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Fantasy s a n c t u m


the price we pay

She was alone, her bare feet gliding across the cold tile in thoughtful steps. The light of the torches lit her face hauntingly, accentuating every crevice and curve of her smooth skin, which was a milky chocolate complexion. Velvety waves of raven hair hung down her back and followed the movement of her spine enticingly, but even that was not enough to detract from her most striking feature.

The pale white lines that formed patterns across her body glowed in an eerie light, pulsing softly with her own heartbeat. They cast faint patterns onto the floor, shifting with her as she walked around the four pools. The air she took in in slow, calculating breaths was crisp and cool, a welcome change from the outside atmosphere. It was in this chamber that she felt most at peace with herself, but also when she found herself questioning her purpose.

She was almost completely like those beings in the pools, whose minds were not yet awake, and yet those four were worlds apart from her. Her destiny had once been the same as theirs, but it had changed in an unexpected turn of events. She thought of it often, regret flooding her emotions until a new feeling would threaten to take over. But it was at the peak of this moment when she would be reminded of her new destiny. Perhaps it was less than spectacular, but it was no less important.

As she paced, she thought of the four faces she had memorized for so long. She could draw them from memory, she knew them so well, and het she yearned to know them better. What would they look like when they smiled? What about when they were unhappy? She had tried to imagine them countless times.

Oripha, for that was her name, knew that today was the day she had waited for for so long. No longer would she wring her hands in anxiety and worry over the well-being of the four bodies, for it was this hour that they would awaken. A vision had been pervading her dreams for the past fortnight, foretelling of when the bodies would finally open their eyes to this world. It was today, she could just feel it. The moment was nigh, and the lines on her body pulsed more quickly as her heart began to beat faster.

The suspense felt like it was slowly killing Oripha, but that only made it all the more exciting. Her pacing came to a stop as she stood before the four pools, gazing into each with a tinge of impatience. They would wake any moment now, she just knew it. Then, she would be there to comfort them in their confusion, and to inform them of their current standings.

She would teach them all they needed to know of this world, and then some of the next. She would bestow upon them the names that best fitted them, and would prepare them for what they had been created for. She would announce to the people of Shrente that their saviors had come, and that Redemption was not far behind.

Stepping close to the giant metal door that separated this Inner Sanctum from the Outer, Oripha tugged gently on a silken rope that hung from the cavernous ceiling. A soft chiming was heard from outside, and it was a signal to notify her closest disciple to enter. She knew that the four would awaken any moment now, and she trembled in excitement. She also knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and she didn't want to waste this opportunity by failing to notify Shaira of this joyous hour. She had taught her ever since she was a child, and a few weeks before this point she had been helping Oripha to prepare. It was also Shaira who would take over Oripha's high position when the time came. Thus, it was imperative that she witness this historical event.

Oripha sat down, crossing her legs and arranging her skirt so it pooled out beneath her. She cupped her hands in front of her chest, and a small white light began to form there, moving like a liquid as she rocked it back and forth. A smile spread on her lips, her mind calmed for the moment. Stress had been a large factor in her life for the past few days, as she had questioned her own worthiness and ability time and time again. But she had been waiting too long for this; Oripha knew that whether she was ready or not, she would have to do what she had been told she must.

Redemption for the people of Shrente was nigh.

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Lacking Luster Lacking Luster Reticent Reticent Hanarei Hanarei

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse

If you want it, here's some atmospheric background:

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Inside a vast library filled with tomes, books, and scrolls, a woman was reading a particularly old book. The book was written in a language unlike the one used in Shrente, yet the woman seemed to be able to read it with familiar ease. As she read the book one could notice a pen in her hand scribbling notes on a piece of parchment. The book was about the ancient civilization of Kawari, an empire beyond the eastern seas that existed long before Shrente has ever been founded. The records on the civilization are few and rare which isn’t all that strange once you consider that Kawari supposedly sank beneath the waves. The few records that do exist are second hand statements and stories from merchants and travelers with no official records being found. Due to this very reason most scholars and historians claim Kawari to be a fictional civilization, an imaginary civilization whose existence has been exaggerated by the so called witnesses.

Regardless of these facts Shaira, the name if the woman, still found Kawari fascinating. Real or not, the story of Kawari is a strange and wonderous one. The records about Kawari has claimed that it’s nobility are able to call upon the elements themselves to aid them. There have been tales stating that these people have been able to conjure massive rainstorms to ensure good harvest, summong fire and earth to rain upon their foes, and for some to even call upon massive thunderstorms to decimate an entire army. There have also been tales saying that this very power has caused Kawari’s downfall, that a civil war literally tore the land in half and buried it under the sea. It was a strange and decidedly unbelievable story, which is partly why historians dismiss Kawari as a fairy tale, yet at the same time Shaira is still enamoured by these types of stories. After all, Shaira knows about the four beings her mentor Oripha has told her about to be ture and real, so who’s to say that a civilization of powerful beings cannot exist?

And Kawari is not the only unbelievable existence in history that people dismiss as myth. There are also the barbaric Northmen who are said to devour men and even turn into beasts, the legendary steed Assyla who is said to be faster than wind and lightning itself, the dreadful Naxxrazam that is said to be home of men who dabble in the art of bringing life to the dead, and even the mighty king of Solra who is said to be able to crush an army on his own. The history of this world is filled with such stories, and Shaira believes that some of those stories contains a kernel of truth.

And even if those stories turns out to just be stories, history is still full of real events that are just as amazing and dreadful as the ones found it myths and legends. Awe inspiring tales of wars and conquest, dreadful whispers of massacre and slaughter, acts of bravery and cowardice that could compare to legends and myths. Sure some, if not all, of these tales are heavilly embellished, but these events have undoubtedly happened in this world. Shaira will never get tired of these, whether they be real or fake, proven or not, knowledge of the events that have transpired has always and will always interest Shaira.

However on this particular day, while the common people may see Shaira hard at work, she is actually quite distracted. Despite her interest in Kawari, something far more interesting is happening right now and it takes up most of Shaira’s attention. Today was the day the four beings would wake according to her mentor Oripha, and just like her mentor, Shaira herself could not wait to witness such momentous event. After completing her current set of notes Shaira placed the book back in its corresponding shelf and hurried towards her mentor. She was briskly walking through corridors, politely greeting people she comes across while still maintaing the communication brief. She could not afford to miss this event.

After a while, Shaira reached the door leading towards the Inner Sanctum. She would still have to wait for the signal from her mentor before she could enter. After all, the Inner Sanctum is a sacred place and not even she, Oripha’s disciple, could enter it whenever she wanted to. Luckily for her, as soon as she arrived Shair could hear soft chimes coming from the door. It was the signal she had been waiting for. Shaira took a moment to compose herself and to fix her appearance before entering. After all, she had to look her best before these beings.

“I greet Lady Oripha.” Shaira said with a smile, bowing before her mentor. “Is it time? Are they waking?” Shaira asked her mentor, her glee and curiousity almost tangible in the tone of her voice. It is understandable, considering that she has been waiting for this moment for most her life.

Interacting With: boo. boo.

'Dreaming? Softly, dreaming. A faint light, a cool touch, a quiet ringing. What is happening?'

'Is it time? Are they waking?'

The man had awoken. Barely coherent thoughts rolled around inside his head as he did so, taking into account all these sudden and foreign sensations that were assaulting him at once. He felt as if he were floating, taken away on some chill wind that was both calm and yet... it felt threatening, ready to swallow him. He had yet the idea to open his eyes, allowing his fogged imagination to work. The urge to break away came too strong, forcing the man to suddenly and forcefully thrash like a beast against chains.

The pool shifted and yawned, dragging the man further into its embrace. This only heightened the sense of urgency to fight this feeling, setting the water in trembling waves from him, eliciting his first conscious, needful gasp for air to fill his lungs.

In the middle of his panic, bare feet found the bottom of the pool. Something solid, something tangible! It was something to be encouraged by in his self-imperilment, fighting to stand upright now. Water had long since soaked into the robe that were secured around a muscular form, slogged and hanging tightly to his dark skin.

Eyes opened to the world, finally. Everything came to him in a blur that, bit by bit, was wiped away with each leaded blink. His attention at first fell to hands that were lifted with palms facing up. It was only then that he had become... acutely aware of the markings, spiraling from the tips of his fingers in deliberate patterns of light that formed symbols alien to him, creeping and disappearing past the sleeves of his robes.

Now he would look from himself, to the pool he stood in, crested with the otherworldly light that he bore. He could see his reflection, see the lines that carved intricate paths through his flesh. "What..." His first word since regaining consciousness. Not a complete thought, but it punctuated his confusion aloud.

It was then that he thought to look beyond himself, beyond the pool. His head would lift, eyes rising up now at first to consider the sanctum he found himself in, but was stopped at the sight of others. A woman sat in the middle of the room, joined by another. All he could do was stare.

The red head floated elegantly upon the calm water which had been her domain for so long. Where the first to stir had done so in panic, she seemed to react in the opposite manner. Her arms and legs spread apart in the water. It was as if her very body was attempting to gently stretch. Her blue eye slowly opened, tranquility filling the voluptuous woman. Her blue orbs kept fixated up towards the ceiling, seeming to admire every little detail with such curiosity. Her lush lips parted slightly as if in wonderment over something so simple. Her simple motions caused only light ripple through the pool. She hadn't the slightest clue where she was, but she had an innate desire to know more.

She lowered her feet slowly in the water fumbling in order to find the floor beneath her, if such a thing even existed. Her foot touched along the ground as she slowly propped herself up. Her eyes darted about, glancing upon the room as she stood up straightening herself out. Her red locks fell into place falling down over her shoulders coming down long enough to cover up her well endowed chest. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the the light as she stood tall being slightly above average in terms of her height. Her expression remained rather neutral, her mind slowly piecing together things as it became more aware after having been in such a long slumber.

Her light blue eyes slipped across the room, finding its way towards two other beings. The young woman blinked, appearing more so curious in her expression. Her lips parted once more, looking to find some word to mutter though being unable to find one. Her tongue moved within her mouth as if stretching itself out attempting to figure out how to work. She glanced down, looking down upon her own hands. Her nails looked to be well groomed, having been taken care of despite being unconscious. She flexed her digits briefly with a sense of fascination behind it seeing the markings she possessed. It was a rather strange feeling, every movement slowly causing her mind to awaken further having lacked the need to do even the most basic of functions. Her legs already felt a bit weak having to support her own body weight for the first time in who knows how long... if they even did such a thing before in the first place.

Her head turned back up, glancing over to see the dark skinned man who seemed to be in the same predicament as herself, albeit reacting in a much more shaky manner. Her eyes shifted over to see two others laying in similar pools to what she had been asleep in moments ago, looking to be stirring themselves. She turned her head once more to face the two women who appeared foreign to such a place. She could tell they seemed to be waiting for something. Where they there awaiting them? A strong sense of curiousity filled the red haired woman as she looked to them both. Her mind had awaken much more fully then it had been moments ago.

"Where... are we?" She spoke looking primarily towards the women with a sense of wonder building within her. She hadn't the slightest clue what was going on but she wanted to know more. It wasn't as if a location would even help her when her mind was completely blank to the enitre world. She hadn't the slightest clue about anything outside the very room they were in, and even then she didn't know what its purpose was. Excitement slowly started to fill the red head as she kept her eyes focused on the two women. There were so many questions to ask... and she hadn't the slightest clue where to even start.

Lacking Luster Lacking Luster CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse boo. boo. Reticent Reticent The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof

"Sit, Shaira. Be watchful, and breathe in this living air. The Goddess has foretold of the time of the Pilgrims' awakening, but there may come a time when you do not know the hour." Oripha spoke these words as she heard her apprentice enter, her hands having dismissed the small orb in her hands. Her own breathing seemed to catch every time it let out, for she had been awaiting this moment her whole existence. Her changed destiny would become the foundation upon which these four would achieve their purpose. The mere idea sent her aquiver once more.

"See!" Oripha extended a slender finger as her dark eyes caught movement in the pools. "It has begun; the minds of the Pilgrims are complete, and the Goddess has set right the unbalance between them." Rising quickly to her feet, Oripha neared the closest pool, which held the man.

"Calm, Goddess-folk. Fear not the abyss of your own minds, for they shall be filled soon." The man had stood to his feet, clear droplets of water dropping like crystals from his white garment. The other who had awoken, a female with burning red hair, rose her new voice in a question.

"Where... are we?"

"Forgive my impetuousness." Oripha bowed in her direction. "This is your temple. You have dwelt here, in hibernation, for some centuries. It is I who have headed your care and ensured your safety.

"I am Oripha. I am your guide in this life, and I will teach you all I can. Given your present state, it would be my pleasure to escort you to a more comfortable place once you are ready to leave."

The lines and patterns of glowing light across Oripha's body had begun to pulse more quickly now, her excitement showing clearly. A strand of inky hair fell across her face as she gazed around the room, as if she had never seen it before. Everything seemed transfigured as shadows were cast onto the high walls by the flickering torches. She had commissioned the creation of this temple; she had overseen the construction and even laid stones with her own hands. Once, when her mind had connected with the Goddess in a particularly deep trance, she had carved strange symbols and patterns on the floor, which she could feel under her feet.

"Shaira, notify the high priests and make sure they have prepared appropriate chambers. Then come back and help me. The Pilgrims may yet be unsteady on their feet."

Hanarei Hanarei Lacking Luster Lacking Luster CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Bie Bie
The child was a doll, floating in her sanctuary in peaceful rest. Quiet... calm... lifeless. But the pale light seeping from the runes on her skin spoke otherwise. They told the story of a faint heartbeat, resting within her. Behind her shut eyes, she dreamed of a voice. In hushed whispers, it called to her, guiding her to the surface. She swam in the abyss, reaching out.

She took her first conscious breath.

The still body animated to life, as her lips parted to take in shallow breaths. She felt her own heartbeat, drumming in her chest. Life flowed within her, into her lungs and through her veins. Wet stone filled her olfactory senses, as she heard the rustling and hush of voices. Slowly, she opened her eyes. Soft light flooded her vision, overwhelming her.

The child's gaze traveled against the ceiling as she felt the rise and fall of her chest. She felt vulnerable, her mind bare, and susceptible to be stained. However, despite her panic, the child was reassured. The sanctuary felt familiar and safe, as if it were her very own. She gasped as she sank down into the pool, her feet meeting the floor. Lifting her head, she saw the two figures, welcoming their arrival.
Shaira bowed apologetically at Lady Oripha’s words as she stood beside her mentor. Shaira was apologetic not because of what Lady Oripha said, it was because even she realizes that this is an important event in history, and that she could not afford to miss even a single second of it. Shaira share’s her mentor’s excitement and delight, both of them have been waiting for this moment their entire life, and now that it was happening before them, they could not help but feel like children presented with a most wonderful gift.

Shaira could not help but watch in awe as she saw the Pilgrims starting to wake. Each of them had different appearances from one another, but Shaira could feel deep in her soul that these beings are more important and significant than she was. They were beings created by the Goddess herself with perfection in mind. Instead of feeling insecure or inferior, joy instead blossomed from Shaira’s heart. Here, in front of her very eyes, are beings of perfection. She could feel nothing else but awe and admiration for them, and she was beyond happy and grateful that she would play a part in their lives no matter how miniscule that part may be.

She followed her mentor as they approached the firet Pilgrim to awaken. Shaira stood behind her mentor, making sure to not interfere in their interaction. After all, her mentor was the one who was supposed to guide thes perfect beings. And so she stood there and watched with awe. Not even a minute has passed since the first Pilgrim awoke when another one, a female this time, woke up as well. Shaira could hardly suppress a gasp when she heard the female Pilgrim spoke. Oh what a beautiful voice she has! Truly the Goddess spared no effort in creating these beings.

She was so entranced by the Pilgrim’s voice that Shaira nearly missed her mentor’s instructions. “R-Right away Lady Oripha!” Shaira respectfully replied as she bowed once more before leaving the room. Once she was outside the room, Shaira broke into a sprint as she raced towards the high priests. It may seem childish, but Shaira did not want to miss what was happening and so she ran as fast as she could. “The Pilgrims are awake!” Shaira exclaimed to the high priests. “Lady Oripha wants to make sure that appropriate rooms have been prepared for them!” Shaira continued, and as soon as she relayed the order she came racing back towards the Inner Sanctum.

She soon arrived at the door leading towards the Inner Sanctum, out of breath and with her legs aching. Shaira took a moment catch her breath and fix her appearance before entering the Inner Sanctum. Shaira stared in wonder as she witnessed the third Pilgrim awaken. While the first one had been a strong man and the second was a beautiful woman, the third pilgrim was a child. Her heart ached at the sight of such a beautiful child. “They’re truly perfect.” She whispered to herself. All that was left was the fourth Pilgrim who’s appearance Shaira was eagerly awaiting.

boo. boo. Hanarei Hanarei Bie Bie Lacking Luster Lacking Luster

His eyes opened peacefully, the lids revealed Emerald green eyes which shone bright, filled with hope. The young man slowly scanned the ceiling, then turned downwards to investigate his body. After a few seconds, all of a sudden, he took in a loud, sharp breath and shot up. His head was woozy for a few seconds as he regained his composure. He exhaled and moved his arms through the water he was sat in, almost playfully, but somehow gracefully at the same time.

The young man noticed some movement in all directions, he wasn't alone after all. He squinted and gave his eyes a quick rub, clearing water from his vision. He could see further, and saw Five others like him rising from their Pools. He tried to think, but knew nothing other than the fact that he was here, alive, like a newborn coming into the world.

An attempt was made to stand, his lags were still weak and he had to fall to one knee to stop himself completely falling onto his back. He stayed perched like that on the edge of his pool and examined the others. It appeared to him, only three of the five others had risen out of similar pools. The other two... He couldn't begin to imagine who they were.

He regained his strength and finally managed to stand on both feet. His eyes widened as he took a step forward, it appeared as though he had awoken after the others.

"Last?" He whispered, but it was not a quiet whisper.

The woman with the strange, pale white lines on her skin spoke. Her name was Oripha, and she would be his... Guide? Just what had he woken up into. A thought hit him, she had a Name. Unfortunately, after much hard pondering, he could not seem to put a finger on what his "Name" would be.

He took one last step before he stopped and brushed a hand through his wet, blonde hair. His eyes fixed on Oripha.
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The red haired woman remained on her feet. Even as she stood in place she felt like her legs wanted to buckle and give in but she didn't allow them to do so. As weak as they might be she wanted to keep standing, to see more of what was around her. Such a strong sense of curiosity filled the young woman. She only grew more intrigued at the woman's words. Her temple? Her eyes darted over looking towards the others.who seemed to share a very similar fate to herself. Such a place was for them? Why them? Who were they? Hibernation? As Oripha gave answers, they only helped to create more questions.It wasn't confusing that was filling her mind though... it was... excitement?

"Oripha..." She spoke the name out loud, letting it carry through the air as if she was reciting it to burn into her memory. Her head turned noticng as the child rose from the water, followed by a young man being the last one to rise, even going so far as to mutter it in a hushed whisper, her ears just so vaguely catching his words. She glanced up once more to look upon the ceiling, processing all the jumble of information she had for now. She wanted to know more... to see more. She felt a sense off freedom, despite never having been aware of her own 'imprisonment' in her long hibernation. She couldn't recall anything before such a long sleep. Was there anything for her before then?

She took a step forward, her legs feeling as if they wanted to give way. She seemed rebellious against her own body's limits. She took another step, moving slowly to get out from the pool she stood in. It was a new world for her, something she didn't want to give up on after having just been given the chance to explore it. She saw the woman from before return after having scurried off due to Oripha's command. Joy? It was the word that came to her mind seeing how she seemed to react. What would make her awakening so significant to someone else?

"I would... like to see more." She spoke, a brief pause in her words as she adjusted a bit to speaking attempting to find the right words to use. She perhaps came off a little demanding even with her delicate tone, though it was completely unintentional on her part. It was something if she was more accustom tom the culture likely apologize or worded in a more elegant fashion if she knew better.
Oripha's coal eyes glittered as she gazed upon all four of them. They had all awakened at last, after so long. Her entire life had worked toward this moment, and now that it was here, Oripha found herself unable to think forward. Would she really be able to do this? To teach them their purpose and set into motion the foretold Redemption? What if they refused? Such a thought had never occurred to Oripha before, but now that it had, a shadow of doubt crossed her face for a fraction of a second. These four beings were higher than she; they had wills, and strong ones at that, and there was no telling how they would feel about this whole thing. To be sure, Oripha herself had felt such apprehension at her beginning, but it had since faded away when she learned of her glorious purpose.

Her gaze drifting toward the door as Shaira entered once more, Oripha stretched her arms wide, as if to embrace the four. "You are all strong, and your minds are stronger. Should you wish to cultivate them, I ask that you put aside any apprehensions and follow me. I sympathize with your confusion, which is why I will give you all the information you yearn for." Hoping that would be enough incite the four to follow her, Oripha stepped to the back of the round room, opposite the wall with the large door.

She brought a cupped hand to her mouth, her eyes closed as she murmured a few strange-sounding words. She then pressed that hand to the wall, where a glowing light like that on her skin began to branch out, forming a patterned circle on the wall. The solid stone in that circle began to suddenly dissipate, leaving a sizable hole through which Oripha stepped.

This was unorthodox - what Oripha was supposed to do was bring the four out of the Inner Sanctum through the large door, where she would present them to the priests, then to the people. But her heart was telling her that the Pilgrims needed a stimulus to connect them to this world. And so, as she stepped into the cool night air, she breathed deeply, hoping that this would give the four at least a bit of peace.

This hidden doorway led onto a balcony that overlooked the huge city of Shrente. A roof and walls of vines yawned over the balcony, but stepping out further, the vines ended, and a sea of crystal stars winked from a velvety black sky. Faint streaks of purple were splattered across the horizon, signalling that the evening was still new. Oripha leaned on the balcony's railing, her white robes fluttering in the soft breezes. Below her, the people of the Holy City were living their lives, unaware of the wondrous event that had just occurred. To Oripha, it seemed a strange thing, that while this amazing thing had happened, people were still just the same. Life was continuing normally, as if the universe hadn't changed at all.

And yet, Oripha knew the truth. Her lips opened to taste the wind, and the soft pulse of the glowing lines across her body seemed to mirror the stars above.

Hanarei Hanarei Lacking Luster Lacking Luster CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Bie Bie WrightyNo1 WrightyNo1
The young man stood still and watched Oripha intently. If she was to be his guide, then he would follow her instructions. After all, he had no idea who or where he was, and even why he existed.

His eyes soon wandered though, now landing on the Red Haired woman, who had spoke more than the rest of them. She spoke again, wanting to see more, which was exactly what was running through his head at that very moment. It was as though he and the others were somehow connected, and it brought a slight grin onto his face.

This was the first sign of some sort of emotion from the young man, he didn't know what it was though, just that he was now stood there with his eyes on the Red Haired Woman, with a grin on his face.

The grin slowly grew as he noticed Oripha's movement, and suddenly, his grin was replaced by pure awe. The wall in front of him lit up, then dissipated into thin air, revealing a hole in the wall that did not exist before. He took a long breath, his eyes wider than ever. Then, he strode quickly to the hole in the wall. He wasn't the largest, about 5 foot 11 inches, but he could move rather quickly, even after having just woke up.

The young man now stood just to the right of Oripha. As he gazed up into the night sky, his mind raced, even more questions now opening up to him. Not only about who he was and where he was, but now about the night sky, and the bright shining lights that were so Awe inspiring.

A wide smile was spread on his face as some words passed through his lips,
"It's... Gorgeous..." He spoke aloud.

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