• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern —s.ɪ.ɴ—



give 'em hell, kid.

In Character Roleplay

Welcome to S.I.N.!


This is the main room, where you will gather for announcements or events. Today, we are welcoming our newest recruits. There will be a speech, given by Henry, followed by a few shorter speeches by Alex, Crimsyn, Cassandra, Valentin, Nina, and Allen. All in all, it's a fairly formal matter, but after the speeches the crowd will disperse, and mingling will commence. There is food and drink (no alcohol). Or perhaps you wanna take the chance to head to the gym area to get out some frustrations. Either way, you are not allowed back to your rooms until close to bedtime. Today is considered a "free day". No assignments, no [formal] training. Also, no using your power to hurt another S.I.N. member.


links: ♫.
Interest Check | ♫. Character Sheets | ♫. Extra/Lore

(everything here was coded and written by apolla apolla , i'm just reposting it cuz effort is lame)
❖ C R I M S Y N ❖

LOCATION | main roomMOOD | curiousWITH | most of s.i.n

A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of Crimsyn's mouth as he watched a number of new recruits milling about in the main room, many of whom seemed rather clueless.

They were, of course, gathered for the speeches, most of which Crimsyn had every intention of tuning out. Assassins were generally not known for their stage presence, and it really showed on days like these. Boo-ring.

The dark figures of his twin Valentin and the shadow demon boy Damien stood out amongst the more lively crowd, and Crimsyn rolled his eyes. He was sure they were plotting the most effective way of making some poor newbie's life hell... it would hardly be the first time they'd done such a thing.

Indeed, some of the higher-ranking agents at S.I.N had a bit of a disdain for the new recruits. Crimsyn was not one of them however, he treated newbies with a respect that boredered on friendship. Allies were allies as far as he was concerned, and everyone had to start somewhere.

Noticing a few of the more timid fresh faces looking his way, Crimsyn offered them a smile and waved in their direction.

"Hey, welcome to S.I.N," he offered, "anything you wanna know before all the boring talking stuff starts up?"
code by spookie spookie
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main room
Interaction: none

Everything could appear different if you changed something about it, its obvious, really. Add color to a canvas and it becomes a painting, take a knife into your hand and it becomes a weapon and add a bunch of chattering people into a bleak-looking gray room and it appears lively.

Fiona slipped along the sea of bodies and stopped at the far side of the room to lean against a wall.
She didn't like crowds but it was a requirement to be there so she did what she had to. Deep down Fiona would have preferred to train. She knew there was a lot she still needed to learn and the fact that she was stuck trying to master that one same move for a weak wasn't encouraging. She wasn't bad at hand to hand combat. She just couldn't seem to do that one thing right and it kept bothering her. It was like an itch that kept getting worse.

Shaking her head she sighed and straightened up a little "like it or not, you need to be here. Practice later" she mumbled under her breath before taking a look at the people that stood all around her.

Newbies and higher levels alike waited for the speech to start. You could easily see who was new and who had already been at S.I.N for a while. The newbies looked either confused, scared or uncertain and those that had been through all of this before seemed bored, annoyed, amused or simply indifferent.

Then she saw Crimsyn. She found it a little unsettling that an assassin of his caliber was so friendly. She couldn't help but remember how the newbies or rather she herself used to underestimate him the first day of practice because of his personality, needless to say that she wouldn't make that mistake again.

As the room got more and more crowded she slipped further back to avoid the heat that came from being surrounded by people and waited for the speech to start.​
Location: main room
Interaction: none

It is widely accepted that in times of panic or threat there are three main paths of action that any human is most likely to take. Fighting the threat, running away from it, or freezing, and hoping that it won’t take any notice of you and move on.

Ricardo found himself unable to compute which of these would be best to do right now because his thinking was muddled, his brain seemed to be struggling to send messages. Everything felt disjointed. He felt like his awareness of himself and those of his current surroundings were not rooted inside his body but that his awareness was hovering above him.

Less than two days ago he did not feel all the different to now, the biggest difference was that he was in surroundings he was familiar with. His small apartment, that he would very rarely leave, and in the company of his two pet turtles. Looking around the room he was forcefully pushed into five minutes ago, he could see a number of faces, none of which he remotely knew or would ever want to know.

He looked down at the floor and tried not to draw any sudden attention to himself, something which he was very well versed in doing. His head, still thick with fog, and his eyes sensitive to the light made it difficult for him to get a sense of what was going on, where he was, or what would be happening next.

Why am I here? What the hell is going on?

Thoughts were struggling to take shape in his mind like in a dream where no matter how fast you try to run away from something you can’t seem to get your body to cooperate.

He slowly moved himself to a far corner of the space and rubbed his hand across his chin, he could feel the telltale prickles of a couple of days not having shaved. He hated that, the feeling of stubble, it irritated him. He closed his eyes and let the sounds of bodies moving and voices fusing fill his head while he waited to see if convincing himself was just a dream would actually work.
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Faris Dwi Amara


Being Social For Once
Main Hall
: Ricardo
Mention: creativeslime creativeslime

The last month was different from any other months Faris had gone through in his entire life. For once, he hadn't had the time to worry about his career opportunity. The biggest difference of all, he went from being a secret super weaver with the power to create wools to being a superhuman trained for combat by a secret government organisation. Imagine if Mother knew, he thought amusedly.

Faris waited for the event to start. His eyes darted about for signs of any unfamiliar face, half-expectant. It would be a lie to say he was not curious to meet any new face. After all, he was one of the newest here. Well, there were other Level 5 agent his age around, but... he didn't have a good opportunity to know them better.

The door slid open. Faris craned his neck from the edge of the crowd to see who just came in. It was a man about his height, with no confidence to match. Faris let his gaze wandered about while keep stealing glances at the man. He had occupied a space in the corner of the room, away from where others crowd and mingle.

A newcomer! Mustering all of his resolution to make conversation, Faris made his way toward the wallflower in the room. However, as he waded through the sea of faces, a thought occurred in his mind: was he new, or just shy?

The question eroded his determination. His steps slowed, now tinged with hesitation. Should he really start a conversation? If he got it wrong and instead intruded upon the man's comfort zone, it was bound to be awkward.

There was a pause in Faris' movement as his mind was deep in turmoil.

Ah, whatever.

The courage won against the caution. Faris approached the corner of the room with careful, deliberate steps. It was not until he could see the man's closed eyes did he thought of another problem: what should he say now?

There was another pause. A pretty long one. If the man was not closing his eyes, it would have been an awkward moment to pause at.

Faris cleared his throat.

"Excuse me, are you new here?" he asked with a smile.

That was all he could think of to start.


  • Firas - Realistic.jpg
    Firas - Realistic.jpg
    49.8 KB · Views: 147
Location: Main room
Interaction: Faris
Mention: Damafaud Damafaud

With his head still swimming in the thickness of disorientation and the frustrating hum of voices, all blending together in some impossible, frustrating drone, Ricardo felt the presence of eyes on him.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, go away, go away!

He tried to ignore the human shape out of the corner of his peripheral vision. He was hoping it would be a case of being mistaken for someone else and that soon he could just go back to being ignored and trying to ignore everyone else.

An awkward moment passed as the reality dawned on him that the question was being directed towards him.

He scratched the back of his neck agitatedly with the nails of his left hand and cleared his throat.

“Yes, new, and you?”

Ricardo’s words climbed out of his dry mouth with some difficulty. He let his eyes flick up towards the body who spoke to him, noting his fairly confident stance.

He felt the pressure to try to force more words past his restricted and anxiety filled throat but decided against it.
Aaron looked around the crowded room. He could practically feel the nerves running through the air, or maybe that was just the smell of a nervous sweat in the air? Of all of the emotions, being nervous was one of the least productive. Anger spurred action, fear kept you alive, joy filled the heart, even apathy cleared the mind. Nerves? Those just got in your way, usually by filling one's mouth with cotton or worms. Nothing good came from it. So he did what he could to clear the air.

Let's bring the nervousness down a few levels and bring up the calm and confidence. Not too much, confidence could get people into trouble far too easily he'd learned. Actually, add in a splash of apathy, get the wallflowers a bit bored, maybe with the confidence they might want to socialize. Maybe. He couldn't control their actions, just push their emotions a little bit.

A ghost of light hair drifting across the room caught Aaron's eye, and then the woman attached even more so. Spurred on by his own added confidence, he thought it appropriate to bump it up a bit more, enough to have him cross the room to speak to the woman. He made a detour by the refreshments on the way. No alcohol. Honestly he was glad. He didn't see himself touching the stuff for quite a while after what he'd done. So he just grabbed two cups of ice water. Oh man this was going to be lame. He hadn't really interacted with any woman since... well, it had been a while. But as he should know, confidence could get people into trouble far too easily. So he turned his power towards her next. Lower suspicion, raise boredom and amusement, a fun combination, great for breaking the ice. Raise shame with a splash of confidence, and that was the ingredients to flirt with a stranger.

"Hey beautiful, how many ways they teach a girl like you to kill a guy like me in this place?" He flashed her a smile beneath his yellow-green eyes and offered one of the cups. "I'd rather you take me out before the boredom of waiting for them to get on with it does me in."

Night Owl Night Owl
ɴɪᴄʜᴏʟɪ ᴠ. ᴄᴏʟᴇs
location: main room; lurking near the refreshments | mood: in people watching mode | with: just about everyone

Life came at you fast sometimes. Three months ago, Nicholi had been a simple door to door salesman politely conning people out of their money in exchange for stuff they probably didn’t need. Two months ago, he was announced dead after a non-fatal car accident and given the opportunity of a lifetime - not that he had had much of a choice. He liked breathing. And now he was here, in a room full of other people like him, and at the same time not like him at all. All of them were gifted, special, whatever you wanted to call it, all with their own different gimmick and ability. Nicholi couldn’t be more pleased; this was the perfect opportunity to people watch, to pick up on who was new, veterans, their mannerisms and quirks. If only he wasn’t so sore from training - physical fitness wasn’t something he partook in in his life, or rather his old life now, and it was starting to show in the aches and pains of unused muscles.

One of the high ranking agents - Crimsyn, was it? - waved at the lot of them, welcoming them with a smile and an offer before the real “festivities” started. Nicholi did a little wave back before confining himself to wallflower duty. He almost turned heel to talk with him, a little surge of preemptive boredom washing over him as he went to take his place at the wall closest the refreshments, but he hadn’t any questions nor was he entirely comfortable holding a conversation with someone of such a high rank. One slip up on Nicholi’s end and he might be in the running for the shortest time spent as a trainee at S.I.N., maybe. Rolling his shoulders back, he ignored the feeling and leaned against the wall to scan the faces in the crowd. He wish he’d been allowed a hat with his uniform, even just a baseball cap - did that do that kind of thing here? Little baseball caps with S.I.N. printed on it for some team bonding exercises? - so that it wasn’t so obvious that he was starting out into the sea of people. Oh well, he supposed it was better than shuffling awkwardly around and looking at his shoes.

Faris Dwi Amara


In a Conversation
Main Hall
: Ricardo
Mention: creativeslime creativeslime
Faris scratched his cheek as his smile widened. He didn't face outright rejection. A pressure he didn't know was pressing on him loosened. It was a start. Good or bad, he couldn't tell from the man's fidgety reaction, but it was at least a start.

"I have been here for a bit over a month," he answered honestly. "I haven't gone out outside, though. Only training in the facility."

The word 'training' felt strange to his tongue. It was a word he would normally use for athletes, soldiers, and pets but never for himself.

"Do you have a-"

power. Faris bit his tongue. It was a stupid question. Everyone was here because they had power and got found they had them. Well, at least, he was here for such a reason. After he passed out at the shore, he woke up in the facility. After thinking about it, one of his friends might have connections with SIN. That would explain how he was found. He changed his question.

"Er, I mean, what kind of power do you have? I haven't met anyone with identical powers ever since I am here."


"Caleb, you should come." Lyla leaned against the weight machine her brother like figure lay on, swiveling her head in his direction. "They're newcomers, like you were once. Like I was a year ago." Appealing to Caleb wasn't an easy task, but he'd taken pity on her once before, so she thought that maybe she could convince him now.

No such luck. "Not a chance." He responded, barely sparing her a glance as he let go of the weights. They clanked loudly against the others, the sound echoing in the large room. "Why do I care about the newcomers?"

"You cared about me once." Lyla shrugged, pushing herself off of the machine. She remembered her first day in SIN very well, even if the events leading up to her waking up in the white room were a little cloudy. She'd been running from someone, and over her year here she came to remember the someone was the police. She'd just robbed a little convenience store, making her way to freedom with two bags full of cigarettes for her roommates, and a case of beer.

On her way down a hill, she'd tripped. The beer had fallen to the ground, a couple of the bottles shattering as they hit the ground. Packs of cigarettes went flying, and Lyla herself felt her ankle twist as she crashed to the ground, rolling the rest of the way down the hill towards where the car sat parked, half in shadows. She heard the engine start and tires squeal as the car sped off, leaving her there to be discovered.

That's the last thing she remembered.

When she woke up, she'd been in the white room. White sheets, white walls, white everything. The only thing of color in the room was a silver chair, sitting occupied by an almost middle aged man. He introduced himself as Alex, and he welcomed her to SIN. She still remembered his words, the echo of them still chilling her to the core.

"Welcome to SIN, Lyla. You are dead."

But, as it turns out, she wasn't dead. Just according to the rest of the world, outside of SIN. They'd faked her death and brought her here, wanting to use her. It was her second chance, Alex explained, and she took it. They'd left her in the white room until the newcomers ceremony, where she was formally introduced to everyone on a makeshift stage in the main area of SIN.

And now, a year later, she would be on the other side of it.

"That's different." She heard Caleb say. Their gazes met for a moment, multi-colored hazel meeting forest green. She could tell there wouldn't be any changing his mind.

Lyla sighed, turning away from him. "Fine, fine. Don't break anything, okay?" She heard him scoff, but when she looked back in his direction, he was smirking as he went to wipe his face with his towel. A small smile tugged at her own lips as she slipped out of the gym, making her way down the hall towards the ceremony.

Tags: n/a


code by apolla apolla


"Not a chance." Caleb finished up his reps, releasing the cord and letting the weights clank together as they met. Rule number one in the gym that no one followed: don't let the weights smack against each other. Lyla barely flinched at the loud sound, and Caleb had to hand it to her. She'd come very far in her year here at SIN, and he was proud of her.

Not that he'd admit that out loud.

Pushing himself to a standing position, he reached for his water bottle, bringing the opening to his lips and tilting the container back. The ice cold water felt nothing short of refreshing passing through his mouth, and he downed half the bottle before setting it back down.

"You cared about me once."

Caleb paused in reaching for his towel, grimacing. Snatching the white cloth from the ground, he straightened and cast her a sideways glance. It wasn't the same thing, and she knew that. "That's different." He told her, pressing the towel to his face and scrubbing the sweat off. He thoroughly expected her to keep pressing, but to his surprise, she gave in.

"Fine, fine. Don't break anything, okay?" She waved him off and disappeared from the room, leaving Caleb to grab his water bottle and move onto the next machine. He'd done a full round on all of the machines before he groaned, sitting on one of the benches to catch his breath. To his utter disgust, Lyla's face popped into his mind, wearing that little pout she wore when he didn't do what she wanted him to do.

Mariah had done the same face.

"Damn it." He growled out, snatching his towel and bottle and standing again. "She knew I would go." And she probably had. Making his way out of the gym, he paused by the locker room. Knowing Lyla would chastise him for not showering before going to the ceremony, he popped in for a quick one.

Afterwards, he changed into a pair of gray sweats and a black wifebeater, slipping his feet back into his shoes as he headed for the main room, gym bag still slung over his shoulder. The formal part of the ceremony was over; now it was time to mingle. There was food, drink-- no alcohol, of course-- and plenty of people to talk to.


Tags: n/a


Code by apolla apolla

Location: Main Room
Interactions: apolla apolla

Theo stood in the back of the room watching the people move throughout the room. Many of the higher-ranking members talked among themselves, while the newer recruits stood awkwardly among the room, eyes more focused on the drinks in their hands rather than the people around them. He could remember being a new recruit at this same party, the freshness of the situation that they found themselves making it hard to really talk to anyone. It was like being the new kid in a high school that had already been in session for a few months. Theo was the same way, or rather, he forced himself to focus more on making progress with his power, rather than make many friends if friendship happened it happened, but he wasn’t the one to seek it out.

He recognized a number of faces among the crowd, some of them had been recruited by SIN around the same time has him, or has shown up relatively close to the same time as him. But none of them were people Theo had really ever talked to more than a simple greeting, something he should probably work on.

Theo spotted one of the few people he considered to be a friend of his at SIN, Lyla, they’d both arrived at SIN around the same time as each other, and talked a couple of times before. She was more often than not seen talking to Caleb, a level 2 agent. He smiled at her from across the room as they made brief eye contact before she was weaving through the crowd again.
✮ 'P I A' ✮

•LOCATION | utopia hq •MOOD | smug •WITH | anyone from utopia (open)


The boy known to most only as 'Pia' smirked, his pale face illuminated by the many flickering screens of various sizes that surrounded his little base of operations. Leaning back in his comfortably padded chair, he took a casual sip of his energy drink before returning his attention to the screens.

Tapping in a few more commands with near lightning speed, Pia watched with glee as the last defense system deactivated itself.

It was go time.

"Hellooo S.I.N losers," he purred into his headset, mocking tone undeniable even through the microphone. "You should really update your firewalls and general system, but hey, it's not like I'm complaining."

Pia paused for a moment to re-arrange the hacked security camera recording S.I.N's little gathering, his grin only growing as he watched high-ranking agents begin to panic.

"Anyway, congratulations to all the new recruits you've forced into a life of violence and servitude. I'm sure their lives will be useful to you. But listen up, newbies... there's a little something called hope. Hold onto it, believe in it, fight for it. Your time is coming. Freedom always wins."

The whole place was hushed now, and Pia only had to wait another few seconds before one of S.I.N's agents cut off power to the audio system they'd set up for the speeches.

"But seriously, update your security," Pia muttered to himself, "this is getting boring."
code by spookie spookie
✧ K A I ✧

• LOCATION | main room •MOOD | confused •WITH | open

Kai had always felt a bit nervous amongst crowds.

He stuck to the edges of the room, apologizing under his breath every time he so much as brushed against another person. To look at such a skittish and sickly boy, it would be almost impossible to imagine he killed for a living.

Well, not quite... yet, anyway. He was only a level four, and for now his hands were clean, unless you were to count some (very) indirect involvement. Kai wasn't sure he'd ever be able to kill someone, just the idea of it made him sick to his stomach.

How did these people sleep at night?

It was a question that kept Kai himself awake, but not one to dwell on now. Instead, he slunk over to the refreshment stand, lazily using his telekinesis to pour a drink and float it over to his waiting hand. He only hoped no one had noticed such a thing.

For a few moments he was content to sip at his drink and half-listen to the people around him, but a sudden and unfamiliar voice booming from the stage where the speeches were held immediately got his attention. Kai tilted his head in confusion. There was no one standing at the microphone.

Was he feverish again?

Looking around at the shocked expressions of others answered his question.

"W-what's going on?" he asked no one in particular, his wide heterochromatic eyes looking from face to face in confusion.

Had the unstoppable, all-powerful S.I.N been... hacked?

code by spookie spookie
[class=fyuriwrapper] max-width:536px; margin:auto; [/class] [class=charabox] max-width:100%; background:#ccc; [/class] [class=charaimg] display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; width:200px; height:200px; pointer-events:none; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class=charactertxt] display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; box-sizing: border-box; max-width:350px; height:200px; overflow:hidden; text-align:justify; font-size:13px; padding:3px 5px 5px 5px; [/class] [class=charabox1] width:100%; box-sizing: border-box; background:#313131; color:#fff; padding:2px; margin:2px 0px 2px 0px; [/class] [class=charabox2] width:100%; box-sizing: border-box; background:#313131; color:#fff; padding:2px; margin:2px 0px 2px 0px; [/class] [class=charabox3] display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; box-sizing: border-box; width:169px; margin-right:1px; [/class] [class=charabox4] display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; box-sizing: border-box; width:155px; min-height:145px; background:#313131; color:#fff; padding:2px; margin-left:1px; [/class] [class=charabox5] width:100%; box-sizing: border-box; background:#313131; color:#fff; padding:2px; margin-bottom:2px; [/class] [class=text] width:100%; box-sizing: border-box; padding:5px; text-align:justify; color:#313131; [/class]
[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=charabox][div class=charaimg]
[/div][div class=charactertxt][div class=charabox1]Ricardo[/div][div class=charabox2]Location: Main room [/div][div class=charabox3][div class=charabox5]Interaction: Faris [/div][div class=charabox5]Mention: Damafaud Damafaud [/div][div class=charabox5]Mood & Physical State:[/div][div class=charabox5]Apprehensive [/div][div class=charabox5]Thirsty[/div][div class=charabox5]Confused[/div]
[/div][div class=charabox4]Skills: Duplication[/div] [/div][div class=text]
Ricardo felt the pressure on him to respond in some way or another and quickly.

In his everyday life as a freelance web designer, his face to face contact with people was fairly limited, and he preferred it that way. Throughout his life, people had always commented on how he was a loner and in many ways confusing or stoic.

The most recent confirmation of this was his most recent girlfriend telling him that she would be leaving him after four years of sharing a life together because he was more like "an emotional statue" than a human being.

Lifting his head up and briefly and making uncomfortable eye contact with the young man before looking away again he cleared his throat.

"Power, curse, little difference between the two."

He spat the words out as if each had a bitter coating.

He scratched the back of his neck again as he became aware of a table where the refreshments were placed.

"Is this stuff safe to drin.."

He was cut short as a voice abruptly came on over speakers somewhere in the room...[/div][/div][/div]
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Gwendolyn Summer

Location: Main Room| Interacting with: Crimsyn | Tag: spookie spookie | Mood: Nervous/Antsy

Meditation was something Gwen picked up since she became apart of SIN. So it was no surprise that she was in a quiet corner of her room meditating. It had become her method to keep herself from getting emotional. Her one way of control. That was until the intercom summoned all agents to the main room. Sighing, she came out of her trance and grabbed a few seeds she kept on her before making her way to the main room. She started humming quietly as she saw the crowd gathered in the room and she navigated around people, avoiding interacting with ones she wasn't familiar with.

She did acknowledge those she knew, giving small nods and waves here and there, but she didn't talk to anyone. She listened quietly to other's conversations, not really invested in it. That was until the intercom started again, this time with a very unfamiliar voice.

Gwen frowned, growing more nervous as the speaker continued with their mocking speech. Her arm twitched slightly and she crossed her arms to hide it. She didn't agree with the speaker, she didn't believe SIN was that terrible. She didn't always agree with the agencies views, but that didn't mean they were bad. Looking around, she tried to find someone she knew to talk to to help distract her from her growing nerves. Her eyes landed on Crimsyn. Hesitantly, she inched her way through a mumbling crowd toward the agent. "Crimsyn...what's going on...?" She asked, fighting to keep her voice stable.
code by Ri.a

Main room
Interaction: OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi

As Fiona stood and observed her surroundings a guy with green eyes and brown hair approached her with drinks and a smile. She took the offered drink but didn't take a sip, she was in a room of trainees learning to become assassins after all and her guard was automatically up.

The flirting, on the other hand, she didn't know how to react to so she decided to just be herself "I'm sure the speech will start soon so there is no need for you to die" she tried to smile but just as she was about to a voice started coming from the speakers.

Of course, she looked on stage by instinct but when no one stood at the microphone her confusion kicked up a notch and she started looking around in an attempt to see who was speaking.

It didn't take very long for the higher-ups to stop the speaker but it had been enough time for the male to get his message out. Fiona had heard of the hacker group before but only because she overheard a few of the higher-ups talking about them. She waited to see what would happen next and smiled at the man that had tried to flirt with her earlier "looks like things just got more interesting".


location: Utopia HQ
mood: Netural
interactions: Pia
tags: spookie spookie
Elliot Daniels

Elliot found himself roaming around Utopia head quarters, quite....bored. He probably had things he should have been doing, but his mind kept drifting. He wasn't one to be distracted easily it just seemed today wasn't his day. Needing a distraction from his own mind and the thoughts, he decided to find someone to interact with. Elliot made his way through halls and navigated his way around the head quarters with ease as he looked for a certain room he knew someone to talk to would be.

Opening the door quietly, he slipped into the room using his ability, closing the door behind him. Using his ability had become more of a habit and apart of him growing up, he often forgot he was using it unless it was pointed out to him. So him using it coming into the room was not on purpose, he didn't intend on startling anyone or the like.

Elliot leaned against the wall as he listened to the younger boy mock and provoke the organization they were fighting against. He watched the computer screens in silence, grinning a bit at their reactions to Pia's words. Giving a chuckle as Pia mumbled under his breath. "Still toying with them?" He asked, pushing off from the wall and walking closer. His ability deactivating soon as he began talking. Looking toward the boy with an amused smile. "Doesn't it get old...?" He asked, gesturing back to the screens.
coding by cychotic

Utopia HQ
Interaction: spookie spookie q r o w q r o w

Loud music blasted through a set of venomous green and black headphones as Alex sat in a desk chair and spun from side to side. He seemed to be totally absorbed into one of his games. "Take that Zero102! The best ranked player my ass" he said and jumped out of his chair in triumph.

Alex had been in constant competition with another player for weeks and he had finally beaten the guy. "Now if that's not a reason to celebrate I don't know what is!" He said excitedly before storming to the fridge, taking out his favorite drink and taking a long sip.

Just when he was about to start up another game he remembered Pia had a plan for hacking into SIN and his thoughts of gaming flew out the window. Instead, he sped out of the room he had been in and down the hallway. Excitement and curiosity buzzed through his system so his pace got faster and faster until he was running down towards what Alex came to call the computer cave.

Without thinking he burst through the door with a smile on his face before he ran up to Pia and Eliot. "Did you do it yet?! Did I miss it? Oh please tell me you recorded it!" He asked while looking at the screen.​

Faris Dwi Amara


In a Conversation
Main Hall
: Ricardo, Caleb
Mention: creativeslime creativeslime

Faris blinked, afraid he had misheard what was said. He did not expect that. The power was useful, strange, and well- made him different, but he never thought of it as a curse. It was closer to... a rare trait, like heterochromia. Not everyone had it, yet having it didn't change who a person was. It just made him a bit more quirky.

"Do you have a bad experience with your power?" The bitterness in Ricardo's would have led a tactful or considerate person to avoid asking such a question. Faris, however, was not one of them.

Before any more words --in regret, remorse, or any other bitterness -- could be spoken, a voice stole the attention of the room. Expecting somebody onstage, Faris turned his body toward it like many else. What greeted him, however, was a microphone without a speaker.

The mysterious voice disappeared as sudden as its appearance. Faris drew a blank. Who was it?

"Excuse me, do you know what was going on?"

The subject of Faris' last inquiry was not Ricardo. It was, instead, another agent he often saw frequenting the gym. They didn't know each other personally, but one of his trainers identified the man as Caleb.
❖ C R I M S Y N ❖

•LOCATION | main room •MOOD | exasperated •WITH | gwendolyn peachpuff peachpuff

Crimsyn knew that voice. He knew it very well, but now was not really a time he'd wanted to be hearing it.


That kid truly had the worst timing. Crimsyn supported him and his pet cause UTOPIA of course, in fact it wouldn't have been too far off to say he was a sort of double agent for the rebellious group, feeding information to them and conveniently failing to ever track down their location, but... even a saint could be pushed to madness by their antics sometimes.

It wasn't long before one of S.I.N's high-ranking agents had cut off Pia's latest freedom rant, but this one had been public and a lot more daring than any of the others. Great.

Running a hand through the vivid hair that had served as his namesake, Crimsyn watched in silence as the others reacted. Anger, confusion, a little bit of... hope? The expressions were as varied as the faces themselves, though his eyes were drawn to one in particular.

Gwendolyn looked concerned, though she was trying her best to hide it. Her voice was just the slightest bit stilted, it seemed she'd already been learning how to keep her composure.

Crimsyn sighed, giving her a slight and defeated smile.

"Not everyone is a supporter of S.I.N or what they do," he answered honestly, "there are a lot of people who value freedom over power. The person you just heard, well, he's one of them."

code by spookie spookie
✮ 'P I A' ✮

•LOCATION | utopia hq •MOOD | mildly amused •WITH | elliot q r o w q r o w , alex Night Owl Night Owl

Having thoroughly pissed off S.I.N, Pia stretched lazily in his chair and kicked his legs up onto his rather cluttered desk, the chains on his belt clinking softly. A slight smirk still toyed with his features, and it remained there as he turned to face Elliot. Pia was used to him and his ability by now, so it didn't surprise or startle him when the other boy would appear seemingly out of nowhere.

"Oh, you bet," he said with a slight laugh, "they're too pathetic to resist messing with! It'll get old when they get smart, so, ya know, never."

Alex practically bursting through the door did manage to catch Pia a bit off guard, not that he'd ever let it show.

"Yeah, missed it by about two minutes. I'm heartbroken, my performance was Oscar-worthy..." sighing dramatically and sinking into his seat, Pia then pushed aside an impressive assortment of candies and the odd energy drink can to reach one of the computer towers. Removing the USB with a quick tug, he then tossed it in Alex's direction.

"Lucky for you, I filmed the whole thing. Not as good as live mind you, so tell me you at least kicked Zero102's ass or I might not forgive you for missing it." Pia rolled his eyes, before returning his attention to the screen and S.I.N's reaction.

code by spookie spookie
She wasn't reacting how he'd expected. That put Aaron in a good mood. That was what he loved about new people, he could never quite predict what went on inside their head. He laughed at her comment, readying something witty about having already died once, but they went unspoken as some annoying kid's voice was spat out from speakers scattered around the room.

"Looks like things just got more interesting," the woman said with a smile.

Aaron wasn't paying attention to her though. The discomfort that had already been spread throughout the room before that annoying kid had spoken up was all twisted up now. People looked all around, even more suspicious than they'd already been. Some showed concern, others fear, but most interesting of all was the few angry glares or accusatory looks across the room. Interesting. It seemed like this was a regular thing, or at least not entirely unexpected. Very interesting. Aaron smiled, thoroughly amused by the chaotic swirl of emotions being felt throughout the room.

S.I.N. had pulled Aaron out of a real mess he'd put himself into, so he figured he owed the group in some small part. That was his reasoning behind tackling the metaphorical storm that was picking up within the minds of those in the room. He doubled down on the soothing he'd already been spreading, mixing confidence and apathy in such a delicate balance to dampen doubt, while adding a small part of joy, which acted like a flame next to the chill of fear. But anger, that he didn't try to bring down. He wanted to leave that hot in the hearts of those interesting few.

"Interesting..." He mused the woman's choice of words. "I suppose that's one word for it." His pale grey-green eyes returned to the beautiful woman beside him. He pushed on apathy and anger, the pieces of annoyance. People loved to talk about things that annoyed them. "Does this happen often?" He waved his hand towards one of the hijacked speakers. "Annoying little girls hacking in just to give cringe-inducing monologues? Personally, I'd expect one of these self-proclaimed pro killers to have issue with that, but hey what do I know? I'm just the intern." He chuckled and shrugged, then his eyes pointed to the front of the room. "Or maybe that was there way of introducing the new kids here to their first mark..." He zoned out for a moment, studying the faces the more interesting characters in the room. "Doesn't seem like. Oh well, I guess your IT person is just bad at his job. Should probably raise the hiring standards."

"Damn, I got my hopes up too." He cross his arms behind his head and leaned against the wall next to the woman, whose name he just now realized he hadn't yet bothered asking. Not that it really mattered much in his mind, he was much better with remembering faces. "Aaron by the way," he offered his first, "fresh arrival, eager to hear this place's hiring pitch, currently bored out of my mind, and an atrocious flirter, which I'm told only gets worse with alcohol, so I guess we should both be glad it's a dry bar." When Aaron laughed, he laughed at himself as much as the whole situation he'd gotten himself stuck in.
Night Owl Night Owl
Gwendolyn Summer

Location: Main Room| Interacting with: Crimsyn | Tag: spookie spookie | Mood: Nervous/Antsy

Gwen may be perceived as a stabilizing force in many situations, this however was not one of them. Despite being with the agency for 4 years, she was often a bit naive and left in the dark about SIN’s enemies. Whether that be because of her bad memory, her choice, or perhaps others trying to shield her nobody knew.

Gwen returned Crimsyn’s defeated smile with a small smile of her own. Her eyes knitted together at his words, she tilted her head in her thoughts. She felt conflicted about them. She couldn’t leave the compound on her own, but SIN had rescued her and taken her in when she had no one. She hadn’t stopped to think the others she worked with came here any different. “I didn’t realize we had an enemy….” she paused looking at Crimsyn. “I guess everyone has their own view on the organization.” She said nodding to herself as if to confirm her words.

“Well what are we going to about the rookies? They seem pretty divided and on edge since this person hacked the systems…” Gwen asked, turning to the newer agents of S.I.N. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave them restless like this.” She stated, listening to the murmuring happening around the room.

code by Ri.a

Location: Main Room| Interacting with: PIA, Elliot, Alex | Tag: spookie spookie q r o w q r o w Night Owl Night Owl | Mood: Tired/Unamused

Loretta had been busy since early that morning. Between reading reports and handling paperwork at her desk, she found herself immersed in her work for hours. Eventually, the early bird finished and handed it to her assistant. Once the assistant left for the company Lora sighed with relief, glad she had taken a day off. She loved work, it was a nice distration from her mind, but sometimes she herself got overwhelmed.

Lora looked at the time and decided to meet with UTOPIA. It had been a while since her last visit, and now that she had a day or two off she could see what was going on. She emailed her assistant to send her any documents that needed her attention, otherwise not to bother her, before she headed outside her home. While she may not be within walking distance of the head quarters, she was within a quick driving distance despite the detour she took.

Pulling into a hidden alleyway, Lora parked the car in a area she knew lacked camera. Lora was pretty paranoid when it came to being found out or caught. It's why she had this whole routine. Closing her eyes, she changed the cars appearance. The white car became a black pick up truck. She could manage the appearance for a few minutes, enough time for her to reach and park at the hq. As she neared it, her appearance changed to. Her once pink hair turned white and her eyes green. Her suit became a black hoodie and jeans. Complete with a cap and boots.

She entered the building with a sigh, navigating quickly to where she assumed everyone or at least someone would be. Not bothering to knock, she entered the room, shutting the door behind her. Even a thief has manners. "Seems I missed something?" She asked, glancing between the boys and then to the computer screen. "And that something happen to do with SIN?" She said, her words harsh as she mentioned the organization. She leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest. "Shame. I do hate missing out on tormenting them" She added, a small and nearly unnoticeable smirk on her face.

code by Ri.a

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