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Realistic or Modern ❀ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴅᴀʏs - ᴏᴏᴄ ❀

working on my cs post ayy ayy

have to do some chores tho so it's gonna take a little bit longer
ok i feel less lonely now !!! took a fat ol nap & now i'm working on hiroya's ic post :-) relationships can come later pshhhHH
take your time and good luck, there's no rush here ❤️
When Mayu is high key going to be like “I ain’t studying on a Friday after four straight days of swim practice D:<“
As a note, Itsuki is probably that one guy that dozes off while sitting at the same window seat in the cafe every Tuesday and Thursday.
Oof. I forgot Kohaku texted Mayu. I knew I was missing something.

Edit: I'll add that into her next post since the time is different. diablita diablita if you post for Kohaku before I make my second post for Mayu, feel free to PM and I can give you Mayu's response beforehand
Speaking of coffee, I feel that Kohaku would be an avid coffee and tea drinker because she's always up and about

Oof. I forgot Kohaku texted Mayu. I knew I was missing something.

Lmao, it's okay

I thought you were going to put that into a different post

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