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Fandom RWBY without RWBY- Grimm Uprising OOC [CLOSED]

BoilingWriter BoilingWriter Eh it's alright, I can understand being engrossed in an RP. Just to give some clarification I often am logged in via my phone and generally don't log out, so my phone leaves me logged in for the majority of the day nine times outta ten even while I'm at work. So generally that's why, even though it shows I'm online, I may not give a reply right away due to needing to pay bills.
10:45 AM...Why?

Just curious is all! It's just past 11 pm where I'm at.

BoilingWriter BoilingWriter Eh it's alright, I can understand being engrossed in an RP. Just to give some clarification I often am logged in via my phone and generally don't log out, so my phone leaves me logged in for the majority of the day nine times outta ten even while I'm at work. So generally that's why, even though it shows I'm online, I may not give a reply right away due to needing to pay bills.

Ah, the bills. My worst enemy.
Ive done that exact thing, dont sweat it, and sounds good, or if everyone is comfortable with continuing depending on how fast things prgress.
Okay, then because of a number of people seeming to be done with the emerald forest test, I will probably end it tomorrow or the day after. I have a lot of work this weekend, and then I have a vacation that does not include wifi Tuesday and Wednesday, so we will have to see about maintaining this RP through then. For now, the emerald forest test is still going on. Have more Grimm attack, fall into a hole, find a freaking DeathStalker. I have faith in you all keeping yourselves entertained in a forest full of enemies.
Okay, then because of a number of people seeming to be done with the emerald forest test, I will probably end it tomorrow or the day after. I have a lot of work this weekend, and then I have a vacation that does not include wifi Tuesday and Wednesday, so we will have to see about maintaining this RP through then. For now, the emerald forest test is still going on. Have more Grimm attack, fall into a hole, find a freaking DeathStalker. I have faith in you all keeping yourselves entertained in a forest full of enemies.
;-; Thank you senpai I shall reply with awesome problem that will get us entertained
TyVibes TyVibes

I'm so sorry for the very late reply. I just got back from a family vacation a few days ago and am only now getting back into rping again. My next post should be longer hopefully. :)

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