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Realistic or Modern Saboteur-Interest Check?


In a small town named Maplebrook, (It's made up), a series of murders have been happening. So far, there has been five murders in the last six months and each murder had the same thing in common; each body was left with a cut throat and a lotus flower was placed peacefully in their hands. Other than that- there's no connection. Five completely different people were murdered.

In this story, a group of townspeople come together in an attempt to rid the town of this evil danger, considering the authorities have seemed to give up on the investigation.

The possible murders:

Here is where the plot changes. If you apply to be a possible murderer, I will choose who I think is most interesting. If you would like to be a possible murderer, add the words, 'They needed to die..' to the end of your application, and also message me as to why you would like to be the murderer and what you could bring to the role. To clarify, if you are chosen as the murderer, you must not tell anyone. Also, the chosen murderer will have to disguise themselves as part of the group. If you are not chosen as the murderer, you can still participate in the roleplay, but you will be a normal civilian actually helping out.

The characters will be;

An 18-25 year old girl, daughter of one of the murder victims who was orphaned after her Mother was killed- she wants revenge.

A 35-50 year old ex-cop, who was sick of the local police department running things into the ground, so decided to help the group. He has access to weaponry and could have a possible vendetta against the police force for firing him.

An 19-26 year old man who's sister was murdered and he also wants revenge.

A 32-47 year old woman who has a child and wants to keep him/her safe. She will go to any limit to keep her family protected

A store owner, can be male or female age 25 and above who just wants to keep the town safe. If people keep lieaving the town, him/ her

A 50-65 year old ex-agent who is skilled in secrecy and is basically invisible- he has no records anywhere. He despises people who have a family as he could never achieve one as he was younger- being in the secret service.

A 20-25 year old woman who was abused as a child and bullied in school. She was a little different and has been known to have various mental disorders.

A 22-26 year old 'hottie', who is a womaniser. He flirts and cheats with who he wishes and had no respect for women.

If you have any other ideas for a character, message me the brief idea, and I will tell you if I think you can apply with that idea.

If anyone has interest in joining, let me know and you can reserve a character. But, reserving does not guarantee you the part, it simply means I will consider your application before anyone else who applies for your chosen character.

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