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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen


Angel Without Morals
Character Full Name:




Role at SHIELD(occupation):

Power or not:

Clearance Level:

Brief Backstory:










Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be alone?):


Powers or None:

Martial Arts Training:

Medical Training:

Firearms Training:

Pilot Training:


Sexual Orientation:



My character is as follows;

Character Full Name: Royce Esmée Ash

Nickname: None, if you want to keep your hand.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Role at SHIELD(occupation): Specialist

Power or not: No power

Clearance Level: 8

Brief Backstory: Royce grew up with her uncle when both of her parents died in a plane crash. Her uncle worked weekends at a martial arts studio which is where Royce picked up her martial art abilities. Royce a recruited for SHIELD after a recruiter agent watched one of her competitions.


Hair: Dark brown and goes slightly past her elbows. She ties it back most days.

Eyes: Hazel, mostly green with some blue.

Weight: 117 lbs.

Height: 5’5”

Piercings: Her ears are pierced at the top, one each ear.

Tattoos: None

Scars: She has two small scars on her abdomen where she was shot twice. She also has a knife scar on her side from the day SHIELD fell.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/CASTKatie_McGrath.jpg.e9fae19b03ed58c1575f747ec46cce60.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/CASTKatie_McGrath.jpg.e9fae19b03ed58c1575f747ec46cce60.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be alone?): Royce is no nonsense when she’s on a mission, but back at base she’s more sassy and light-hearted. She doesn’t trust people easy, but when she does trust someone, she’s extremely loyal.


Powers or None: None

Martial Arts Training: Royce has her black belt in Muay Thai kickboxing, karate, Gracie Jiu Jitsu, and Taekwondo. She also has trained in Krav Maga and Judo.

Medical Training: Basic field medical.

Firearms Training: Received firearms training at SHIELD, however she’s always felt guns make it unfair so she’ll only ever carry two handguns.

Pilot Training: She can fly SHIELD aircraft. However, she prefers not to fly at all, because it’s how her parents died.


Sexual Orientation: Straight

Marriages: None

Relationships: Single



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Character Full Name: Jordan Tyler Manuel Newman

Nickname: None

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Role at SHIELD(occupation): Strategist/Field Operative

Power or not: Super Perception & Reflexes

Clearance Level: Level 7

Brief Backstory: His Parents were high level SHIELD agents who gave up their son for Project Neo-Super Soldier. He was given a cybernetic eye that was made by Tony Stark himself. Since Birth he has been taught how to fluently use his cybernetic enhanced senses. He soon Became a level 7 agent and a valuable part of SHIELD.


Hair: dark brown, never dirty but always messy

Eyes: blue, cybernetic eye is a brighter shade of blue,

Weight: 160lbs

Height: 5'9

Piercings: none

Tattoos: none

Scars: a faint scar thats from when they implanted the eye and chip. goes from top of the right eye up to slightly above the eyebrow


Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be alone?): He enjoys the company of others and is quite sarcastic, when on a mission he takes things more seriously but not without humor.


Powers or None:
his eye is connected to a chip that SHIELD implanted into his brain so that he could process information more efficiently in a short amount of time. He can also bring up Files that he has access to directly into his sight. (no one else can see it due to it just being data) he can dowload a limited amount of data into the chip he has as well. He can use it as a flashlight as well.

Martial Arts Training: Basic SHIELD hand-to-hand. he however has had advanced blade training at his request.

Medical Training: He has no medical training, never had any interest in it.

Firearms Training: He has had extensive training in pistols and sniper rifles.

Pilot Training: none


Sexual Orientation: Straight

Marriages: none

Relationships: none
Character Full Name: Elara Jax Frost

Nickname: Ellie or Jax

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Role at SHIELD: Combat unit or Hacker, sometimes both

Power or Not: heightened senses (super hearing, sight, smell, taste), ice control

Clearance Level: 5

Brief Backstory: her mother was a villain (Killer Frost), but her father was an ordinary citizen who simply married the wrong woman. They divorced when she was 3 and she went to live with her grandparents and discovered her powers in middle school at age 13. Her grandparents shipped her away and she was trained in combat and hacking skills every since until she ran from the academy


Hair: long, straight, white in color, often kept in a ponytail

Eyes: a bright violet color and they turn bright green when she uses her frost powers

Weight: 100lbs

Height: 4'9

Piercings: three studs per ear and a lip piercing

Tattoos: full left arm sleeve, an eagle eye on the back of her neck, a tribal wolf on her back, and a wing on her right shoulder and arm

Scars: none physically, a shit ton emotionally

Personality: she is very stubborn, feisty, and knows what she wants and how to get it, whether it's the easy wayor the hard way. very protective of her friends and will do anything to keep them out of harm and out of trouble. she loves people, but has a hard time trusting people.

Abilities: highly skilled in martial arts, mainly jiu jistu, and an expert in knife throwing, she hates using guns so she uses her hands.

Martial Arts Training: fourth degree black belt in jiu jitsu

medical training: none

firearms training: hates guns so none

pilot training: none


Sexual Orientation: Straight as a pole

Marriage: none (I would hope)

Relationships: none (Single Pringle and ready to mingle boys ;) )
Character Full Name: Patrick Gale Fox

Nickname: Pat (only by family members)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Role at SHIELD(occupation): Biochemist

Power or not: Powered, he can heal minor injuries.

Clearance Level: Level Six

Brief Backstory: His ma was a surgeon at a large hospital. He spent a lot of his time, as a kid, in the hospital he learned there that he wanted to go into biology.


Hair: Black


Weight: about 165-170

Height: 6'2"

Piercings: None

Tattoos: He has a tattoo of a heart monitor on his forearm, it is an exact replica of his dad's last heartbeat.

Scars: None that are visible


Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be alone?): He's a nice guy, he likes to be charming and is a bit of a flirt... with everyone.


Powers or None: He can heal minor injuries, but healing people uses his own energy so healing big wounds would hurt him a great deal.

Martial Arts Training: None

Medical Training: Extensive

Firearms Training: He knows how to fire a gun but does not carry one.

Pilot Training: He's learning how to fly a plane.


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Marriages: None

Relationships: None- Single
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Full Name:

Freya Elsa O' Brein







Role at SHIELD:

Biochemist, engineer, field operative.

Power or not:

Not yet discovered-- eventually to be super hearing. Can be turned on/off.

Clearance Level:


Brief Backstory:

Freya grew up loving her parents and family. She was a sort of surprise oddly enough. Out of everyone, she was the one that made it the furthest, the one that followed her dreams. Her family was poor, but thought saving and a lot of odd jobs, she was able to attend several renowned colleges over seas in the USA. She juggled both Biochemistry and an engineering degree. While in her second year of college, she was out having a bit of fun with some other of her fellow majors. Some bad things happened... some kidnapping and what not.... (TBR).. She doesn't like to talk about it much. What happened lead to her picking up a hobby of self defense and light hand-to-hand combat.





Steely Blue


101 lbs.


5' 7"




Celtic knot on the inside of her right ankle


Burn scar where the neck meets the shoulder.


She's smart. She loves to babble on when someone ask her questions about what she knows. Despite being a brain, she also likes to get out of the lab and into the rough. She secretly believes that combat/missions keep her icy- keep her head clear. Every once in a while, when alone without something occupying her mind, she seems to have brief flashbacks or twitches. She knows whats wrong with her and thats why she usually prefers to keep busy or chatty with people. They keep her head clear. Icy.


Powers or None:


Martial Arts Training:


Medical Training:

Yes.... extensive. Can preform emergency surgeries, and then some more extensive if she has the right equipment.

Firearms Training:

Very little. She knows how to hold a gun and turn off the safety.

Pilot Training:

None but can probably figure it out if need be.


Sexual Orientation:

Heterosexual (straight)


N/A (none)


N/A (none so far)

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Stephanie Kesley Wang

Steph for short

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/steph1.png.b09edba911b93973ec84879e81266993.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/steph1.png.b09edba911b93973ec84879e81266993.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

  • Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Clearance Level: Officially 5, but she goes on missions with any Clearance if they need her specialties.

    Job/Role at SHIELD:Specialist

    Supervising Officer: Melinda May



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Name: Kuro Cye Vortigern

Nickname: Cye, K

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Clearance: level 7 normally, but black ops wise he can do it all. Likewise, when he is required to interrogate or negotiate, he does it all.

Job/Role at SHIELD: Black Ops Specialist, Interrogator,field Oporative when needed.

Power or not: yes. (undiscovered)

Backstory/Bio: Born in a rich family, Kuro was exposed to the high expectation of being an only son. He was forced to play multiple instruments, all sports, ace every assignment. It was horrible. This caused him ro grow a cold and unsympathetic, unforgiving she and personality. But he learned a lot. He knew multiple languages, is gifted athletically and academically. He however, took to going out with friends and shooting guns. That, was where he loved to do things. Everyone marveled at how he could shoot anything, from a falling leaf to a cup far away. One day that he snuck out to shoot guns with friends, someone he didn't know had joined them. He watched as Kuro shot all targets with perfect accuracy. Then as they packed up to leave, kuro was approached by the mysterious man with a S.H.I.E.L.D black ops specialist Job.....


Hair: Warm blacksmith

Eyes: Icy blue

Weight: 225lbs.

Height: "6'4

Piercings: none

Tattoos: Assassin's creed black flag logo tattoo on left shoulder.

Scars: None


A cold, distant, and cruel personality. He is methodical and neat, using logical thoughts instead of following his 'heart'. This causes him to come off as heartless in most cases. But, he does have the rare, accidental times when he does or says something to show he cares and protects. He has a tendency to not talk, as he is used to being in covert operations for long periods of times; that, and hebwont ralk to people he doesnt trust (Which is not a lot).He also has a mild fear of women, due to his mother being by far the most cruel towards him. He developed a mind personality for all his sniper rifles, and can be found talking to them.

Abilities---- Very high athletic and intellectual ability, inhuman accuracy, charismatic.

Powers if applicable: very charismatic, so he gets what he wants from whoever he talks to, and his ability to control and read emotion can defuse conflict and tell if someone is lying. It is very useful in conflict that can be stopped using words.

Martial Arts Training: He can, but prefers to combine the 4 boxing styles, (swarmer,out-boxer,slugger,and boxer puncher) to great effect.

Medical Training: he never needed to learn, as he doesn't take care of other people no.

Fierarms Training: he practices, but is naturally a master with sniper rifles. He feels safe and confident with them in in his hands.

Pilot Training: No. He rides a custom Kawasaki Ninja H2R called " Nova".


Sexual Orientation:

Marriages: none, and probably will never.

Relationships: His AS50 and L115A3 AWM are his best friends. He doesn't need anything else.
theskylarksings said:
Hey, I'm liking your RP idea a lot, is there any chance you'll be needing a Liza? ^^
You can totally be Liza if you want. I hadn't even thought that far ahead. If you want to build up her character just post a character sheet in the section, then jump in.
kickboxer108 said:
You can totally be Liza if you want. I hadn't even thought that far ahead. If you want to build up her character just post a character sheet in the section, then jump in.
That sounds awesome. I'll head that way in a jiff ;)
Liza Haruko Grey

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: High school student

Power: shapeshifting

Clearance Level: none

Brief Backstory: Liza learned she could 'mirror' when she was ten. It was a brief incident that no one really noticed, besides Liza herself, and she kept it quiet. How do you tell someone you accidentally turned into another kid? She tried to 'mirror' again a few months later, but could never figure out how. She gave up on it, but never quite forgot.

When she was thirteen, she accidentally 'mirrored' again, shifting into the likeness of her sister. Her family freaked out, and Liza learned to wear an emotional mask to hide her feelings from them. Her parents made sure she practiced controlling her 'mirror', with the side effect of giving her more control over it.

At age fourteen, she lost her temper in a taekwondo match, unintentionally mirroring her opponent. To keep her safe, the family moved from Los Angeles to Virginia Beach.

Liza kept a tight hold on both her ability and her emotions in her high school years. She created a facade of bubbly personality to wear at school, hiding her creativity, except in one aspect – drama class. She loves acting. It comes very easy to her. At home, when she is alone in her room, sometimes she will mirror her idea of the character and truly play them.

Late in her freshman year she began dating a Travis McGheer. As their relationship developed over two years, Liza decided to share her ability with him. He did not react well, and by the end of the month the relationship had crumbled. She suspected he had reported her to something, but she never got any confirmation or denial.

Liza is more careful now than ever around her mirroring.


Hair: black

Eyes: brown

Weight: 100lbs (45kg)

Height: 5'2" (1.5m, 157cm)

Piercings: double pierced ears

Tattoos: none

Scars: none

Brief Summary of Character's Personality: Liza's true self is creative, curious, and intuitive. She enjoys being in small groups of close friends, but can find social interaction draining. Her facade is bubbly and lacks substance. Her true self often bleeds through the facade, but her true emotions are usually concealed.


Powers: Liza can shapeshift into the likeness of any other human being.

Martial Arts Training: six years of taekwondo (ages 8-14)

Medical Training: CPR certified

Firearms Training: none

Pilot Training: none


Sexual Orientation: straight

Relationships: currently single, was in a long term relationship (two years), but a mutual breakup about three months ago puts her where she is now.


Character Full Name: Aaron Meister

Nickname: The Young Director (What S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents call him)



Role at SHIELD: Director Of Shield

Power or not: Has fast reflexes and heightened senses.

Clearance Level:10

Brief Backstory:

Aaron Meister graduated as summa cumlaude at California Institute of Technology, He had multiple PhDs in physics, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. His parents died at a Plane crash on their way back home from a business trip. He joined shield and was personally trained by Director Fury.


Hair: White

Eyes: Blue

Weight:172 lbs

Height: 5'8




S.H.I.E.L.D. tattoo at his shoulder




Brief Summary of Character's Personality :

Likes to hang out with his friends, he can sometimes be fierce and humble/kind.

He can easily get mad when his friends are hurt by someone and when he is insulted, as he has a high pride over himself and shield.



Has a suit similar to the one tony stark has, but has been modified.

Martial Arts Training:

Blackbelt at almost every martial arts.

Medical Training:

Basic medical knowledge and training.

Firearms Training:

He was trained on using firearms since he was a kid, as his parents were former SHIELD Agents.

Pilot Training:

Aaron can fly any planes.


Sexual Orientation:






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Wickedkent said:
Character Full Name: Aaron Meister

Nickname: The Young Director (What S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents call him)



Role at SHIELD: Director Of

Power or not: Has fast reflexes, heightened senses and electricity manipulation.

Clearance Level:10

Brief Backstory:


Hair: White

Eyes: Blue

Weight:172 lbs

Height: 5'8








Brief Summary of Character's Personality (Are they a people person or do they prefer to be alone?):

Likes to hang out with his friends, he can sometimes be fierce and humble/kind.

He can easily get mad when his friends are hurt by someone and when he is insulted, as he has a high pride over himself and shield.



Has a suit similar to the one tony stark has, but has been modified and Electricity manipulation.

Martial Arts Training:

Blackbelt at almost every martial arts.

Medical Training:

Basic medical knowledge and training.

Firearms Training:

He was trained on using firearms since he was a kid, as his parents were former SHIELD Agents.

Pilot Training:

Aaron can fly any planes.


Sexual Orientation:





Hey, just a thought from a fellow character maker, feel free to ignore... But Aaron seems a bit op/sueish. Between the electricity and the Stark suit I think he'll be a bit much. Also, I'm not sure whether we still have a director or not, and if so I think it would canonically be Fury or Coulson, so you might want to double check on that.

Again, just thoughts... :)
theskylarksings said:
Hey, just a thought from a fellow character maker, feel free to ignore... But Aaron seems a bit op/sueish. Between the electricity and the Stark suit I think he'll be a bit much. Also, I'm not sure whether we still have a director or not, and if so I think it would canonically be Fury or Coulson, so you might want to double check on that.
Again, just thoughts... :)
Imma remove the electricity and as for the director stuff i have already cleared it with the owner.
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