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Realistic or Modern S L A S H E R S

Do you like scary movies?

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Three Thousand Club

"Ashley! We're leaving!"

"Okay Mom!"

The sliding click of the lock let the young man know that he was entirely alone. Ash Knowby knew what he was doing. Soon his best mate, Jarrett, would be here and they would chill and watch cheesy scary movies together. Anyone who knew these goofy fuckers knew that they were the biggest horror film buffs to ever walk the halls of Gainefeld High School. Besides, who needed that lame ass party or Natasha Bloomen? Sure, she'd been his girlfriend--until he found out she was bouncing on Tommy Russ like a pinball. With a snorted laugh the boy took out his cellphone and unlocked it. He checked his Facebook page while walking to the kitchen, making sure that the pizzas and wings he'd put in the oven weren't roasting to a crisp.

Knocking over a glass wasn't any part of that plan.

"FUCK!!!" Of course, he would walk into the mess of glass shards and orange soda. The fizz slowly stung the newly open wound on his foot, "ShitshitshitshitshtiSHIT!" he cursed as he hopped to and on the kitchen sink, putting his foot directly into it and opening the tap. After cleaning the cut and bandaging it, Ash winced his way back to the mess and cleaned it up. Picking up his phone as he hopped to the garbage, he discarded the glass and laid the dustpan on the can.


Ash fumbled with the screen lock as it vibrated in his hand. He wasn't at the point of changing his ringtone from their song, but he was detached enough to silence it. Successfully unlocking it, he answered quickly.

"Hello?" There was breathing on the other end, but no one answered. Ash looked at the caller ID--it was Jarrett's phone. "Come on, man. What is this?
Scream? I'm hanging--"

"You really think we'd be stupid enough to drag this out?"

Ash didn't even get a chance to reply before he felt something bash into his head, cutting his world to black almost immediately.


When he came to, he was bound to a chair. He raised up his head, which was pounding, to the sound of his best friend's muffled grunts.

"Hello again, Ashley,"

The guy looked down at his phone, placed on his crotch on speaker. He looked up again into his friend's eyes. The brown orbs were tinted with the hue of pure fear. "Jarrett, we are gonna get out of this, just hold on. I'll pay--"

"Shut up, we don't want your money. What we want is to play a little game. You said you watched
Scream, right?" Jarrett's muffled cries were messing with Ash, fucking up his judgement. "YES!" he yelled in a panicked manner.

"Good...so you know the rules of this game. Guess right, we let you live. Guess wrong," A man in a black leather jacket, black jeans and boots, and a faceless white mask with horns on it stepped from behind Ash's view and strode over to Jarrett, "And we'll gut your little girlfriend here and feed you both to the pigs. Got it?" Ash could only nod his head in agreement.

"Good." the voice answered, the fact that it knew his wordless reply twisting the boy's gut.

"First question: How does Jason first die in the original Friday the 13
th?" Ash thrashed in his seat, causing the faceless man to lay a punch square across the face of his friend. "DROWNING! It was drowning, oh god please..." he answered, his voice pitched with panic. The hulking figure stepped away from Jarrett, who was now crying in his gag.

"Good job, Knowby. Next question: What is Michael Meyers' niece's name?"

Ash was quick to reply with an answer. "Jamie! Jamie Lloyd! PLEASE STOP THIS!" he cried out, only to be answered with a laugh from his phone and silence from the man in the room.

"OH boy! Another one for you, kiddo. You might get out of this after all...but that's unlikely. Here's your final question...Nightmare On Elm Street Came out in which year? 1980,1982,1984, or 1986?"

Ash's eyes flew wide like saucers. "I don't know..." he whimpered, tears rolling down the sides of his face. "That's not an answer...and if you don't answer we will wait until your mother gets home and maybe she'll want to play with us. YOU'D BETTER FUCKING ANSWER THE GODDAMNED QUESTION ASH!"

"1986! It was 1986." Ash answered, silently hoping that he'd somehow guessed correctly. He was answered with a "tsk, tsk" sound.

"It hit theaters in 1984, my friend. You lose."

The masked man kicked the chair that Jarrett was in, pinning him to the ground with a boot on his chest. Jarrett's arms flailed wildly--
and untied. 'What the fuck?" Ash asked out loud, confused for a second in the entirety of the situation. The masked man bent down and took the gag out of Jarrett's mouth. "Don't listen to them, Ash!" his friend yelled as the voice cackled even more.

"Yeah, listen to your best pal, the guy who staged this whole plot. See, he wanted in on the action we were cooking up and decided you were the perfect candidate. We couldn't get Drew Berrymore, after all. Little did he know that scene had two bodies and he just didn't make the cut."

The masked man pulled a flask from his coat and opened it, pouring the contents into Jarrett's open mouth. Almost immediately, the other boy's face began to sink and bubble, being eaten away.

"One down, one to go. The rules have changed, Ashy-boy--Even those who love you can be the Killer."

As Ash turned away from the still bubbling gore just in time for the masked man to slip behind him.

"Bonus question, Ash,"

The boy shrieked as he felt cold, rancid smelling liquid being poured all over his body. "OH GOD!" he cried out, the substance burning his sight blind. He could only hear the footsteps of the man as he tossed the spent container far away, followed by the sound of scratching.

"How did the parents kill Freddy in a Nightmare on Elm Street?"

Ash's heart skipped a beat before he felt his entire body erupt in flames.


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