~Sacred Forest


New Member
~Sacred Forest~

The sacred forest home to the land of animals known as, Squirrels, Deer, Bears, and more of our fuzzy friends, Is being invaded by The Humans, These animals don’t like it, But there is, Always. Two parts of a story… And these animals, Have a special weapon.

Rules, (Yes, there is rules..)


- Be fair,

- All fights be reported to Hil or Me.

- Have FUN!

- Put Squire in other if you read these.


These are the enemy, They are trying to turn the forest into a city, But they don’t know what dangers lie ahead, Will they win? Who knows? Will YOU, Join them?

Human form

Age(15+) :



About them:



These are our furry friends, They are being invaded. They don’t like it, and they are going to fight back, Will you join them? You can use any forest animal you want!

Form for Animals and we have the power of MAGIC.. Magic Powers: Archery, Bomb, Attack, Battle strategy, and Healing,





About themselves:


Magic Power:

My form

Age: 15 (In human years)

Appearance (Can use pictures) :

Animal: Squirrel

Name: Volts

About Themself: Can use nuts as a weapon, can rapidly shoot them..

Other: Squiree~

Magic Power: Archery
Age: 17 in human years, with an average of 11 years of life left.

Appearance:View attachment 11333

Animal: Bald Eagle.

Name: Dar

Magic Power: His fearsome shriek renders his enemy paralyzed if they hear it!

About themselves: Fierce and brave, His family is dead, slain by the brutal beast of deforestation. He holds a grudge against one human, Paul Jefferson, head of Choppers Tree Removal. Responsible for the death of many of Dar's friends, he is merciless and brutal. Dar has found peace in Sacred Forest, but not for long.

Other: 'Murrica!

Age(15+) : 51

Appearance:View attachment 11334

Name: Paul Jefferson

About them: In the 60's he was a young business man, and he stuck it rich with his company, Choppers Tree Removal.

Other: Responsible for the death of many of Dar's friends, he is merciless and brutal. (To animals) Likes: Hunting, Pina colada's, and getting caught in the rain.

Age(15+) : 16

Appearance: View attachment 11335

Name: Chris Smith

About them: his life was saved at age 10 by a bear, who bounded out in front of him, saving him from getting hit by a car driven by a drunk driver, and his ultimate demise.

Other: <3 Good Guys 4 Lyfe <3

Age: 1 (human years)


View attachment 11340

Name: Tobi

About themselves: Tobi is a cute little deer whom is very young. He has no parents, as they were killed by hunters. He is very shy and quiet. He likes nibbling things and running. He is excellent at bomb attacks.

Other: Squire~

Magic Power: Bomb
Accepted Suikai, But Hilary, you are missing something for animals, for animals your magic powers, and for other you needed to put Squire~ so i could know you read the rules..


age:15(in human years as well)

about themselves:Nichole is a cute lil cat but she dispises humans with a passion. she has black fur hazel eyes and loves climbing trees. she's shy but she will open up if you know her. when her eyes change color watch out! she is very protective of friends. she is bullied because she's small but big power comes in small packages :)


magic power:elemental
Age:3 [in human years]


View attachment 11825

Animal: Red Panda

Name: Nikki

About themselves: Nikki is fast and curious, but keeps her distance from animals bigger than her. She gets scared easily and isn't very good at hiding. She feels lonely a lot of the time because there aren't many left of her kind as it is, especially since her whole family was taken away and put in a zoo, except for her. She feels like if she gets close and tries to make friends with others, she might give them bad luck.

Other: Her favorite food is a leek.

Magic Power: Can burst up in flames if she feels intimidated.

Age(15+) : 16


View attachment 11827

Name: Lily

About them: Lily loves the animals, and has a pet cat and lots of animal dolls in her room. She plays the violin and isn't very good at much. She's very clumsy and falls down a lot. She is a good citizen and is responsible, but forgetful. She likes to take walks through the forest from time to time, but worries about seeing animals that are scary.


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