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Finished [Ryke- Ryken, Slums] Not So Spooky Scary Skeleton


Roleplay Artist
RP Goal: Witch meet up with skeleton for possibility of familiar.

Time: Midday

Temperature: Warm

Place: Ryken, Ryke, Slums, Outside Cafe

Mention: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy


Iberis Odhir

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]"​

The slums were not exactly the place that Iberis had been expecting to be meeting someone, but she didn’t feel particularly uncomfortable with them because it was a place she grew to be very familiar with, doing odds and ends work here and there for people once she was released from the orphanage after aging out. She had certainly had a long journey since then, getting into the Ryken academy, and becoming much better at magic to the point where she finally felt like she could hold her own against more powerful threats..but there was always the prospect of getting even stronger which appealed to her.

As she stood outside of the building which was having a fair deal of activity she watched all sorts of people walk by on the slum streets, buildings which had seen better days all around..who knew maybe now that she was on a better path perhaps she’d need to come back and help some of these people out in a more meaningful way..living in these types of places was hardly a way to live, not sure when your next meal might be, or just scraping by, turning to petty crime or unspeakable deeds just to get enough coin to support yourself and or loved ones..

The economic disparity not lost on Iberis. Thankfully the even seedier types hadn’t come out yet since it wasn’t night so she doubted she’d need to deal with that, however she had already had some beggars come by while she waited, to which she had given some coin, unsure of what they were going to use it for, but she couldn’t help but feel somewhat empathetic.

When would this..person..who supposedly knew Kalina in some capacity? Show up. That was the main proof which got her to go, someone knowing who Kalina was and saying that she thought they should meet up had been compelling enough..regardless of whoever it was Iberis was prepared for, there weren't many who she needed to fear anymore after what she’d been through..so for now the witchy youth continued to wait quietly, trying not to bring a ton of attention to herself in lieu of not wanting unwanted attention.
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1718378989008.jpegThis awaited figure became visible over the crowd. Many of the denizens of the slums were shrouded for varying reasons, yet he stood out has a somber thing, quite thoroughly covered and his steps lacked weight. He could be mistaken for an apparition if it weren't broad daylight. That, and he was a half-head taller than the nearest pedestrian. Without an apparent glance around, he leaned down and took some precarious steps through the open doorway like someone late for an appointment -- without a timepiece for him to parcel each second of the day, his death grip on punctuality has slipped. Feelings swirled in his head, perhaps more than he had been used to recently, given his situation. Nerves, since he had no idea what she would think of him, regret at taking too long to mend his garment before coming -- though with the effect of having fewer holes, various attempts to reassure himself accompanied him. He captured an empty table near the wall with a soft thump, like dropping a cloth wrapped stone on it, and it squeaked a little when he turned to pull a canvas knapsack off of his shoulder to place it safely in his lap, warding it from pickpockets. It was unnatural how quickly he crossed the room, ghosting around patrons making for the door or entering just before him. Draping from the crown of his head, a tattered hood, less dirty than damaged, obscured his features, and the same black cloth wrapped his entire form. From the top of his knapsack, a long black metal cylinder jutted. It was dented and discolored, giving it a sweeping smoky texture. In some places the sanguine brown of rust was peeking out, in others the thin layer of proofing was chipped away a little to make it a dull gray, gently cupping the strong midday light beaming around the room through some little square windows punched out of the wall.

In good light, this place was more ramshackle than he remembered. The paint needed doing, and the plaster coating the inner walls was cracking just a little. Not that he was surprised, the fact that the structure stood at all was a miracle, though one he began to take for granted, as the Underbelly proper had unbelievably contorted buildings which spat at the laws of structural integrity. The table before him was comprised of wide, starving planks. Between the impossibly deep grain was deep natural grooving, trenches filled with ancient meals long deceased and lacquered here and there with alcohol stains. For some reason the place felt warm to him, though he had no use for that feeling any more, he imagined it would be quite warm indeed. His form was expansive, and his hood was wide and unbelievably dark, hiding his features. He was well over 6 feet tall and built like one of the shoddy beams holding the roof of this place above their heads.

Here, the server would not approach until called. Liu did something like close his eyes, retreating from his surroundings and relaxing his form against the back of the chair. It was as rough hewn as the table and the chair opposite to it didn't match. As dim as his senses became, the low din of the room, the assorted drunk passed out against a table. He had nothing to do other than wait.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
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Iberis Odhir

Mention: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

The witchy youth upon seeing the ever cloaked figure, realized they were looking a lot like what the letter had described they would look like. She didn't particularly want to call all that much attention to herself, or him based on what she had read from the sounds of everything. Nevertheless after waiting a respectable amount of time, she would head into the establishment which as expected had sorts of all kinds of seedy individuals in the more private areas of the establishment discussing all sorts of 'on the down low' activity no doubt that one wouldn't want someone in law enforcement to hear.

It wasn't lost on Iberis where this area had a connection too, even if she hadn't delved there herself, not after the incident with Renee..even if it had been a tempting prospect from what she heard as far as acquisition of power was concerned. After looking around at her surroundings Iberis was pretty careful not to linger on anyone too long lest they get the wrong idea she was trying to pry where she didn't belong. She would eventually see where he had gone and would make her way over and simply take the seat across from him, keeping her catalyst by her side at the table, leaning it, not terribly keen on being without it if they would run into any trouble.

She would then speak up, "Hello sir! I believe you're the one who provided me that letter, would that be correct? It looks like Kali told you about me. The name is Iberis Odhir, and I think you'll find what she told you is correct! I like to think I'm pretty knowledgable and open minded as far as who you are is concerned." She reassured with a smile, the bit of darkness her eyes probably a bit more pronounced in the lighting.

To demonstrate that she was serious about what she meant, feeling confident he was the right one she'd get up and expose to him some of her..more unusual legs, the one which was clearly that of a zombie which had sort of been patched worked together like one would a sewing project.

"If you want to appraise me of course, I have no problem with that either..anyway, should we get to discussing business then? I'd love to know more about you." She asked sounding cheery enough as she covered her undead leg once again, before taking her seat. If she was going to be working with someone it'd be good to hear from them from their perspective no doubt.
Liu stood when seeing her. They stood out as individuals and appeared ominous together, he reckoned, and he hoped it would afford them the public privacy that he came to this place for. Gesturing respectfully toward the chair, he seated at the same time she did and sat straight-backed in his chair, hands in his lap. He didn't have to introduce himself first thankfully. There was no doubt in his mind when he laid eyes on her, she is the one, what with the getup and the staff laden with body parts from dead creatures. If there were any doubt it was indeed dispelled when she showed him her leg. He had mixed feelings about that and the vacuous pool of darkness where his face would be visible lingered there for a moment. Unwillingly dragged back into his memories, he forced his gaze away and did his best to quell images of mud, harsh daylight streaming through smoke, groans of pain and delirium, unwelcome heat and the chewed up limbs of soldiers given to their cause, distant or nearby snaps and explosions. Or, in this case, the smell and appearance of the dead flesh strewn about like untended refuse.

He heard her but his mind took a moment to circle back. Attempting to yoke himself to the moment, he leaned forward and placed his arms over each other on the table, making a noise as though he cleared his throat. At this distance she should notice that his voice indeed seemed to lack direction, as though it weren't being funneled through a mouth.

"Iberis Odhir. Indeed, I shall not appraise you. I would not dream of being so crass. I trust our mutual friend and would like you to understand how delighted I am to learn of your existence. I am quite tired of living, or..." he paused, "existing the way I do. I lack certain aggressions that seem to so often be associated with me based upon my appearance, you see, I... remember much of the past. I have no interest in violence. I am an artist, in fact. True, I do have some capabilities outside of art, such as astonishing speed, I am experienced in navigation, both naval and tellurian, but I am no fighter. I was before, but not any more. I served my country, trying to destroy invaders in our land," he leaned back a little, draping his arms on the table now instead of leaning against them and withdrew a little.

A cloud outside roamed, casting its great shadow over the structure they found themselves in, and temporarily dimmed the room before passing, taking another moment of silence as it went, "well, that past is far away, and I will be content if it remains there,"he concluded in a somber tone

"Liu," he added as an afterthought, "you may call me Liu or Hydrangea -- I have been doing cartography and art nearby," he then pointed his finger down toward the table and gestured discreetly toward the ground under their feet, "well, I'm rather more established than I thought I would ever be, given the state of me," he chuckled. Finally leaning back, he seemed successful in shaking off the glum mood that set upon him at the beginning of his response.
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Iberis Odhir
Mention: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Iberis looked back at him curiously while she awaited some dialogue. She gave a small nod when he put himself back into the moment after his mind had gone some places, watching as he leaned forward and put his arms over each other on the table. She kept her position relatively the same, only shifting in her seat a bit at that point once she had resumed sitting across from him.

First she found his voice to most curious with it’s noticeable lack of focus, but it reminded her of some of the voices she had heard from undead creatures who had less than more flesh on them, but given how he obscured himself in such a way it was pretty difficult to tell exactly what he was supposed to be from an outsider’s perspective.

She gave him a small smile when he said he wouldn’t appraise her even though she had given him permission to do so. That was probably a nice sign to see that he trusted Kalina in such a way that he was willing to take her word for who Iberis was. Further more she was even more pleased to hear that he was rather positive about the fact that she was someone who actually existed.

However her smile did shift a bit to a slightly saddened look when he mentioned being tired of existing the way he did. She leaned in a bit when he paused, listening with intrigue. Lacking aggression which are associated with his appearance…indeed that sounded about right based on the sort of individual which Iberis understood to be meeting with from the letter. More interestingly unlike others he actually remembered the past well. Having no interest in violence? What a harsh world this was to be in if that was the case. Navigation could be useful, perhaps an artist’s skill set as well. By this point Iberis looked more positive again.

Indeed Liu was turning out to be quite interesting to Iberis.

“Hm..Well It’s nice to meet you Liu! That's all quite something..so you were a Soldier in the past and now you’re here, and you’re skilled in navigation on both the land and water and enjoy creating art. If you don’t mind me asking what sort of art do you like to create?”

Iberis did giggle a tad when he mentioned being more established, “I think I’ve met plenty who can relate to that, It's pretty miraculous I've gotten as far as I have and it just cost me my original leg."

“And it’s actually great to hear you mention Cartography, I think I’ll actually be in need of a map sooner rather than later of..at least a portion of a most unusual large pocket dimension like space of sorts in the near future, and I could certainly use someone with Navigation and Cartography skills, It’s all a bit of a long story for the reason why, but I would like to restore this place and make it more inhabitable and I’m sure a..map would come in handy for many.”
"I am at your service," he bowed his head a little, continuing, "when it comes to art, I employ my skills with maps and representing things as they appear. I cannot depict imaginary things so easily, I am most concerned with appearance, information, or hypostasis. You might say my art is utilitarian in its nature. I am not familiar with this term 'pocket dimension,' could you elaborate?"

He lacked the context to understand what she might have been referring to with the word dimension. He knew the term dimension in related to the dimensions (plural) of an object, that is, the components of its volume. Or maybe it had something to do with clothing -- but if this individual needed his help to map out the pocket of an article of clothing, he would begin to doubt this course of action. No, that is not the explanation. He figured next it might have something to do with magic. Indeed, he has already awakened to magic. It was an experience to be sure, a hidden thing unfolded itself to him and his view of the world changed at its foundation. He was told at the gate of the academy that he would have to be familiar to someone, he assumed someone magical, to be allowed to roam freely. It confused him since he had no idea what system they would have in place to keep track of that kind of thing. On that note, it may be another magical idea. What a complicated tendency, he mused.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Iberis Odhir

Mention: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

“Well that sounds really..intriuging actually! I’d love to see one of your maps then at some point, I imagine they’d look quite beautiful based on what you’re describing.” She replied with a soft smile, before
Iberis nodded and continued , “I guess It’s not hard to understand why someone who isn’t all so..occupied with learning about magic might not know much about pocket dimensions.” She said with a small soft smile.

“The term, ‘pocket dimension’ in this case refers to an area of space which can be accessed through magic, specifically a book, sort of like a small scale area which contains its own climate, geography, and in this case the one I’m talking about..I guess you’d call them..wildlife? In a sort of ..wasteland like area.”

“Anyway I hope that explanation makes a bit more sense, it’s like a space within a space which can usually only be accessed through specific means. I am actually uncertain how large this space is, but what I do know is that once I restore it, there are individuals there as well as magical artifacts and the like which could be quite valuable, not to mention knowledge which may not have been seen in many years. I think it would be worth to restore the site..because unfortunately the last time I was there the culminating events resulted in it’s destruction as well as the loss of my..leg as you can tel..and it’s a long story, but it was unavoidable given the circumstances, thankfully we were able to return to this dimension..but I want to make things right again, I think that the intrigue and potential of this dimension is great..and what it yields can be used for good instead of evil.”

“The main point I'm trying to get at Liu, is that if i want to restore this dimension and explore it, having a cohesive map for myself and those who accompany me would be a great asset, particularly if, I am able to do something more with it, maybe create a place for others like me…and yourself! Where you wouldn’t have to worry as much and maybe get to do what you want with others. It sounds like based on your skillset you’d be the perfect person to help assist with that sort of task, I’d be more than happy to have you, and of course there’d be other things for you to do and assist with after the fact if you’d like to stay with me.”
Iberis finished with a small smile, looking at him in a rather friendly way. Hearing he was at her service was reassuring but she wanted to reaffirm that she fully supported his free will to do as he pleased.
"Shall we brief here, or would you prefer to go over this information elsewhere," he asked idly. Now he was resting his chin on his hand. Something about the way she spoke of it made it seem more like a room. In the world, one can travel many places by a continuous line that may be traveled with help, but this sounded like a place you have to travel to by walking through an opened door, so to speak. To his surprise, she broached the subject of his eventual desire. A place for those reviled by some unfortunate contemporary norms. Thanatophobia is natural to living things, even more permissible than the xenophobic tendencies which grip the unenlightened from time to time through history, by Liu's estimation. Nonetheless, in seeking solace for his current position, he found that community is absolutely necessary. His entire life was spent in service to something external, though he understood that leaving that behind is for the best, to break from it abruptly might have dire long-term consequences. Often he wonders if other creatures of his sort start out with memories, and if they do, how they wind up shambling around in some dank crypt.

Stories from the war, about prisoners, their treatment, and their condition afterward, indeed some of the things his ilk had done in retaliation to prisoners taken, left little doubt in his mind that there is an avenue to becoming a mindless beast even for those wrapped still in flesh and blood. Were he bidden to describe his own path to becoming deranged and truly dangerous, isolation and revilement would be at the first and second spots. Following in that list, the dull senses, the inability to carry out biological functions, the needlessness of food and water, and sleep, all forcing him to question not just the purpose of those functions but if there were some kind of subtle effect on the mind, something to keep it stable in some way. Every moment he spent in phatics was like food to him, but even deeper, the muting of feedback from the body seemed to unmoor his mind, and the times when he drifts into his memories or imagination, without the feeling of the air on skin and food in his mouth, the rhythm of the day, time wanted to bleed into a gel which grew more sabulous to his soul each moment it lingered in his empty skull without something to pull him away. Like a yawning hole, he skirted around the condition in his own thoughts with the feeling that metacognition regarding this condition would not help. Though he didn't want to tell her initially, he would do whatever it took to come back into the light, even if it's under someone whose legitimacy might be questioned due to some disfigurement or knowledge considered profane (and someone who was probably far younger than him; that little spark played in the back of his mind).
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Iberis Odhir

Mention: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Iberis looked over at him like she was in thought, before replying, “I think I know of a space we can go to, cause when you say it like that..it might be better if this next bit is a bit more discreet. That is if you don’t mind the walk.”

She finally decided. She would stand herself up, staff in hand and gesture for him to follow. She made her way over toward a counter in the space, and would place some coin on the table, before she’d gesture up stairs beyond the main dining level, “Would it be possible for us to borrow a room?” and the person behind the counter, a on the shorter side gnome looking individual without saying a word accepted the coin and pulled out what looked like a dark metallic key and slid it over.

She’d then give a nod, “Thank you kindly.”

“I grew up enough around this area to know that a lot of these sorts of places at least have a room or two which allow for more..private conversations.”
She assured Liu. Particularly when they were this close to an underbelly connection, these sorts of areas, she had spoken to people in these sorts of rooms about jobs which were..debatably a bit shadier when she had been growing up, not enough to warrant criminal titles but some things she had done may have assisted in the grand scheme of things when she was on the streets surviving.

She’d gesture for Liu to follow before heading up stairs, hold the key and heading into a backroom type space which seemed to appear for the pair, nobody else really paying them mind, in the room was a decently lit space with an oil lamp burning of sorts, with a square wooden table and plain wooden chairs.

The walls weren’t particularly decorated nor was there a window to the outside. She would secure the door behind them, before taking note there was definitely some sound dampening magic at play on the doors and walls.

“Yeah..this is about what I was expecting.”

She’d take a seat on one of the plain chairs, and presumed Liu would take one at the same table, and she would continue when he was ready.

“So you see, the way we access this pocket dimension realm is though the use of a most peculiar magic book, one which I believe Kalina could be of great assistance in us getting there..What makes this realm more tolerable for those of us who are..perhaps less alive than others is that there are undead and beasts in this realm, whom I believe could possibly be worked with, I have a feeling they aren’t all monstrous..I mean the skeletons which I spoke too there were friendly enough..even if Renee told me they were just stalling for time..at least part of the population can be reasoned with! And there were slug beings too..a-anyway, I think it could be a good place to set up a base of operations, a place where those can escape the judgment of this realm and get stronger, use their abilities for good things..I know it’s sort of a risky task, but It would be great help if you would like to assist in this endeavor and of course there’d be things to do after too, plenty to develop and doing things here too I imagine.”

“Thankfully I’ve gotten a lot stronger in my magic, and I have Auldlich with me..he’s a necromancer, but not the bad kind, you see he gave me the leg i showed you, but gave me a great deal of knowledge on necromancery..and sometimes he communicates with me and he’s familiar with this realm too, having part of him with me I think means that he’d rather see that I thrive..since by extension part of him is, at least that’s what I like to think.”

“Anyway If you decide you want to come, I think we should prepare to go there, and we should make contact with Kalina again, I think it’d be something she’d be open to helping with too, Scyllla also if she’s available would be nice.”

“I know it’s a lot to take in, but I really do think mapping this area with it’s natural resources and occurring structures and peoples could be a very..fruitful task. If you have any questions about any of it, of course I'll try to answer to the best of my ability.”
Liu nodded silently to her request and rose to his full height to follow. Confusedly he looked between the key and the stairs, an odd feeling of being enlightened but unsurprised. He learned also of her being familiar with this area. When they passed through an ominous hallway paneled with a washed-out wood, he could have sworn that it twisted along its length. The planks they tred upon squeaked with their steps, Liu made an effort to be even quieter than usual since the place looked like somewhere to get stabbed. It reminded him of a section of a bombed out opium hole, though notably without the gaping holes and smoldering ashes. Nonetheless, she found their room and he noted its seclusion. Reassured by the lack of pallet or bed, he eventually concluded this place was not for illicit substance use and took a seat across from her. Resting in the chair, he noticed a feeling of coldness emanating from the walls and tugged on his garments to tighten them up, though it didn't help. It didn't bother him unto distraction, however, and once she finished speaking, he nodded slowly for a few seconds, but remained silent long after that gesture was finished. A relatively long silence which he broke with the sound of a deep breath.

"I must confess I have met someone with similar goals far sooner than I had expected. I also wish for community and peace. This means a little civilization of the dead and monstrous," he paused for a chuckle before continuing eventually, "but I am afraid that this is all doomed -- not this endeavor specifically. We appear to have a team. I know Kalina to be capable, we were against difficult opponents to be sure. A necromancer... I am unfamiliar with this word as well but it is either someone who is familiar with death as a tool or one who courts the dead, either way a boon."

He drew off his hood and pulled away the veil to reveal his visage, a well polished skull. For now he staved off the urge to paint himself. Sighing as though relieved, though his jaw did not move with the sound, he reached up and drew a finger across his jaw, a pensive gesture, and his voice emanated from between his mandibles as though it were pronounced from invisible lips. His jaw did not move while he spoke, "you must realize that this entire endeavor suffers from an issue of legitimacy. Trying to tame monsters? Reason with the beasts battering the gates? It will draw their disgust and stoke their egotism. Surely there are powerful individuals who should like to bury this, and maybe you with it, should they ever find out. I will assume they -- these hypothetical figureheads -- would assume they can only benefit from drawing the public eye, making a villain out of you. Hm."

He considered for a moment longer before summarizing, "what I am implying is that this entire philosophy of yours sounds unsustainable. How are you going to make sure that we do not all get rounded up and put down for our divergent thinking? I mean no insult to our mutual dark lady with or to you, but you, a half-zombie... freak," he let out reluctantly, "her, whose secret must one day be revealed -- it is inevitable that the vicissitudes of court life will bring to her an apocalypse, which we would ill-afford as connected with her, and some necromancer? Are they well-regarded? Then there is me. I'm just a tired old soldier in the body of a beast. What are you going to do when they try to round us up in an inquisition and put us all to the torch?"

He turned his head to the side, a little ashamed to act so rudely toward her. His jaw ground a little bit. However, this is the very question which broke him from his own plans. Indeed, he felt oddly compelled to start a community of those like him, to keep him grounded and out of sympathy. However, any community must compete with others, and he had no doubt in his mind this illustrious bastion of learning and economy would feel no compunction whatsoever washing him and his ilk away, striking his existence from history, touting it briefly as a victory, then hastily forgetting about it forever. Though he had ideas of his own, he darkly awaited her response.
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Time: Midday

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: Ryken,Slums, Inside Cafe, Backroom, Ryke

Iberis Odhir
Mention: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Iberis raised a brow when he said he was afraid it was all doomed from the start, not the excursion apparently but her overall goal, as she listened politely and diligently to what he was saying.

She’d see his polished skull look and would not react in any sort of surprise, perhaps on account of already seeing so many undead, keeping things respectful. It was most curious how he was able to speak despite the lack of visible movement, perhaps there was magic to explain it in some capacity.

She didn’t appear particularly bothered when he called her a half zombie freak, it was sort of true after all with the way Auldlich had taken one of his undead arms and turned it into a leg for her, using the art of grafting on her leg. But nevertheless she was ready to answer his questions, in thought before she responded.

“My plan is multi-pronged. Firstly I have seen some of the creatures of the realm I speak of and I do strongly believe there’s the capacity for reasoning particularly if it’s a mutually beneficial agreement. Secondly, this operation and development of the realm would be conducted in utter secrecy, only those who have proven themselves and are deemed to possess certain qualities which suggest a certain compatibility with our..vision would be allowed to enter into..what’s a good word for it..Coven? Yeah I think that term fits pretty well.”

“Only those sincerely trusted deemed serviceable for the Coven would be made aware of this place’s existence. As far as I know there’s only one book which allows for entry, I have not seen a duplicate, which makes it extra secure.”

However for the latter point which Iberis made, she suddenly looked a deal more serious as she went into thought before responding.

“Thirdly, It’s simple. I’ve learned a great deal about necromancercy from the wealth of knowledge Auldlich possesses, you must understand he existed around the time the first Sultan of Ryke did, so he has spent many, many years experiencing being a powerful magic caster and being undead himself. He'd be well known to any historian as far as..being well connected I suppose that's a bit questionable..to say the least."

"As your concerns are not unfounded, for our security, early on once we have secured a workable portion of this place for our own, I will work on leveraging a great army if I must. And with that army, if I must use it and they won't surrender, I'll do my best to decisively destroy whoever threatens my allies and friends, so that whoever desires to pursue us, won’t dare cross our path again.”
She said the latter part coldly. All things considered, given that Iberis was A grade, and she had access to quite high grade magic, the statement would not be unfounded. “Renee taught me that sometimes fighting for what you believe in and what you want to achieve is necessary…”

“I do understand that my solutions to these problems you mention are not foolproof, but acting with great discretion will work to our advantage, the idea will be to gain a great deal of strength before any of those more problematic parties even have a chance to possibly catch onto the existence of what we’ve started..so I do understand if the risk of it all deters you from wanting to partake but..I have faith that if we put in the work, we can make this aspiration a reality.”
Liu moved his hand to cover his teeth while she spoke, nodding silently. With the other hand, he waved off the beginning of her last paragraph.

"Nothing is proofed against a fool, neither in execution by one nor from an assault by one. I recall there is a magical tradition where I come from in which the fool is the most powerful, and I think there is some truth to that, as wry as it seems," he pontificated, falling into silence once more to think.

"Well, it is enough for me that you've already considered it. I beg your pardon; your height and features do not make it clear to me what age you have achieved, and I wanted to be sure you were no little girl playing at these things. I am more than satisfied -- just know that when this enterprise breaks into public contest, I will doggedly pursue every avenue that avoids violence, and I will oppose every move you make in the direction thereof. But, for now, I know that I will be an asset to you if you can forgive my rudeness," and with that he stood.

"First Sultan of Ryke, huh?" he quipped curiously. The boards groaned under him as he stood and he gathered his hood in his hand.
Time: Midday

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: Ryken, Slums, Inside Cafe, Backroom, Ryke

Mention: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Iberis Odhir

Iberis pondered Liu’s words, when he spoke. “A..powerful fool? Magic tradition huh? Well I’m certainly one to enjoy learning about new magic and the traditions associated with them..knowledge is power after all.” She’d simply assert, that was a reasonable statement knowledge could literally be power in their world given the magic which people was capable of.

Iberis would give a bit of a giggle at the next part. “I’m not a little girl anymore, I swear! I aged out of the orphanage awhile ago, I don’t..know exactly when my birthday is but as far as I know I’ve reached nineteen years of age.” She responded.

“And that’s not counting the leg haha, that’s..probably really old when I think about it, I mean it used to be part of Auldlich and all..would you uh..like to meet Auldlich by any chance?, you could right here..I think pretty soon if you wanted."

She was glad to hear that he hadn’t given up on her given the issues he had raised.

“Of course, I’d prefer to avoid it too..But I’m not sure if I can if in doing so it’s at the cost of those I care about, with that said I understand your position, you’ve made it clear.”

“And it’s no problem! I get it I’m..not exactly what people would call normal.”

“Uhuh! That’s what my understanding was, the guy and his wife, way before Ryke got the current system of governance it has now..unfortunately even they couldn’t save Renee.”
Iberis said, sounding and looking a bit visibly sadder toward the latter line.

“But it shouldn’t matter much they’re all long gone..the people who we fought against from then…well except for Auldlich but not in..the same way which he was…” She said trying to word it to the best of her ability, since it was..odd that she was [Grafted] and she still didn’t entirely understand how it all worked.
"I should meet this person. He is part of the team after all," he affirmed evenly, lowering his lonesome hood over his face and rolling his neck a little so that it relaxed into a good position. He loomed about the middle of the room, holding his gaze toward some corner of the room, away from her. A pensive, gloved hand rubbed the back of his neck absently. Thinking of the clattering of carts outside and the pattering of countless footsteps, pedestrians going about their busy work, eating, sleeping, loving, feeling the sun on their skin. This town, surrounded by greenery for leagues, and from there an ocean teeming with life to be sure. All around was bright and sthenic, or sylvan or dreamy, nonetheless it was all alive. He is not of that, he is pale bone animated, dreamless, fleshless. Salient in his sudden regret was that age of hers, like an early death, crossing into the underworld in all but spirit. He wondered if she felt abandoned by the living too. He felt that way before he died, and he found humor in his own actions: crawling back to them having missed their company. Her choice was made. He was fighting at her age too.

"... is there a pendent to wear or seal to carry? It was indicated to me that becoming 'familiar' to someone magical would allow me to not be destroyed on sight while walking around in the open,"
he requested, recalling next the merciful dwarf who clocked him at the gate and chose not to destroy him on sight. It is important to be earnest indeed. At least Liu could be confident he had some kind of vulnerable charm about him. A vulnerability he figured it was about time to shed, now that there are a couple others who might use him for a little while. He would not mind lending himself to her, as she had a certain competence about her, a quality he appreciates, no matter how sad he finds it that she wants to hang out with him.
Time: Midday

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: Ryken, Slums, Inside Cafe, Backroom, Ryke

Mention: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Iberis Odhir

“Very well then..and uh about the familiar bit I think his knowledge could probably help with telling me how to officiate you becoming my familiar if that’s what you’d like!, once you have the title, the person who told that is right, since you wouldn’t be seen as an out of control monster but instead serving someone like myself who would be capable of..keeping you on good behavior, as unfair as it is, since..knowing that Kalina thinks well of you I’m sure you’d never do anything like that to begin with..but it would definitely put people at a peace of mind if we did just that and made things official.”

“Just need to focus..and he’ll be right with us.”
Iberis then on the spot closed her eyes and looked like she was going into a deep focus and..after some time and effort It wouldn’t be before long that her [Grafted] nature came to benefit them, as suddenly a somewhat transparent tall corpse of a bishop who looked like he was missing one of his four arms seemed to walk out of her, next to the table they were sitting at.

“So Liu this is Audllich, Auldlich meet Liu.” She eventually said a bit bashfully.


“Salutations So I see you’ve taken an interest in my most esteemed apprentice! I knew right along it was inevitable before she dabbled more in my expertise.. Afterall it’s tempting when you have a [Necromancy Almanac] in your head.” He’d snicker a bit darkly.

“Unfortunately as you can see I’m not here..entirely physically in presence, I am but part of myself within Iberis..projected here, but it is nice to meet you nevertheless Liu! I can tell you from reading her thoughts that she thinks highly of you so far. And I must say you seem a deal more sophisticated than a common skeleton which I approve of, she’s more than capable of working with the common sort after all I think you’ll soon find.”

Auldich would move one of his large undead arms out and levitate something that sort of looked like a piece of parchment and dip pen over to the table, as if by magic and set it between them.

“Now then from what i heard you wish to officiate your status as Iberis’ familiar, if you’d like to do it here it’d be a good as any place to do it and It’s simple enough, I can guide her in what symbol she needs to make, what sort of magic she needs to exude and when and what she needs to say for it to be formalized as well as what you need to do on you end. I can assure you the terms of the contract will be transparent so if you would like to ask me any questions and or begin this process shortly, I am at your service.” Auldlich concluded. The ball was back in Liu’s court for what they did next.
Liu inclined his head and shoulders toward the lich. It is an odd figure striding into the room from someone else, but the myriad of forms inhabiting this world are gradually leaving him less and less in awe each time something completely fantastical appears in front of his face. Reassuming his usual comity, he listened intently to the individual while looking him in the face -- not that it was completely clear where he was 'looking' exactly without any eyes or facial structure to speak of. Respectfully he placed his arms stiff by his side and fell into the deathly stillness only pulseless creatures are capable of, considering the words for a moment before stirring once more for some questions.

"What precisely does this contract require us to sacrifice? Does it come at some cost to your strength, your energy, or perhaps my energy? Naturally there is a cost in the form of freedom, but I have no qualms about that," he wondered. Boards complained as he stepped carefully toward the old fashioned stationery, 'swallowing' a quip related to the anachronistic setup. After all, he was using a dirty wooden paintbrush and gritty and unfortunate pigments. Not exactly the state of the art in his domaine either. A fountain pen was hardly to be expected, from either of them. Surprisingly, he had no further questions regarding the [Necromancy Almanac]. It was intuitive for him that if someone were to choose a vocation, should there be a fountain of knowledge for that field all bound up into one tome, it is a matter of course that one ought to memorize it cover to cover, and he let his assumptions leave it at that.
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Time: Midday

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: Ryken, Slums, Inside Cafe, Backroom, Ryke

Mention: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy


While Liu was more of a skeleton sort it was pretty apparent that Auldlich was more of the zombie sort or perhaps a living corpse, which as Iberis had described had been around for many many years, perhaps preserved by his immense understanding of the dark arts.

Nevertheless It wasn’t Auldlich exactly in the flesh as he had described but he would do what he could to assist their situation from the sound of things.

“You will both offer part of your unique energy up as sacrifice. Do not worry, this will not have any long term detrimental effect, you may just feel weaker for a short period of time and it this personal energy will come back within due time, but it is essential to power the contract, in addition Iberis will give some of her blood to officiate it...and no offense intended but I do not believe you or Iberis will need to give all too much to secure a familiar such as yourself at your current strength..but the good news is that I sense that you have a great potential from within Liu..one which I believe will be most beneficial to not only you aspirations, but Iberis’ as well.”

At the mention of the blood Iberis would reach into her sash and pull out a curvy blade dagger with a black handle on it, the same one she had used to draw blood for Kalina before, a bit surprised to find it there.

“Now then you will be entering into a contract, where you, Liu, will serve Iberis as her familiar, and do your utmost to assist her and carry out her will. Meanwhile You Iberis, will serve as Liu’s mistress, your responsibility is to ensure that he is properly taken care of, and has what he needs to thrive and fulfill his part of the contract. I do hope that this all sounds reasonable enough, yes?”

Iberis Odhir

“Of course! I have no intention of being a neglectful familiar owner, if you’re going to work with me Liu it’s only fair that you get what you need and can live in comfort, particularly if you’re going to be going in and helping me with important work, so if you need anything that might be hard to get yourself, just let me know.” She’d say with a smile.

Should Auldlich get confirmation that they both understood he would direct Iberis what symbol to make on the parchment with the pen and ink, it was most..peculiar and occult looking, like from dark arts magic of many years ago, It looked like the corpse Bishop would guide her in the process and what order to draw the symbol..after some time when it was complete, he would instruct her to take the dagger which Iberis would..

And she would prick her finger, wincing a tad and place her blood on the seal where Auldich told her too.

He would then look to Liu,

“Directly below where Iberis made her mark, Liu I want you to write the following..in doing so you will be consenting to giving part of your unique energy up for the contract” Auldich would make his way over with the dip pen, and inkwell, and shift the document over to him before he would guide him to make the following marks:

I ᓭ∴ᒷᔑ∷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᓭᒷ∷⍊ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ╎リ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ʖᒷᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹⎓ ᒲ|| ᔑʖ╎ꖎ╎ℸ ̣ || ʖᒷ||𝙹リ↸ ᒲ|| ↸ᒷᔑℸ ̣ ⍑ ᔑリ↸ ╎リ ᒲ|| リᒷ∴ ꖎ╎⎓ᒷ

“Iberis already gave consent when she made the contract and signed in her blood..once you complete those marks the seal will be mutually agreed upon and you both will feel a strange sensation for a bit..as I described.”
"Naturally," he responded to her reassurance. Easier said than done. To Auldlich's explanation he offered a solemn nod, ideas flitting through his mind with regard to his obstinant independence. Not socially, or else he would not even be here, rather, he became acutely aware of his wish to be the giver of labor and sustenance but did not quite enjoy being the receipient of care and affection. Negotiating with this flaw of his, he made a silent pact with himself to not cause unwarranted work on his behalf. To be as useful and reliable as he had been in life. Though it netted him no permanent gratitude then, and in the end his passing was lonesome and quiet, like the old house it happened in, walls obscured by curling vines and listless, half-lidded windows who swallowed light and offered no gleam in return. To be unwilling to maintain a relationship with others unless one could be the sole providing force in all things is a path to being alone.

That and more sinking gently through his mind, he reached for the quill and before signing, carefully held the quill above the page for a moment. There were a few restrictions that came to mind, and he felt it was too soon. After all, once he signs this alien contract comprised of symbols he scarcely understood, his soul could be snapped up by this man, or her. She could cackle belligerently and force him to murder everyone downstairs, putting on an act this whole time. If he were honest with himself he would admit that he has no problem doing less than savory things. The lawful reuires the unlawful, the good requires the evil. 'Under heaven, grand affairs long divided must be united, and those long united must divide.'

"Forgive me for the implications of this addendum, but having just met you I must voice two restrictions," he began, withdrawing his quill momentarily, but holding it ready, "I must not be compelled to an action which would make me the proximal cause of the death of a living thing -- no... rather, I must not be compelled to an action which would make me the proximal cause of the destruction of anything capable of agapé. And I must not be compelled to an action which serves the sole purpose of humiliating me," he requested cautiously, gently inclining his head toward Iberis.

With his requests voiced, he placed quill to paper and made the alien markings, feeling darkness crowd in around the edges of his vision as a little bit of him, drawn out by the mere act, this little dingy room sanctified by them, one willfully intwining their will to another, flowed into the talisman of that pact floating gently before them, officiated by an ancient being.

I ᓭ∴ᒷᔑ∷ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ᓭᒷ∷⍊ᒷ ||𝙹⚍ ╎リ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ʖᒷᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹⎓ ᒲ|| ᔑʖ╎ꖎ╎ℸ ̣ || ʖᒷ||𝙹リ↸ ᒲ|| ↸ᒷᔑℸ ̣ ⍑ ᔑリ↸ ╎リ ᒲ|| リᒷ∴ ꖎ╎⎓ᒷ
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Time: Midday

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: Ryken, Slums, Inside Cafe, Backroom, Ryke

Mention: Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

Iberis Odhir

Iberis would smile at his ‘naturally’. She listened attentively when he explained what his additional conditions that he wanted before agreeing to the contract. Not wanting to be made to cause the death of anything capable of unconditional love? Or perhaps capable of love. He also did not want to do anything which sole purpose which was humiliating him. Those didn’t seem like unreasonable terms. Iberis knew full well that he didn’t know her the best, but she hoped that Kalina’s good word would help him to see that she generally tried to do her best to be good particularly after being steered the right direction, post Renee.

“Of course I’m fine with those terms, I wouldn’t imagine humiliating you just because or forcing you to kill against your wishes. Honestly I hope there won’t be a time where I require you to help me take another life that’s capable of loving, that would suggest a dark time indeed..” Iberis said sounding a bit more serious for a moment, before she continued,

“Please reflect his wishes in the document.” She’d then say to Auldlich, who wouldn't reply but would nod, looking like he was quite focused, who would guide Iberis’ hand in etching in some more symbols on the parchment presumably to reflect that Liu could not be compelled to do either of those things if it was against his wishes. This took place while he guided Liu to make the marks as well.

After this process was complete suddenly Iberis and Liu were both partially enveloped by a purplish dark miasma which sprung forth as the markings and writings on the parchment seemed to light up with a purple glow, and move on the page, both Iberis and Liu would feel like something deep within was being pulled toward some higher force, that 'personal energy' being taken as a form of tribute, but just as Auldlich had said the feeling would not last long given the fact Liu in his current state was not a particularly difficult one to make a familiar.

Both would feel a bit tired when the ordeal was over, and the parchment would float up before it stopped being lit up, and just like that..Auldlich was nowhere to be seen once again.

After Iberis took a breather she’d continue, “If you don’t mind letting me appraise you Liu, I should be able to see if it really worked based on your titles.”

IF he should he agree she’d check and her eyes would light up, “Congratulations Liu! You have a title marking you as my familiar, now those pesky dark orbs shouldn't care if you come through settlements!, and people shouldn’t try to attack you on sight once they find out what you are!” She said cheerily with a smile getting up quickly and coming over and taking his hand excitedly
"Truly, I do not feel negatively about your appraisal of me. I prefer not to employ this phenomenon; where I come from we have not often employed it, and it is already easy to judge a book by its cover. I imagine it is even more tempting to judge a book by its Table of Contents," he returned, allowing her to grab him. Though his face was expressionless, he looked curiously at her sudden contact, wondering what prompted it. In spite of his dedication to being impassive even among the tiny ensemble of features allowing for any expression at all, a quizzical comportment possessed his head, shoulders, and seemed disjointed from his speech. While peering at her touch curiously, he added, "and I am happy to become familiar to you, and also to become familiar with you in absence of my own appraisal. So far I am impressed with you, and happy to learn you are with me. I will be sure to apprise you of my projects as well. But for now, there seems to be an objective ahead of us. Shall we get to work?"

With that he stepped aside, her hand still attached to him, not wide but long, the dimensions of an elf, the angular skull of one as well, and he swept his other hand across the room, gesturing toward the door. Just at the same time he made a decision. The weight of responsibility and station settled back down on his shoulders, pushing his wordless thoughts into the void where his stomach once was. Pleasantly distracting from the gross drama of accepting a role in this odd realm, he wondered how he should begin appointing himself -- in terms of clothing.
(Suggestion post late, RP ended awhile ago, forgot to mark as complete, added now)

Narrator Reward Suggestion:

Fei Liu:

Optional Title Acquired [Familiar of Iberis Odhir]
Regardless of racial tree, title holder is seen as a familiar belonging to Iberis Odhir and is free to enter places where familiars are allowed in society.

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