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Fantasy ᴀᴍᴏɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴀʀs ;; ᴀ ғᴀɴᴛᴀsʏ ʀᴘ


queen of bright-moon
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • Among the Stars.

    there is untapped power


    nine lives

Elosirah, the realm of the eight elements. A land that was blessed with elemental magic when the 8 Elder Dragons sought to create something all people of Elosirah could use. To better life, to connect with the elements; Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Shadows, Sun, Moon and Stars. Everyone lived in harmony; Dragons, Elves, Fairies, Mermaids, even the Vampires, Werewolves and Orcs; everyone. In the beginning, there was no overarching government, just likeminded people thriving together.

But of course, all good things are brought to an end by power-hungry people. A Shadow Elf created her own kind of magic, dark magic, that went against everything the Elder Dragons created magic to be in the first place. The Shadow Elf stowed herself away in the darkest caves, to grow her power in the darkness of the shadows. She eventually created her own curse, wrote it on a scroll and hid it in the depths of her lair. The curse? Allows her to possess people through their shadows, control them like puppets. Never once had their been a kind of magic that took someone's power to control their own thoughts and body.

As the Shadow Elf grew more powerful, she shared her ultimate goal to her followers; to plunge Elosirah into darkness, into eternal shadows. If she could achieve that, her and her people would become all powerful, being the new rulers of the realm. Being able to move in the shadows, the Elf was able to sneak her way to the dominion of the Sun Magic, & blacken it out. Plunging the realm in darkness for an entire week.

The Elder Dragons came together, once again, to seal away the Shadow Elf and all Shadow Magic for good. In order for the seal to be strong enough, the Shadow Dragon sacrificed her soul, to act as the seal. It was with a heavy heart, but the other Dragons knew it had to be done. Sealing Shadow Magic away for good was the only way to protect Elosirah in the future.

That was 7000 years ago, and a lot has changed. There are now only seven elements, Shadow magic is no more. The remaining Elder Dragons each constructed a kingdom, expanding on their dominions as a way to protect their magic and create a sense of order throughout Elosirah. There's been mostly peace and harmony throughout the land. That is, until a certain trinket-collecting Elf stumbles across an ancient scroll? What harm could a piece of paper possibly do?


Hi there! This is an rp I've been wanting to put together and run for QUITE some time. This fantasy world is heavily inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, but if you're not a DnD person, there's no need to fear! The idea is that this will be a dice-roll based rp, meaning that whenever a battle sequence comes up, there will be discussion of it in ooc, and as writers come up with what they want to do in battle, they will have to roll a d20 (20 sided dice) to determine how WELL they perform that action. Based on what happens in the ooc discussion of the battle sequence, I or another mod will post a summary of the battle sequence in the thread, and then posts and interactions can continue as usual!

I am willing to expand on that, bring the dice-rolling concept into more aspects of the thread, but as I am not super versed in the world and innerworkings of DnD, I figured this would be a good place to start!

This thread will also be pretty lore heavy, and the lore is very important to the story, so make sure you read and understand it! If something doesn't make sense, don't be afraid to ask me! Questions help me see how well something is developed so I can put more thought and detail into it OR it gives me a chance to show off the world I've spent MONTHS building. Seriously, questions do NOT bother me at all!

The Magic:
Earth Magic: Earth Magic is all about connection to the earth. All Earth Magic has the purpose of cultivating the earth into life-sustaining fuel. But at its heart, Earth Magic is about being grounded in nature, understanding your place in the circle of life & remaining humble. All Orcs, Ogres and Dwarves are born with a connection to Earth Magic. Most of the Earth Magic abilities have to do with the earth of the land and its plant-life. Communicating with plants, plant manipulation, terrakenesis, etc etc. Most born with a connection to Earth Magic tend to live in Extrovant Grove, close to the Gaiundtrae. Of course, anyone can live wherever they please, but many Earth Magic individuals like being closer to Gaiundtrae since that is where their magic comes from.

Water Magic: Water Magic is all about being fluid, free-flowing, and adaptive to your environment; also about being open minded to other perspectives and making peace with change. All Mermaids and Sirens are born with a connection to Water Magic. Obviously the abilities that come with Water Magic all have something to do with water; water manipulation and under-water breathing to name a few. Some species that are connected to Water Magic have no choice but to live in the water, making trips to land when they please, but they ultimately have to reconnect with water to keep their strength. Other species connected to Water Magic, are able to live on land, right on the coast, but close enough to the water to jump in whenever necessary for their health.

Air Magic: Air Magic is all about being connected and having a community of support. Air magic focuses on not putting a lot of worth and importance into material possessions and focusing on each other, family and friends, those who care about each other. The abilities that come from Air Magic are some of the most unique, including; noise projection, temperature control, and even speed acceleration. Those connected to Air Magic prefer to live near the mountains, specifically closer to the Citarvas Dome, where the wind blows the fastest and the strongest in all of Elosirah.

Fire Magic: Fire Magic is about resilience; focuses on never giving up and always overcoming all obstacles in your way. Being relentless towards your goals. Abilities from Fire Magic are very fire oriented, such as Pyrokenesis and Fire Manipulation. The LARGE majority of those connected to Fire Magic live in Northwestern region of Elosirah, near Incenium Field.

Moon Magic: Moon Magic is all about knowledge and clarity of mind. Moon magic focuses on letting go of personal bias and judgements, and focusing on truth and reality. All Werewolves and Vampires are born connected to the Moon. Moon Magic grants certain abilities that focus on knowledge and clarity; Casting illusions and being able to see through illusions, translating tombs and glyphs, even telepathy. Those connected to the Moon tend to think of themselves above others, believing they are set apart from everyone else. Individuals that are most in-line with this way of thinking live on a secluded island, where Paetinum Hall is located.

Sun Magic: Sun Magic is about starting over, being ones true self and making peace with past mistakes. Sun magic focuses on healing one's mind to be at peace with the reality of the world. The most noticeable and well-known ability from Sun Magic is the ability to heal any and all aliments or curses. Those connected to Sun Magic are encouraged to live wherever they please, but they will have frequent visits and gatherings to Junbilar Kingdom.

Star Magic: Star Magic is the most rare and most powerful kind of magic. Star magic is about being confident in one's self and unlocking one's full potential. Star Magic, when fully connected to it, unlocks god-like powers, and helps the users see into the secrets of the cosmos. Star Magic is the most mysterious of all the elements, due to how rare it is for someone to be born connected to the Stars. When someone is born with a connection to the Stars, they are brought to the Stellarium Nexus, where they are properly trained to understand and wield their powers. Not much is known about those connected to the Stars, as the Stellarium Nexus is hidden behind the Vetiti Mountains, the most dangerous mountain range in Elosirah.

Shadow Magic: Ever since the elimination of Shadow Magic in Elosirah, this means there are individuals born without any Magic connection. These are individuals who would have had a connection to the Shadows. These individuals come to accept their life without magic; They form their own communities, find ways to live without magic and make due with what they have. Most of these individuals have made their own towns and settlements outside the cities of magic. Ever since the seal on Shadow Magic was created, everyone looks down their nose to those born without magic. They believe they are above those without magic and they are to blame for the creation of dark magic, as dark magic was not sealed away with shadow magic.

1. All RPN rules apply! A special emphasis on no hate of any kind. I and any mods I add in the future will have the right to kick anyone who doesn't adhere to this rule.
2. Discord is a must! For one, I have set up the lore to be in a discord server & the ooc will be in discord as well.
3. this will be pretty advanced, minimum of 4 paragraphs per post. while it will be advanced, i anticipate it to be a slower going rp, realistically i'd be expecting about 3-4 posts a month from writer ALONG WITH effective communication. i 1000% how muse fluctuates and how life gets busy, and i am prepared to be understanding for inactivity, all i ask is communication for activity.
4. Try to keep characters balanced! Whether it's magic types, species, even gender expression! I know there are many rps that struggle with not enough diversity within character roles, so keep that in mind! This story will thrive with more diversity! Also this is where I'm choosing to say this rp is going to require realistic faceclaims! If you are not used to realistic faceclaims, don't worry! I have a plethora of resources (& friends with resources) to help find faceclaims!
5. Once again, don't hesitate to reach out with questions! either dm me here, the lore link in this thread should lead to the lore discord i have set up which has a channel for questions, I'm all ears!

Lore Discord Link!
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Hi! Can you post an uncoded version of the interest check? I can't read it on my phone :(
oh my goodness, i constantly forget to add mobile versions i'm sorry!! let me work on that right now and i'll tag you when it's finished!!

also, for those able to see the code, there's a link to the discord where i have a bunch of the lore & a place to ask questions ((:
This sounds really neat! Once I'm awake I'll join the discord!
Ahh! i love dnd inspired things, never really done an rp with dice involved but it sounds fun!!
thank you guys all so much for your interest in this thread!! having spent so much time building this world and its lore, it makes me so excited to see how many of you are wanting to join!!

i'm hoping to get a CS thread up this morning or this evening with what to include in said CS. in the mean time, make sure y'all have joined the discord! it's where aallllllll the lore is + it will serve as the temporary ooc before characters are accepted.

again, thank you all so much for your interest, i am so excited to get this started with y'all!
So you say this is heavily inspired by Dnd, how would you determine stuff in combat? Or are they flat d20 rolls?
Also, given its dnd, would it be safe to assume there are the usual and unusual dnd races?

Amd would the inhuman races still require a realistic face claim, or just some art that is realistici-sh?
Also, given its dnd, would it be safe to assume there are the usual and unusual dnd races?

Amd would the inhuman races still require a realistic face claim, or just some art that is realistici-sh?
Hey, I'm not the runner of the thread but there's a lot of lore in the discord and I think it would help you out some <3
So you say this is heavily inspired by Dnd, how would you determine stuff in combat? Or are they flat d20 rolls?

as stated in the interest check, the idea is that this will be a dice-roll based rp, meaning that whenever a battle sequence comes up, there will be discussion of it in ooc, and as writers come up with what they want to do in battle, they will have to roll a d20 (20 sided dice) to determine how WELL they perform that action. Based on what happens in the ooc discussion of the battle sequence, I or another mod will post a summary of the battle sequence in the thread, and then posts and interactions can continue as usual. i have ideas on how to further integrate dice-rolls, but i'm going to wait and see how the group responds before proceeding further.

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