tour soon.” He rushed to the other rooms, briefly showing me around until we got to the last year, year 6- the graduation year. It was advanced clone technology studies, which I didn’t think I could ever do. I was right, at the moment, but one day I would become amazing. Amazing when I escape this mess, that is, because I didn’t really want to become a witch, but I guess I had no choice. The Headmaster quickly after gave me a wand to practice spells. He had also given me a beginner’s spell book- which I could start on. At first, I planned on keeping this a secret, but then I remembered that my aunt was a witch as well. Was, or is, I’m not too sure.


I went out to the courtyard outside with Goldenrod and sat on the fountain. Another fountain. I didn’t really mind, though- it was a peaceful place to reflect. That’s exactly what I did, actually. I looked back on the day and thought that it was already getting dark, because I started to get tired. I looked up at the sky and it was very late. I decided to tell Headmaster and head back home. He guided me to my home, and I walked back down my street, everything back to normal… for now.

My aunt asked where I was. I told her all about the academy and she told me that she was the co-owner of it. Not only was my aunt the master of witchcraft... But she was the co-owner too! I jumped as soon as those very words escaped her mouth.
Goldenrod climbed on my shoulders and sat on my shoulder eventually. Once the day was finally, officially over, I slipped into my pyjamas and took my shoes off. I hopped into bed and closed my eyes, waiting for a new, fresh, hopefully, exciting day.
I woke up to an alarm noise, similar to a siren. I rushed out the door and it turns out that Goldenrod had gone missing during the night!
Goldenrod was always the type to run off sometimes, but he always came back. This time though? No, it was different. The police were outside the door and it turns out Goldenrod had been missing for about a day- which seemed impossible because I remembered being with him just moments ago. It turns out I had slept in- really, really badly. Considering the other night, though, I wasn’t that surprised anymore.
The police couldn’t find him anywhere, but then I thought about the academy. He probably went there to help out. To go find him, I slipped into my pyjamas and threw on my shoes, grabbing my broom. My aunt tried to stop me, but this was my cat. I couldn’t abandon him.
Once I arrived at the academy, it turns out that all was okay. Goldenrod was helping out, so I just returned to my home as usual. Goldenrod returned as usual. All was okay, thank goodness for that. I told him that I didn’t want him doing that again, and he disagreed. It was spontaneous, but Headmaster Sado needed him. Every other student had disappeared- except the few who stayed- so the two tried to figure it out. It was just a trick in the end, the students wanting to avoid school. He had to suspend the misbehaving students for a day so that they would change their actions and be like the others who succeeded. The others. Not many actually did very well, but some were great prodigies.

So that's my story so FAR! I hope you like it!
I just have one question. In chapter one, there's a character (the cat) named Goldenstreak. Then in chapter two, there's a Goldenrod. Is this the same character, or are they different?

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