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Fandom RWBY, The Resistance

Character Sheets:





Appearance: (Preferably in the way of a picture)

Political Affiliation: (Iron League, Atlas Military, White Fang, Vigilante)


Semblance: (Though this is optional)

Biography (At least 200 words):

Personality (100 words):

Theme Song:
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Chelsea Locheart

  • YOZ2ui8.png

    Name: Chelsea Locheart

    Nickname(s): Chelle or Locky

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Height: 6'2"

    Race: Faunus

    Affiliation: Vigilante

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Enkye said:
Chelsea Locheart

  • Likes: Observing others and playing with them, stronger opponents, hitting things.
    Dislikes: Persistent people, braggers, weak opponents.
    Talents: Sword skills, aerobic exercises.
    Ineptitude: Has little etiquette in social activities, will outright say anything she wants.
    Dreams: To find a suitable partner for marriage.
    Fears: Nomophobia - the fear of laws or rules. She doesn't like to follow rules very much.
    Secrets: Has no left eye. Tells others it's a mechanical eye.
    General Personality: A good explanation for her would be a deadpan character.Deadpan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    However she does have her displays of emotion every once in a while
So which faction is she in? I take it the Vigilantes?
[QUOTE="Bullet Tooth Tony]So which faction is she in? I take it the Vigilantes?

K, updated it

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---You are not your age---

---Nor the size of clothes you wear----

---You are not weight---

---Or the color of you hair---

---You are not a name---

---Or the dimples in your cheeks---

---You are all the books you read---

---And all the words that you speak---

---You are your croaky morning voice---

---And the smiles you try to hide---

---You're the sweetness in your laughter---

---And every tear that you cried---

---You're the songs you sing so loudly---

---When you know you're all alone---

---You're the places that you've been---

---And the one you call home---

---You're the things that you believe in---

---And the people that you love---

---You're the photos in your bedroom---

---And the future you dream of---

---You're made of so much beauty---

---But it seems that you forgot---

---That you were simply just described---

---By all the things that you're not---


...Amber Marigold Cinnabar...








...Amber acts immature in certain ways, and seems to enjoy teasing and needling her friends. She is very childish and akward, that some even say that she's crazy. However, she can be a little hurtful with words, as shown on the poem she told to one of her friends above, causing her friend to be sad. She has random ways of speaking, and sometimes speaks in rhymes if she wants to. In combat, she can be a little bit crazy with her hammer, wanting the opponent to die quickly. She is hyper, psychopathic,batty, rude, disrespectful, and apathetic. She hates being commanded and likes being treated fairly. Rumors say that she's a superhuman, due to her being able to carry her enormous weapon, having to concern and caring for others, and her speed at attacking being as fast as, maybe, as light. Plus, she's guilty of making weird noises and laughing at inappropriate times. She is also guilty of trying to cheer her friends up, but ends up making them sadder...

But, the true Amber is a really kind and caring person. She was very hyper and rude due to her trying to be happy. She's very miserable and pretends to be joyful and crazy all the time, but she might have overdone it. There are times when she turns serious and sad, but those times are really rare. Amber finds it hard to stay sane, and to
not go insane. She sometimes occupies herself in writing novels, or poems. But, the novel, or poem, that she makes are really sad and weird. You can get her away from you if you give her some candy, but one pievpce of candy will only take fifteen minutes of her time...








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Fleur Floraison:

-Fleur Floraison (Blooming Blossoms) is a large, retractable hammer that Amber uses for melee attacks, unless she tries to throw it at the opponent.

-Although it is very enormous, Amber can easily carry it for some reason.

-It is surprisingly hasty in attacking.



...Her semblance causes an infectious happiness, sometimes...And it seems to be passive...


...Amber grew up in Atlas, and attended school there for most of her childhood. She was bullied, and used what she learned in school to cope with it and push through it. For Amber, school was one of the few places that taught her how to cope up more, and she flourished there. However, just after her 17th birthday, all of that changed. Having graduated with top marks, and ready to move on to Atlas Academy, she was stopped cold when her application to the Academy was rejected. Assuming it must have been a clerical error, she went and visited the Academy's admissions office, and met with the staff member who had processed her application.

Upon entering the man's office and introducing herself, she was given a not-so-polite explanation: The staff member was prejudiced against her for some reason, and had rejected her solely on that fact. After discovering there was nothing she could do, Amber went home, having been rocked to her very core. The system she'd admired so long for being as prejudice-free as possible had turned against her in the worst possible way. Disgusted and disillusioned, she applied to Beacon, and moved to Vale once she was accepted. Her life was good. Getting good grades, having many friends, all of it was great. That is, until, everything bad happened...

Theme song:



...Credit to Crystallyna, Tda, ISAO, Souro-P , PON , Kokatsu3, NATSUKA, Electrica2014, Kakomiki, Kuroyu, anmiamy111, SuminoChan, beikonated, TheGirlNamedSig, JustLunaLover, mayuri602, for the character appearance...



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Coal Argyle Wilkshire

Age: 57

Gender: Male

Height: 5'9

Species: Human

Supreme Leader of Vale, and Supreme Commander of Iron League Forces

Weapon: None, relies on his bodyguards.

History: Coal was born the son of Chernaborg, and from a young age was groomed to be the next patriarch of the Wilkshire family. The Wilkshires have maintained for the last two hundred years, their status as rabid anti-faunites, Vale's second richest family, and the sponsors of the Iron League, a militia that cropped up in the first of the Faunas Wars. Coal grew up in a time of great turmoil for the family, as his younger brother Herb ran away to join the Huntsmen, which Coal blamed on the liberalized relationship Herb had with faunas.

Coal at age 18 left home to study in Atlas' universities, learning the ways of business, this was where he made important contacts in several of the armament companies there. At age 22 he graduated with a masters in business management and returned to Vale, set on fulfilling the family desire to one day run the entire kingdom and establish a dynasty. After twenty years of investment, and having nearly doubled the family fortune, Wilkshire manor became the target of a White Fang demonstration, where Coal's hate of the faunas was reignited. He believed it would be only a matter of time before the faunas reorginized into an army and proved themselves another viable threat to humanities survival.

Seeing the faunas as a new threat to polite society, Coal began to recruit members for the Iron League and importing weapons to arm it. For fifteen long years Coal waited in the shadows, recruiting slowly from the shadows. When finally in 80 AGW, when the faunas finally launched their new spree of crimes, Coal saw the chance and capitalized on the new anti-faunas sentiment and deployed his troops into Vale's streets, taking the city with minimal casualties.

Personalities: Coal Argyle Wilkshire is a formidable presence in any more and often commands respect. He suffers, like most dictators, to paranoia and always wants to be on top of any information gathered or given, often having meetings and mission briefings multiple times a day. Another trait is ruthlessness, Coal believes that civilian casualties are a necessity in war, he's also close minded, and while he may be open to military solutions, he's socially conservative.






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They called us monster, So that's what we became, We earned respect out of fear, Only to lose it to new opponents, We have to repeat that again, And that's what we will do, They can chain us up, But we will break free, We won't let them stop us now, Not after what we have done to get here.
Stracciatella during a White fang rally at the start of the Iron League's reign over Vale.

Stracciatella Shade






She is a Hawk Faunus

Political Affiliation:

She is a high ranking officer in the White Fang thought to be the second in command.


She has a giant extreamly durable Minigun which was stolen from a raid on a Iron League supply train. She painted it black and placed three red Tomoe on where the ammo goes. If need be she can use it as a blunt weapon by simply swinging at the opponent. It is very heavy but yet Shade can move it with ease and it seems not to slow her down.


"Tactical Awareness"

Her semblance only works when they is a map or something that shows an area in front of her. Her semblance then allows her to process information on troops on the map. For example if a White Fang scout learns that an enemy force is at point A and mobile but it is unknown where the force is going her semblance allows her to guess where they are heading and how long it would take to get there, however her guess can sometimes be wrong or sometimes give several end locations for the enemy force. Her semblance works better with the more information she has.


Stracciatella was born in a very poor part of Vale her family had nothing, she lived in a shack that had the bare minimum a table, three chairs and a small pot over a fire which was a oven or cooker to the family. Despite this Stracciatella lived a rather happy childhood filed with friends all of which were also Faunus as he parents forbid her to play with the humans which was something that Stracciatella had no idea why. Her parents managed to keep her in the dark about the whole situation facts that the Faunus race and the human race never really had got along.

A few years past and at aged ten Stracciatella finally learned about the past between the humans and Faunus, what had happened in the past and what was happening now with large business using Faunus labor's who get slim to nothing. She learned this all from a simply rally of Faunus that happened nearby where she lived. It was soon after that she learned about who the people rallying were they were an organization called the White Fang, it was here when she first saw what the White fang was.

Stracciatella soon learned about the whole organization that was the White Fang and it was at aged thirteen when she first joined in a White Fang rally and it felt right, she felt good about something she was doing. However soon after the White Fang fell under knew leader ship and everything changed, peaceful rallies changing to organized attacks and raids on anything that segregated the Faunus anyone that wouldn't serve them or used them as cheap labor they would attack and as strange as it sounded Stracciatella still felt great about doing what she did and continued to support the White Fang in a new way.

Ten years after joining the White Fang and at aged Twenty three she began getting recognized in the White Fang for what she did and has been doing for years and finally it seemed she was getting somewhere, she moved up the ranks until she was in the 'circle of leadership' in the White Fang. It wasn't long after that they finally found out what she specialized in which was planning she could find places to set up ambushes from the smallest bit of information.

It was two years after this that another force began segregated the White Fang this force was one that came out of no where it was the Iron League's. With the two years that they had come into power the White Fang has been making progress and over time has gained some ground for them to stand on.


Stracciatella is a headstrong and steadfast girl she believes that what she is doing is always right and has done even since her younger years and her first days in the White Fang, she refuses to listen to what society expects of them to bow their heads and listen to the ones above. She likes to feel in command and doesn't like to feeling out of control. Stracciatella does not see a point in doing something if its not to the best of her ability, she hates leaving things half done or something done badly which is why when she plans she ensures that everything has been took into account so nothing is over looked.

Theme Song:



Name: Laurence Grau

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance: Laurence is rarely out of his uniform, the twin bars of Captain always glinting in the sun no matter the condition of the rest of the grey-and-blue. He stands a few inches taller than average, just enough to sneer at lackadaisical enlistees or impertinent Lieutenants. His shoulders are broad, his frame well-muscles, lean from years of service and scarred from too many close calls. His arms are long, his gait proud, his posture straight, his dark brown hair kept regulation-short. He is missing the tip of middle finger on his left hand, the result of an unfortunate run-in with a revolutionary after an insufficient night's sleep. His nose bears the evidence of several breaks, some incorrectly healed. His eyes are muddy brown, his worst feature; his jaw is strong and angular, his best. His skin is pale and poorly-maintained, his hands calloused and scarred. He keeps himself as clean as he can afford: too many of his soldiers have been casualties from infection for him not to. His weapon is never far from his hand, his eyes rarely break from perceived danger. He has a soldier's disposition: irreverent with equals, courteous with superiors, harsh with subordinates. Abstemious on duty, indulgent off. His laugh fills a room, his displeasure acute and razor-sharp.

Political Affiliation: Atlas Military

Weapon: Aura presents difficulties to the soldier so used to fighting Grimm, and Laurence has been forced, over his career, to adapt. He has always hated fighting in melee. Efficiency is Laurence's ideal, and the antique is his fetish. Transforming weapons are neither of these. They're cumbersome, expensive and often unnecessary. Laurence is a lover of the firearm, and comes prepared. His revolver, his prized possession gleaming silver-grey is seldom away from his hip, six impressive chambers ready to be filled with equally impressive brass casings. A long rifle, bolt-action and bored to dispatch large danger at long distances, is his bread and butter, large and imposing and bad in tight spaces, powerful and accurate and deafening in the wide open. Laurence likes to think that the bayonet lug makes it 'transformable' enough.

Semblance: Laurence can see the future. Not far into the future, of course: the furthest forward he's ever seen was two seconds, but that was almost certainly a fluke. The distance in time changes slowly up and down from day to day, with the occasional odd spike or dip, averaging around 1.3 seconds. He cannot decide how far to look, and always sees at the maximum of his possible distance. It drains him to look forward more than might be expected, and only with significant training and ample concentration has he learned to both peer into the future and focus on tasks at hand. The future he sees change with his actions: if he sees himself cut a red wire and explode, his decision to cut a green wire may change matters. Since his semblance interprets his clearly expressed volition, and can change, Laurence theorizes it is simply supernatural predictive qualities, but he has always found that women respond better to “I can see the future”

Biography: If you ask any of Laurence's confidants, they'll tell you he wanted to be a soldier since he could remember. This, of course, is not entirely true. Laurence was captivated by the same fantasies of extreme youth: fireman, scientist, sportsman, celebrity. He realized that soldiering was a career he could bring himself to respect when he was five, and heard stories from his father of soldiers saving a town far to the south, protecting its citizens from innumerable Grimm. He only figured that he should actually try to be a soldier when he fired a gun for the first time, and fell head-over-heels in love.

If he was going to be a soldier, defending the people and keeping his country safe, he should be the best. Combat school was expensive, but his parents managed to pay his way, if only just. Atlas academy was the next step, entered on scholarship and funded by waiting tables or cleaning toilets. He still regrets missing Valedictorian, placing third in the final standings.

To many of his fellow graduates, the military was not what they were expecting. 99% of their job was cleaning, or running, or doing paperwork, or patrolling uninhabited stretches of wilderness for Grimm that in all likelyhood would not show up in any numbers worth thinking about. Many of his peers could not handle this. Laurence didn't mind it one bit. Every task he did made Atlas a little bit safer, a little bit happier, and if he could safeguard his homeland by pushing brooms or staring at trees, he'd do it. He proved himself capable during that other 1%, the part of the job where lives were on the line and the smell of gunpowder and blood filled the air. He earned a Distinguished Service Cross in the defense of Musel, and his Captain's bars four years early in the bombed-out ruins of New Gotha.

He didn't want to come to Vale. Killing Grimm was unambiguous. There was no mistaking civilians for combatants, no souls extinguished, no reproachful glares or glass-eyed orphans. Orders were orders, though, and with his transfer to the 33rd Infantry Battalion, he arrived in Vale at the head of Dora Company, with orders to pacify subversive elements and support the new regime to the best of his abilities.

Personality: Efficiency is Laurence's personal maxim, order his general preference. Waste should be avoided, be it lives or time or materiel. Chaos brings the Grimm, and tramples the weak underfoot without fail. The military has become more of an influence on Laurence than his parents ever were, and he has assumed that ever-present military mindset regardless of his desires. He wants to do right, to protect his country and make the world a better place, and he has to a large extent given over his decision making power to his superiors. Soldiers who do not follow orders are no use, after all.

Personally, he is generally cheerful. He likes to sing and dance and drink when he can afford it. He is frugal, and polite, and always happy to meet new people. He is crass and brash among friends, and quicker to anger than he'd like, but just as quick back down. He is highly patriotic and opinionated, well-read and keen to learn about those few subjects which hold his interest. Anything not done perfectly should be done better, in his mind, and Laurence respects those who do their jobs well, no matter what that job might be. He is optimistic, and takes pleasure in doing what he thinks is the right thing, though has not kicked away the moral crutch of 'following orders', and is prone to self-delusion and over-justification.

Theme Song:[media]

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All known files on Boomer have been destroyed.

Rion (Iron) Boomer

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/poooo.jpg.58fb0f058382f8fed95f64842710acb0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/poooo.jpg.58fb0f058382f8fed95f64842710acb0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"People tell such great stories, sob stories, tales of epics fighting great beasts and saving the world. Me? Hell I ain't like your regular stories because I don't have one, I am a psychopath, I am a murderer. You may think there is a sob story behind it but sorry darling...I do it cause it's fun!"





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Political Affiliation:

Vigilante, before the Legion came he was actually a Psychotic Villain


The Punch Line

Just a simple duffle bag they all say..Boomer carries with him a massive duffle bag, nothing out of the ordinary just that it is shaped rectangular and most bags have folds and wrinkles. Its of a grey and white color with a couple of mechanical buttons on it and no zipper. As anyone could already guess its his weapon. Created and named by him. The punch line is a massive rocket launcher hammer. When in hammer form Boomer can boost his attacks speed by opening the back of the hammer and having the missiles push the hammer forward. Along with this he is allowed to open the front of the hammer revealing the missiles. With this he does what he is known specially for, he uses the rockets boosters and smashes the hammer into something, building, car, person. You name it, then once the hammer connects a massive explosion bursts outwards. The hammer is not affected at all as it was designed to withstand any kind of blast. The missiles can have dust infused to them but its pretty much randomized because that's how Boomer likes his weapons.

This weapon can also transform into an over the shoulder rocket launcher, to just blast away enemies one at a time but that is far too boring. The ammo for the launcher is in it and he carries some on him as well, they are of his own creation, normally compacted and once inserted form into the missiles. He also carries around various types of explosives. Because he loves explosives and blowing things up.



Boomer's semblance pertains to his personality and weapon. It also is an aura related semblance and is not very epic. Boomer has a fairly enhanced aura. When attacking like he does, headstrong and stupid. His aura amplifies kind of like an armor. Things like explosions from his weapon and explosives seem to be ineffective against him or at least his aura protects him. Regular weapons and explosives take a while to break through his aura. When his semblance activates his Mohawk sticks up and he seems to have a black aura coming off him and his skin seems to be steaming like he is cooling down after taking an extremely hot shower or something. In this state he is allowed to take immense damage without problems letting him do really stupid things, he still takes a bit of damage but it is not bad, bullets turn to pinches and stings and explosions turn to simple punches. There are some weaknesses however that have yet to be identified other then ice is a major issue to his semblance almost instantly cooling him off. This does not last a long amount of time, and it is draining so he only uses it when he is about to smack something with his rockets or when he wants to jump into a massive firefights.


Boomer actually lived a pretty normal life, his parents and life are mostly unknown because all his files were destroyed by himself because he did not want anyone to find out his past, even though it was not sad or bad he wanted to erase himself so no one could find out anything about him, he says he likes the name Boomer, screw being called Rion. Parts of history remain and here are the parts. Boomer grew up in Vale actually, he trained and presumably tried to go to Beacon. He probably did, at some point he stopped doing work and dropped out. Then he went off to find a job and mostly got turned down due to his looks. Then one day when walking down a busy street Boomer stopped in his tracks.

I mean, why not just go bad. He then proceeded to shrug and walk home, once there he ate some food and slept, next morning he woke up he decided to go rob a liquor store because he kinda wanted some cigarettes and after that maybe he could go pick up some snacks at the grocery store. And ever since that day he decided why not be evil he progressively got crazier and soon enough started blowing stuff up cause he thought it was pretty cool to see the explosions.


Boomer is explained as a very odd bad guy. Like a joking teacher, a teacher who is a jerk a lot and savage but people love him no matter what he says or does. Boomer is a lovable psychopath, hard headed and sarcastic Boomer is a bad guy who really is on the edge of neutral by the one his personality is portrayed. But he has a lot of screws loose. Making hard choices for others make take time to think but he just wings it and does hard choices like it's an everyday occurance. Along with that killing is no problem for him, if an iron legion guy is in the line of his explosive he wont sit and wait for them to move out of the way, hell no he will just blow it and not regret it. He is pretty savage when talking to others and honestly says whats on his mind. Along with that he has a pretty big ego and really hates to lose fights.

Boomer is pretty flirty, he will flirt with any most chicks even if they are on the enemies side and unless they are far younder then him then he stays away from that because that's too creepy for him. Boomer jokes around a lot and really likes to piss people off, even if he gets pissed off relatively quickly he still finds it great making the enemy super angry. He is a loudmouth and never shuts up. And this goes with fighting as well, he just comes up with plans on the fly and never goes in quietly because loud and proud is just him.





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Cerise Braith

Airman First class

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Human





Atlesian Paladin-v350Custom

Custom built Paladin suit, designed to keep up with Cerise's semblance. Unlike normal Paladins, the 350 custom is equipped with a melee weapon, a waraxe, and has extra targeting systems. All in all it is stronger and faster then the average mech,and designed to kill advanced grimm and rogue hunters.

Any vehicle

She can use any weaponized vehicle.

Infinity Rider

Cerise's semblance allows her to perfectly and institutionally pilot and perfectly maneuver any vehicle, as well as push that vehicle far beyond its natural parameters. Movement gets faster, weapons hit harder, accuracy gets more precise when she's behind the wheel.


Cerise first drove a car at the tender age of five and to the amazement of everyone she... was actually quite good at it. She drove down to the store, bought gummi-bears and drove back, parking carefully and perfectly. The only thing that foiled her perfect crime was the discovery of said unsanctioned gummi-bears. Cerise's life has been a motion blur since then. She got a pilots license at fourteen and a full drivers endorsement at 15 only to lose it again at 16 for winning several street races. One of which she did blindfolded. These skills attracted the eyes of the atlas military who recruited her to their fleets. First assigned to the airship fleet her skills as a pilot quickly gained huge esteem among her peers as she completed mission after mission nigh flawlessly, so when the Paladins rolled off the line, she was first on the list to pilot them. While she had a rocky start with several missions that found the bugs in the mech suit and caused critical failures, she pushed her way through and became a highly decorated pilot in that area as well. Earning her a custom commissioned suit. However, her meteoric rise to fame ended with the invasion of vale. There she was discovered to be a faunes and vale sympathizer and at the insistence of the high brass of the iron league, she was suspended to the worst possible hell. Valet and chauffeur duties. Still though as short staffed as atlas is, she figures it won't be long until she gets back in the saddle.


Cerise looks like a boy and her personality does nothing to dissuade that. (To the point where she is often mistaken for one) She is loud brash and tends to get in people's faces. She has no problem voicing her often sarcastic opinions. In her element she is cool and blade but confident to the point of arrogance. However despite her loud and proud personality she has atlas soldierdom burned into her. She has immense respect for the chain of command and her superiors, and can be the perfect respectful soldier when she tries.



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~Roses are red~

~Violets are blue~

~Do you think we live in a fantasy, too?~

~Oh grow up, will you?~

~This world is pain~

~One day, you'll end up in chains~

~This world is cruel

~This isn't right~

~For you humans won't back down without a fight~

~You've laughed at our face~

~How ignorant of you~

~You don't even have grace~

~And you're cruel, too~

~White Fang will remain~

~We'll lock you down in chains~

~How foolish of you~

~Oh, and, you can't kill us, too~

~Every time you make us suffer~

~Humans are always the ones that are rougher~

~During my childhood I was badly abused~

~and as I grew older, I became the accused~

~The beating I took made me so mad~

~For humans used every obstacle to beat me so bad~

~That tears that I've shed were because of fear~

~Now that I know, it's all so clear~

~Doing hard labor at the age of nine ~

~Keeping the torment in back of my mind~

~Eventually I became this child of steel~

~Hard as a rock, with no tender feel~


Morganite Peach Rhodolite






Cat faunus

Political Affiliation:

Member of The White Fang


Shurikens (She hides them in her sleeves)



Her semblance allows her to manipulate sounds that she herself produces. For example, when she's spying on someone and she steps on a twig, it won't produce sound. Basically, she can do anything sneaky without getting caught.


Morgan has been a slave to humans since she was five. Humans treated her like a servant up to the age of nine, making her do work. Eventually, she heard about The White Fang, and joined, leaving her human "Masters". She was a master thief, often going out in the middle of the night to steal Dust and lien. Every single rally, she stood behind every single one of them, watching them and realizing, there was no point in choosing a side. Faunus or not, Morgan knew she'd still hate humans. She didn't really get humans, or why they hated faunus. She just hated them for being to rough to Faunus. She steals Dust or lien every time she gets the opportunity to do so.

Her first few years at White Fang was good, until new leader rose, White Fang became a Faunus organization that uses violent means to counter the perceived and actual discrimination that Faunus received from the humans. And after that, Morgan didn't care anymore. Well, who cares? Why not just let them rot in hell? They didn't even say sorry after treating the Faunus like trash.

Under its new leadership, the White Fang retaliated against the people and organizations who once treated them as lesser beings and slaves. Ironically, in an attempt to gain equality and make the Faunus race free from fear, the White Fang itself has become a cause of fear and hatred amongst Humans and Faunus alike. Some Faunus left the White Fang, while Morgan stayed behind, and did absolutely nothing. She did nothing, nothing! All she did? Well, she watched others leave, and just continued to steal Dust and lien for herself. But, she'd do anything her superiors would command her to do, she believes it is training for her.


Morgan is imperious and cunning, with a touch of cruelty. Usually, she maintains a calm and collected demeanor, and is willing to take over a fight if necessary. And she refers to others' sufferings as "joy". She also seems to be ambitious and demanding, stating that she has "big plans", and is willing to work with the White Fang or kill to achieve her goals by any means necessary. Often, she is very direct on the matter at hand. When it comes to planning, Morgan is very secretive, keeping the members of The White Fang on a strict need-to-know basis. She is shown to be an excellent planner as well, often planning ahead to keep her goals in reach, and is also confident in her plans. When it comes to fighting, she is seen to be quite confident. Although sometimes she fails, and she tries to cope up with attacks and plans, again.

Theme Song:





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Autumn Wellesly

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/images.jpg.4390a11ae9243e32cff02129fdf5dbd1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/images.jpg.4390a11ae9243e32cff02129fdf5dbd1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age:Twenty Seven




Iron League Major of the 8th Recon Infantry Battalion


The G438 Assault Carbine, the latest in Atlas' shock infantry line of weaponry

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The D67 infantrysmen pistol.

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An Iron League officers rapier.

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Biography: Autumn was born into a middle class family in Vaccuo, he lived with his grandfather and his mother, after his father was killed before he was born in an industrial accident. For the rest of his life he looked up to his grandfather, a former Huntsmen as a paternal figure in his life, and took on board his often out dated and old fashioned ways of thinking as his own thought. Other than losing a dad, Autumn received what could be only described as a normal childhood until at age 18 when his grandfather was murdered by a faunas during a gangland attack, his grandfather having attempted to stop a brawl between two rival faunas gangs. Due to his reactionary thinking, Autumn blamed faunas as a wider species for this occurrence rather than the individual, seeing their gangland violence as an epidemic that had spread thanks to them rather than being a product of socio-economics.

A year after his grandfathers death, Autumn applied for university in Vale and got through, planning to study a degree in business and law, hoping to establish himself as a lawyer. During his university days however he got caught up in the youth wing of the Iron League and soon joined, agreeing with their violent, but not yet genocidal ideology. Over the next six years Autumn underwent training and drilling at Iron League camps and retreats, soon becoming one of the officers in the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion, at the rank of lieutenant.

For the next six years Autumn continued training until the day of the takeover, even after graduating, the Iron League gave him drive and purpose. Considered one of the more loyal and competent officers, Autumn lead Strike Team Beta in attacking and liquidating Vale's ruling council, before later leading troops during the forced evacuation of the faunas district. Since then he's been placed in the field leading troops against the White Fang, and vigilantes in inner Vale.


Autumn is a ruthless and cunning soldier who is always planning his next move and often ferments conflict between his underlings in order to make himself seem superior to others, as well as for his personal entertainment. On the field he's a formidable force, five years of near constant training with Atlas simulators and personnel have made him an erudite marksmen and small units commander, with him often taking the lead during assaults on White Fang held hamlets and suspected vigilante hideouts. Another trait that is important is patience, Autumn does not allow petty, impulsiveness overtake what could feasibly be an important ambush or attack.





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  • Name: Sgt. Abram Guiles

    Age: 32

    Species: Faunus (Dog)

    Weapon: Centurion Hail

    A shield and shotgun/sword which transforms through several forms.

    When stowed, appears as a satchel.

    When first drawn, Centurion hail has the form of a shotgun with a shield plate around the barrel.

    The shield can then be removed from the shotgun and expended to a shield similar to that of a roman centurion. The shotgun can be kept or transformed into a short sword.

    Semblance: Soul Concussion

    When a significant force impact Abram's aura, his aura takes the force and is throw outside of him, in a semi-human force, for a very brief moment. If Abram is off balance, or his aura would be throw off balance when ejected by significant force then he will fall as the attack would normally make him. However, if Abram has braced himself, his aura can flex back into his body, carrying an equal and opposite force back into the attacker. This occurs too fast to see for anything but a very large force.


    Abram first began attending White Fang protests when he was 14. He left the white fang in order to focus on his huntsman training at Beacon Academy, after which he joined the military, at the time believing it the best way to help people. When the White Fang militarized Abram requested a transfer to combat their raids, believing them to be ignorant attempts at terrorism but the request was denied for fears that his past was a conflict of interest.

    When the Steel Legion took over, Abram was detained in a military prison for 3 months before he was released. He later found out that the following months were to see if he would attempt to rejoin his faunus brethren in the White Fang. When he proved to still be loyal to the Atlas Military, he was tasked with infiltrating the White Fang.


    Abram is terse and well disciplined. He is respectful to all other members of the military, though has a deep dislike of the Steel Legion. Within the military, Abram has several friends, though he has some difficultly dealing with the growing dislike of Faunus within the military.

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Name: Skye Ward

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Political Affiliation: Infiltrator for the Atlas Military

Semblance: Illusions

Skye's aura has always been malleable and through the power of glyph's she can manipulate her aura to alter the appearance of almost any object.

Biography: Her great grandparents were one of the first recruits in the Atlas Military and almost all of her family after them joined, her older brother giving his life to their cause. She however wasn't gifted like him to stand in the front lines and her mother paved the way for her into the reconnaissance branch. She quickly rose through the ranks despite her young age and is on the path to be one of the greatest in her branch.

In her short time within the ranks of the White Fang, she was able to extract information on who they were garnering most of their weapon supplies from and able to lead raids on their smaller bases. Despite these conquests and gaining various enemies, few can put a face to her name. No one wants a well known thief, they want a good one.

Personality: Skye has no fixed personality, no true north. Her superior officers would call it her chameleon effect, lying is second nature to her and she could slip into another persona as fast as the tides can change. This however doesn't mean she's emotionless, she feels fear, rage, joy, just as often as any other normal person, it's just quickly leashed in before it can influence her actions and decisions.

Theme Song: [media]

Last edited: Dec 23, 2015



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Name: Kelli Mason

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Deer Faunus


Standing at five feet and one and one half inches tall, Kelli Mason is the son of an Elk and Doe faunus, though despite his father's massive size and impressive antler crown, Kelli bears small frame with equally small antlers, only bearing four points.

Despite Kelli's size, he bears an impressive amount of wiry strength that allows him to pull the impressive draw of his bow and launch arrows at a distance most would find surprising.

Soft amber eyes, graced with a dash of freckles underneath and framed with a cinnamon hued pixie cut, Kelli cuts a soft and almost feminine appearance, but doesn't let it bother him much.

Kelli wears an auburn-hued oversized zip up hoodie over a mossy green cropped vest top, coupled with just-below-the-knee shorts of the same colour and below the ankle height trainers that match his hoodie. He compliments these with a pine green scarf wrapped around his neck and draped about his shoulders.

Political Affiliation: Fugitive(Vigilante)


The Bezel Crown, a bio-metrically sealed bow that fires arrows that can be infused with Dust.

Semblance: Kelli possesses a very simple, yet useful semblance in that he can move extremely rapidly. Though this may not sound like much, he can be a frightful opponent as soon as she decides to pushed things. Stopping a few arrows from one direction,after all, can be an easy feat. However, have you ever tried stopping a multitude of arrows all coming from different directions?

More often than not, though, Kelli generally uses his semblance to keep distance between himself and his opponents, or to quickly scout out a good vantage point.

Biography: Born to a former sheriff and Elk faunus Gaynes Mason, and a field medic and doe faunus Korin Mason, Kelli was a surprise when he grew up to be short and svelte in frame given his parents over six foot builds. Despite this Kelli never grew up wanting for anything and always found support in his parents.

Growing up, Kelli always dreamed of following his mother's footsteps and started taking classes and training to be a field medic, someone who would occasionally join the excursions to ensure the team was kept in top fighting shape. As such he, of course, had to learn a weapon, and chose a bow that used to belong to his father.

When the Iron League first showed in Vale there was chaos on the streets, and when a small band of the White Fang turned the street the Mason's lived on into a battleground Kelli's mother and father did their best to step outside and try to aide those caught in the fray. At some point the Iron Laegue opened fire on anyone non human in the streets, indiscriminately shooting anyone deemed a threat. Gaynes watched his wife gunned down by the League as she tried to staunch the bleeding of one of their members. Realising what was happening Gaynes ran back to his home, gathered a bug-out bag, grabbed Kelli and sent him running before turning around and dealing with any who would pose a threat to his son. Gaynes would also be gunned down that day.

Never looking back, just like his father told him to, Kelli spent that night alone in a park, only able to fear and worry for his parents. Eventually, however, it came down to the fact that he was alone and the League was making moves all around Vale.

During the initial conflicts between the White Fang and the Iron League Kelli proved to be a thorn in both their sides. Both in indignation of their actions, and in hopes of tracking down what happened to his parents, Kelli made a point to harass both sides, doing his best to ensure that non-combat casualties were mitigated before fleeing the scene.

While it has put him on the wanted lists of both the White Fang and the Iron League, it's given Kelli a since of prupose that he's done so much protecting the people, just like his father taught him to.

Personality: Kelli is a very quiet and withdrawn type. Growing up he dreamed of becoming a surgeon, and between studying medical knowledge he also had a penchant for painting. Having never actually faced that much opposition outside of the odd bully or two, Kelli grew up comfortably and developed a very averse attitude towards direct confrontation.

Kelli is also notably introverted and becomes easily nervous. This coupled with both being hunted by the Iron League and the White Fang has caused him to be very nervous, cautious and skittish, and he has quite a hard time meeting and trusting new people.

Despite his aversions to meeting people Kelli has strong moral convictions to aid those in need, which often causes him to put himself in rough positions, but he always feels it's worth it.

Theme Song:


[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Despite his aversions to meeting people Kelli has strong moral convictions to aid those in need, which often causes him to put himself in rough positions, but he always feels it's worth it.

Name: Leon Richthofen

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Human




Affiliation: White Fang

Weapon: Bren Ten 10mm/.45 ACP Handgun


Semblance: none

Bio: Leon comes from a well off family from the nation Vale, living in the city which held the same name. In school, Leon excelled in most academic studies, particularly mathematics. However, his greatest intrest, which began at a young age, was flying.

As soon as he discovered that flight was am achievable thing by humanoids, Leon showed an intense fascination with Flight. When he was young, his parents humored him, telling him he could become a pilot when he was an adult, but as he grew older with unchanging intrest, and even growing devotion to the profession, his parents began to suggest other professions and disapproved of him becoming a pilot.

This climaxed with his parents forbidding him from pursuing the goal of becoming a pilot any further. However, a serious car accident ended both of his parent's lives, leaving him alone with no restrictions and a large inheritance. Leon was devestated by the death of his parents, but also realized that their deaths opened doors for him that were never open before.

Leon tested out of high school, and quickly enrolled himself into a flight school. Leon excelled in flight school and graduated top of his class. Afterwards, Leon's final obstacle between him and his life long dream was the expenses. He decided that he could either wait years until his parent's company that he now owned gained him enough profit, or sell it immediately and use that money and his inheritance to purchase, modify and maintain his own plane.

Being extremely eager to fly on his own terms, he opted for option 2 and bought a jet stunt plane. With the help of several mechanics, the plane's performance was increased, allowing it to reach a higher max speed when using after burners. The enines were modified to use thrust vectoring technology, which greatly increased manuverability. The aircraft already had a light weight, allowing it to perform STOL (short take off and landing). It also contains a second seat

With his new aircraft, Leon began his career as a stunt pilot, quickly becoming a well known aviator. Leon kept money in banks in all four nations, ensuring that where ever he went, he would have money available, most of which came from various stunt shows.

This came in handy when the iron league took over vale. Leon was in that nation of vacuo, which saved him from a potentially fatal situation. Until the White Fang began allowing humans into their ranks, Leon stayed in vacuo. Once the White Fang began allowing humans to join, he jumped at the chance to join the fight to free his nation.

The White Fang smuggled him and his plane into vale, and attached both weapon ranks and machine guns onto it, turning it into an effective interceptor. Despite having the capability to fight atlas aircraft, Leon and his plans have only been used to transport HVIs.

Personality: Leon is an Aviator and an Egalitarian. He regards Faunas people as equals, and is very much against discrimination against them. Commonly, this will put him at odds with more bigoted humans. This had been happening since school, where is defense of faunas students from other students would bring him into fights. As a child, he was an adequate fighter, though his biggest advantage in fights was commonly how quickly he would resort to dirty tactics. Leon believes that in battle and war, there are no rules other than survive and win.

Leon stands by what he believes is right, and will rarely waiver from his beliefs. He is confident and will at times, disregard any thought of consequences, doing what he wants. Generally, Leon is a kind man, who enjoys the company of others. He was well liked by the students who were not bigots while he was in highschool and dated several women in both highschool and and adulthood. Generally, he finds himself more attracted to faunas woman.



I can try to find a picture for the aircraft, though i'm not sure if i can find anything that will really fit what i had imagined. Incase i can't, imagine a mix between an F-22 and a SU-47 that is around the size of an F-35. since they seem to be militarily more advanced than us, especially in fields of aviation (they have airships, they must be pretty advanced.) so something like that would probably be pretty old. Of course, it is all just my opinion, i could very easily be wrong.

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