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Realistic or Modern // S A D //

This is probably the most unique and interesting plot i've seen in such a long time. Please inform me when the CS is up, I'd love to apply!
This is super interesting; I'm working on my character sheet right now, does it have to be as super detailed as yours is? Not that I mind the detail, just wondering how much more work I need to put into it :P
@aergie thank you! id say you don't need as much detail as me, but maybe put at least a paragraph for the big things (history, personality, ect)? whatever you're comfortable with!
Also, do all the characters have to have SAD? I was going to just have mine have depression, as that's where my experience lies, if you catch my drift. But it's alright if you'd prefer SAD.
@aergie no, they don't have to at all! i only used the topic of SAD because it tied into the plot in an ironic way - a Minnesota town trapped in the harsh winter, living under the law that bans love - that I thought if a character was ever "sad", that a response from their parents or someone else would just be "oh, you just have the December blues. It'll be better once summer rolls around." yknow? it's like, if you were to ever complain that you are sad, people would forget about this terrible law they're forced under, and simply say that you're cold and miss the summer. plus, that whole light metaphor i described in the plot worked out.
@Moss On Trees i'm so so sorry for the inconvenience, but i wanted to wait a day-ish more to let any more people join if they wanted to. tomorrow will be a much better chance that we'll start.
Mind my language, this a pretty fucking awesome idea! Gold, even. I'd love to join and will do my best to get my character up by morning.
@Shadow @ShadedRose thank you so so much! your kind words mean so much to me! of course you're allowed to join at any time, but we're expected to begin tomorrow !
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so how do our characters know each other? has everyone already met, and are in a group together, or are we going to have to push them together or something? sorry, this is my first RP since I was like 10 haha, i don't really know how they usually start??
My understanding is that they have already bumped into one another at least once. Each of them seem to have their own places and such although they are all together in the same cause: love being the vocal point of their gathering together.

That's my take, however!
@aergie it's okay! i assumed that all of our characters already knew eachother - they are all part of the gang of young adults that have avoided the police and illegally love. they're the kind of people that if their pasts together were found out by the police, they'd be stuck in jail for the rest of their lives. i'd say they're all very good friends with eachother.

i'm making my post right now. with my past roleplays that i've hosted, the creator usually makes the first post, but it's totally fine that @Moss On Trees has already posted.

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