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Fandom RWBY without RWBY- Grimm Uprising OOC [CLOSED]

So, in working the team names to make colors, I can basically make three team names that make sense, and one that doesn't. I guess that's just how it's going to be... ^^'
The pairings will be announced in this chat, but the teams will be announced in the actual RP. I have picked them all out already, so be on the lookout!!
The pairings will be announced in this chat, but the teams will be announced in the actual RP. I have picked them all out already, so be on the lookout!!
Just to be sure, those who play two characters are not going to be on the same team right?
UPDATE: the starter for the initiation has been posted. I will be posting the pairings in a minute or two (I need time to find everyone's usernames). After I post the pairings, you may begin.
UPDATE: These are the sightings from the woods. After you make your first sighting, you can see other pairs or have big groups to fight in, but this HAS TO BE THE FIRST PERSON YOU SEE. Have fun!

Titanium will see Tohora. ( Theo713 Theo713 & SecretRock SecretRock )
Beryl will see Yin. ( Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight & TyVibes TyVibes )
Steila will see Paz. ( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod & BoilingWriter BoilingWriter )
Lila will see Zand. ( SecretRock SecretRock & Ghost Toast Ghost Toast )
Robin will see Sapphire. ( Nooguy Nooguy & BoilingWriter BoilingWriter )
Violet will see Yale. ( Pumpkid Pumpkid & Astralworks Astralworks )
Oracle will see Atomic. ( The Silver Crow The Silver Crow & Pumpkid Pumpkid )
Yami will see Cuprum. ( Thepotatogod Thepotatogod & RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan )
Im going to be away from home for awhile so if its alright... Id like to reply then... Sorry for any inconvenience
Im going to be away from home for awhile so if its alright... Id like to reply then... Sorry for any inconvenience
It's alright. I plan on the test lasting a few days. That way people can see how their pairings work together and then how that pairing will work with others.

Keep in mind everyone, the teams are already decided (and the pairings list was randomized so the teams aren't obvious from it. Haha! Nice try you sneaky butts!), so even if your pair gets along really well with another pair, it won't effect the final teams. Feel free to group up, though! -so long as you've already seen your partner.
Okay, my emerald forest starter was super long. Yours don't have to be anywhere near that long, I just wanted to include all the details! Feel free to begin posting whenever!

And, btw Thepotatogod Thepotatogod and Nooguy Nooguy , I have to go to work soon and will not be back for... Probably 6 to 8 hours. Apologies for that. But as soon as I get home, I will get right back to this. Thanks in advance for (hopefully) being understanding, and I will see you all when I get back!
Lemme rephprase that:
I've been online for like 60 seconds and see you haven't replied to me even though you're online. You could have just now got online but I am a demanding child so I want to know why you didn't reply to me first thing Nooguy Nooguy
--In other words, sorry for being a brat sometimes... times like just now
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod I understand that Steila has a jetpack, but the figurines are going to be deep, deep in the woods, and while there is a clearing ahead of the temple, you should not be able to see it until you are directly over it. I would not like to think that the initiation would not be as simple as flying over to the figurines and finishing the task... Please, try not to godmod!
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod I understand that Steila has a jetpack, but the figurines are going to be deep, deep in the woods, and while there is a clearing ahead of the temple, you should not be able to see it until you are directly over it. I would not like to think that the initiation would not be as simple as flying over to the figurines and finishing the task... Please, try not to godmod!
Whoops. Let me edit that then.
Whoops. Let me edit that then.

To be fair, in reading the others' posts, a lot of people seem to "see the temple". Since it has been done a few times, I'll just ask that a) you meet a few Grimm on the way and b) that while you see the temple, you are not close enough to see the figurines. Just trying to keep it interestin' folks!

(And sorry for getting a little salty with ya, Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ^^' )
To be fair, in reading the others' posts, a lot of people seem to "see the temple". Since it has been done a few times, I'll just ask that a) you meet a few Grimm on the way and b) that while you see the temple, you are not close enough to see the figurines. Just trying to keep it interestin' folks!

(And sorry for getting a little salty with ya, Thepotatogod Thepotatogod ^^' )

It's fine, I actually typed in that post at like, 3 AM, so of course there would be some impurities. XP

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