S.F.S Equinox ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )


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s.f.s equinox



The problem, or perhaps, the awareness of the problem began at the end of World War II and abruptly gained the interest of the public at the end of the twentieth century. With the arrival of the new millennium came a flood of scientific research involving the effects of human life on the planet. Worry and debate erupted among politicians and filtered down through the class system until even the common layman knew of the issues raised by the release of pollutants into the air. Companies started to place an emphasis on becoming "Green" or "Eco-friendly" in order to reduce their carbon footprints and prevent the disaster of global warming. Hybrid cars were produced and alternative energy sources became the focus of engineers and inventors everywhere. However, despite how many preventative measures were put into place the damage to the Earth's ecosystem proved to be irreversible. By the year 2030 the Earth slowly began to fail and, one year later, the world's most powerful governments had come together to and officially condemned the third planet of the Solar System.

An emergency situation was declared. All other issues were postponed and the great leaders of the Earth came together to propose solutions to their crisis. Finally, after an entire year of wild debates, the problem was solved with a single word: space. They simply needed more space. And were better to find space then, well, outer space? The great space programs around the world, most of which had been abandoned for less "frivolous" pursuits, were quickly reinstated. In particular, the United States, Russia, Europe, Canada, and Japan banned together to start an unprecedentedly advanced project. Using the International Space Station, which had been created in 1998, they began to rapidly expand the artificial satellite. It grew larger and the technology quickly advanced until, finally, it could grow no more. And so another station was created, and then another after that. By 2056 the majority of the Earth's population had been evacuated into the Earth's orbit. After nearly twenty-five years of struggling, they had finally accomplished their goal: the human race had been saved.

From then on a new plan fell into place. In order to salvage the world that they had nearly destroyed, a massive effort began to rejuvenate Earth. A serum was devised by the population's most notorious scientists that would increase the growth rate of the Earth's plants. When it was finally developed fully, they spread it over the planet and left scientists on the Earth in order to observe Earth's recovery. For twenty years they continued to spread the growth serum until the planet was finally capable of carrying on without assistance. It wasn't until over two-hundred years had passed that they finally reevaluated the Earth's health. The planet had recovered to the point where it appeared that the humans had never lived there at all. Only the shells of their biggest cities remained. In 2311 Earth began to be recolonized. Small, multicultural cities sprung up on the planet. Their growth was highly monitored and, soon enough, things on Earth were perfectly balanced between the humans and nature. It appeared that things had been returned to normal and that the world was healed.

Around that time, an outstanding discovery was made.


A byproduct of the rejuvenate serum that seeped through the Earth's crust for generations; the crystals built up and were ruled as a minor annoyance when colonies sought expanded. The worthless rocks were often given to children as chalk. However when the crystals were struck together ( by some poor child ) they erupted and Casilium was born. A highly stable, non radioactive, clean burning, odorless, fuel capable of producing thousands of times the current output of any fuel known to man. The children toys became a commodity over night, solar power rather unreliable during deep space exploration; after the first collapse of humanity on Earth, humans have been in search of a larger home, Mars already a buzzing metropolitan. Humans have extended their reach far into the depths of space.

Since the Great Fall there have been two equally powerfully forces at work; Mother and Father. After the Earth was successfully recolonized the two powers split into what they are now, equal forces with very different views and soon, war brought out. The sky was blanketed, Earth's atmosphere swarmed with the drums of war.

Ten long years this war has been raging and with no clear end in sight. All manner of young men have entered the program, whether they were earth born or spun around millions of miles from the planet. They have come to serve under Mother and purge the universe of Father's hold. As of now, Mother is losing this war and we can't have that happen under any circumstances gentleman.

Our story begins on the S.F.S EQUINOX, a fully equipped battle station with a mix of many men young and old, experienced and not. Small ships arrive from time to time packed with starry-eyed fresh meat ready to get their first real taste of war. This ship is not special, but something is coming and the time is near to separate the boys from men.





Without a doubt the ignition of a long brewing animosity. A palm full of the stuff can power a single space station for months on end. The Earth itself is teaming with the large crystals and passively minded since it produces such a high energy output.



Our hero's call her leader, Mother as a person who is near faceless to those outside The Circle but all know of the knowledge she provides. Composed of the remnants of the America's and Europe's governments. Mother has evolved into the seemingly benevolent caregiver not seeking war but neither shying away from it. The Circle is a group composed of all women that relay Mother's orders.



Once a combination of all remaining nations, Father has splintered off, small fractions of the American's and Europe government remain but have all assimilated in a force wishing to protect it's people from all dangers and strife. Mother was but a tiny part of Father some thirty six years ago and words have been cross between the two agencies ever since.

the great fall


What started as a petty dispute quickly swelled into full blown war nearly a decade ago. The Fall is not just a term but an actual event that accrued on Earth. Ten year ago a rig in the the middle of the Pacific ocean exploded. It was apart of mutual territory and due to hostilities boats could not be sent in to rescue survivors and many, many were lost. With tension already being strung so tight the public cried out for justice. A week later in Moscow a Father official was captured, tortured and murdered; his body found a week and a half later mangled beyond recognition and thus began the great space war.

s.f.s. equinox


One of the finest ships in Star Fleet, it's the setting of most of our story. Both fighters and navigators have a commanding officer, communication is somewhat restricted between the two office's, each having an agenda and forced to work with one another. The S.F.S ( Star Fleet Ship ) are comprised of eight major sectors including: 1: Engine Facilities, 2: Weapons Bay, 3: Fighters Bay 4: Flight Deck, 5: Navigators Bay 6: Hospitalities, 7: Communications, 8: Command Head Quarters.

fighters & navigators


Each ship set in the middle of war consist of a fighter, and a navigator. The navigators do just what they were named to do, they navigate. They are the ones steering the ship and are in full control of it. The fighters on the other hand are the ones behind the weapons and buttons. They are the ones that shoot down the enemy, and usually give orders to their navigators. Fighters are brutal and brave, usually having much courage and no fear. On the other hand, navigators are intelligent and obedient. This is just a stereotype though, some pairs never take this role. There are rankings that most take after, 1: Private, 2: Corporal, 3: Lieutenant, 4: Sergeant, 5: Captain, 6: Commanding Officer. There are only two commanding officers of the entire ship, one for fighters and one for navigators, and very few Captains and Sergeants. But there are a wide variety of Privates to Lieutenants. The uniforms between the two are very different, thus making it easy to distinguish. Seen here, navigators are on the right and fighters are on the left.



You are required to follow the rules, every single one of them. There aren't much, but please, take thirty-seconds out of your life to do so. In terms of role playing, no sticky or suggestive details. Yes we're adults here but no need for cybering on the forums, take it elsewhere. Be respectful to your fellow role players, no fighting, be polite. Like many on here, I do believe in the concept of quality over quantity. I want to see a personal style reflected in your writing as well as a mixed integration of action and description. Post length doesn't matter unless it's under a paragraph. I don't want to see any one-liners, a paragraph is three - four sentences. Anyone can meet that. All things considered, I do know that real life problems happen, and I want you to make your life a priority. If you need to leave for some time, let me or someone else know. With this also being said, don't spam post. Allow everyone to get their post in - no one likes to feel rushed. I want you to make characters that you're going to be proud of and that you're going to enjoy playing. You want to be a captain or a leader? Go right ahead, just let me know ( I'm very flexible when it comes to role plays ). Have fun.



[b]Full Name:[/b] -
[b]Code Name:[/b] -
[b]Gender:[/b] -
[b]Age:[/b] ( 18 + )
[b]Rank:[/b] ( Private - Captain )
[b]Occupation:[/b] ( Navigator or Fighter )
[b]Nationality:[/b] -
[b]Experience:[/b] -
[b]Personality:[/b] -
[b]Biography:[/b] -
[b]Appearance:[/b] -
Full Name: Lazarus McGrove

Code Name: Ramone

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Rank: Corporal

Occupation: Fighter

Nationality: Spanish, German

Experience: Five Years

Personality: Lazarus, is very quiet in most cases. He keeps to himself and only speaks when spoken to, but when he does open his mouth, nothing ever good comes out of it. He's smart and witty, always coming back with a smart aleck response. Many say he isn't right in the head, and that they were right. When he was raised as a boy he suffered much abuse, thus creating the thick like mask over his gentle features. No one has ever attempted to beneath it.

Biography: Lazarus enlisted at the age of eighteen from the Barcelona office and got the lowest score to date in the Navigator course, which he was rather proud of. However, after entrance into the Fighter training program it only took six months for him to be shipped out upon his first mission for the safety of the rest of the younger students and a head trainer requesting said transfer under the threat of a walk-out. Star Fleet had more then enough things to fill the young Fighter's days to come after that. Two years after his integration into the Star Fleet he requested an off day for his 18th birthday to see his sister. In his five years of Star Fleet he has not been able to keep a Navigator for more then a year, though no formal charges from his Navigators have been filed. Lazarus still has plenty of assault charges against him but let the record state that after further questioning those who pressed the charges they were dropped immediately afterward. His latest Navigator requested a transfer after a celebration held after a rather large battle in which he was badly injured and given a high sedative. Lazarus was then shipped over to the Equinox highly recommended by his superiors and was welcomed with open arms. He has yet to be assigned a new Navigator.


((Oh darn -_- I can't see the image on top of the thread, whatever it is))

Full Name: - Vadim Leonid Romanova

Code Name: - Lionheart

Gender: - Male

Age: - 21

Rank: - Private

Occupation: - Fighter

Nationality: - Russian

Experience: - One Year, 9 Months

Personality: - Vadim isn't overtly violent or loud, but when pressed and when he sees it necessary he will shout or fight. He doesn't usually make trouble unless trouble comes to him, or unless he thinks it's necessary. Inside Equinox, anyway. During a fight, he can be ruthless. He doesn't have so much bravado as he has a quiet sense of invulnerability, like he believes nothing will hurt him. In reality, he's just not afraid to be hurt.

Biography: - Vadim was raised in a very strict household. His father had been a Fighter and he had been trained to fight and know how to win, even against opponents that outnumbered or outweighed him. He got taken down a lot because of it, but eventually learned to hold his own, to have a fierce will to win, even if it means getting injured or worse in the process. He hasn't really known another life, so he had no problems being sent off to school and academy to learn to be a feal Fighter, though it saddened him when his mother cried at his parting. He's a little bit of a hothead though, and responded easily to taunts because it was an invitation to fight, so he hasn't yet been promoted past Private.

Appearance: -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Gareki_full_655300.jpg.471833cef5ade03fbfc6305c537c5120.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Gareki_full_655300.jpg.471833cef5ade03fbfc6305c537c5120.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Gareki_full_1134936(2).jpg.7421ff63e72ef5b5ba3516c598626802.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="813" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/Gareki_full_1134936(2).jpg.7421ff63e72ef5b5ba3516c598626802.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Damian Goodington

Code Name: Magpie

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Rank: Private

Occupation: Navigator

Nationality: British, Spanish

Experience: 1 year, 2 months

Personality: Damian, in brief words, is arrogantly and infuriatingly charming. A playboy, of sorts, spending his time talking to both girls and boys. He is quite hard to get used to, but nonetheless, a formidable ally. He never lets the idea of dying get in the way of things, that why he is, most of the time, a bit reckless and loudmouthed. Damian is also stubborn and hot-headed; he basically just tried to control it, but is failing miserably.

Biography: Damian was born and raised into a family struggling with life. His mother was never their for him nor his sisters, and his father always came home drunk and Damian would often have to wrestle him to bed. Despite the hardships, Damian never ceased to think about the future; he always wanted to be a navigator, to be the one in control, unlike his family whose spinning around in circles, unaware. He found solace in meeting people, in finding new things in them. He developed his charms through this and found himself collecting money through escorting men and women. After years and years of attempting to get into the academy, he finally got in. He struggled, won and lost through the years and finally made it out to become a private. This just wasn't for him, though, this was also for his family.


Liztopher Ah thank you, and I fixed it too. I'm deciding whether or not to add another character or not.. female or maybe another male? Sausage fest?
Full Name: Nikita Pavel Vyacheslav

Code Name: Sascha

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Rank: Lieutenant

Occupation: Navigator

Nationality: Russian

Experience: 7 Years, 10 Months

Personality: Nikita has been called a fierce, bloodthirsty monster, but these particular tales are a bit exaggerated, at least to the point where it could be said that he wouldn't necessarily strike before being provoked first. All in all, Nikita is a very large man with a large personality. On the outside, you could say he is equivalent to a walking man-child, always bubbling up useless conversations about the absent weather or what was for dinner in the dining hall that day. But don't be fooled, his soft voice and smooth syllables are only a playful kiss before he bites your tongue out. If you squint hard enough, you can see he really isn't what he appears to be. He's cruel and very relentless, not allowing anyone out alive after dealing with him firsthand. Nikita has been classified as mentally unstable, but with the pull of some strings and a few dead bodies shot out of orbit, all the information has been, to say the least, terminated. Rumor even has it that he kills his fighters after each term, but there is no supporting evidence held against him. Whoever you are, I bid you good luck to your fate.

Biography: Nikita was born in the heart of mother Russia and was raised in a not so very good household. His father pushed him to work with his drunken state while he beat his mother and two sisters in the process. Although, Nikita couldn't do anything, fearing he would be beat to death as well, he was forced to watch every moment. This continued on several years before his father had died of a machine accident while being intoxicated. Nikita was became mine rat to support his family before being arrested for aggravated assault and battery in Moscow at the age of nineteen. He was given the choice of Star Fleet or Prison with New Earth's Youthful Integrity Act. He insisted prison for many reasons, but was still forced to take Star Fleet's Navigator exam - which surprisingly, he passed with impeccable numbers. But, Nikita hated navigating in every way and constantly played stupid through training to avoid Navigational duties for they were "too easy." He stuck with it though, and the training he went through to get to where he is today had changed him completely. The abuse he suffered throughout the years manipulated into something very.. childishly cruel you could say. Nikita isn't entirely there and when you see behind his sunshine barrier, he isn't the best of people to mess with. As of late, Nikita doesn't seem to be able to hold onto a fighter longer than a month, the details are sketchy as to why, but it's not uncommon. He, however, has gone through seven fighters in less than a year. His first fighter, Code Name: Julius, were an astonishing team holding high numbers all around. On a routine colony dock Nikita reports that they were separated; Julius being found dead the next morning. The circumstances surrounding the man's death are still vague at best.


Full Name: Naomi Cain

Code Name: Angel

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Rank: Private First Class

Occupation: Fighter

Nationality: Norwegian, but from the US

Experience: 11 Months

Personality: Naomi is very independent and strong willed, and will do anything for her friends. She finds it hard to hurt someone, but would if it meant saving more people. She is creative, and kind. Yet, she is also cynical. She has never been the most trusting person ever.

Biography: Naomi's life has been awful, the worst being when her mother was murdered when she was 10; 2 years after her parents divorced. Naomi has 2 baby brothers, and her father is loving and caring. They all live in a small house in Chicago with her fathers girl friend. Naomi has never told anyone how she felt about her mother, and sobs herself to sleep every night. She enlisted in the army when she was 17, and moved quickly through the ranks. She decidedly joined to make it up to her mother, and try to help the world. When she sees someone injured, she always has to fight the urge to run over and help him/her, and instead of continuing to fight.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/anime-girl-4.jpg.6a592b94c0de3b74abce559e1a72c2a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/anime-girl-4.jpg.6a592b94c0de3b74abce559e1a72c2a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: William Holder

Code Name: Whiskey

Gender: Male

Age: 24


Occupation: Navigator

Nationality: America

Experience: 6 months

Personality: William is a confident, although cocky young hotshot. He's very loud and unafraid to voice his opinions, a trait he owes to his father. He learned early on in life to never lie and be proud or at least take responsibility for whatever you do. He approaches challenges head on and never waiver in the face of adversity, his only wish in life is to make his father proud and honor his mother.

Biography: His mother a navigator, his father a farmer, William knew the value of hard work and discipline from an early age. When he was 17 his mother died in service and his father took to drinking his sorrows away, William began to race… illegally. After years of racing and the violence it usually brought with it, he stood in front of a judge who offered him prison or star fleet, right then and there William knew what he had to do and volunteered for service. He took the navigators exam and aced it with flying colors, after months of preparation and boredom, William received his orders to be a navigator aboard the S.F.S. Equinox… a new life awaits.

Appearance<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1372446856.786842.jpg.5feb092641d4d3e5af63186626ba6ae8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2288" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1372446856.786842.jpg.5feb092641d4d3e5af63186626ba6ae8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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