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Fandom RWBY without RWBY- Grimm Uprising [CLOSED]

Atomic couldn't help but actually chuckle at the girls. It all seemed so familiar to him. Sapphire then makes her way beside him and starts conversing. "In a high class town in Mistral. What about yourself?" He gives a half smile towards the girl to reassure he won't bite.

Violet smiles towards Atomic and Sapphire. She was happy the two were talking. Her attention turns to Paz for a moment Which made her laugh. "Yeah you can say I do take care of him, I try my best at least but somehow I always find him taking care of me. Believe it or not he's stronger than I am. The only problem is his temper." Violet frowns looking down at her hands which clench and tighten at the memories. She shakes the thoughts off to fix her composure. "So what about you guys? Who's the oldest?"

BoilingWriter BoilingWriter

Pazia Voshkie
Mood: Happy
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting With: Pumpkid Pumpkid

"Stronger?" Paz was somewhat surprised, but looking over at Atomic she couldn't say she was that surprised. "Yeah, I can see that."

"Well, the older one is technically Saph, but only by a few minutes. We may not look it, but Saph and I are twins. Kind of have to be in order to come here at the same time. I had assumed that you were older by the way you act- but now I'm unsure. Which of you is older?" She asked.


Sapphire Voshkie
Mood: Happy
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting With: Pumpkid Pumpkid
"High class, huh?" She asked, ears perking up, interested. "I mean, we're just from Menagerie. Only moved here a few years back. Are you, like, rich or something?" Sapphire asked, dismissive of herself but interested in Atomic.

She appreciated the smile more than she realized-- it relaxed her, seeing him being less hostile. Her body language had changed completely; before she was rigid, her eyes averted, her ears back. But after he smiled, her shoulders untensed, she looked him in the face, and her ears faced forwards. She liked other faunus for a multitude of reasons, one being that their ears were so telltale. She could tell if someone was angry or happy or confused, just by their ears. And even though she was a faunus and didn't like people touching her ears, she still always felt the urge to touch others'. They just... moved so much... and looked so soft... From experience, they were so soft... I'm being weird again. Sapphire thought, shaking the thoughts from her head and focusing back on Atomic's words rather than his ears.
Violet became surprised as she almost chocked inner chocolate. She coughs and beats on her chest finally being able to relax. "You two are twins? Wow yeah you two don't even look like twins. Then again neither do me and Atomic." She rubs the back of her head sheepishly chuckling. "My brother is the oldest again a surprise. He's the only Faunus in out family besides his father. We're half siblings. As you can tell just from what I said its not easy for him." Her eyes sadden staring at her brother while he spoke to Sapphire. "I'm so flattered I appear as the older sibling on the other hand. So I feel what you mean. Care for some chocolate?" She offers. "So where are you guys from?"

"Uh...yeah you can say that. Our aunt, Penelope Suzuki is a a famous actress back home. She's popular because of her devotion on providing for us as well as her career." He shrugs not thinking its a big deal. "So Menagerie Huh? So you guys came from the home land where Faunus come from." Atomic's ears perked finding it interesting. "I heard its crowded there but what's it like. Anything fun to do there?" His grin widens into a charming one and his orange eyes focused on the girl with a glimmer.

BoilingWriter BoilingWriter

Pazia Voshkie
Mood: Happy
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting With: Pumpkid Pumpkid

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Paz asked, jumping forwards to put a hand on Violet's back. She was too late, however, as Violet had calmed herself down by the time Paz came in to help.

"Oh, yes. Yes, we looked a lot alike as babies. We were both born with blue eyes, so the fact that she had ears and I had a tail were the only way to tell us apart. But as we grew, my eyes changed color and my hair turned out to be this color, while Saph ended up with white hair and blue green eyes. ...Long story short, we used to look alike." She said, realizing she was rambling.

Paz nodded excitedly at the offer of chocolate. "Yes, absolutely!" She took a piece and munched on it happily.

"Oh, we're from Menagerie. The faunus continent, ya know." She said, savoring the flavor of chocolate on her tongue.

"But-- what do you mean it's hard for Atomic? Just 'cause he's a faunus?" She asked, her words somewhat garbled by the chocolate in her mouth.


Sapphire Voshkie
Mood: Happy
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting With: Pumpkid Pumpkid
"Wow! She's your aunt!?" Even Sapphire had heard the name before. And I live under a rock, so she must be pretty famous! "That's so cool! Our parents are just hunters."

"Well, Menagerie isn't exactly the home land of faunus but more of the... place where humans told us to stay since we were complaining about inequality. But yes, it is a largely faunus-inhabited continent." She explained. Oh god, here I am, sounding like Paz, talking about civil rights like this. Not that I don't want equality, but... no need to be so pushy.

"B-But, that's not important, what's important is that it's home." She said, then reddening as she saw Atomic's smile. Oh god, not only are people being nice to me, but they're... is this flirting? Oh no, I don't know only Paz ever gets flirted with! Her assets are so much more-- She realized she hadn't responded to his question and she turned a shade darker.

"Ah, well, yes, it's pretty crowded, but that just means more people to talk to. There's lots of community centers, probably as a way to keep the kids indoors... The Grimm there are pretty bad. But lots of us like to go swimming-- it's so hot there, you know. It's why Paz's outfits are the way they are... They're made for Menagerie heat." She looked down at her own long sleeves and pants. "And I'm trying to remember what that heat felt like." She said. She really didn't understand how Paz continued to wear her crop top and shorts when it was so much colder here-- Sapphire sometimes regretted her own light material, but at least most of her body was covered. Unlike Paz...
Violet's eyes widen with surprise again. "What? You're from Menageire? So cool. I wonder if there any humans there who visit at all?" She hums the last part in thought yet aloud. Violet saddens when Paz asks her about Atomic. "Well yeah. Back home we were picked on because Atomic was a Fanus. Mostly humans as you can tell. Everyday we came home with beatings so you can imagine it's hard to be in an environment where he has to be friendly to humans or so I thought. When he came back home after a near death experience he sort of had a different view towards humans but he still hated the ones who picked on him or even offend him. So that's where his temper comes from. Oh, sorry this is quite a sad story I don't think I should be talking about it since it's sort of personal to Atomic." She nervously chuckles and waves her hands dismissively while dropping a sweat. "We're here and trying to have fun right?" She forces a smile then reaches for a bag of potato chips and starts munching on them.

Atomic chuckles at the flustered girl and instinctively pats her head. "Relax I don't bite; unless you want me to?" He grins showing his fang teasing her. "Just kidding. Thanks for the info. It all sounds fascinating yet unfair, but at least you all have a continent to yourselves." He retracts his hand and hums in thought. "So it's hot there huh? I don't think I could stand the heat. It drives me nuts. I feel a little sorry for you to suffer under that weather. So why did you want to become a huntress?" He asks. "If it's not too much to ask?"

BoilingWriter BoilingWriter
Steila Teknika
SecretRock SecretRock

As Steila was staring away, she tried to find someone she knows; Tina, Yin, or even Tohora in that regard. Although it appears that neither of them had arrived yet. Deciding that the best course of action is to find someone to talk to, she stood up, only to bump into a young looking woman, who immediately apologised for it.

"It's okay!" Steila forgave with a warm smile, trying to lower her voice considering what time it is. "Oh, by the way, I'm Steila! Nice to meet you, miss...?" She extended her arm, revealing parts of her red armlet and her normal looking fingers.

Yami Flugel
Upon returning to the Cafeteria, Yami, who was now clad in a white shirt with a black star from the corner, and black shorts. His pants and polo are tucked inone arm as he headed for his spot, folding it as he placed them beside his overcoat. He soon decided to look at the others; seeing if any of them are pure or, sadly, impure to his eyes...He found it quaint, but surely nothing can ruin this fine evening...

Pazia Voshkie
Mood: Angry
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting With: Pumpkid Pumpkid

Humans who visit? Well, sure, we aren't the racists-- Paz began to say, but winced as she realized how rude that would've sounded. She bit her tongue, instead listening to Violet's story about Atomic. Her tail slowly stopped wagging, eventually reaching the floor as it sank down sadly.

"That's... awful. I'm sorry that you both had to go through that." Paz said, knowing it could be just as (well, almost as) harmful to stand up for the faunus as it was to be a faunus.

"I don't blame him though. Saph's the same way." She continued, completely disregarding Violet's clear attempt at a subject change. "She used to be pretty outgoing back on Menagerie. She had friends, would go outside, and didn't follow me around like a lost puppy-- pun intended." She smiled at her own joke, but then frowned as she continued talking. "But we moved here, and people were... Well, the way people are. She became quite reclusive. I've gained something of a temper myself from dealing with them. But Sapphire... She's become so... alone... compared to what she once was. Still not as much of an activist as her sister, but... ah, I don't know. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I get it. Watching a loved one change because of being mistreated... It sucks." She finished lamely.


Sapphire Voshkie
Mood: Happy
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting With: Pumpkid Pumpkid
Sapphire's ears swiveled away from his touch, but she didn't flinch much aside from that. Her usual thoughts went through her head-- dear lord someone is touching me that isn't family why help-- but for once, it wasn't as bad as she made it out to be. If she would even dare admit it, she kind of liked it.

Although, through this big step there was immediately backtracking-- "I don't bite... unless you want me to?" -- Sapphire flushed bright red, protests already forming in her mind as she shook her head.

"N-No-- I don't-- That isn't-- Um--"

"Just kidding."

I'm actually going to faint. She thought, feeling as if steam would start coming out of her head. Atomic kept talking, and she cooled off as he did, staring at the floor and trying to force the blood to drain from her face.

"Oh, the heat isn't so bad. What gets me is the cold... Well, as you can see." She said, lifting her arms up slightly. The sleeves came down and even covered her hands. "I'm very cold-natured." In more ways than one, Paz would say.

"Why did I become a huntress?" Sapphire echoed, unsure how to answer the question. She had pretty lame reasons, so she tried to think up an excuse that sounded cooler. ...She drew a blank.

"Well, it kind of just fell into place... Both my parents are hunters, so Paz wanted to be one and I just kind of tagged along... Now it turns out I actually like it and am good at it." She said, shrugging bashfully.

"Why did you become a hunter?" She asked back, curious.
Lila Altair
Location: Cafeteria
Tagged: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

"Lila Altair," She finished Steila's sentence as prompted, shaking her hand. Her eyes were drawn to the other girl's arm. She was unsure about what it was she was seeing. "Interesting, um..." She trailed off, letting her eyes show what she was actually talking about. It probably wasn't something Steila really wanted to talk about. She quickly let go of the other girl's hand, pulling hers back down to her side and nervously twisting her foot into the floor.

"It's a fancy school, isn't it?" She prompted, trying to change the subject. It was something that she had been thinking, though she knew the same was true of most hunting schools. Haven had been similar when she'd last been there, more castle than school. People really put a lot of resources and faith into these schools.
Violet listens to her story and saddens. "I'm sorry you had to go through something too. Yeah I know how it feels except his temper he's always had it even against my aunt. It's one of his traits." She chuckles. "Maybe when he's okay with making friends he can finally be able to explain his story." She giggled noticing Sapphire blush. "I think Atomic is hitting on her a bit. He tends to do that. It comes with his temper." She chuckles.

Atomic thought it was adorable making Sapphire blush. 'Oops I went to far. Nice going Atomic.' He thought to himself. "Me? Well I wanted to become a hunter to become stronger and help others. Not only that but to make a difference in the world."

Violet smiles at her brother's resolve. "I'll be right beside you to help big bro." She cheers. "And of course along with making a difference there is an annoying brat behind me." Violet pouts and huffs at her brother while he snickers enjoying his teasing.

BoilingWriter BoilingWriter

Pazia Voshkie
Mood: Happy
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting With: Pumpkid Pumpkid
"Hitting on her!" Paz exclaimed, maybe a little too loud, whirling to look over at her sister. Sapphire was blushing, which was nothing new, but Atomic had his hand on her head-- even for just a moment-- and she wasn't swatting it away.

"What on Earth? Sapphire is letting someone touch her!" Paz rocked backwards, her tail beginning to wag up a storm. "That sounds weird but seriously- she barely even likes me giving her hugs. The rare times she holds my hand is if her anxiety acts up, but otherwise she hates any sort of physical contact." She said, eyes wide.

She noticed Violet joining in on their conversation and turned fully to join the circle. "Aw, Atomic, don't be mean!" Paz joined in immediately.

"Violet, why did you become a huntress?" Paz asked, now excited. Having heard Atomic's reason, she wanted to know about Violet.


Sapphire Voshkie
Mood: Happy
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting With: Pumpkid Pumpkid

"That's so noble..." Sapphire said, feeling a bit downtrodden as her sister had the same reason. They have such cool reasons, and me? I just... I'm just kind of going with the flow. Sure, I want to help people, but... It's nothing like them. She thought, sighing slightly.

Sapphire lightened up a bit as Paz and Violet joined the conversation, Atomic teasing his sister some. It made her feel more at home, thinking about the interactions she and her sister always have. His smile was contagious, and soon Sapphire was smiling too.
Beryl White

Arms crossed and long fingers tapping her elbows in impatience, bow on her back, Beryl stood on the aircraft along with the rest of the first year students going to Beacon. She wished things would move faster, but with like anything a person looked forward to something, the wait seemed incredibly long, too long despite the fact that less than an hour has passed since she had got on. Seeing the academy's signature tower in the distance though, she whistled as they got closer and closer. Despite the fact she had seen it multiple times in books and on tv, it looked impressive seeing it in real life. She couldn't wait until they arrived, her hands slightly shaking in anticipation at the thought.

"Hey little rabbit, are you scared?" A male voice at her side taunted, no doubt noticing she couldn't seem to relax. "Want a carrot?"

Beryl looked at the plain human boy about her age, rolling her eyes before giving him a sweet smile, about to say, Not unless I can punch your teeth in first. But she didn't, not wanting to risk getting into a fight before they even got on the ground. Nothing could ruin her relatively good mood. She was looking forward to finally continuing her goal to be a huntress. Instead, to the boy she replied, "Nope. And keep your stereotypes to yourself, dimwit. I hate carrots."

The human male's nostrils flared slightly. "What did you say you-"

At that moment the airship docked, and before the boy could say anymore, she was rushing down the steps and among one of the first students to be off, taking the scenery all in as she did. "Whoa." She felt infinitesimally small, not that she wasn't petite as it was already. She took a deep breath, inhaling the surprisingly clean air. All around her students were milling about, her sensitive ears easily picking up them introducing themselves to each other among other things.

Making her way to the ceremonial hall, she said a few hellos to other humans and faunus, but mostly kept to herself. She had a lot on her mind, and didn't really feel like being Remnant's energizer bunny.

Swearing several times under her breath, Beryl was glaring down at the scroll in her hands as she sat pretzel style on her sleeping bag in the cafeteria, dressed in a blue tank top and shorts, wishing she could break the stupid contraption into a million little pieces. She had gotten the device a few weeks prior, and was still trying to figure the damn thing out, never being on for that type of tech, much preferring talking in person or having her weapon do the talking. It was kind of ironic, considering she primarily used a far reaching weapon.

Finally tired of messing with the stupid scroll, Beryl let it fall into her lap with a frustrated sigh and observed those around her. Sitting a bit aways in front of her was another human boy with curly black hair and red eyes. "Uh, hey there." She greeted, trying to get his attention with a wave of her hand since she was bored. "You shouldn't stare like that at others. It's a bit rude." Even as she said it, her lips quirked slightly into a smile.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Atomic sighs leans back a bit more against the wall with his eyes closed. "She doesn't have a goal for being a huntress. I'm her reason." Violet looks down and nods. "Yeah it's true. Honestly I want to be stronger than my brother to protect him from anything coming his way. He's always protected me in the past so I want to return the favor." She cheers. Atomic just scoffs. "Really? That's your goal? You know you can never beat me so what makes you think you can protect me? I'm always the one saving you. I'm one step ahead and you know it." Violet bites her lip and glares at him. "Why is that a stupid goal? Because I want my own brother to be safe so he won't have to fight anymore?" Atomic clicks his tongue. "I enjoy fighting. It's a need and my passion of work. What's your excuse?" Violet was shocked. Blunt, cold but true words. Her goal is to protect was merely an excuse. Once they no longer need each other what then? Violet sat in silence with her thoughts. The atmosphere being quiet.

BoilingWriter BoilingWriter

Pazia Voshkie and Sapphire Voshkie
Mood: Happy and Content
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting With: Pumpkid Pumpkid
Oh... Really? Paz thought, saddened. Everyone's reason was their own, but Violet having her reason be to prove someone else wrong...? Well, if it keeps her determined... Paz thought, wincing as the two descended into an argument.

"What's your excuse?" Atomic asked, and it was hard not to flinch from the words. Sure, it was what they were all thinking, but he didn't have to say it like that.

"A-Atomic, that wasn't very nice..." Sapphire said quietly. If she were any less submissive, you might've called it scolding. But despite his kind words to her earlier, Sapphire still somewhat feared him. She feared everyone, really.

"Violet, if that's your reason then that's your reason. It doesn't matter what other people think-- even the person you're trying to protect. It only matters what keeps you going, what makes you get up in the morning. And if that goal is to outwork your brother- or, half-brother- then so be it. Your goals are what drive you. Change them if you want to, not if someone else says you should." Paz said all of this staring in Violet's eyes-- or, trying to, whenever Violet wasn't looking down.

Sapphire's ears folded back as she watched her sister being supportive. Of course, all I can do is ask someone to be nicer, while Paz is giving a pep talk. Great. Just another way she's better... Sapphire took a deep breath. Ah, but I shouldn't hate her for being kind...
Location: Outside the school; In to the main hall

Tagging: SecretRock SecretRock Nooguy Nooguy

Tina winced when the professor made the announcement for all of the first years to come to the cafeteria, feeling a little defeated. Just as she and her new acquaintances were about to begin their self guided tour of the campus, it was time for them to report in for a headcount. Figures. Tina sighed lightly, giving a faint nod when To excused himself. The ram faunus would grin to her to the male, waving as he headed for the cafeteria. “You too, To. Maybe we'll have classes together!” she called, though she wasn't sure if he heard her or not. She nodded once he had gone and, like the biggest majority of the group of first years, decided to head on in to the cafeteria to see what all the hub bub was about.

Tina took her time about making her way to the cafeteria, too busy looking up and around at the building's interior. The outside looked amazing. The inside....she couldn't find the words to describe the inside of the building yet. It was just as massive inside as it was outside. Which, to be honest she should have expected. “My whole village could live in this hallway” she muttered to herself as she followed the gaggle of students to their destination, the cafeteria interior. Their luggage lined the exterior wall, Tina following behind a few other students to find her bag. It wasn't until she made it half way around the room did she find it, wedged neatly between two sets of other people's belongings. It was your average sized, all black luggage trunk. Everything about the trunk was worn and faded, the piece of luggage obviously having had been through a lot during its years of service.

At first she thought it was going to be simple to get the trunk from its resting place. Walk up, pull it out of its spot, go about her day. Simple, right? Wrong. It was wedged so tightly between the other first years luggage she couldn't get it to budge at first. To the point that when she tried pulling it from its spot her feet slid on the floor, making her efforts truly in vain. “Who even does that?” she would ask of no one in particular when she couldn't get the trunk to move, finally deciding to try more drastic measures. Spitting in to each hand and rubbing her hands together, Tina would grip the handle with all her grit before planting one foot firmly on the wall behind her luggage, and with a count to three would pull for all she was worth. And it worked. Slowly but surely Tina managed to unwedge her belongings from the other first years things, the faunus stumbling backwards a few steps when she finally got it free. HA!! Chalk up a win for Team Tina! Tina looked where her trunk had been, amazed at how such an occurrence could happen. But the other student's belongings were all still standing, so she wasn't too concerned about it.

With a spring in her step Tina walked off, her luggage in one hand and her Colossus on her back. Now that that was taken care of, the next order of business would be to find somewhere to settle down for the night. There were so many spots to choose from, all within some proximity to one group of students or another. Not that she minded it. She was used to sleeping near others. Her family that is. She had never slept this close to strangers before. Try as she might, nothing really stood out to her. It was all 'this section of floor' or 'that section of floor.' There wasn't enough variety! Just when Tina was about to give up her search for the ever elusive perfect spot she turned, her gaze falling out the window. Even in the setting sunlight she could see for miles, save for the female who had taken up a spot near the window to read. In silence she approached the girl and the window, stopping so she was parallel with the girl but still giving her enough space for her privacy. “Sure didn't have a view like this back in Menagerie.” she said aloud without realizing, blinking back in to the here and now and looking to the girl with the book, offering a light smile. “Mind if I join you? I'll try not to bother you....too much.” Implying she would try to bother the girl at some point in time.
Steila Teknika
SecretRock SecretRock

Steila tilted her head when Lila didn't complete her sentence, soon letting go of her hand as she nervously fidget for a moment. Did she do something wrong? Before she could even ask, LIla soon inquired about the schoo itself. "Yes, it reminds of the facilities I used to stay on Atlas." Steila replied to Lila with a nostalgic smile, being reminded of her father's care. "Although I've never slept with so many people before..." Her eyes rolled to the side a bit, embarrassed on what she's going to say. "My father is...Kind of protective."

Yami Flugel
Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight

"Hmm?" Yami glanced at the rabbit faunus who called him out, waving her hand at him. His first impression of the Faunus girl was a bit meh at the moment. He has yet to determine if she's pure or not, so he might as well talk to them. "Oh, sorry. Just bored out of my mind, you know that?" He flashed a grin, leaning a bit as he rested his elbow on one of his legs.
Everything went silent and Violet gave no response for awhile. She raises her head and smiles. "Oh what?! I was thinking about what my new goal should be. I really haven't a clue but my brother is my muse." She chirps smiling genuinely as if unaffected by her brother being rude and blunt. "He has a point I need to find a goal but I'm sure I'll find it along the way right? For now there is nothing wrong with our small, current goals."

Atomic couldn't help but blush slightly. "She's use to the way I talk to her. It's the only way an optimist like her can get things through her head." He yawns stretching. "You know we should invite our friends and have a larger group shouldn't we Sapphire?" Violet notices the girls from earlier sitting alone.

BoilingWriter BoilingWriter
Lila Altair
Location: Cafeteria
Tagged: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

"I'm from Mistral myself, my uncle and I travelled a lot." Lila told Steila. "What do you mean by facilities, though? Where in Atlas were you raised?" She asked. She hoped she wasn't prying into Steila's personal life too much. Friends were supposed to get to know each other, right? Surely Steila wouldn't mind too much. If she did, she could always not answer.
"You are no longer children. You have no bedtime. But I would advise you go to sleep soon so that you have plenty of energy, and once the candles are out please try to be quiet and courteous of others. Good night, and we will see you in the morning."
Those were the final words from the Professor Lannister, this time spoken from his mouth rather than through his megaphone, before the lights went out and the students were left by themselves. The next time they saw the man, he was waking them up.
"Rise and shine, students! It's time for our initiation. As I am sure some of you already know, this activity will determine who you will spend the next four years of your life with. Please, gear up and be ready to fight. We will explain further once you arrive at the location." He was using his megaphone again, and his voice boomed through the cafeteria, echoing off the walls and amplifying to an insane level.

Upon arrival to the Emerald Forest, the students were given a short set of instructions by their headmistress.
"This test will be testing your ability in the field, as well as determining your partners for the entire rest of your time at this Academy. Having said that, your partner will be the first person you make eye contact with upon entering the woods."
The headmistress paused a moment, letting that settle in.
"Your goal is to retrieve one of the golden figurines left at the abandoned temple. You will not have a map. There will be Grimm in these woods. I would highly advise you stay close to your partner, as it is a much more dangerous adventure when you don't have anyone watching your back. Your team will be determined once you arrive back at the school."
She paused, in case there were any questions.
"Oh, and we will only be picking you up once we are sure that there is no more danger in the area. So please, eliminate all of the Grimm before sending up any flares."

Nodding her head decisively, Professor Lannister hit the switch to begin launching students into the woods.

"Oh, and... I look forward to seeing your landing strategies." Aurora said with a smile.
Last edited:

Pazia Voshkie
Mood: Excited, a little Nervous
Location: Beacon -> The Emerald Forest
Interacting With: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Paz woke up with a start, the loud voice scaring her awake. "Rise and shine, students!" A voice boomed. That same voice that had ordered them into the cafeteria, and the same voice that had told them they would have a big day tomorrow. Except that tomorrow is today, and today is... initiation! Paz rolled over to where her sister sat up, groggily rubbing at her eyes.

"Saph, it's today! Today's the day!" Paz exclaimed, practically jumping out of the sleeping bag before realizing that she should stay put while the Professor talked. He still hasn't introduced himself, has he? Paz wondered, but not really caring. It's today! I can finally call myself a student at Beacon after this! She wriggled with glee.

The second the Professor stepped off of his metaphorical soapbox, Paz launched out of her sleeping bag, cleaning the are up quickly, her tail wagging up a solid wind behind her. Sapphire mumbled something about her tail making it cold, but Paz couldn't stop it if she tried. Frantically shoving her bag back into the luggage she brought, Paz dug around for her clothing and morning kit. Once she found the required items, she snatched them out of the box and shot into the locker room, moving at breakneck speed.

Exiting the locker room, Paz was wearing her butt kicking outfit. Paz wore brown denim shorts and tall brown combat boots with a small buckle in the shape of a cog- just like Oathkeeper, of course!, with brown fingerless gloves. Her top was something you would call a blouse, but it had short sleeves and was cropped just above her bellybutton. A black vest came over it, buttoning in one place. A ribbon held a purple gem by her collarbone, and she had brown and gold goggles resting on her head. And of course, she had Oathkeeper in it's portable form on her back. She was ready to roll.

Upon arriving to the launch pads, Paz pulled Oathkeeper into her hands, hitting a button and opening the weapon. The war hammer's handle extended, and the head pushed farther out on both sides. Here we go! Paz thought, gripping the handle that was almost as tall as she was. She only really stopped to think when the Headmistress mentioned the eye-contact rule-- we're going to be basing our partners off of pure chance!? She froze for a moment, excitement put on hold. Wait a minute--

"Oh, and... I look forward to seeing your landing strategies." Were the last words she heard before she was launched into the air.

It took her a moment to gather her bearings, but she quickly adjusted. She gripped Oathkeeper tighter, looking down at the trees flying by underneath her-- trees that she was quickly getting closer to. Okay, here we go. No big deal. She thought, focusing on her semblance. Other students had called it cheating before, but so what? There's no such thing as cheating if you're falling from the sky. She thought, remembering the nevermore she had fought with her parents-- the giant bird that they had helped her kill for just this reason. She remembered the way it screeched, and focused on trying to hear that again now. And suddenly, she was. A bird, perhaps not the size of the real nevermore (a third of the size, maybe less), was swooping down, wings out as it coasted towards her.

Unlike real Grimm, her summons were white with golden eyes and golden plates, making them very obviously different from the real things. The white and gold "baby" nevermore flew towards Paz, and she grabbed onto one of its legs, her other hand holding her hammer. With a screech of displeasure, the smaller creature began descending. Paz focused on the creature, telling it to keep it's wings out, to soften her fall, but even then she was still moving pretty fast. Paz held on to the bird, slowing herself down, only letting go once she was right above the trees.

The moment her hand released the bird, it went away, her focus now shifted to the problem at hand. She flipped her hammer upside down, standing on its head, and let herself drop to the ground. She activated her aura as she fell through the branches, the tiny twigs not even phasing her. As she neared the ground she pushed herself so that her hammer would land first, the large slam! absorbing a solid amount of the shock. She held onto the handle as she hit the ground, pulling the giant weapon with her as she landed into a somersault, pushing herself back up even as she rolled.

Her finale was rolling back onto her feet, looking slightly dirtier but otherwise no worse for wear, holding her weapon in front of her.

Phew... Easy as pie. She thought, relaxing her stance. Now I just have to find my partner. Walking forwards into the woods, holding her hammer in front of her-- defensive, but not tense-- she made her way towards the figurines-- and towards her future partner.


Sapphire Voshkie
Mood: Nervous
Location: Cafeteria
Interacting With: Nooguy Nooguy

Sapphire awoke slowly, not really registering what the voice was saying as she rubbed her eyes. She blinked a few times, looking around at her fellow students, most in similar states. Her sister was an outlier, sitting up straight and tail wagging as she listened closely to the words of the... whoever it was.

"Pazia, stop... Your tail wind is making me cold..." She complained. Paz didn't stop, just continued looking at the man and nodding profusely. The second the words stopped, the entire cafeteria seemed to come alive. People began talking, bags began zipping and trunks popping open.

Sapphire groaned as she oozed out of bed, barely able to stand on her two legs. I hate mornings... Sapphire thought, slowly rolling up her bag and putting it away. As she did so, Paz had already left and gone to change. Ugh... I'll just catch up with her later. Saph thought groggily, tugging her own outfit out of her trunk and grabbing her weapons, carrying everything clumsily. She shuffled into the locker room, slowly but surely waking up. She put on her black body suit, tying the blue ribbons around her forearms and lower legs, her boots hidden under the pant legs. She didn't pull up her face mask or hood yet, not wanting to use them until absolutely necessary. She sheathed her katanas on her back, finally awake. Or as awake as she would get until adrenaline began pumping through her.

Sapphire found Paz tapping her foot by their stuff, not so patiently waiting for Sapphire to hurry up.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." She grumbled, following her sister onto the airship.

She zoned out for most of the trip, silently thinking about what they were going to do. They hadn't been given instructions yet, so she was still in the dark and had only her imagination to think about what might happen. She pulled up her face mask and hood, ready to face the challenge of the woods.

Sapphire was already stressed about finding a partner. Oh god, the first person I see? But what if they're awful? What if they're horrible jerks who hate faunus? Then she realized they were being launched into the woods with nothing to help but well wishes. For a moment she panicked. What? I can't fly. How am I going to--!? She had to take a deep breath. It's okay, you learned about this. You'll be fine. A more rational part of her said. Okay, then I guess I'm ready...

She flew into the woods at a stunning speed-- even having practiced, Sapphire was a bit nervous. She crossed her hands over her chest in an X.. This is fine, this is fine, this is fine... She kept chanting.

Summoning her aura just before she hit the trees, Sapphire was suddenly glad for her mask and hood keeping her head and (the lower half of) her face extra protected. She kept her eyes open, looking for a large branch. When she saw one headed her way, she squinted, as if forcing herself to focus her vision on it. She held her arms out, ready, and when she got close enough, she reached forwards, grabbing the branch and swinging from it.

"You're a fox!" Her teachers used to say. "But you land like a monkey!" Ha, ha, very funny you racists. Sapphire always thought. But she never said anything, of course. She didn't want to anger anyone unnecessarily.

She swung from the thick branch to a lower branch, her speed decreasing quickly as she swung from branch to branch. Finally slowing enough so that she could balance, she forced herself back up into a tree, and onto a higher branch. She pulled her katanas out, putting them together and letting them fuse into her sniper, Sapphire gazed through the sight to try and spot someone she could be partners with. Scanning the forest, she saw only trees, trees, and more trees. At one point she saw a Beowulf.

Now on steady ground, she once again feared who her partner would be. Watching through the scope, her eyes landed on familiar red hair. Paz!? She thought, excitedly glancing up from her gun. But looking now, the hair seemed longer and lighter, and she had too much clothing to be Paz. Then who...? Looking through her scope again, the person turned straight towards her.

"Robin?" She asked out loud, looking up from her rifle in shock.
Steila Teknika
SecretRock SecretRock

"Well my father was a Weapons Creator, and he has a laboratory on our house...No wait, the Lab is our house." Steila answered, "I got most of my training when I spent my time testing out father's new weaponry..." as soon a she finished, one of the Professors advised them to sleep. Although to be fair, she didn't really need sleep, but rather a recharge using Dust Crystals. "Our discussion have been lovely. Ms. Lila." She bowed, soon shuffling into her mat and took out a device which oddly looked familiar to a Scroll Powerbank Charger. She soon kept it beside her, feigning to charge her scroll as she 'slept'. When everyone's asleep, she unplugged her scroll and plugged the device onto her neck, refilling the energy needed for tomorrow.


The Next day was just as exciting as the last. Today is going to be a test of some sort; some call it 'Initiation' where Freshmen go through ordeals just to see if they truly have what it takes to become a Huntsman. The consequences of failure: Death.

Arriving at the Emerald Forest, Steila took her position, her Rocket behind her back as she placed her hands on her hips. Yami stood beside her, seeing as how there are no other places left.

Their goal was to retrieve a figurine and find a partner...Hopefully, Steila | Yami would find someone friendly | pure.

The Initiation soon began when both students were flung into the air, having no choice but to try and create their own landing strategies.

Yami Flugel
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan
Yami immedietely did a sommersauly as he soon spread his arms; creating a glider out of his Shadow Semblance, soon landing on a branch, he perched on it, seeing if there are anyone nearby. He continued to jump from branch to branch, searching for his partner

Steila Teknika
BoilingWriter BoilingWriter
Steila had a fairly easier time than most of them. As soon as she was airborne, she activated her thrusters, making her fly above the treeline just fine.

Soon spotting a clearing below, she turned off her thrusters, continuing her fall as she soon landed on near a stray beowulf straight to the head; Steila's descent was soon met with the ground, kneeling as she caused the ground to sink in for a brief moment, forming a small crater, about 2 Meters deep.

"Landing...Complete!" She declared, stepping out of the crater. Though it appeared that she's still a distance away from her target, she spots a rather large temple in the distance. Perhaps that's where she's supposed to go?
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Cuprum was in the air before he could object to Headmistress Aurora's final comments. 'Do we have a super secret parachute?' He tried to ask. Sadly, no small surprises were waiting to impress him. It was the opposite: he had to impress the Beacon.
"Alright, here I go."
Cuprum pulled out a gravity dust round from a magazine. He aimed a bit low and triggered manually.
With great recoil sent through his arms, Cuprum soared a bit into the air, but with slower speed. Before he could shout his success out loud, the loss of speed gave him a faster fall.
"Oh, please!"
Cuprum grabbed the Copper Surgeons, and the blades whipped out as he drew them from their holsters. Cuprum's eyes darted from objects to objects, and finally landed on a good trusty tree, conveniently close enough for him. He swinged a Surgeon, and its blade impaled itself into the tree. Using the weapon as a handle, Cuprum landed on the tree's thick branch, and proceeded to clean the sweat from his forehead.
"Whew, that was CLOSE!"
He told himself. He slashed off some small branches growing out of the one he was standing on to see if he could find the temple. He couldn't spot anything from the current spot.
"Cuprum on the move."
He said as he jumped down. Three copper-colored balls popped up from his back, one staying on it and others flying into the direction he was heading.
"Go bring me good news, bubbles."
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
The day before had been....something else. Air ship rides, meeting humans for the first time, the luggage debacle. When Tina finally settled down for the night the ram faunus almost immediately fell asleep, not realizing how tired she was until the happenings around her slowed her down. Her brothers wouldn't approve of all the boys at the co-ed sleepover, and Tina was fairly sure she saw one of them peeking in through the window she had situated herself next to before she fell asleep. Tina slept the way she always did, sprawled out and taking up more space than one person should while they slept.

When the professor decided it was time to wake everyone up with a loud boom to his voice, the ram faunus was among those startled awake. Those around her would have felt a sudden chill in the air as Tina bolted upright, Tina panting slightly from the sudden surprise. Did teachers wake their students up like that every morning? If that were the case, she was going to invest in some ear plugs and soon. Tina laid back down and placed an arm over her eyes, her other arm spiraling out just far enough that her hand landed on Colossus' hilt. The ram faunus would turn her head and move her arm to look at the weapon, rubbing the handle once with a light grunt. “Yeah...ok. Time to get up” she finally told herself, sitting up again and stretching. After a quick trip to the locker room and a change of clothes Tina was awake and ready to go, rummaging through her trunk to find a few quick items before joining the others.

Tina followed along with the rest of the group, not entirely sure where it was they were going. She stood where appointed, turning her attention with the others towards the female instructor as she gave them their instructors. “So we're.....nooot playing Pin the Tail on the Grimm?” she asked when the professor paused, reaching in to one of her pockets and tucking the cloth she had brought as a blindfold further in to its pocket. When it was obvious the answer to her question was no, Tina would shrug it off and lower her hand, then hunker down to brace herself for the launch. She made sure Colossus was firmly secured on her back.

Without warning she was air born, the suddenness of the launch catching her by surprise. Now that they were in action, it was time to get serious. Tina quickly forced herself to flip in the air so she could see the world pass beneath her, Tina keeping an open eye out for her destination. Abandoned temple abandoned temple....there! It was off in the distance, but she did catch sight of it. She thought. She could be wrong. But there was no time to wonder about that right now. She was sure she had an idea of her destination. Now she needed to focus on landing safely.

As she quickly approached the ground, Tina would activate her Semblance by launching a blast of ice at the ground, a crude but effective half-pipe quickly forming just as she began to land. Tina would use the half-pipe to launch herself back in to the air at a more controlled angle, shooting another blast of ice at the ground. While she did this she also drew Colossus and whipped it out to the side, the weapon shifting from its shield form to its sword form while its handler was still in the air. Upon her second descent a thick pillar of ice shot up to meet her, Tina stabbing Colossus in to the pillar of ice to slow her descent. As she made her way down the pillar of ice Tina shifted from hanging on to Colossus to standing on the sword, so she wouldn't crash in to the ground and hurt herself if she had misjudged how much force it was going to take to stop. The sword cut through the ice with little resistance, though they did slow down a bit when the half-pipe was also struck by the sword. Tina and her weapon came to a grinding halt five feet from the ground, Tina hopping from the sword and again grabbing its handle. Her sudden shift to the sword's handle was enough to dislodge the sword from its icy sheath, the half-pipe and pillar of ice instantly melting in to a cascade of water as Tina righted herself on the ground. Tina again lashed out with her sword to shake the excess water off, walking forward then as she retracted Colossus back in to its shield form. She would meet somebody eventually. And that somebody would be her partner.

SecretRock SecretRock
Violet Suzuki
The next day, Violet yelps and sits up holding her ears from the announcement being made again by a megaphone. She yawns rubbing her eyes with bed head all drowsy. Her attention peaked by the notification of partners and finally starting the real exam. She becomes excited waking up more. Violet became more and more pumped up as she got ready staring at her brother who woke up also still a bit more tired than she. "This is great! Right? Let's get ready. I wonder who our partners will be." Her eyes sparkle with delight. Quickly and swiftly, the brunette makes her way into the locker rooms to dress, return to her sleeping bag and pack up along with taking out her weapon as well as carry at least a small bag full of snacks in her small pouch. Violet wore her uniform which she loved along with her black gloves. She figured if she were to wear white gloves, it would mean she would have blood stained on them and rather not have that. "Come on Atomic lets go!"

Violet positions herself with a line of her soon to be classmates. She stood on a platform wondering what it was for. Her vision focused on the forest scanning every inch from her stance while listening to the rules and objectives. 'Partner up with the first person I see?' She thought to herself realizing she will probably not be pairing up with her brother. It would be horrible if she wasn't. Who could tame that hot tempered beast?' Perhaps this was a sign to stop holding his hand. That is what they were here for. To do better and hopefully this school helps in doing so. Her thoughts shattered when she realized she was no longer could hear anyone. Raising her head, Violet comes to a realization that she has already been shot out of the sky somehow. The girl panics becoming a little afraid of heights. 'It's alright, focus. If you don't you will most certainly die.' She pepped talked herself. Taking a deep breath, the brunette starts to focus a little more wearing a calm yet stern expression.

She removes her portable scythe wrapped around her waist which she always carried as a belt the entire time; with a click of a button, an odd designed, black whip made of stretchable metal extends. Her eyes focus on the speed and closeness between the trees and herself. The girl finds a spot and swings her whip to a branch where it hooks onto and brings forth Violet's frame. She swings over and under the branch as the whip coils up and another click of a button, the whip takes a solid form revealing a double scythe blade on each end. Violet swings her scythe forward causing her force and body to speed up and spiral like a ball. Her blade halts as it digs into the dirt. Violet holding onto the pole of her scythe and standing on the blade elegantly already looking around for her brother or anyone at the moment. She hops off her weapon and runs straight into the woods deciding whomever she sees first will be her partner or at least part of her future team. Her object is to get one of the temples trinket.

Astralworks Astralworks (Geez this is a lot of work xD)

Atomic Tangerine
Atomic tucks his ears back and quivers from the screeching sound of the Megaphone. It was loud as heck, but it is what woke the group up. He could hear the groans and see the constant tired looks upon everyone. He felt the same. His tired vision turns to an excited Violet. Yeah it was exciting. All he could do was give her a thumbs up. He frowned upon her idea of partnering up. He wanted to tell her there was a possibility that they might not be paired up. Seeing her excitement, he didn't want to break her dreams so he figured someone else should do it. He didn't want to deal with her complaints this early. The brute yawns and stretches and stands up after putting on his boots and jacket then packing up. His weapons were always with him as well. The chain which dangled around his pocket and one in his neck like a collar which spun like a fidget spinner. It was entertaining to use when bored and just to play with it, but not much else so he figured he would make a weapon out of it by this idea. Lo and behold, his swords are created.

Now standing on the platform, Atomic yawns as he held his hands in his pant pocket while listening to the rules. The words 'landing' and 'Grim' sort of frightened him yet at the same time excites him. He wasn't sure he was ready to fight a Grimm but he has been training just for this day. He was bound to find out one way or another. Adrenaline kicking in, waking up from being launched out from a platform. Atomic wasn't sure how to land. He wasn't a cat, yet this was a life and death situation he had to prepare. The first idea that pops in was to pull out his chain fidget and toss it at a branch just like Violet which he successfully did. He swings closer to the tree which he hooked himself onto and land safely......not on the ground. Instead he slides down to the earth and trips smacking his face against a tree. He groans forcing himself up. His landing was not so good but the idea was nice. The faunus rubbing his face from the pain and dusting himself off from the impact. His orange eyes look around for anyone near his sight. No luck. He shrugs retracting his chain fidget from the tree branch and placing them in his pocket having the chain dangle from his jeans as he rushes into the forest.

The Silver Crow The Silver Crow
Tohora Kawariki
Location: Cafeteria/Emerald Forest
Tagged: Theo713 Theo713

To woke up with a bit of a groan. Sure, he'd needed to get up early every day in the village, but that didn't mean he had to like it. A few minutes sat in bed gave him the willpower to move, and To was glad to see he wasn't the last one up and moving. Today was initiation, as some people kept shouting about. He didn't blame them, it was a very exciting day for them. They were going to find the partner they were spending the next four years, and possibly longer, with. He hurriedly ate, washed, and dressed, strapping Wai's Revenge to his back to prepare for the day.

The closer the test got, the more nervous he felt. He lined up with the rest of them, watching Aurora explain what they were going to do. As she mentioned finding some trinket and fighting Grimm, To glanced over to Tina. No pin the tail on the Grimm then. Shame. He pulled his trident off his back and expanded it, holding it in both hands as he prepared for the start.

"I look forward to seeing your landing strategies." This was going to be fun.

To tried not to let the height get to him, but he was stunned by the view that stretched out in front of him. Forest for miles, hills and cliff faces, some ruins in the back. The view was soon swallowed up by the tree tops and To was pulled back into his reality. Find a way to land without getting hurt. He didn't want to use up the dust he had so soon, but with the ground coming up so fast he wasn't sure he had much of a choice. He switched to his earth dust, swiping Wai's out in front of him. A small platform of stone formed. To firmly pushed one foot into it, pushing away. The platform took most of his momentum, letting him push from tree to tree and branch to branch until he reached the floor. To had to press Wai's into the ground to get his balance back when he landed.

He strapped his trident back onto his back and started walking. He wasn't sure which way to go. The headmistress said the abandoned temple, so maybe the ruins he saw? Now he just needed to figure out which way that was. His landing had been quite confusing. He was about to choose a direction when he heard some kind of water, not enough to be a river or lake, but maybe something to do with a pond. Pushing the goal aside for now, he pushed through some plants to find the source of the sound. When he did find it, he almost laughed.

"Tina!" He exclaimed. What luck. Out of all the year, he happened to run into one of the three people he'd already met. He grinned at her. "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" He joked.

Lila Altair
Location: Cafeteria/Forest
Tagged: Ghost Toast Ghost Toast

"Well, that sounds like an interesting upbringing," Lila commented. Growing up surrounded by science and scientists sounded quite nice, if maybe stressful at times. It was a bit of a leap from scientist to huntress, though. How Steila made that jump was more than a little confusing. Before Lila had the chance to ask, Professor Lannister addressed them all again, basically saying it was time for bed. Steila bid her a goodnight as well before returning to her mat. Lila waved goodbye as well, picking her way through the covered floor as she moved back to her own bed. She pulled the red paper from under her matt and shoved it into her bag before lying down to go to sleep herself.

It felt like seconds had passed between when she closed her eyes and next opened them but the light streaming through the windows seemed to imply otherwise. She pulled her jacket back on, over her pyjamas, having used it as a pillow for the night. The material wasn't the softest but it had worked enough. It didn't take long for Lila to change into her day clothes and attach Supernova to their 'holsters' on her hip. She'd only properly woken up when they reached the forest, her hair was still a little bit of a mess and she still felt bleary eyed, but she was more aware than she had been. Her clothes didn't blend in with the surrounding forest, purple and black weren't very natural colours. She was a little self conscious about that as she pulled her hair up again, but not many others blended in well either.

She breathed in the fresh air as she listened to the headmistress give their instructions, knowing that in just a few minutes she would be in danger from Grimm. No time to properly enjoy anything when there was the constant danger of death lurking just over your shoulder. As for her "landing strategy", well, the phrase "winging it" had never felt more appropriate. She couldn't help but give a small whoop of joy as she was launched into the air, taking a blade in each hand as she scanned the horizon for the mentioned temple. She saw it just as she began to fall, hooking one blade around a branch. Her momentum swung her forward, her feet landing on another branch. She pushed forward, letting her speed slowly dissipate until she just had to jump to lower and lower branches.

She landed on the ground with a front roll, just to make sure there was no chance she got hurt from the fall. It had been a little hard to keep track of during her descent, but she thought she knew the way to go. She began to trek that way, keeping an ear out for any sign of Grimm. She would inevitably run into some, but she didn't have to let them get the jump on her.
SecretRock SecretRock

Maybe now wasn't the best of times to be on the defensive. Maybe now was time to stand ready to fight. Tina readied her Colossus, swinging it out to her right with her right hand to again shift it from its shield form to its sword form. She hadn't walked very far, maybe four or five steps, when the sound of something approaching from behind her caught the faunus' attention. She turned, ears perked, Colossus readied in front of her. One swing was all it would take to seperate whatever it was' body from its head. As the source of the noise drew closer she recognized it to be footsteps of something or someone on two feet, not relaxing until she heard a familiar voice call her name.

She sighed lightly as she relaxed, grinning to To when he came in to her field of vision. “Eh, you know how it goes. We weren't going to play Pin the Tail on the Grimm, so I flew the coop.” she approached him, offering him a hand to shake. “Looks like you're stuck with me for th next four years, Partner” At least he was someone she had met already. That helped. All the awkward introductory stuff was already out of the way. Once ready Tina would turn towards the direction she had been facing initially and began to walk, waiting of course for To to accompany her. “I think I saw the ruins in this direction when I was falling. There didn't seem to be anything too difficult to handle like a broken bridge or anything, but if this forest is as packed with Grimm as the professors made it out to be, we're in for one very bumpy adventure.

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