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Graded [Ryken] The show must go on!


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Players and Goals:
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo :??
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Hunter Asphalt: Gain confidence, Meet some new people
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy: ask Circus goers about Asuka’s family

Other information:

If You are new and interested in our commuity click
to learn more.
This Rp is Intended to run roughly a month or two. There will be no combat. This rp will be going on a pace of 24-72 hour posting rounds.

Now to prevent confusion I have colorized the NPCs names and Dialog. For reference:



on the edge of Ryke’s captial Ryke was a red and white striped tent with golden balls attached to the top of pillars, with strange glowing red lights attached to all four corners. The surrounding land was decorated and had booths and other activities, but what seemed to be the biggest attraction was the tent. The sundipped down into the horizon as circus workers inside the tent tended to the preparation work. Axel was busy working with the seals, teaching them some final tricks in a small pool before the human would opt to walk along to a set of cages behind the tent filled with tigers. Axel practiced with them making sure to feed them afterward. Meanwhile, the Clown Cindy would be preparing for her own acts, juggling glass battles in her hands. Her Fraternal twin brother Mandy was preparing his magic tricks. Currently shuffling a set of cards, while the circus workers attended to practicing for the show that very night, their ring leader, Mr. Icarious would walk further outwards, a distance from the circus tent. The Misfits Circus troupe had a few backstage members leave at the last second before making it to Ryken. The troupe members that had left were not in the wrong to do so either, as their families became under effect by the current war effort going on. While Ryke was neutral territory in all of it they couldn’t participate in the show out of concern for their own families.
IMG_0435.png This leads to him being in slightly dire straits for the troupe at the moment in the current moment. There was only so much the remaining troupe members could do in a few hours, it wasn’t enough to prepare everything outright before the show that night,. So the [Beast] had begun nailing A few for hire posters into some trees close enough to where they would be performing. It could not have been the best choice, but in the world of performance, the show must go on. Any attempt was hopefully better than none at all. The posters read ‘The traveling Misfits Carnival now in Ryke!’ Below it read ‘Now looking for temp hires!’ After Icarious was done he would walk back to the circus tent in the area of the carnival. It being a carnival also factored into why they needed extra helping hands. This time they were doing more than just a circus show. Icarious blew a whistle to gather the attention of his troupe.

“I’ve put up extra help wanted posters in the woods near here. Should we get potential applicants be prepared.”

Mandy asked.

“Pretty sure we could’ve hired adventurers guild members couldn’t we?”

Icarious shook his head.

“They have more important duties to work on. And efforts they shouldn’t waste on a troupe.”

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Hunter woke up one morning to see a help wanted poster in the trees outside his window. He took a shower and got ready for the day, before looking at the poster. He didn't even know there would be a circus, but this seemed like a nice way to meet some new people. He'd check it out after work.

He showed up at the place with a suit and his boots. He hoped he looked good for the event, should be fairly simple. It didn't take long to walk there, maybe ten minutes. He heard the whistle blow and saw others gathering at the tent. He opened the door "H-Hello? "
Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Mentions: Asuka/Tahmuras (Companions) | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

“{Sooo... what are we going to do at this circus again?}” She asked her companions. Ever since having gotten a finger and a toe cut off in that horrible experience with the goblin Shaman, she'd been having constant nightmares and panic attacks. In an attempt to help cheer her up and distract her with something nicer, Asuka and Tahmuras had convinced her to go to the circus with them. Seeing how a circus tended to travel a lot and had people coming and going from all over, they also figured they might as well ask if anyone knew of Asuka's family, the Xiānhè. That said, Amice still didn't really understand what a 'circus' even was. Other than that she was told it'd be 'fun' to visit one.

“{Also, what is a} mis-fit {in Sylvan? I don't know that word.}” She asked, upon having read the name of the thing they were going to visit.

As they approached the tent, she'd immediate have another question. “{Oh, if these people live in a tent like that, does that mean they are travellers? Or are they homeless people that need emergency houses, like the ones the tiger lady and mouse lady showed us in Kuridan? Are we going to eat pumpkabooms again?}”

Although she still stuck close to Asuka and Tahmuras, seemingly a bit scared of her surroundings, she was also sounding ever so slightly more cheerful than she'd sounded in a fair while.

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | {Terran}
Mention: Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy

It was some time ago that she ran away from Widersia and yet now she resided in the Protectorate of Ryke region where she could feel safer, far safer than she felt in Widersia or the East Empire, though it was still only a single interesting place in her travels to escape her fate, but she bonded with this place even though she knew sooner or later she had to move to another place to reside there hopefully evading her pursuers.

On this very beautiful day, Yufi decided to go on a small walk, around the surrounding nature. Being stuck in a small room, in a big city full of steam and smoke, it didn't sit well with her to stay all day in the single room she paid for in a local inn, the day was beautiful after all, magnitudes better than what she had in Widersia, especially now that she was allowed some rest from her journey she wanted something more for herself. It was then during her little stroll that something caught the corner of her eye.

It was a piece of paper nailed onto a tree, it informed of a circus that was nearby and that they were searching for temporary hires. It was perfect for Yufi, a place where she could renew the feeling she once had back on Earth as a circus performer, and at the same time she could get some information about different areas after all circuses travel a lot, so what better place to ask about a potential new spot for her journey across this new world.

Wanting to make it happen Yufi ran off in the direction she hoped the circus would be, she would have arrived there even if she did not feel a presence ahead of her, so she slowed down considerably from a running speed to a regular walk, and as she approached the presence Yufi activated her appraisal on them while saying in a somewhat loud but cheerful voice.
"Young lady over there with with two pets! Are you here for the circus as well? Oh, sorry I seem to have forgotten my manners somewhere... My name is Yufi. And yours is?"

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Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Yuze Megilagor Megilagor

The gnome instantly withdrew a bit upon seeing a stranger approach. She wasn't green or short, but still. The gnome had lost a lot of desire to meet strangers after the last traumatic evens she'd been through. Far more eager to reply were her companions themselves.



“Pets!?!” He called out, his tail flaring up with some fire from how insulted he felt. “You have indeed forgotten any single semblance of mannerisms. My, I were to wonder if you even know the concept.” He scoffed.

“To consider such gracious and intelligent Fae such as myself and Asuka mere pets? It's either utterly foolish or utterly rude, but most likely a mixture of both!” He clearly wasn't too happy.



“Calm down Tahmuras, I'm sure she means well.” The bird hushed towards the fox. “Although...” She turned to Yuze. “I must admit, I too feel rather insulted upon being considered a 'pet' just like that. You might wish to choose your words more carefully or observe whom and what you're dealing with, next time.”

“As for your question, I'm Asuka, this is Tahmuras and that is Amice. We're indeed here to visit the circus.”

"Circle... Circa... Circus... Circus!! Oh, look at this Potty, they have circus in Ryke too!" Simi pulled a paper that had been haphazardly nailed on a random tree. The last circus she watched was the one performed in the Continental Lake, on the Floating Town, they had random number machines that emits bright light and naked mermaids dancing on a pole.

"GWAAKKKKKK.....!!" The skeletal bird on her shoulder pecked a hole on the poster, the fae just chuckled at her parrot's attitude and let him shred the poster to pieces.

"Listen, Potty. While my lackeys are repairing our raft, we ought to enjoy watching this circus for free by doing stuff there. What a deal. As the future pirate king I must be able to rip off as many value from people like this one, let's go! Syahahahaha!" Satisfied with her half-baked plan, Simi approached the brightly-colored tent. She ignored the small gathering in front of the tent and entered the tent.

"Rejoice, people! As Simi is answering your distress call!" She loudly announced her arrival while posing by extending both of her hands to the right and leaned the rest of her body to the left. Potty was perched at the tips of her fingers, spreading both of his bony wings and flapping it excitedly.


Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy

Yufi awaited the response of the little lady, though she did not anticipate the two beings she thought were her pets to be able to talk, so that news took her out of the loop for a bit, she even muttered under her breath.
"Eh, you can talk."
She wanted to ask for forgiveness from the three of them, mainly from the two furry friends. Yufi dropped to her knees putting her forehead to the ground with her arms held at her sides. While remaining in this position she spoke to them.
"I'm so so sorry, I just never saw anything like you two that could talk, might be because I grew up pretty sheltered.. Or in a cage."

After saying what she felt needed to be said Yufi raised her head from the ground and cleaned her hands on the innermost part of her outer cloth, but she remained kneeling on the ground to bring herself to the level of the three she was speaking to, as a sign of respect and to demonstrate that no ill will is harbored towards them. Now looking at the three they were quite pretty, not to say that Yufi wasn't pretty herself, but she wasn't a narcissist, and seeing that part of her current issues was caused by her pretty appearance she didn't replicate the good feelings that came from appreciating her own beauty. After taking a small but deep breath to calm her nerves a bit she spoke once again to them, with one of her hands on the back of her head scratching it during the first part of her little speech while the other remained on her thigh, which was followed by the other hand in the latter half.
"Oh so you two are Fae's, I'm sorry for assuming you were pets. Honestly, I haven't seen many Fae's in my life so far, mostly halflings and gnomes such as the little lady here. Again being stuck in Widersia for most of my life at home meant I couldn't experience much of the outside world, nor its culture and species."

Yufi gave them a small amount of time to process what she said before bowing down once again this time in her sitting position, while promising them to change herself or at least try.
"I'll try to do that next time, [eonii] Asuka. And I'm Sorry Tahmuras [hyeong] for my previous behavior."
After those words, she slowly stood up and away from as to not encroach on their personal space, though she did lay out her hand towards them when she stood up as if she was willing to walk hand in hand towards the circus together. Finally, with a small honest, and bright smile on her face, she asked the trio.
"If the three of you allow me we could go to the circus together?"

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Yuze Megilagor Megilagor
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“No, I can't talk. You started hearing voices.” The fox replied, still annoyed.



“Be nice, we're here to enjoy ourselves, not start arguments.” The bird warned him.

However, they were both surprised when the woman went down to the ground to apologise. “Ah, please. Rise.” The bird gestured for Yuze to get up again with her wing. “I haven't been out of the See that often myself either, so I have no clue how common species such as that of myself and Thamuras' are out here.”

“Fine, my apologies for overreacting.” The fox added.

Amice Bellamy


“Yes I... am a gnome... I am Amice Bellamy. I am … ” Amice stated, peaking at Yuze from behind Asuka. She was starting to count on her fingers, but realised she couldn't. Getting only to 9... How would it go now? “I am...” She tried doing the calculations.

“You're sixteen, dear.” The bird eventually whispered to her.

“I am sixteen years old.” She repeated to Yuze.

“Widersia huh? I've been there once. Lots of metal, machines and stuff.” The fox replied. “Glad to hear you made it out of there... though I guess the shire bit was nice enough.”

“It's okay, you've made it clear it wasn't an insult. Right Tahmuras?”

“Yes, yes. We're good.”

Amice meanwhile, was warming up a tad more. Even after the past trauma, she was still curious. “What is a … eaon-knee? And what is a … hi-young?”

“Sure, we can.” The bird replied, figuring there would be no harm in trying to get Amice to warm up to new people again, before she'd become too traumatised to ever do so again.
Players and Goals:
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo : Enjoy her time, Find some traveling buddies
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Hunter Asphalt: Gain confidence, Meet some new people
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy: ask Circus goers about Asuka’s family
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Simi:??

Other information:

Maybe one day I’ll get better at drawing birds, this RP might be a good way for me to practice xD

Important note for Graders: I acknowledge that my narrator bonus will be cut more for allowing Elvario to Play his own companions.

Now to prevent confusion I have colorized the NPCs names and Dialog. For reference:


Hearing the meek and stutter-y hello outside the tent, Icarious walked towards Hunter and opened the tent’s opening up, peaking outside it, noticing the Fae that was standing outside the tent, followed by a considerably louder and smaller Fae with a skeletal bird and a colorful hat.

“I assume both of you saw the posters then? We can use all the help we can get.”

He then noticed Yufi and Amice, as well as her Fae companions. He asked,

“Are you bunch also here to help? If you are follow me, but if you are here for the show, it starts in a few hours.”

gestures for everyone to follow him inside as he begins explaining. “Due to the war between the Fae See and the Eastern Empire, most of our assistants and some troupe members had to call it off at the last minute. Right now, all that is left is Me, Axel, Cindy and Mandy. Speaking of which…”
IMG_0446.png “Woah! I wasn’t expecting this many people to show up this quickly, Mr. Icarious! Are they going to help us? Greetings! I am Cindy. I am our troupe's clown!”

greeted him with a wave, followed by her fraternal twin who was finishing setting his cards up for the time being. They looked alike for the most part, except for the outfits and the fact that Mandy looked more Elf-ish compared to his sister’s more human features. It was clear they were mixed blood of Fae and Human.

“And I am Mandy, our troupe's Magician. The aid is appreciated if you folk are willing to lend it.”

Mr. Icarious asked, looking around.

“Where did Axel go?”

To which Mandy replied.

“The Tigers began to panic in their cages I think…so… anyway… He went to go check on them. And the Seals, I think…the leaving of our other tamer seems to be stressing him out a bit.”

Icarious sighed and asked the party

“Does any of you have any skills that can be used to help
Axel? Don’t want him getting hurt or for the Tigers to try to eat the Seals..”


"Eh..! Only you four?" Simi was flabbergasted as she looked at the remaining few crews the troupe had.

"Even my raft needs to be manned by five person! How can you even run a circus with only four!" Tapping her left leg on the ground and slowly counting something with her fingers, the fae looks like she was thinking hard. As if she suddenly thought of something brilliant, she snapped her finger to call the skeletal parrot onto her hand. Simi whispered something on the bird's bony ear and Potty flew into the sky before vanishing between the trees. She seemed to be trying really hard to hold of a grin from forming in her face, though the mention of seals immediately distract her attention.

"Seals...! You can leave them to me, I have plenty of experience dealing with creatures from the sea." Simi said confidently. Truthfully, she never ventured into the cold sea so this would be her first time handling seals. She didn't seems to be worried though, there's always the first time for everything!!​
Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“Help?” Amice asked, upon seeing the bird-man appear. She looked back and forth between him and Asuka for a bit. “You're not Asuka's family, are you?” She asked, hoping he was, but they didn't look alike enough, right? She thought that was how it works.


Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Yuze Megilagor Megilagor
Languages: Common | {Sylvan}

“It's a bad world if the war's even preventing us from having a bread and circus.” He replied with an old proverb. “Can't say I've ever been asked to join something I was hoping to just watch that instantly. Didn't even exchange names yet. You're that desperate?”



“Manners, dear.” She'd state the fox. “I'm Asuka, these are Tahmuras and Amice.” She shook her beak. “I'm afraid were were just planning to watch.”

“I can join if you want me to burn some stuff for a show.” The firefox was quick to offer. Puffing out some smoke to show his [Fire Affinity] and magic skill.

“I'm not sure if that'd be a wise idea. Nor do I know what we could contribute. I'm just your average Xiānhè.”

“I... I can do some magic!” She stated, using Magic E to create a small glowing light. However, she had no clue what she was even signing up for and it showed in how she kept partially hidden from the newcomers.

“Either way, we were just hoping to come find the place. For now, we'll go get ourselves something to eat.”

“She's right. I'll need my calories to burn~” He added with a smile at his own joke.

With that, they'd promise to return soon after a quick bite.
Hunter silently walked along and payed attention, trying his best to blend in with the group of people while taking notes in his head at the information.

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy , DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

"Oh so you're sixteen Amice, I'm twenty-five so I'm nine years older than you." Replied Yufi while showing two fingers on her left hand and her thumb on the right, to indicate her age in the Jisanbeop method that is taught across all of Korea. Finally replying to Amice's question about the two words she unbeknownst to herself said it her mother tongue
"They mean Elder Sister and Elder Brother respectively Amice, It is a way to show respect to people older than you. I learned it a long time ago and it kinda stuck to this day. I can teach you more after the circus if Asuka and Tahmura are ok with it darling."
Yufi smiled upon hearing Asuka's answer, after all, it's not every day that you get to hang out with 2 animal friends and a small little lady.

Not even a minute had passed since this small conversation between Yufi, Amice, and her two friends. That the circus tent opened up a bit with a bird-like person standing in the entrance.
"I'm also here for the circus, but I don't mind helping your circus with its show, though I haven't had the chance to perform in a long time so I might be a bit rusty."
Replied Yufi to the question of the stranger who she could only infer was the ringmaster of this very circus, following his gestures Yufi slowly walked to the tent, only to stop at its entrance looking back at Amice, Tahmura, and Asuka while saying before entering.
"Be safe you three, and eat well. I will be waiting for you here at the circus, maybe you will even see me perform in the ring."

"The war is never good is it? I don't mind lending a helping hand or two but it has been a while since I performed at a circus, so I don't know what should I do. I used to assist the clowns, magicians, and the gymnasts so I can do many things but I'm not as good at them anymore as I was before, my skills are probably rusted but if you want me to I will help."

Said unsure of herself Yufi with one of her hands scratching the back of her head in embarrassment over her own skills.
Players and Goals:
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo : Enjoy her time, Find some traveling buddies
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Hunter Asphalt: Gain confidence, Meet some new people
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy: ask Circus goers about Asuka’s family
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Simi: Pet the seals and eat cotton candy

Other information:

Unfortunately I could not provide drawings for this round, and I apologize for being late.

Also PLEASE REFRAIN ONE LINERS! I understand short posts but please do more than one sentence at least.

Now to prevent confusion I have colorized the NPCs names and Dialog. For reference:


Icarious nodded to Asuka understandingly.

“I see, well feel free to wait until the show begins in the meanwhile if you end up changing your mind and deciding to help do let me know.”

Turning to Simi he replies,

“Thank you little Fae. I’ll take you to Axel and the Animals momentarily”

He says before quickly exchanging with Yufi.

“Any aid is appreciated no matter how rusty, please aid the twins you sound capable.”

With that being said he gestures his wings to Hunter and Simi.

“Now you two will follow me. Axel is in this direction.”

As Mr.Icarious left with Simi and Hunter in tow Cindy smiles and Mandy let’s out a huff.

Old bird! Seemed like he’s forgotten we are here!”

Cindy shakes her head.

“Nevermind the way he speaks, he’s been awfully busy since most of the troupe called off the show.”

Then Cindy turns to Yufi.

“Follow us ma’am! What is your name? It’s always good to meet someone with experience in performance!”

She says as her and Mandy took her to the left corner of the circus tent, there was a set of four poles. A pair was stationed across from each other from left to right, the other two stationed across each other between the other two poles above and below in terms of their current position below was a pit filled with strange white clouds. Cindy hopped on the clouds and a backflip. It was akin to the earth’s trampoline in function with the only oddity being the insanely soft, seeming.

“Mandy makes these cloud thingies when we practice preforming! My partner in this performance in particular was one of those whom called off. She had to go back to the East in support of her family.”

She says before jumping among the fluffy ground in the pit beneath the poles and grabbing hold of the ladder. She points a gloved finger at the pole across it.

“We’ll be performing acrobatics across the tight rope. Mimicking a sword fight! Wait—“

Mandy picks up a wooden sword and tosses it at his sister.

“Forgot something, Cin!”

managed to hardly grab it in time and was nearly hit in the head by it.

“Thank you!”

Mandy hands a wooden sword to Yufi.

“Go climb up on that pole! I’ll get everything else set up down here.”

On the back end of the tent with Simi and Hunter, Mr.Icarious took them out through the back exit. There were to sets of cages set up on each side of the area, a fair way away from each other. Two cages were filled with dire tigers, the biggest of them normal cats chewing away at huge chunks of meat. They were being well taken care of by a human with black hair and pale blue eyes that nearly looked white, his skin was also scarily pale. On the other side were two cages that had mini pools in them and rocks for the seals. Some hopped into the water and hunted the fish that was clearly released inside of it. It was a decent mimicry of their original habitat.

“Axel! We’ve got some help for you.”

The human turned his head to the source of the voice. His eyes flickered about without coordination. Mr.Icarious brought the two over to Axel.

“Small Fae and Big Fae. This is Axel. Axel these are…”

“Do we not know their names yet?”

He inquired before reaching out with grabby hands until he found both their hands and shook them.

“Greetings, I did not think I’d meet a halfling. Are you a halfling? You seem to be as small as one?”

Mr. Icarious then cuts in,

“Letting both of you know Axel has terrible sight and is near blind. His other senses are powerful and make up for it.”

Axel speaks up again.

“I am just thankful to the gods we’ve been blessed with aid during our time of struggle. Mr. Icarious take the small fae over to the seals. This one will help me with the Dire Tigers.”

Mr. Icarious nods and guides Simi over to the Seals while Axel explains the plans to Hunter.

“I just got them to calm down. I’ll be taking them out of their cages and guiding them to an area with set up precautions. We’ll be practicing with them and guiding them through hoops.”

He takes off a scarf of his and wraps it around Hunter's neck to the best of his ability, although Hunter may need to adjust it better.

“They are typically good with people. However, it might still be best if you smell familiar to them.”

With that, he unlocks the cage, picking up a set of rings. Each was bigger than the last. He grabbed another set and handed it to Hunter. They go to a secluded area.

“Do not be scared! They are harmless creatures. Raised around Fae and humans. Follow your instincts, guide them through they know what to do. Hold the smaller ring out for Ignus. I’ll practice with Heiro.”

With Simi and the seals, Mr. Icarious explains.

“These seals are trained to handle a number of tricks. I am not the best with them, unfortunately.”

He opens the cage and snows a set of obstacles.

“Obstacles and diving they also understood doing more from what I’ve seen. Think you can work with it?”

Okay so! Time to role some dice and see what we got! due to skills some characters lack or low grades there of we’ll be determining everything via a dice system. If you have a skill in relation to what you are assigned chances will be slightly higher.

Cindy will begin when Yufi does and Mandy will activate a light that highlights the characters silhouettes. Do not assume Cindy’s actions whatever happens leave it open ended for me to give results in the next narration post
If you role a 1-20: Yufi falls off the tight rope
If you role a 30-40: Yufi trips somewhere along the tight rope.
If you role a 40-50: The practice performance goes off normally without a hitch no failure.

Do not assume the actions of Axel. And do not assume the outcome. What ever you get leave the post opened so I may grant the results in the next narration post
1-20: Hunter and Ignus’s practice performance goes without an issue and hitch.
21-30: Ignus smells something off about Hunter and is reluctant to practice.
31-50: ignus rolls over lazily and does not practice. Ignus falls asleep.

Do not assume the outcome and leave post open ended so I can write the outcome in the next narration post.
1-10: The Seals do not listen to Simi at all.
11-20: Simi gets the seals to jump through obstacles.
21-30:Simi gets the seals to dive
31-40: Simi gets the seals to do both
41-50: Simi gets the seals to do both plus a extra trick taught from herself specifically

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Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Roll: 36

"If you say so Chief"
Spoke Yufi as Mr. Icarious the ringmaster took their leave with the two others, leaving her alone with the pair of twin performers.
"Sooo, what are our plans now?"
Yufi spun her head towards Cindy, with a small smile as she reminisced about her time in the circus.
"I go by Yufi nowadays, my real name is a bit hard to pronounce and long so I use the first two letters of both my name and surname."
Replied Yufi to the clown girl Cindy, honestly Yufi was a bit scared. It had been one lifetime after all since she performed any circus tricks, so she feared she was rusty, but at the same time, she feared how similar and yet different this world was to hers. The clown makeup of Cindy looked like a mash-up of the classical whiteface and pierrot makeup she grew used to over the years but even then. How the cultures of different worlds develop so similarly was uncanny to her.

Yufi followed the twins to a more secluded corner of the tent, where four poles resided in the ground. Unfamiliar formation for the tightrope but it was something she had to get used to after all this world wasn't her own anymore. Seeing Cindy's demonstration with the solidified clouds did make her feel better about the possibility of her skills being too rusty to manage performing her usual tricks.
"That is something you should be proud of Mandy. The clouds look so soft though, I have to ask if someone ever tried sleeping on one of yours?"

As Cindy exclaimed the plans for now to Yufi and showed her where the ladders were located amongst which she forgot to grab her wooden sword, which almost ended up in a funny situation.
"Thank you, Mandy. It's time to see if my skills rusted off or do they still remain then? Wish me luck."
Yufi exclaimed while accepting the wooden sword from Mandy, it was modeled after a European type of sword while hers was made a bit differently but it shouldn't use up too much time getting used to it. So she attached the wooden sword to her belt for the time being before doing a standing run up into a jump to get closer to the ladder from where she stood just a few seconds before.

Having climbed up the ladder and stepped on the tightrope, Yufi tripped backward towards the small platform onto which the tightrope was tied to, realizing it though and not wanting to appear too rusty Yufi pointed her hands towards the platform performing an impromptu backend, which she transitioned into a handstand before perching her feat on the platform.
"Sorry for that I haven't been on a tightrope in such a long time I nearly tripped and fell off. Give me a few seconds dear and we can start. Need to familiarize myself with the rope"
Said Yufi apologetically towards both Mandy and Cindy, though mainly at Cindy. Yufi tried again taking a few steps on the tightrope this time having a bit of trouble at first though finally managed to find her balance on it.
"I think I got it now. We can start both of you. And Cindy, please start the dance of swords, after all, you know the dance you did with your previous partner, I will just try to adapt to that."
Exclaimed Yufi with a small smile on her face, she took out the wooden sword and assumed the most fencing-like stance she could muster while remaining on the tightrope.
Hunter struggles to get close to the cat at first, as his fears naturally kick in. Although practice goes well he is afraid that he might make mistake or something and the tiger eats him or maybe the whole circus sets on fire! Or maybe-

"H-Halfling? I will let you know that I'm from the estimated family of pearl fae. I'm still young but my parents can wrestle those tigers with no problem!" Simi tried to correct Axel, seemingly eager to talk about her family. She would probably babble more if they're not actually tight on their schedule.

As Mr. Icarius guides her towards the seals, Simi's eyes locked at the sight of the creatures inside the pool. They're so cute, so... blubbery. Was that a word?? Simi wasn't too good with the common tongue so she sometimes mixes some words.

"Obstacle and diving. Ok, I got it!!" The fae gave a thumb up towards the circus owner. Though when she looked back towards the seals she realized one tiny problem: she never watch a seal performance on land. The seal performance on Continental Lake was basically the seals launching themselves all over the stage at high speed while their handler cast magic to make their movement looks more beautiful, its probably more similar to an aerial manuvering here on the dry land.

Looking over the obstacles, Simi tried to emulate their movement in her mind. How would each seals move? How would they do the obstacles? What other tricks they learned? Realizing that she had no way of knowing all of these questions, she gave up on thinking and decided to do something that she usually do with her sea gels crew before doing any major task: briefing and socializing.

Grabbing some spare fish from the circus' supplies, Simi sat at the edge of the pool. She let out some squeaking noises that might sounds weird to anyone who never heard it, but she's actually using aquatic language to try communicating directly with the seals. Using the foods, she would try to get the seals attention and have them show her how they usually do their performance.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Players and Goals:
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo : Enjoy her time, Find some traveling buddies
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Hunter Asphalt: Gain confidence, Meet some new people
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy: ask Circus goers about Asuka’s family
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Simi: Pet the seals and eat cotton candy

Other information:

Unfortunately I could not provide drawings for this round.

Yufi may take control of the performance in the rounds post (but only the sword play part), Hunter can assume preforming with ignus is going well, Simi should try more tricks with the seals (they may or not be more cooperative in the next narration post :3)

For Simi Language keys: “Commom” |Aquatic Life|

Now to prevent confusion I have colorized the NPCs names and Dialog. For reference:


Cindy Started the preformance as Mandy blocked out some of the sunlight from outside and spot lighted the pair on the tightropes. When Yufi tripped Cindy said.

“No need to worry about it Yufi!”

She said, having faith in the human in front of her, She ran towards her keeping careful balance on the rope her dim shadow reflecting some-what on the tent behind them that still had some sun shining through it making it appear less solid.
Cindy swung the sword forward in a sweeping motion. All actions were slowed down a considerable amount after the slash. The way she moved her sword was slightly similar to fencing. Besides the minor tripping, it went well. It also became clear the intention of the performance was improvised. After they completed the first practice run, Cindy cartwheeled her way to the side she started on.

“Let’s try again but a little quicker! I think it’ll be easier and better this time! You’re pretty good at this!”

She looked down at

“You think you can keep ot goint and still have enough energy and focus for the night?”

She shouted in question and was met with a nod, with which
Cindy ran forward and re-instigated the second rehearsal.

Ignus would jump through the hoop hunter is holding.
Axel speaks up.

“You are doing good there Fae! Keep it going!”

As Hunter performed with Ignus,
Axel rehearsed with Heiro, giving an example of how the performance was meant to go without needing to explain much. He tossed a small hoop in the air a little way which Heiro jumped through with easily he would guide the Dire Tiger in a circle by lengthening the distances between tosses each hoop was exchanged for a slightly bigger one and thrown at a farther distance.

Meanwhile, with Simi and
Mr. Icarious, the Pirate Fae’s squeaking, would confuse the eagle beast. She was met with a response from the Seals as intended.

|Fish! Fish! Fish|

Each one of the three
seals mimicked as they aggressively took the food from Simi, but also followed up by performing with the obstacles that were in the pool in the cage. Jumping through rings that were floating in the water, they seemed easy to negotiate with.

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Amice, along with Tahmuras and Asuka, had found their way back to the circus after having grabbed something to eat. Sadly enough for both Asuka and Amice, Tahmuras had gotten an amazing idea during their meal. Mostly due to the fact that they could only afford cheaper options.

Having tried to find their way to Mr. Icarious, Tahmuras would be the one to approach.



“Excuse me, sir. Is your earlier option of hiring people still available? I can assure you that I'd be able to put down a most fiery performance~” He spoke, using a little Fire Magic (Magic F, Fire Affinity F) to show up some sparks and flames.

Meanwhile, however, was slowly getting fascinated by the weird, swimming things. Looking at the slightly taller woman, she took a few deep breaths. The girl wasn't green, so she wasn't a goblin. That meant she shouldn't have to be scared. Gathering up all her courage, under the watchful eye of Asuka, she'd approach Simi. “Ehm... miss. What are those?” She'd ask, pointing at the seals. She did make sure to keep her distance from the animals though, as they seemed somewhat scary.



The bird decided to stay silent, observing both Tahmuras and Amice from a bit of distance.

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

"Thank you Cindy but getting used to the tightrope after many years of not performing does tend to rust one's skill."
As Cindy swung the sword towards Yufi she raised her sword towards Cindy's and coiled it around hers performing a circular parry in the process. The way the two danced with their swords on that rope was something akin to a textbook example, magnificent to those who don't practice the blade, but for others, it was just that a textbook example it was too predictable.

So when the two returned to their sides of the tightrope Yufi began formulating a small choreography in her head to make it more entertaining.
"Sure we can go faster. But don't mind if I go harder at the swordsmanship." Said Yufi shortly before Cindy ran in again to start another rehearsal, this time Yufi wanted to take the lead and so she did. Yufi began with a feint coming towards Cindy's right side of the torso, quickly switching from a thrust into a cross-cut swing which Cindy dodged by a hairsbreadth. Both of them twirled their blades before going for another hit, Cindy with an overhead cut, and Yufi with her simple mid-swing, which ended with both swords hitting each other making it a small contest of power between Cindy's offense and Yufi's defense, Yufi came out of this situation by angling her sword so Cindy's sword would slide off of hers.

Those actions were soon followed by a few clashes of their wooden swords as they moved back and forth on the rope.
"Shall we end this with a final flare of a flourish?" Asked Yufi as both of their swords clashed around the midsection between both of them performing a circular parry guard finishing when one of them managed to disarm the other of their sword flinging it into the air above them.

|That's right, perform well and we will all eating lots of fish tonight!| Simi let out a long energetic squeak as she tried to motivate the seals and threw a few more fishes, though she's also equally getting carried away by the situation like she's usually do. Seeing the seals performing gave her an idea on what the land dwellers would expect from these seals and how to improve their choreography, probably.

A small fae child approached her asked about the seals, she looked a bit apprehensive and keep her distance from the seals, though Simi had a wide smile when she saw the gnome. For once, she's not the smallest in the room! Turning to face the child, Simi bent her knees so she can level her eyes with Amice.

"These are called seals! They're creature from the cold sea far in the north. They're friendly if trained well like these ones. In Continental Lake we usually compare them to... ermm... what is it called again..." Simi tried to recall the name of a creature, though her lack of common land knowledge really shows here.

"Cow. Yeah. 'Cow is the seal of the dry land', that's what we usually say." She proudly explained, hopefully the comparison would make it easier for the child to understand. Though that comparison also raised a question in Simi's mind, how does cow looks like? She only ever see beef, but not a living cow. Maybe she would search for one after this all ends and see it for herself.

"I will show you what they can do." Wanting to show off to Amice, Simi look for another circus equipment and picked up a rubber ball. Seals had sensitive whiskers so they should be able to play with this ball. She put her fingers in her mouth and whistled to all for the seals' attention.

|Balance this!| She threw the ball towards one of the seal's face. As she throws the ball, she suddenly had an intrusive thought: Why stop at the ball? Leaping onto the other seal, Simi would hug her knees to make herself as round as possible. Now she's the ball.

|Balance me!|

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario
Players and Goals:
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo : Enjoy her time, Find some traveling buddies
DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Hunter Asphalt: Gain confidence, Meet some new people
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy: ask Circus goers about Asuka’s family
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Simi: Pet the seals and eat cotton candy

Other information:

this round is late and I apologize.

For Simi Language keys: “Commom” |Aquatic Life|

Now to prevent confusion I have colorized the NPCs names and Dialog. For reference:


Mr.Icarious replied to Tahmura’s

“Of course! I am sure Mandy could use some help preparing for his act.”

He answered, while Simi and Amice were watching the seals, one of them flopped over and hit the ball with its nose while the other seal jumped back instead of catching Simi, as normally performers don’t toss themselves had it. Simi wouldn’t be injured, but the seal would make its way to her, nudging her with its snout.

| OK? No injuries?|

It inquired, squeaking at Simi. Mr. Icarious called for Amice, Asuka and Tahmura.

“Follow me, if you want to stay together. There aren’t issues if she wants to stay here.”

He said, pointing at Amice, gesturing for them to follow, going back inside the tent. Cindy’s and Yufi’s rehearsal was still ongoing, and proceeded until the parrying. Yufi would manage to disarm Cindy, the wooden sword falling onto the clouds below.

“That was fun! I should probably grab that. Maybe we should also take a small break?”

tells Yufi before jumping off the tightrope. Mr. Icarious walked in by this time with Tahmura (and Asuka or Amice if they decide to come).

“Seems like you three have been busy!”

says, as Mandy deactivates the spell that provided the lighting for the shadows. Mandy answers giving Tahmura (and the other 2 if they are there)

“Yes they’ve both been working hard. “

Mr. Icarious nods.

“Seems like it, anyway Mandy, you got some help.”

Mandy answers.

“Okay, follow me, let’s go over here. The fire is kept within a prepared space to prevent a hazard.”

He answered, moving over to the center of the tent that had a large stone slate for the act on the ground with a bucket of water next to it. Standing on top of this stage, Mandy asks.

“Let’s gauge what you can do. So we can alter the act accordingly. First I was supposed to do s bit of an act with fire moving around like animals.”

He says as he summons fire that was shaped like a horse, and was easy to keep under control as it was made of magic. He made it disappear as easily as it was summoned.

“Let’s see what you got!”

Meanwhile, with Axel and Hunter, Ignus grows bored with Hunter’s inactivity and the option to lay down. On the grass, Axel finishes rehearsing with Heiro asking.

“Come on! You got it, or do you need more help perhaps?”

Amice Bellamy

Languages: Common | {Sylvan}
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

“Seals... like...” She tried to recall it. “Like what you put on letters?” She thought that was what 'seal' meant, not this animal thing. “A cold sea... that seems bad. What is a sea and why is it cold?” She asked, growing more curious and wanting to ask more questions with every bit of information given.

“The continental lake! I know that! That borders the See!” She stated, proudly. “Tahmuras told me it has a whooooole lot of water in it!” She added, proud to show how much world-knowledge she possessed. “I even recall he told me its water that you can't drink, which is so weird! I forgot why you can't drink it...”

Upon the mention of a 'Cow' she tilted hear head. “Cow... Oh! That's the one that makes the white stuff that you drink and that turns into the solid yellow stuff, right? Do these also do that?” She asked, wondering how it tasted. She'd only had it maybe once in her life and she'd forgotten almost all about it. “Although I don't recall people teaching cows tricks...”

Upon seeing the seals do their tricks, or well, one of them, her mouth opened wide. “Woooowwww!” She shouted, clapping her hands together in glee. “That is sooo coool!” She jumped a little. “Do they all do that? Did you teach them? Did you talk to them when you made those sounds? Did they talk back? Can you ask them if they know about Asuka's family? Do they also have Cat-Tail-Lists? Isn't it scary to be lifted like that? Do they also play the game where they throw the ball back and forth? Why did you jump at them as well? Were you hurt?” The questions soon started flowing, now that she'd gotten over her initial fears.



Upon Mr. Icarious telling them to follow, she'd wave her wing. “It seems she's enjoying herself a lot, so I'd rather just stay here with her for now, if you don't mind.” She answered.



“Mandy? No clue who that is, but let's go see if they can play with fire for a while~” He joked, upon hearing Mr. Icarious' words. He'd nod at Asuka, as she offered to stay behind with Amice.

“I'd have you know my flames are highly controlled!” He'd state, snout pointing upwards with a bit of pride, which got hurt by being put in some sort of fire-proof area with water at the ready.

Upon being told to 'see what he got' he smiled. “Should I show you my coolest trick first or not? Such difficult questions~” He stated, deciding he would. He'd use [Magic E] as well as [Range F/Area of Effect F/Duration F and Targets F] along with [Fire Affinity F] to cause flames to erupt around him, then used [Selective F] to ensure they wouldn't burn anything. Having the fire take his own shape, just a lot larger. It'd look like there was a giant burning fox standing in the middle of the room. “Behold and be bedazzled; the true form of a Vulpix!”

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune , Elvario Elvario {Tahmuras}

"Yep, it was fun for me as well Cindy. And sorry for throwing your sword down, but sure let's take a break."
Replied Yufi to Cindy just seconds before she jumped off the tightrope, curious as to how she landed Yufi peaked down from the ropes, seeing as her landing was soft and nice Yufi decided to just walk off the rope. Falling just beside Cindy on one of the clouds.
"Did I say I could fall asleep on those clouds before? They are so comfy."
Giggled Yufi at herself, even her bed back in Widersia wasn't as comfy as this cloud, she could even feel her fatigue withering away and sleepiness started coming, but knowing she had stuff to do Yufi simply stood up from the clouds and walked up to Cindy with a hand outstretched towards her.
"Come Cindy, we can watch your brothers and Tahmuras training while we take our break."

With both of them off the very cozy and comfy clouds the two of them walked a bit before sitting down with both her brother Mandy and Tahmuras within their view, appreciating their little acts of magic.
"I have to say Cindy, I miss circus life. If not for my circumstances I might have even joined your troupe. Sadly it's not as simple as it used to be."
Yufi felt a small grumble in her stomach indicating she might want to eat a small snack right about now, so Yufi put her hand inside a small pouch on her waist taking out a ball-shaped light brownish with white dots cookie essentially. She popped one into her mouth by simply tossing it in, sure the taste was weird it was overwhelmingly sweet with some saltiness and sourness coming from pickled plums.
"Do you want one Cindy. They fill you up real quick it's just that their taste requires some getting used to. And while we are at it. Mind telling me some stories from your travels? Some nice looking places that I should visit in my travels? Or similar things?"

It was then that Tahmuras made a bigger representation of himself with fire, Yufi looked at it for a moment before yelling to him.
"Are you sure Tahmuras you ain't no [Kyuubi] or [Kumiho]?"

"Blrrbb blurrbb burlbb!" Simi was just floating there face down on the water for a few second after her failed dive. Maybe she's contemplating her life choice or swearing at the seal, who knows. Once she had enough drink, the fae jumped out of the water. Her clothes were dripping but she didn't look uncomfortable with it. Also, she's noticeably taller now, or rather, her hat was the one that got bigger.

"I guess not everyone can handle the future pirate king." She let out a loud laugh before addressing Amice's questions.

"Stop it right there, sometimes there's things that is better left unknown..." She lowered her voice replied cryptically, trying to sounds cool. Though actually she couldn't remember more than half of the gnome's questions so she just avoids all of it altogether. Well, almost all of it.

"Well, would you like to see the seals playing ball with each other?" That would probably be entertaining. Without waiting for answer Simi immediately grabbed another rubber ball and whistled to the seals.

|Bounce the ball with each other| She tossed the ball towards the seals.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario

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