Story s h o r t : call my name


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<underr ten laikkes>

The blackness was thick and tangible. It tangled in his hair and crept over his skin with sickening fluidity. The stuff was as permeating and as slick as oil. His stomach heaved but there was nothing for his body to reject.

Sibilant noises began. It started in the back of his mind, so that he nearly thought that he’d imagined it. Then they came ebbing and flowing like the ocean waves. Sometimes softly, quietly, cajoling. And at other times loudly, sonorous, and brutal on his ears. “Help me,” he murmured against the pressing liquid. “HELP ME!”

Scrambling about with his arms he could only grasp at nothing. He thought he heard something besides the whispers of the sea snakes. Or were they eels? “Call my name…” he imagined it saying.

“Call my name.” There it was again. It seemed distant somehow. Far off, beyond what he could see or sense. “Call my name…”

And again. “Who are you?” he shouted in desperation. “Where are you?!” But there was no answer for him. Only the continued please, to call a name he did not know.

At long last he finally lost it and shouted: “WHAT IS YOUR NAME?”

To which the voice responded, much louder than the sibilant hissing now, with a feminine giggle. “But you know my name, Eric. You knooow my naaaaammmeee…”

And he found that he did know it. He knew the name he must invoke. Finding a deep inner peace within himself, he focused on those syllables.

Then he remembered. The memories came flooding into his conscious mind like a stampede or waterfall. It was so much, so so much all at once.

And he remembered.

“I remember… your name,” he muttered to himself, almost sounding like a crazy person. “I remember…”

“SAY IT!” the voice raged.

With strange reverence, he whispered “Seraphin.” And the world felt like it had paused in inhalation at the sound of that name, so long it had been since it had last been spoken.

A/N: just some random stuff that had come to me... thought i should write it down. :)

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