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Fantasy The Flooded World


Junior Member
The Rules:

1. Absolutely No Godmodding. Don't do it. This includes controlling characters (NPC or PC doesn't matter). This rule is no tolerance.

2. Use the OOC tab for OOC chatter. It's there for a reason. It keeps clutter out of the IC tab.

3. Make thought out posts. The absolute minimum is 2-3 sentences that has some thought put into it. Unless it states that your character does so, please avoid bad decisions.

4. All PvP & PvE is regulated by the GM (me; unless otherwise specified).

5. Respect Others. If you have any issues with someone either contact me or an RPNation moderator if it is serious. When you can, however, try to work it out with each other. We don't need any drama.

6. No Highly Sexual Content. Avoid anything sexual in nature, as that is against RPN's rules. Minor stuff like romance and kissing is completely okay, but anything else must be subject to the Fade To Black rule.

7. Swearing is allowed, however that does not mean you can use extremely offensive language. Also, don't make every other word a swear word.

8. All of RPN's forum rules apply here as well.Even if they are not covered here, so make sure you are very familiar with the rules.

9. Do Not Drop In Randomly. Those who enter without any warning will have a very bad time. Wait until I approve and add your character into an update post.

Setting Info:

Foremene, or the Flooded World as most call it, is a land full of adventure, sunken ruins, and cutthroat pirates. Long ago, before even the oldest elf was so much as a sparkle in their parents' eyes, the entire world was flooded by the goddess Mora to cleanse it of mankind's sins and destruction. People survived through various means, but they were forced to restart almost entirely.

Now the world is as it is now. The world is an endless sea, broken up only by islands scattered throughout. Pirates sail the high seas, taking what they want from who they want. Sea monsters lurk in dark waters where even the mad dare not sail. New kingdoms try to recreate the legendary empires of the Lost Era.


All of you have, one way or another, found yourself in the pirate town of Port Razule. It sits on the coast of a jungle island, almost directly in the center of the ocean between the two Great Kingdoms. Pirates, scoundrels, thieves, and traitors fill this town, along with normal people just trying to get by. In a twisted way, having so many criminals in town provides an add sense of security. No one dares pillage a pirate's home.

The town has everything has everything a sailor could want. Taverns to quench his thirst and enjoy time ashore, docks full of ship builders and pirates trying to recruit a crew, shops galore (including a rather famous black market).
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(Note: These may or may not be true)

  • Vast kingdoms of sea elves called Finnings and Blackgills exist below the waves. Who knows what they could be hiding?
  • Ships have been disappearing to the north. People claim that krakens have started getting rowdy.
  • The long dead Dread Pirate Flense has been spotted sailing once again!
  • Somewhere over the ocean, there's a flying island with weapons like no one has ever seen. The water below the island is cloaked in eternal darkness.
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Practically anything exists in this world that you'd like to include, but there's two species of my own creation I'd like to lay out.

Finnings, or sea elves, are a race descended from elves that used powerful rituals to survive an ancient disaster by hiding under the sea. Over the years, their bodies have changed due to this magic. Their skin is now composed of small, smooth scales ranging from blue to green, they have grown gills along their ribs, and fins grow from their forearms. Even with these changes, most Finnings still possess an alien type of beauty. Generally, Finnings do not feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to the land-dwelling races, but they do not take kindly to trespassers.

Blackgills, or darkwater elves, are an offshoot of Finnings that evolved in lightless trenches and near the seafloor. They are a malicious, violent species that gets by primarily by raising Finning settlements and ships passing above their territory. It is theorized that Blackgills evolved from criminals exiled by ancient sea elves, or from mining villages that became warped by the darkness trying to pull ore from the sea floor. Blackgills greatly resemble Finnings, but with scales ranging from white to gray to inky black, sharkish teeth, and luminescent markings on their arms and chests.

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