Ryuka the Riolu


New Member
Name: Ryuka

Species: Riolu

Gender: Male

Faction: Feulis-Dweller

Island: Feulis

Moves: Quick Attack, Force Palm, Copycat, Vacuum Wave

Personality: Ryuka can be seen as an innocent child. He's never one to knowingly do wrong to others and he has a strong sense of justice. He's also willingly to help those in need and stand up for what he believes in whenever he has to.

Ryuka is a gentle individual and loves making new friends. He can also be timid and gets scared easily at times. Ryuka tends to be oblivious and naive, and can be easy to manipulate. However, if he is being manipulated and he decides what he's being told to do will result in causing harm to himself or others he will stop. In addition, if Ryuka notices someone is about to cause others harm he will put himself in harms way to fight them at the risk of his own safety, no matter how afraid he is.

When first meeting new people Ryuka will try to be friendly but starts off nervous, often leading to a bit of stuttering. He tends to hide behind someone he trusts when meeting someone else for the first time unless there's no one around to hide behind, in which case he slowly inches away until it becomes clear they mean him no harm. Even if they do intend to cause harm he will stand his ground and fight back, in this situation he will only run if the individual is evidently stronger than he is unless there are bystanders that could get hurt as well. If Ryuka notices some commotion that doesn't involve him or anyone he knows, like a group of gossiping villagers, he will curiously approach them to hear what they're saying but will hide behind something as he's listening until he gets noticed, in which case he will start off afraid to come out of hiding but will slowly reveal himself to the group unless they prove hostile. Despite his gentle and timid nature, Ryuka gets very excited when he makes a new friend.

In contrast to his timid nature, Ryuka hates being alone and likes to be around others, especially those he considers a friend. He is very loyal to his friends and will do almost anything for them. If a friend is in danger, he will put all fear aside to protect them. However, he can be rather dependent on others for strength and courage. If Ryuka is left alone he begins to feel weak and afraid. As a result of this fact, Ryuka is at his worst when there's no one to watch over him.

As far as the war and legends are concerned, Ryuka has mixed opinions. He hates the war and thinks about the effects it has on others. When it comes to the legends, Ryuka doesn't see them as something worth fighting over. In fact, he believes if the legends do exist they wouldn't want everyone fighting over anything, least of all over who created the world. Despite this, he still respects the legends and demonstrates his respect by participating in the ceremonies the villagers hold.

While he has his faults, Ryuka can be a strong-willed individual when it really counts. His dream is to one day overcome his fears and become stronger so that he can protect everyone he cares about. He also hopes to be able to somehow bring peace to the warring world so that no one will have to suffer anymore.

History: Ryuka was originally born in Destirae and his father was once a well known soldier for Arceus' side. However, despite protest from his superiors, Ryuka's father left from being a soldier to stay with his family. Wanting their son to live in peace, Ryuka's parents took him from Destirae and brought him to Feulis, away from the fighting.

As Ryuka grew up, his father helped defend the village of Feulis from all that would threaten it. Ryuka looked up to his father and wanted to be strong like him. While his father taught him how to fight, Ryuka was only allowed to fight in self-defense and to protect others but was not allowed to help guard the village from outside threats. This frustrated Ryuka, who wanted to be able to protect everyone, not just himself or one specific person. However, Ryuka eventually took comfort in the acceptance the village was showing him and his family due to the help his father was providing for them.

One day Ryuka went with his father to watch the ocean around the edges of the island. As they stared out into the ocean, Ryuka's father explained to him how much better the world would be if there was no fighting, he went on to talk about how he thought helping in the fighting would eventually bring peace, however that peace didn't come soon enough before Ryuka was born so he had to make due with living in a place free from the fighting, even if that fight was still continuing on the outside. After Ryuka's father said this, a group of Pokemon approached them. Ryuka's father immediately recognized them as his former comrades from the Arceus side, who went on to request that he come back and fight for them once more. When Ryuka's father denied their request they decided they would bring him back by force, Ryuka could only watch as his father fought them back.

As Ryuka was watching his father fight the group off, he noticed one of the Pokemon come at him in a threatening manner. Upon seeing this, Ryuka froze in fear as he watched the approaching threat getting ready to attack him. Luckily however, Ryuka's father had stopped the attack at the last second and proceeded to defeat the group that attacked them. As the group of Pokemon fled, they vowed to Ryuka's father that he and his family would be considered an enemy of Arceus' followers. Once Ryuka returned home it became apparent that the trauma from the incident would go on to make Ryuka suffer from a fear of others that still haunts him to this day.

Some time after the incident Ryuka and his family met with a traveling family of three. Among this family was a Mienfoo named Richard, who tried talking to Ryuka. Still coping with the incident Ryuka started off afraid of Richard for a short while. Once Ryuka finally opened up to Richard the two quickly became close friends. As the two began playing together Ryuka slowly began to get over the trauma from that incident.

The following day Richard's family had to return home, which was revealed to be Lithulia. Though Ryuka was saddened by this, Richard promised him that they would see each other again soon. Sure enough, Richard's family would occasionally visit Ryuka's, allowing the two boys to play together during these times. After several visits from Richard's family, Ryuka's parents decided for themselves and Ryuka to go visit Lithulia. Ryuka was excited as they went to visit Richard in Lithulia.

This decision would prove ruinous however. As Ryuka's family stayed with Richard's during their visit, the situation with the portals was worsening. Eventually when the whole island began to be swallowed up, Ryuka and Richard were separated from their parents as the evacuation became frantic. The two boys were able to find the evacuation boat getting ready to escape, but when Ryuka reached the boat he realized that neither of their parents weren't on it. Unable to stand the thought of losing his parents, Ryuka began frantically calling out for them. Eventually Richard dragged a crying Ryuka onto the boat just before it began to set off, leaving both of their parents behind.

Once they got back to Feulis, Ryuka allowed Richard to stay in his house and they both tried their best to live on their own. As they both tried to overcome the loss of their parents, several others that lived in the village would try to help them from time to time. Ryuka was in a state of depression over what happened for some time. He would start crying randomly and would sometimes refuse to eat. The only thing keeping Ryuka together throughout all of this now was Richard, who stayed strong despite his own losses and stuck with Ryuka at all times so he could comfort him.

As Ryuka attempted to recover from his loss he slowly began to blame himself, believing that he could've done something had he been stronger. This prompted Ryuka to strive to become strong so he'd never have to go through that again. Not only that, but he dreamed of one day stopping this war and bringing about the peaceful world his father always wanted.

Other: Ryuka has blue eyes instead of red, a trait inherited from his father.

Because of his father's desertion, Ryuka is considered an enemy of Arceus.

Writing Sample: I'll send it to you in a note.

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