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Fandom Rwby: Uprising IC



Don’t fear the reaper
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
The clear blue skies of vale seemed peaceful. As the crisp autumn air blew through the trees, the wind suddenly picked up as the bullheads were closing in. An aged man was was looking through some paperwork of the recorded students that will be arriving. The man sighed as he looked out the window.
“It seem this year is going to be an interesting one. I wonder how they will fare with the accelerated curriculum…”

Megilagor Megilagor EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Karcen Karcen MangoGoGo MangoGoGo Britt-21 Britt-21 Neuro Vampire Neuro Vampire americanCaeser americanCaeser Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Orin Orin Cresion Breezes Cresion Breezes RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan Orichalcum Tiger Orichalcum Tiger

IMG_8447.jpeg Emile Forrest

Location: Bullhead arriving at Beacon

Interactions: N/A

Mentions: N/A

Emile was rather anxious as being in a flying machine such as a Bullhead was a new experience for the village boy. When he was younger he could only dream of flying in the sky like the stories he used to tell. Now that he’s actually ‘flying’ he couldn’t help but be uneasy about it. Not downright sick, but more so worried about about being so high in the sky and something going wrong. Such is a somewhat stressful situation for someone who only recently went outside his village. To take his mind off things, he decided to check his stuff. “Let’s see…Clothes, check. Widow and Weaver, check. Spare lien, check. Yup, everything’s here.” As he was rummaging through his bag he noticed a photo.

The photo was of him and his adoptive mother. He couldn’t help but feel nostalgic as well as homesickness. But this wasn’t the time for introspection, it was time to look into the future. He noticed a note attached to it.

“Have an amazing time at Beacon! Everyone at the village wishes you luck on your endeavors!”​
-Love, Mom​

The note also had a bunch of signatures, most of them were messy. “Guess she let the kids have their fun.” He thought as he chuckled a little. “Love ya too, Ma.” He whispered to himself. He took out an apple and began to eat it. “Might as well have me some breakfast since it seems it’ll take awhile to arrive at Beacon.” He sighed as he began to read a book as he continued eating his apple.
Ray Short.JPG

Location: Bullhead arriving at Beacon

Mentions: JuniperBoi JuniperBoi



This was supposed to be one of the most exciting times of his life. Riding in a giant airship readying himself as they flew closer and closer to Beacon Academy. He was supposed to be shooting the shit with other first years, making friends or rivals, maybe even developing a crush on someone. You know, normal things first years like himself should be doing while waiting anxiously to land in their home for the next couple years.

For Ray, that wasn’t the case.

Instead, Ray was sitting down on one of the many benches with two guards flanking him on both sides. He had one leg resting on top of the other, his head in his hand with an annoyed look on his face. He watched, bored out of his mind, as students walked by whispering among themselves. Probably wondering what he did to be in this situation. Even he didn’t know why he was being treated like a criminal, ok maybe that’s a bit of a lie. He had an idea, but this was a little too much for the “crime”.

He stretched out his arms before looking at another student who was reading a book. Ray was slightly confused that this guy wasn’t doing what the other kids were doing and instead was just reading a book . However, that went out of his head as soon as he saw the apple in his hand ( JuniperBoi JuniperBoi ). He felt his stomach rumble screw it…he thought to himself before reaching into his pocket and pulled out a green apple.

The moment he took a bite the two guards looked at him, “where did you get that apple?” one of the guards asked in a demanding tone. It took a moment for Ray to answer. He wasn’t going to talk with his mouth full, he wasn’t rude like that.

“Cafeteria.” He answered before taking another bite. However, the look he was getting from both guards told him he messed up, “I think?”

“Oh yeah?” one of the guards says, “from the cafeteria, in a green box, by a zip lock bag with a sandwich inside?”

“And a note!” Ray added, “it said, like, Love mom, or something like that?” and there it was. The face mixed with rage and an expression he could only describe as ‘I knew it!’ looking right at him. Ray just snitched on himself.

The other guard couldn't help but chuckle as he says, "your mom still makes you lunch?"

“Ok, let’s be reasonable here,” Ray started when suddenly the guard lunged at him trying to grab the apple out of his hand. Finding out Ray did take his apple and his fellow guard slightly mocking him for his mother making his lunch was enough to set the guard off. However, Ray skillfully dodged and pushed the guard’s hand out of the way secretly using his semblance on him when he did so. One moment the guard seemed to have full control of his body, the next second the guard seemed to lose control of all momentum and went face first into the wall.

Ray jumped to his feet and looked at the two guards and grinned. He could have said a cheesy one liner but instead he gave the two guards a two finger salute (no he didn’t flip them off) before he turned on his heels, took another bite of H I S apple, and began to run leaving the scene as the second guard was trying to decide if he should chase Ray or help his currently unconscious friend.
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Vi Chesire
Location: beacon

Getting into beacon was the highest point in most kids lives as well you got in if you did well in schools or got recommended. That was what ammut had told Vi at least when he had let her stay at his house. Vi hadn't fully gotten the weight of the situation even now. Yeah she thought hunters were cool but she didn't fully get the great honor this was to most. Hunters well her exposure to them was mixed and her most vivid memory was seeing one torn apart by grimm aa her village was destroyed. She didn't fully see hunters are elite because she had seen them die. Either way while Vi might not take the situation ass eriously as she should others did. This meant most didn't notice the black cat in the air ship.

Being a cat wasn't exactly needed but dome part of Vi was nervous. Taking the form she had needed to maintain just relaxed her. She also had grown to feel more at home as a cat than a person to some degree. She was still a person, but well life was odd. Vi did wonder why beacon had to be up so high, was it some symbol thing? Vi would never get it if it was as she didnt really think in terms of what things meant while she had trouble enough just spelling what things were. That was one thing her temporary family had firgeten to ask about,her education. Having been a pet for most of her life education had never been well given to her. Vi had toyeaxh herself and that had mixed results, but this was a school to kill stuff so why would they need things like reading?

As a cat one got to see many things as who wpuld ever think an animal would actully know or care what you were doing. People would tell a friendly stray all their secrets and drop any fear of looking bad before a lone animal. Vi didn't know why,but she was never the one telling secrets. You also got to see weird events. Like a boy seemi glyph fighting with two people.that wasn't really Vi's problems he she wasn't really going to get involved and that aside it did reforce her idea that this was not as much of an honor as some thought.

If she had not given her current owner the slip then she would likely be bored to death with him. Still given he knew she was a faunus was he really her owner? Vi really didn't know what people counted as right now. She had been staying with the Hotep family for a little bit. Did that count as adoption? Was she a guest, a sister, or a pet? Vi didn't know the answer her mind defaulted to her being the family pet as that was how she had lived. Well she could figure that all out latter once she found Anubis who she like a good cat had left somewhere. Worst came to worst she could just live as a stray or find somone else to take her in.
Tweedle Twins
(Carmine and Cordovahn)

Location: Beacon. Or the airship approaching it.
Mentions: N/A

Sitting by one of the windows sat a rather novel pair even by Remnant's standards. Two identical twins, wearing layers of heavy clothing suited for cold weather under plates of armor. Aside from their luggage, each one had a rather large and intimidating weapon resting beside them. One was a huge slab of metal, more fitting on the side of a battleship than something a person should carry. The other was an equally impressive if more mundane greatsword, taller than an average man.

They sat with their arms crossed, one looking away with a frown as the other grumbled under his breath. The grumbler glanced at his other half, still bitter over what he said two hours ago.



"You're really still not talking to me?" His brother looked away even further.


"Carmine, if you were a worm, you wouldn't be my brother, because people can't have brothers that are worms!"

"Nuh-uh! I bet there are worm faunus' out there!"

"Oh, really? When was the last worm Faunus you met?"

Carmine took a moment think, one could almost see the gears turning in his brain before he snapped his fingers and grinned.

"There was Slythy, remember?"

"... Slythy was a SNAKE!" Carmine blinked in surprise.

"Wait, snakes aren't worms? OW!" Carmine rubbed his head from where Cordovahn had just cuffed it.

"That was for being stupid. You're lucky Slythy didn't hear that otherwise they'd kick you in the balls again."

"Didn't Slythy kick you in the balls though? OW!"

"I said we wouldn't talk about that ever again!" Carmines fingers suddenly shot out and poked Cordovahn in the eyes. "AGH, Dammit!"

From there their argument devolved into a comical brawl as they scuffled and wrestled. Eye pokes, noogies, and the cries of 'Say Uncle!' became the weapons of choice as the students around them all looked on and giggled at the seemingly vaudeville-esque routine.
Livi Wulfric
Location: Bullhead arriving at Beacon
JuniperBoi JuniperBoi Emile, MangoGoGo MangoGoGo Ray , americanCaeser americanCaeser Tweedle Twins
Interactions: Karcen Karcen Vi


Getting to Beacon was quite a challenge, especially considering Livi had to handle everything on her own to reach the destination.

Luckily, through a contact of Ragni's, she managed to secure a small apartment and a workshop in town. Interestingly, it was close to the academy. However, commuting via airships was a hassle, but sometimes you had to do what was necessary. Livi couldn't freely work on her various weapons on campus due to potential accidents.

In one way or another, Livi made her way to the Bullhead. She looked a bit comical with a bag almost larger than herself strapped to her back, and two smaller bags flanking her torso. Others probably found her appearance amusing as she walked around. Once she found a suitable seat, she left the larger bag beside her and kept the two smaller ones.

Finally relieved of the heavy load, Livi started stretching and observing her surroundings. Her attention was caught by a pair eating apples. One person was reading calmly, while the other seemed to have gotten into a scuffle over an apple. She found the situation rather odd. This was followed by bickering behind her. It was difficult for her not to laugh at their exchange, and she refrained from looking to avoid bursting into laughter.

Later, she noticed a cat that had sneaked onto the Bullhead. She approached it cautiously from behind, lifted it by the scruff, and settled back into her seat with the feline in her lap. Livi flipped the cat's belly up and began scratching it with one hand while grabbing some snacks with the other. Ignoring the cat's protests, she fed it some jerky sticks. In this peculiar yet comforting situation, Livi immersed herself in scratching and petting the cat while the journey to Beacon continued.

"I hope you're a stray, so I can keep you with me. Even if you have an owner, I might still hang onto you for a while. It's not every day I find such a fluffy cat."

As Livi enjoyed the cat's company and disregarded the potential for scratches and bites, her mind wandered. Eventually, she sighed and lifted the cat gently towards her face, whispering softly, "I hope you won't be my only friend at Beacon. But at the same time, you'll be my best friend. At least, I hope so." She gently placed the cat down again so it could rest comfortably with its back turned to her, then continued the slow and soothing strokes of its fur.

"Being alone really does suck, doesn't it?"

Aed Arylide.
Location: Bullhead arriving at Beacon.

Toward the back of the craft, stood near one of the windows of the airship, was a teenager in a long brown cloak. A large bag rested on the floor between his legs as feet sat either side of it. Like an emperor penguin protecting an egg. His cloak covered most of what he wore underneath, giving him very little character, besides a pair of large brown boots on his feet that had clearly seen their fair share of adventure. Messy blonde hair and a pair of horns were turned to watch the world rush by. Everything was moving so fast, like he was being dragged across the sky. Aed still wasn't used to the sensation of actually flying. The faint periods of brief instability and weightlessness when the vehicle made a turn or small jolt from turbulence were too similar to the brief feeling you'd get when a branch snapped. He had to actively fight his instincts to jump off of the non-existent branch. As he tried to settle himself. To help stabilise himself he pressed his back against the wall, not wanting to use one of the chairs due to the large, long crook along his back.

His master had taught him the importance of making friends, of forging bonds that could last a lifetime. It was only through trust and confidence in each other could a team of Hunters really flourish and thrive. Thinking back on it, he found this life lesson a little ironic from the woman who was always hunting on her own outside of the relative safety of the town. For a moment, he briefly turned those blue eyes away from the passing skyline and instead panned that rectangular pupil across the room as he got a better look at some of the other students. They were all like him, here for the first time. And yet, everyone looked so different. Everyone here was a story to tell.

That still didn't help him in striking up a conversation. His gaze turning back to the window. It was all a little awkward for him. The ride was simultaneously too quiet, and too noisy. All of the noises of the forest were gone, instead replaced by the muffled roar of engines that were ever-present. On top of that, he hadn't needed to make friends since he was a child. Maybe it was time to relearn some old life lessons...

Location: Bullhead arriving at Beacon
Interactions: Karcen Karcen Megilagor Megilagor

It was barely morning, the birds were still silent and all that filled the boys ears was the sound of his father’s very irritated voice “No!” the man roared, raising what looked to be a shotgun and aiming it at his son “do it right this time” the man said, his large doberman ears flicking in irritation and began to squeeze the trigger. Infront of the man kneeled his blindfolded son Anubis, whose jackal ears twitched at the sound of the trigger being pulled slowly. In that instant he rolled to the side just as the gun fired a small bag of sand to where he was just standing. Anubis quickly sprang to his feet and leaped into the air, dodging four more sand bags before being hit square in the chest by a strong foot. He rolled across the ground and came to a stop when he slammed against the padded wall “that’s enough for today, go wash up and don’t be late for your first day” Amun stated dryly as narrowed his eyes before turning on his heels “and make sure you keep an eye on the cat” he stated simply and walked out the room. Anubis sighed and sat up with a frown “good morning to you too father” he mumbled, rubbing his sore chest. The jackal faunus rose to his feet and pulled the blindfold from his face, blinking rapidly as light flooded his golden eyes.

~sometime later~

Anubis walked into the bullhead and began looking around for an empty seat. His large ears twitched at all the conversations, and he sat down a fair distance away from everyone as his eyes scanned over everyone. He hated flying, it made his stomach turn and his ears were awfully sore from the change in altitude. It had taken months just to not get sick while using his semblance but he still wasn’t use to airships. “she should be here somewhere” he mumbled remembering his father’s parting words and the fact that the ‘cat’ in question had disappeared at some point during their journey here. His golden eyes roamed over the odd collection of people until his eyes locked on a wolf faunus holding an oddly familiar black cat. He stood up and walked over to the girl “sorry for the intrusion” he stated calmly, his deep voice rumbling out awkwardly before looking down to the cat and clearing his throat “Vi, I believe we’ve talked about this.” He said, his voice clearer, He sighed and crossed his arms “father doesn’t want you letting random strangers pet you” golden eyes locking with the cat and raising an eyebrow in question. “We were supposed to arrive together ya know” he mumbled, ignoring some of the puzzling expressions of the people around them.
Vi Chesire
Location: beacon
mentions: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor

Vi was mostly people watching getting rather relaxed and letting her guard down, who here would care about a cat when they were in the sky? This mindset was proven wrong as to late Vi sensed someone right behind her in that way anyone could, and to late did she react and she found herself being picked up by her scruff. While this was a way to stop cats from moving it always was annoying and it wasn't like they didn't feel anything. Well with her Aura active the pain wasn't really there it was just some discomfort. Well there wouldn't be any pain anyways but the aura just numbed it all anyways, the bigger thing was that picking someone up like this really did mess with who was in control of what. Cats liked to be in control and Vi had picked up liking to be at least in control of herself so as she was picked up she wiggled and hissed a bit. She could break character and turn back to normal, but in the moment she forgot this. Only when the girl put Vi on her lap did Vi get to see the person who picked her up, which was another way of how not to deal with a cat. From on her back on the faunus girl's lap Vi noticed the girl was part dog, she hadn't really seen wolves outside of on tv so went with dog. She was pretty cute though she didn't know how to pet cats and Vi almost again broke character as her belly was rubbed. You didn't make a cat show you their belly that was a trust thing, luckily Vi wasn't fully a cat so fought far less than a real cat. The jerky also made the position a little bit better.

As the dog girls spoke Vi did get what she was saying, if she thought about it she was kind of alone, well not really. She had Anubis who likely was looking for her, but he was doing so for his parents most likely. Vi would just leave the girl turn into smoke and vanish or give up the ghost, but the idea of a lonely girl struck a cord with Vi and she didn't want to. Yeah there likely were plenty of lonely people on the ship, but well few felt like they didn't have anyone and Vi herself was still figuring out if she had anyone that really wanted to be around her. The fact the dog girl put her down and not on her back this time did help; Vi with her desire to stay with the girl.

Then Anubis came and had a mini lecture for her, shouldn't teens be all about not doing what their parents said? That was how Baza had been for a good while, but she had gotten better. These kids were pretty much moving out so what was the point in following what they said? Vi hadn't really had parents long enough to get what it was like to obey them or listen to them. She had had owners, but being a cat they knew that she couldn't really be trained. Well Anubis was just being a good boy, also he was some kind of dog right? Well now the dog girl had a dog boy to keep her company and a cat, the cat was the important part. The question was should she break character or make Anubis look crazy? there was only one answer and despite being a cat a grin spread over Vi's face for a moment.

" Meow" She meowed at him as if she was a normal cat before getting up and after a moment jumping up and onto him thanks to changing her weight and moving herself over a real jump. " She is lonely we should stay" She whispered in his tear as she moved from shoulder from shoulder on Anubis. Vi could be nice when she wanted to be and her sly tone did imply Abunis really couldn't stop her if she wanted to stay, her semblance really made her hard to contain.


Beacon Academy - Beacon Academy Bullhead
Noisy and crowded.

Itzal yawned as he made his way through the masses of students. The academy could only be accessed via airship, which was an interesting experience at least. The Faunus had never been exposed to such advanced tech before, let alone ridden on it. Certainly, even if such things were readily available in the parts of Vacuo he had moved through, there was no way he could afford it. Still, while one part of him was intrigued and curious, the other part of him was antsy the whole trip given one malfunction and the beacon of technology would basically turn into a giant metal tomb falling from the sky.

What made his feelings of trepidation worse were the various people crowding the ship. People were stressed, panickingly going through their bags, jumping up and down in excitement or even--fighting?

The Faunus eyed the two scuffling, sharing enough of a resemblance that he surmised they were siblings. He would just give them a wide birth as he passed, then sliding past some of the wallflowers, and entirely ignoring what he first thought were people having a conversation with an actual cat but ultimately pushed that out of his mind as a hallucination. He stepped around a guy going through his bags, glancing down at the man's storage as old habits and urges made themselves known.

Too many people. Besides, he wasn't even sure if the guy had anything of value. All he caught a glance of was a photo over the guy's shoulder.

Making his way to the helm, Itzal stretched his arms over his head with some space. There were still students out here, but less crowded. He stepped over to the rails and leaned against them, looking ahead at the academy in the distance, mulling over his thoughts. Then his eyes drifted down and he realized just how high they all were.

"...Yee-no," He said, cautiously stepping back. He had never really been afraid of heights, but what counted for high in the dunes?
Ray Short.JPG

Location: Bullhead arriving at Beacon


Interactions: Orichalcum Tiger Orichalcum Tiger EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen JuniperBoi JuniperBoi


Ray was probably three bites into the apple when he noticed the guard from before was back on his feet and was now heading his way in rapid pace, “For the love of…it’s just an apple.” He says to himself before he spun around and picked up his own pace trying to avoid capture. He did notice; however, the guard was alone. His partner probably thought this whole thing was a little over blown over some common fruit and decided to do something else instead of chasing a kid who may or may not but definitely did steal an apple from his lunch box, maybe.

Ray quickly realized that his usual method of using the crowd to hinder the guard’s movements wasn’t going to work. The halls in the airship were huge, large enough to accommodate the entire first year students and still have enough room to lay on the floor with their arms and legs fully stretched out. He was going have to play this smart.

Step 1: Get rid of the evidence.

( Orichalcum Tiger Orichalcum Tiger ) Near the back of the craft was a sheep faunus just sitting with his belongings. He was either contemplating life or working up the courage to talk to someone. Either way, he was perfect! He jogged up to the sheep faunus and gave a casual “Yo.” Judging by the look on his face he probably wasn’t expecting someone to just casually walk up to him, “Mind if I ‘borrow’ you for a second?” he asked but before the faunus could agree or disagree Ray grabbed his hand and placed a green apple on his palm and rapidly spoke, “I’mgoingtoleavethisherewithyouwhileIgodealwithsomething,I’llcomebackforitlater,pleasedon’tthrowithway,canItrustyouwiththis?Okthanksseeyalater Bye~.” And with that rapid fire sentence said Ray took off leaving the half-eaten apple in his hands. Seconds later, a guard ran past the sheep heading in the same direction as Ray, yelling for him to stop and face his punishment.

Ray took a quick glance to see if the guard went to talk to the Faunus and smirked when he saw he was still chasing him. Perfect! Step one was a success, now it was on to step two: Blend in. And for this, he had a perfect spot but first he had to change outfits. He quickly took off his jacket put it around the shoulders of another faunus ( EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen ) “Looks good on you buddy!” he called back as he continued running away.

One gift shop stop later and Ray had his perfect disguise, a light pink hat and matching shirt with the words ‘My life at Beacon’ written on the front.( JuniperBoi JuniperBoi ) He ran back to where it all began. Making sure the guard was a good distance away from him before he made his move. He grabbed a brochure from one of the stands and slid onto the bench like an action star sliding across the hood of a car, taking a seat right next to the reading student, “Don’t mind me, just pretend I’m not here.” With that said he pulled his hat down, crossed his arms, and put his head down pretending to be sleeping.

Ten seconds later the guard ran by stopping trying to catch his breath, “The hell?” He says confused before looking at the two sitting on the bench, “You two, did you see a student run by here?” before the other had a chance to answer or even process what was going on, Not Ray lazily pointed down the way. The guard looked at that direction and quickly gave the two a nod before running off. Ray waited for a seconds before he lifts the hat and takes a peek, “clean get away,” he says as he takes off the hat and puts his beanie back on, “you played smooth friendo,” he says looking at the other student, lifting a fist towards him, and says with a friendly grin, “Names Ray.”

Sicarius Blackwell

Location: Arriving at Beacon

Sicarius did not ride the bullhead with all of the other students. His Air Fleet Admiral father and Atlas Special Operative mother insisted they drop him off at school. It took all of Sicarius’ and his father’s adjutant’s convincing to not take a full sized Atlesian war airship but a smaller dropship. The clearance to land on Beacon with such a thing was also a pain and a half.

Besides the Blackwells, Admiral Blackwell’s adjutant also came along with a few androids. They’re merely added force protection for the Blackwells, mainly Admiral Blackwell. Sicarius sighed, he guessed his parents could not miss a moment like this. They could not miss dropping off they’re very military acclimatized son into a culture shock of demilitarized huntsman culture. Sicarius hoped there weren’t any snobby rich people at Beacon, he just cannot stand them. They are a blight back in Atlas.

“Are you ready my little Special Operative?” Major Blackwell said pinching her son’s cheeks.

“You’re here to broaden your horizons but your still a cadet, officer trainee, and future special operative. Don’t slack on your military science studies.” Admiral Blackwell chimed in.

“”Most Importantly, have fun.”” They both said in unison to Sicarius’ confusion.

“Huntsman Academy will be a different experience. You’ll never get anything like it again.” Major Blackwell commented.

“Enjoy it while you can, soon as you graduate you put on that golden bar and your responsibilities settle in.” Admiral Blackwell finished.
Hickory Stewart
Bullhead on its way to Beacon.

If he was in his younger, ignorant days, Hickory would've been excited to his bones. Beacon, the school he's been dreaming of for his life. To set foot into such honorable academy would be a blessing he'd never refuse. But, in his current state of mind, the young man was rather afraid. The fear was of having the naive vision of the school tainted. To see all the life size injustice happen also within Beacon. But on the other side of his mind Hickory knew that he couldn't expect paradise to exist so simply. Conflict was almost natural in schools with all these bratty teenagers, or so his friend said.
To take the attention of Hickory's rather glum thoughts, the tall muscular kid was dressed with jeans and a rather typical-looking red flannel, his luggage all barged into a big bag sitting next to him. Were it not for the context, he'd look like a tourist having mixed feelings about his trip.
In hopes of brushing away the negative feelings, Hickory took a deep breath and sighed. It was a new school with new friends, at least he could give a positive first impression.
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan

Flora knew that she was going in a flying ship, but she didn't realize how much she was going to miss being on the ground despite it only being for a short time. It's not that the ride made her feel sick, it just made her feel... Disconnected? As a Doe Faunus, nature was her whole shtick and feeling suspended in air just gave her some mixed feelings. The ship was walkable, however there were all different kinds of students that were here for the same reason as herself. So many people... I heard stories from others about this but I never thought being around it would be even more overwhelming. Flora thought to herself while adjusting her duffel bag within her hands. Eventually she found a spot for herself to kinda get away from the crowd and found herself next to a pretty tall male who seemed to have been minding his own business.

Gently putting her bag down and shifting the strap that came across her chest that bound her weapon to her back, she spoke "Sorry if you wanted to be alone over here. I couldn't find a better spot for the moment." Her golden eyes shifted over and looked up at him "I didn't expect there to be so many people on this ship if I'm quite honest. However I'm not sure why I would think that with a school like Beacon." A nervous laugh left her lips as she folded her hands behind her back "I'm Flora, by the way." Offering that warm smile of hers, she eventually looked down at her bag, making sure it was still there. Of course it's gonna still be there...I just put it down....
Untitled.pngAed Arylide.
Location: Bullhead arriving at Beacon.
Mentions: MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

So far this journey had been... Peaceful. It wasn't a state of mind he was used to being in. Tense, wild forests often brought their own fair share of challenges and dangers but to be hurtling through the air at significant speed in a metal box and feel oddly safe. It was strange. This train of thought kept him occupied for a few minutes until he unceremoniously yanked from being spaced out by a guy calling out to him. It all happened so fast, a casual greeting and then- "Hey, what do you- Eh?" By the time Aed had even realised what was going on, he had an apple in his hand and someone had ran off. He turned to watch the guy run off down the hall, only to turn and catch a glimpse of a second figure. Blue eyes flicked to the guard sprinting after what he could only guess was the guy who had just departed. He took a moment to replay the scene in his head and process what had happened.

A stranger had jogged up to him, not really given him a choice in doing a favour, then shoved something in his hand and sprinted off. Oh right, the object in his hand. He slowly ease his grip on the apple as he lifted it up to eye level. Aed pinched the stem with his fingers and let the partial eaten apple dangle there. He'd been told to look after it, and not throw it away; was he missing something, surely it was just an apple, right? As he slowly spun the object by twirling the stem, he tried to work out its secrets. A part of him debated taking a bite of it as a 'tax' for having to help but... He didn't know where this apple had been, or where he had been. What if it had been poisoned? Aed wasn't about to take that kind of risk.

There was nothing special about it. This was an apple. Just an apple. Was... Was this guy that hungry?
IMG_8447.jpeg Emile Forrest

Location: Bullhead

Interactions: MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

Mentions: N/A

Emile was looking outside the window, looking over the Vale scenery when something was something was moving within the semi reflective surface of the window. He turned around to see a guy running from security. “Man. Not even at the school and there’s already shit happening.” Although he himself was a bit of a troublemaker back at his village, he couldn’t help but smirk at the situation. “Heh. At least this ride won’t be boring.” He whispered to himself as he looked back to his book.

As he was continued to read, one of security guards approached him. Asking for the location of the apple thief. They probably were suspicious of Emile since he had an apple as well and was probably an accomplice of the thief, considering how the guard looked at him. Before he could say anything, the person next to him directed the guard elsewhere. A wave of relief washed over him as the guard left. The person next to him then took off the hat and put on a beanie, revealing himself to be the apple thief. The thief then introduced himself as Ray. Emile smirked. “You really threw him for a loop.” He chuckled a little. “Name’s Emile.” He then rummaged through his bag and got an apple out. “Here, so you don’t gotta steal.” He then tossed the apple to Ray. “I’m guessing this isn’t your first time doing this?”
Tweedle Twins

(Carmine and Cordovahn)

Location: Beacon. Or the airship approaching it.

Mentions: Megilagor Megilagor Livi


Cordovahn grinned from where he sat on Carmine's back, releasing his grip on his brothers arm that he had pinned behind his back. That was 4-2 Cordovahn since the month started! Served Carmine right after his 5-3 last month. This semi-brawling was very common for the two brothers, either bickering like an old married couple or brawling with one another over some mystery detail that they'd forget about nine times out of ten by the time the fight was over, like now.

Some may view it as 'abusive', but both brothers knew that at the end of the day this was just how they operated. They'd argue, maybe fight, then move on as if nothing happened. You couldn't have a Carmine and Cordovahn without a couple spats every now and then.

Where were we?

Right, Uncle.

Cordo stepped up from the floor and helped his brother up, as the students either clapped at Cordovahn's victory or turned their attention back to their conversations. As his brother dusted himself off, Cordo's eyes met with a fox... dog... canine type faunus if those ears said anything. He nodded at her before turning away.

"Right then. Snakes ain't worms, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah," Carmine nodded, rubbing his elbow before a thought struck him and he asked, "But then what *are* snakes?"

"Eels, duh."

Seriously, how would his brother ever survive without Cordo to be there and clarify up from down? Carmine, for his part, noted that tidbit of information before moving on back to their seats. But they stopped just before sitting down, taking in the sights that lay beyond the windows in front of them.

They spoke in unison.



Beacon Academy looked even more regal and impressive the closer they got to it. It was a constant, comforting reminder when in Vale, but this close and growing closer by the second? It looked like a veritable castle. In fact, Carmine reckoned that it was a Castle a long time ago before Vale's king abdicated after the Great War and it became an academy for Hunstmen and Huntress'. Course, he could be remembering it wrong, so he decided just to oggle at the spires and towers of Beacon as the air ship slowly approached.

"We're a long way from home, aren't we, Cordo?" His brother nodded.

"Yeah. We really are."

"... Y'think mom an' dad would be proud of us?"

"Hell yeah I do. Mom would've, atleast."

A few moments passed before Cordovahn turned away, rubbing his eye. Carmine rested his gauntled hand on his brothers shoulder in support. Losing their mother had been horrible for both of them, but Cordovahn took it especially hard. One could say he was still hurting, that wound festering with anger and spite for ten long years and it was why he was so dedicated to looking out for the two of them. Let him, Carmine thought.

Cordo would look after them. He'd look out for Cordo.
Livi Wulfric
Location: Beacon Bullhead
Karcen Karcen VI , Orin Orin Anubis

Livi looked up from her seat towards the tall man who approached her, he had animal ears like her albeit his looked different but she did not know enough about animals to tell what kind he was. She did not mind his interruption, ok she minded it a bit since it stopped her from fluffing the cat, but manners dictated to reply and so she did.
"Oh hello there. I don't mind. You aren't interrupting anything except me fluffing this cute cat "
Livi did not expect that such a man would talk to a cat like it was a person but whatever floats his boat or in this case fluffs his cat, but she was grateful since she learned the cat's name at least.
"So your name is Vi kitty, it's a nice name."
Livi said while scratching beneath Vi's chin, with a glee in her voice before asking a question to the man.
"Could I hold her till we arrive I'm a bit stressed out, you know new area, new life, no family and etc. So this ball of fluff helps."
Shortly after asking Vi left her lap and jumped onto the man, and of course, Livi had to comment on it especially since she bonded with the cat, but whatever Vi did with her that was a question of its own.
"Oh and off you go to your friend."

Livi stood up and cleaned herself off a bit before approaching the guy with the cat, then she gave him her gloved hand as if to give a handshake and regardless of whether he reciprocated the handshake or not, she greeted him.
"Anyways my name is Livi. Livi Wulfric nice to meet ya'."
After saying all that Livi's ears twitched a bit and her tail swung low but energetically, while a smile plastered itself on her face, the smile wasn't all that genuine considering her circumstances but it wasn't a fake one for she was grateful to meet a new person and perhaps become friends with him, but mainly with the ball of fluff in the form of a cat named Vi.
Even through the greeting, her eyes were following Vi more than looking at the man's face.
"If you don't mind you could sit next to me seeing as you were probably searching for an empty seat anyway. That way you can still have Vi within reach and I have a fluffy friend to lessen my stress."
Livi honestly asked, truthfully it was an impromptu plan made so that she could get Vi on her lap again, but it might as well allow her to make a first friend here.
Not waiting for results Livi returned to her seat, and began to gesture with her hands by tapping the seat beside her and her lap with open palms.
"Come on, you wouldn't like to make a lady wait in life..... I think, at least that's what Uncle told me."
Added Livi to goad the man more, but she truly was a bit confused at her own statement, since why would her Uncle teach her that if she herself was a lady.


Anubis Hotep
Location: Airship
Interactions: Karcen Karcen Megilagor Megilagor

Anubis’s ear flicked in irritation ‘I know she did not just meow at me’ he thought to himself in the second that the cat jumped to his shoulder he narrowed his eyes slightly as she whispered in his ear “not like you’re giving me a choice” he seethed to Vi and with a shake of his head and sat down next to the wolf Faunus, grabbing Vi by the scruff of her neck and setting her on Livi’s lap. “pleasure to meet you Livi” Anubis stated with a small nod, reaching out to shake the girl’s golfed hand “my name is Anubis Hotep” he bowed slightly as he introduced himself with motions that seemed rehearsed “and yes this fur-ball” he glared down at Vi before lifting his head up to meet the girls gaze once more “Is Vi” he huffed slightly, still annoyed with the cats antics.

Should I tell her’ he thought to himself as he peered down at Vi “uh something you should know” he mumbled awkwardly before looking at the girl “Vi isn’t an ordinary cat” he said “she’s, special” was all he could say with a small smirk, he was trying his best not to laugh at the situation “uh I think it would be better if she told you herself” he said before looking down to the cat “you mind explaining so I don’t look like I’m crazy?” He paused for a second “any more than I already do” he groaned slightly knowing Vi was probably enjoying watching him fumble around like a newborn pup “Please” he added on, looking the black cat in her eyes.
Vi Chesire
Location: beacon
mentions: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor

What was it with people and picking her up by her scruff? Vi hissed and tried to slash at Anubis, though she kept to the cat act and couldn't hurt him. Well she honestly didn't want to hurt him she was just annoyed this was happening a second time and Anubis didn't have the benefit of being a cute girl to off set how he picked her up. Still he put her in Livi's lap and Vi in cat fashion made herself at home where she decided to rest and laid down on the girl's lap. She expected Anbuis to not explain it, after all he wasn't treating her exactly like a person so why would he reveal her not being normal? Vi didn't know when or if she would reveal anything, did she need to? Well she was going to a school for people so they would look oddly at a cat in classes. Though would a school like this teach anything but fighting? Really what was there to fighting grimm, know the type and hit them till they died or you died. Well there had been more, but Vi had only fuzzy memories of the hunters fighting and more vivid memories of the deaths. Really what were classes like Vi had never gone to any, but Baza had always complained about them?

Then Anubis started talking about her and gave the whole thing away. Well not everything he wanted her to explain. Vi thought about it some she could just keep acting like a cat and make Anubis seem crazy, but it was his family that was getting her in here. It was his family that was letting her be more than a pet. She should be nice, but it was tempting very tempting to just keep messing with everyone. Also Anubis had put on enough of a show.

" Spoil sport" Vi whined now speaking openly in front of Livi " You are just no fun " Vi continued as her cat form rapidly turned into a steam like fog and in a moment reformed. Vi was now laying on her back with her head on Livi's lap. " But Anubis is right I am no normal cat I am a cat that can become a person, or a dog, or a different person, i can become a lot of things and even come apart if i want. Or if a cute puppy girl asks me to " Vi teased with a wink.

Vi was winging what could be called flirting as she had no experience with it beyond what she saw on TV. Well she saw others when she went on walks, but well seeing and doing were two different things. She also didn't explain things well on purpose, and also she still did think of herself as a cat so describing that first was just natural for her.
Hickory Stewart
with: Flora( Britt-21 Britt-21 )
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RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan

Flora knew that she was going in a flying ship, but she didn't realize how much she was going to miss being on the ground despite it only being for a short time. It's not that the ride made her feel sick, it just made her feel... Disconnected? As a Doe Faunus, nature was her whole shtick and feeling suspended in air just gave her some mixed feelings. The ship was walkable, however there were all different kinds of students that were here for the same reason as herself. So many people... I heard stories from others about this but I never thought being around it would be even more overwhelming. Flora thought to herself while adjusting her duffel bag within her hands. Eventually she found a spot for herself to kinda get away from the crowd and found herself next to a pretty tall male who seemed to have been minding his own business.

Gently putting her bag down and shifting the strap that came across her chest that bound her weapon to her back, she spoke "Sorry if you wanted to be alone over here. I couldn't find a better spot for the moment." Her golden eyes shifted over and looked up at him "I didn't expect there to be so many people on this ship if I'm quite honest. However I'm not sure why I would think that with a school like Beacon." A nervous laugh left her lips as she folded her hands behind her back "I'm Flora, by the way." Offering that warm smile of hers, she eventually looked down at her bag, making sure it was still there. Of course it's gonna still be there...I just put it down....

Hickory noticed someone approach him among the crowd. It was a rare occassion to have someone approach him so nonchalantly- most kids had the tendency to be intimidated at first sight. Finally, an opportunity to start a conversation without having to explain that he was not a scary guy. Hickory greeted the stranger with a smile, not minding the resting of her bag on the floor.
"Hey. It's fine, I was just wondering if I'd make any friends."
He said as the girl fixed the bag on her back. Two bags, one of which probably contained her weapon. It was a rough guess.
"Oh, yeah, no joke. I thought It'd be like a small batch of students, too. Exceeding expectations, huh?"
The girl's nervous laugh was answered with a little shrug from Hickory, who was certain that he was feeling the most awkward between the two of them. She was the one who had the guts to approach first after all. Started the conversation, too. He used to be good at that as well, until some unfortunate set of events happened to his life. But this was no time to be gloomy-rather, a time to celebrate. It was a possible new friend! He couldn't smile as warm as she did, but he could talk with her at least.
"I'm Hickory. I used to have weird nicknames, like Kory or Hick... whatever you feel like calling me."
The bag. Hickory noticed her glance down at her bag.
"You... got something in there? I could pull out a cushion for you if you have something fragile."
Ray Short.JPG

Location: Bullhead arriving at Beacon


Interactions: JuniperBoi JuniperBoi Orichalcum Tiger Orichalcum Tiger


The other boy introduced himself as Emile before he began digging through his bag leaving Ray and his fist bump attempt hanging. While Email searched Ray silently looked at his fist with confusion, like a child who is trying to figure why his toy stopped working, harsh he thought to himself. His perspective changed when Emile suddenly pulled out a apple from his bag and offered it to him. Ray was overcome with joy. He covered his eyes with his arm as he sobbed, “my mother told me before I left to make friends.” He said in between the fake sobs, “but I didn’t just make a friend,” Ray adds dramatically, “I found myself a brother.”

The dramatics stopped as soon as Ray caught the apple Emile tossed to him and spun it around his finger, “Not sure where you got that impression.” He says in a sarcastic tone, “but this was the first time I had to use a disguise to get away.” He says tugging at the light pink shirt he was currently wearing. He happened to catch a glimpse of himself from the slightly reflective surface of the windows and whistled, “but I am rocking the hell out of this color right now.” He tossed the apple up and caught it in his hand and was about to take a bite but stopped, “oh wait.” Ray looked back and forth as if he was looking for someone, “there is someone I need to look for,” he says trying to remember which direction this person was, “follow me!” he says, grabbing Emile by his wrist and pulling him along.

Luckily for Ray the person he was looking for was still right where he found him the first time, “Yo!” he calls back to the fauna who was currently looking at the green apple he trusted to guard for Ray, “how’s it going my ‘partner in crime?’.” He asks as he walks up to him and puts his arm around his shoulder like they have been old friend since birth, “I would like to introduce to you, my brother from another mother, Emile.” He says introducing Emile to the fauna, “Emile, this is…umm…” it was then he realized that he didn’t know the fauna’s name, “what was your name again?”
Livi Wulfric
Still at the bullhead
Karcen Karcen Vi, Orin Orin Anubis
Rizzed by a cat

Livi listened to Anubis who just shared his name with her. Upon hearing Vi is a special cat she could not hold herself from speaking up.
"Of course Vi is special, it's not often you see such a cute and fluffy black cat, especially one who likes people since you know. The superstition about black cats being unlucky. You know what I tell them If they run into a black cat and die then life gave them the cruelest handicap. Cause how can people hate such a cutie pie."
Anubis might be a bit crazy trying to get a cat to talk, but Livi was none the wiser till she heard another voice around her so she looked around not seeing anyone close even remarking about the fact.
"Huh, who said that?"
Feeling that the weight of Vi was gone from her lap Livi looked towards her and albeit slowly she connected the dots. 'This kind of special' She thought. It was Vi the cat that spoke..... Her uncle would be on the ground laughing his ass off at the situation right now if he was here and alive.

"Uhm... I would prefer if you stayed a cat or as you are now since it would be even more awkward than it is now if you looked like me or someone else. But about your offer, it would have to wait till I know you better kitty."
Completely unsure what to make of it Livi replied with what little info and understanding she had even unintentionally tried to flirt back, something that appears to be a family trait at this point, hell Livi even booped Vi's nose when saying kitty. Along with it, Livi thought she was thinking it but she spoke it under her breath akin to a whisper without knowing she said it for others to hear.
' Did Vi who I thought was just a normal cat just try to rizz me, She is cute though, and did I try to flirt back? Well, at least I didn't smoke Uncle's herbs before I came here or it would be even weirder of a situation. Also did I really just boop her nose"
It took a bit of thinking from Livi's mind to figure things out, one thing that stood out to Livi the most was that Vi didn't have luggage, and especially a weapon at hand.
"Wait if you can become a human does that mean you are coming as a student? If so do you need a weapon? I have a few ready that just need some light tinkering to be battle-ready and fit to you, of course in your human form. So tell me what do yah need and I might have something for you cutie."
Livi said while pointing at the big bag next to her filled to the brim with her ears while carrying a happy grin on her face, it's a miracle it did not break at its seams, where were her hands during all that, of course, they were petting Vi's head.
At this point, it might be an addiction to the fluff, rather than a way of destressing, although Vi's hair is as fluffy as her fur when she is a cat so it's a win-win for Livi.
What would Livi wish for more, She's got a new friend, a cutie is lying on her lap but whether Vi's flirting was a jest or real Livi would have to see, and she might get someone to use one of her weapons, the only thing greater would be if she ended up in a team with one of them at least if not both.

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RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan

Flora was glad that Hickory had thought just the same. Underestimating the amount of students that would be both on this flying ship and whoever else would be on campus. Her golden gaze lifted back up towards the man and shook her head in response "No no, I'm okay. Just making sure I have everything accounted for. However it is nice to met you Hickory." I didn't expect him to notice me making sure my bag was still there. At least he thought I was looking for a seat and nothing more. Thought the Faunus while she twiddled with her thumbs behind her back. "So what do you got in terms of a weapon?" What else could she really talk about? Why he wanted to be a Hunter? Well...That probably would've been a better question to start with but its too late now! "Ranged or perhaps maybe close combat?" In her case she was 100% both. Could be close or ranged depending on the situation.

As she was trained by her father, she was trained to have multiple skills in order to be a pretty well rounded Huntress. Though with her fan, she knew she was stuck in position when in use and would need backup to protect her. In her mind, her fan was made for situations where AOE was needed at the time. With a team, the fan can be incredibly powerful but it's highly dangerous due to friendly fire. Perhaps when we get there and figure out teams, I'd be able to explain it to them. Her hands moved from behind her back and to the strap, grasping it in thought. The Green-haired girl almost seemed as if she was antsy, nervous even as she fiddled with just about anything. Whether it be her thumbs, the strap of her weapon case, or wiggling her toes in her shoes. Maybe she was just really, really, really, nervous about being in the mid air and not back on the ground in nature.​
View attachment 1110363Aed Arylide.
Location: Bullhead arriving at Beacon.
Mentions: MangoGoGo MangoGoGo JuniperBoi JuniperBoi

Once his own line of mental reasoning had come to an end he took the hand holding the apple and pulled it into his long sleeve. If this was something more sinister in nature, waving it around probably wasn't the wisest idea. Just then, he spotted the person who'd thrust his responsibility upon him, approaching with another.

... Well that was quick.

Usually when someone told you to defend or guard something it could take days. It had been, around just over a minute? Oh, and he had a friend too. From under one of the long brown sleeves of his robe a hand emerged, brandishing the apple. The other raised a hand to his hood and slowly peeled it back to reveal his horns in full. Rectangular, black pupils flicked between the pair of them as he smiled faintly. "Good to meet you Emile. My name is Aed but..." There was a slight tilt of the head in curiosity as he looked back to Ray. Crystal blue eyes and those unusual pupils were staring unintentionally into his soul. "I was never told your name." The guy was an absolute enigma and that interested Aed. For someone so calm and calculating, to be face to face with an avatar of chaos was fascinating.

location: Airship
Interactions: Megilagor Megilagor Karcen Karcen

Anubis stared at the pair in disbelief “most people freak out” he mumbled, rolling his golden eyes and leaning back into the seat with a sigh. Suddenly it was like his body remembered it was on a ship and lurched horribly, causing the boy to cover his mouth in fear of throwing up what little breakfast he had managed to grab before he left home “I hate flying” he groaned and his stomach seemed to echo the sound. All the boy could do was slink down in his chair miserably, praying they would reach Beacon soon “how long is this flight?” He asked aloud, his copper skin seeming to pale just a bit.

You’re fine” he mumbled to himself, taking deep long breaths “just like semblance training” he said to himself again, breathing deeply through his nose and out his mouth in an attempt to calm his racing nerves. He hated flying, honestly any type of transport made his stomach lurch and he much preferred to walk even if beacon was too far. His sickly eyes trailed back over to Vi who was still laying on the Faunus’ lap with a small sigh “well at least one of us will enjoy our time here” he said quietly, closing his eyes and leaning his head against the wall with his ears twitching slightly which caused the metal hoops on his ear jangle slightly.

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