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Fandom RWBY: The Grimm Projects -Character Creation- ~Full~

Cheshire Grin

No cat has ever given a human a straight answer~


Character Sheet

There is only going to be a very slight change with it comes to the Faunus. You are not limited to only one animal trait. You can have up to four, but I do ask you keep it to one animal.



Profile Skeleton


Hello, my name is:

I am: (Age goes here~)

If you can't tell what I am, I am: (be whatever gender you want)

I am a: (Human/Faunus/Escaped Aura Grimm)

My orientation is:

I am about: (your height)

I weigh about:

Look at my scars:

My most distinguishing features:

My team is called: (This will be filled out later once the teams are made)

I really like:

I really don't like:

Some of the thing I like to do:

My semblance is: (completely up to you, this is your power)

I can also: (This is for abilities that don't use your powers)

My weapon I use is:

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

The songs I like to listen to:

Just some other misc. things about me:


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Berserker/Aura Grimm Form

Hello, my name is:

Former - Fuyuko no Kakera

Test Subject - W.Y.N.T.E.R.

Current - Scarlet Karma

I am:


If you can't tell what I am, I am:


I am a:

Former - Oni Faunus

Current - Escaped Aura Grimm Wendigo

My orientation is:


I am about:


I weigh about:


Look at my scars:

- On her neck, there are nasty scars and gashes from being tied to a wall during Berserk mode.

- Her wrists and ankles have the same nasty gashes.

- Random scars over her legs and arms.

My most distinguishing features:

- Due to her being an Aura Grimm W.Y.N.T.E.R. has the red markings almost all over her body. The markings are primarily on her cheeks, forehead, and her back.

-W.Y.N.T.E.R. has the tail of the wendigo Grimm.

- Shimmering red eyes with a thin yellow line going through both of them.

- Ears of the wendigo in place of her human ears.

- Her hands are small and appear to always be soft.

My team is called:


I really like:

- Sweets

- Pastries

- Drawing

- Sighting-seeing

- Trying to remember her past

- Watching others

- Trying to understand life

- Singing

- Learning

More to come

I really don't like:

- Humans who don't treat others well

- Bullies

- The severe headaches

- Remembering her past during experimentation

- Scientists

- Being called useless

- Being considered a thing

- Being reminded that she is not worth the time

- Being alone too long

- Fighting

- Losing control

- Relying on her Grimm side

- Her markings

More to come

Some of the thing I like to do:

- Baking

- Watching children

- Walking around

- Listening to others talk

- Drawing

- Doing research on herself

More to come

My semblance is:

I can also:

Telepathy - Only towards her Grimm

Supernatural Condition: Scarlet-Enhanced Level, Grimm - Expert

My weapon I use is:

Winter's Lost Memory

A series of spears which materialize almost out of thin air, but they actually come out a small back behind her back. The spears, at first, don't look like spears until they extend and seem like they are flowing around and behind her. The spear blades are laced with ice dust. She has a total of eight.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:
- While she is a terrific fighter and considered one of the projects most successful rare experiments, Scarlet will refuse to fight anyone without a good reason, even if it's training.

- Because of her headaches, she is often unable to defend herself properly and would be considered useless until her headaches go away.

- Wendy is known for speaking with Scarlet, causing her to lose focus at times.

- Wendigo or Wendy often tries to take over Scarlet's body to attack those around her. Sometimes this can hurt her to the point her semblance and Aura will not work.

- Scarlet is considered fragile since she seems to cry every once in a while.

- Scarlet becomes sadder when she fails to remember more about her past.

- During fights or training, if Scarlet fights for too long or can't maintain her focus, Wendy will start to activate her abilities. This is considered a big no-no to the Aura Grimm and this can be indicated through the glowing of her tattoos.

More to come


Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

Scarlet doesn't remember anything about her past, the heavy medication and constant experimentation shattered what little memories she had. The pain was all she had known for the years she was alive...up until the day she managed to escape, with the help of her Grimm, the Wendigo. But things weren't always like this...

Scarlet was born as Fuyuko no Kakera to a family of Faunus in Mistral before moving to Vale to hide from unwanted attention. Fuyuko was just a baby when they moved to Vale, while humans still didn't like Faunus in Vale, but it wasn't as bad. For three short years, Fuyuko remained with her family until she was kidnapped. Her family called the police for help, but nothing more could be done. It was as if she had vanished into thin air. That wasn't the case for young Fuyuko. She was taken to an underground bunker where scientists worked on the project no one, except the higher up in the military and dust manufacturers knew about, Project Grimm. For the next the next thirteen years, Fuyuko was placed under experiment after experiment, having about five to ten different Grimm DNA injected into her with no avail. It wasn't until the scientists decided to use a very rare blood type. The blood of the Wendigo Grimm. Once within her, her body accepted the DNA, but it wasn't easy. The acceptance took a long time and the experimentation only made it worse.

Over the years, Fuyuko had forgotten everything about herself, often sitting in the corner of her cell. Fuyuko was soon given a different name, the name W.Y.N.T.E.R. Fuyuko felt her body often wanted to just give up and allow Fuyuko to die just so she can leave this place. However, something kept her from completely died, well someone. The Wendigo within her had started speaking with the shaking girl, often taking over small parts of the girl's body whenever it and Fuyuko felt threatened. It wasn't until Fuyuko had turned fifteen, Wendigo had broke her out with little to no effort. Freeing others they had passed before finding themselves outside. Fuyuko didn't really know how to feel, she was happy, sad, scared, curious...everything. She didn't know how to fully understand what was going on, the only think she knew was that she had to listen to Wendigo, even though she found it scary.

For almost a year, Scarlet had remained hidden as Wendigo would take over her body at times just to scare other away. Scarlet would soon take up a small life of thievery in order to live, taking food whenever she could and hid in alleyways to keep. Her luck would remain when she managed to fight off some goons from a Dust shop which caught the attention of Glynda Goodwitch since she did cause a bit of damage as well as Professor Ozpin, seeing she had great potential for fighting. When Ozpin started talking to the girl, he was surprised to hear that she had never heard of Beacon or any of the other schools for fighting. She didn't even know about her past. She didn't say anything about the torture or what she was to him or Glynda, she was actually very surprised by what happened next, as well as Wendigo.

Ozpin said Scarlet can come to Beacon and he would worry about everything else.

Scarlet was happy to accept, mainly because t would mean that she didn't have to steal anymore. However, this would mean that she would have to be careful wit Wendigo and hide what she was. Passing as a Faunus, it was the best she cold say she was. Just as long as no one asked what kind.She even believed that maybe, she could also find out more about her past life, once her mind allowed her to remember.


The songs I like to listen to:

Just some other misc. things about me:

- Scarlet sings to herself to help calm herself down.

- While she is antisocial, Scarlet does try to communicate with others, however, she fails horribly at times.

- Scarlet knows her real name isn't Scarlet, but she doesn't remember what her name was. Wendy actually knows a lot about the little girl.

- Scarlet's clothes are too small for her, she has had them tailored on her own.

- Scarlet's real name Fuyuko means Child of Winter.

- Wendy is considered one of the rarest of the Grimm since no one has really seen a Wendigo Grimm except in myths.

- While it hasn't been confirmed, it is possible Wendy has learned Human Speech on her own accord over the years.

- Wendy has never shown violence or malice towards Scarlet over the years she has known her.

- Wendy is able to take over Scarlet's body, as long as Scarlet doesn't fight it.

- It has been rumored Wendigo Grimm have the ability to manipulate time, Wendy has yet to confirm this with Scarlet.


Hello, my name is:

Akiko no Kakera

I am:


If you can't tell what I am, I am:


I am a:

Oni Faunus

My orientation is:


I am about:


I weigh about:


Look at my scars:

- 2nd degree burns on her arms and legs

My most distinguishing features:

- Pure white hair

- His clothes

- His name

- 2nd-degree are said to look like deformed tree leaves

- His horn

My team is called:


I really like:

- Reading

- Visiting the cemetery

- Listening to stories

- Making new friends

- Training

- Hearing jokes

- Good stories

- Getting information on his missing sister

More to come

I really don't like:

- Remembering how he lost his sister

- Bad puns

- Not being able to help

- Bad stories

- Those who don't like Faunus

- Those who call his people worthless

- Pain

- Bad people

- Bullies

- Humans at times

- Being late

More to come

Some of the thing I like to do:

- Training

- Cooking

- Cleaning

- Exploring the kingdoms, when he has the time

- Learning History

More to come

My semblance is:

Autumn Manipulation

I can also:

- Night Vision

- Oni Physiology

- Supernatural Condition (Basic)

My weapon I use is:

Autumn's Broken Heart

A parasol used as a shield and fires Dust fire, ice and lighting from the sharp tip. When the fighting becomes close combat, the parasol becomes a rapier which is laced with dust in the design patterns. This is useful as a long range, medium range, and melee weapon. 

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

- If he runs out of Dust, he can't use his parasol as a long range or medium range weapon.

- He has to keep his Aura under control when he is using his powers.

- If he uses up his powers at once, his aura will run out after five minutes.

- Akiko has a soft spot for girls and often times avoids fighting them.

- Akiko lacks speed and agility, but he has the strength and durability to make up for it.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

Akiko was born the first out of three in an Faunus family. An Oni Faunus family, rare among the Faunus community. His parents were from Mistral, always have been, even during the Faunus war. Akiko's mother and Father at the time, were a part of the war and the White Fang, back when it was a peaceful organization. In fact, the Kakera Family were once considered one of the families for Faunus to go to when they needed help. At the time, Akiko was about 3 years old when his parents started making history, trying to keep things fair among the Humans and Faunus. This was also around the time when Akiko's youngest sister, Fuyuko, was born. Akiko and Momiji, Akiko's little brother, took care of Fuyuko while their mother and father dealt with the Faunus and White Fang.

Sadly, all good things, much come to an end. After the former leader of the White Fang stepped down and a more violent leader took over, the Kakera family immediately withdrew from the White Fang, but continued helping the Faunus. A few weeks after the family cut their ties with the White Fang and had moved to Vale to start over, Akiko and Momiji's sister was kidnapped. Akiko was devastated when his sister was kidnapped. He felt as if he had failed in protecting her. Momiji, who was 5 at the time, tried to tell Akiko that it wasn't his fault. The family and the police of Vale tried to locate the missing girl, but to no avail. Fuyuko was presumed missing and her case remained opened. But bad luck continued when Akiko's house mysteriously caught on fire. Akiko was able to escape the flames when 2nd degree burns, but the rest of the family wasn't as fortunate. Akiko's father dead immediately in the house, his mother dead on the way to the hospital and Momiji died within the hospital itself. This left 6-year-old Akiko no Kakera an orphan until his aunt and uncle on his mother's side took him in.

Akiko lived his years as an introvert, the loss of his whole family got to him badly, often making him think it was his fault they were killed. While he was able to read and understand some adult lingo, Akiko started working on his parents' project, finding their youngest daughter, Akiko and Momiji's sister, Fuyuko. He looked up lead after lead to try and find her, he was determined to at least try to find something about her. Sadly, his aunt and uncle didn't really share his determination to look for Fuyuko, considering it unhealthy for a boy his age. So when he was old enough, they sent him to Signal, there he encountered the racism towards his people. So he did what he did best, fight. He fought the humans with one of the most peaceful looking weapon he could think of, a parasol.

Over the years, he fought the humans who picked on him and proved a Faunus can stand there as an equal to a human. However, on the side, he would continue his search for his sister, it was the least he could do as he humored his aunt and uncle. Now, 18 years old, on his way to Beacon as a new student, Akiko continued to try to find his sister and prove a Faunus is just as strong as a human. The search for his sister is still the first thing on his mind, so far he had found something, something to do with the disappearances of children and adults from both Humans and Faunus. The results are the same, they go missing and aren't found until a tip is leaked about a body being found with needle marks or signs of abuse. While he keeps this information to himself, he does hope he can find someone to help him.

There has been something nagging him though, why does the girl with the platinum blonde hair look familiar.

The songs I like to listen to:

It's Been So Long - The Living Tombstone

Who will save you now - Les Friction

A New Hope - Broken iris

Just some other misc. things about me:

- Akiko's clothes are very light, despite the appearance of the clothes looking heavy.

- His clothes are traditional fighting clothes past down from his father's side.

- He is considered an Oni Faunus, a rare type of Faunus.

- Autumn is one of his favorite seasons, however, he also doesn't like it.

- Akiko believes he isn't the only surviving member of the immediate Kakera family left.

- He is known for smacking people with his parasol if they are talking about the Faunus, something stupid, questionable, strange, or his family.

- Akiko's name means Child of Autumn.

- Kakera means Fragments.

- Akiko has never told anyone he had a missing sister, let alone a sister in general.
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Hello, my name is: Garett Orvus(Ethan Orvus)

I am: 16

If you can't tell what I am, I am: Male

I am an: Escaped Aura Grimm

My orientation is: Heterosexual

I am about:6'1"

I weigh about:123 kg

Look at my scars: Has several scars and burns on his left eye(An 'incident' when his 'parents' were killed)

Distinguished Features: Always wheres long gray gloves over his hands, Is always focusing on more than one thing at a time, red, bloodshot-looking eyes


I really like: Morbid Humor, the thrill of battle, flashy elegant movements, classical and techno music

I really don't like: Secrets held by people I know, uncommon foods, punk rock

Some of the thing I like to do: Research multiple droning subjects in the library, mostly history

My semblance is: Darkness Creation-Has near perfect night vision and can create patches of darkness up to 20 feet in diameter although it drains his aura very quickly

I can also: Move in very 'exerting' ways (ways that i use to survive, but could probably hurt me) Attacks with aerial moves, The abilities and sight of a Grimm(the 'burns')

My weapon I use is: Moon's Terror- A Scythe/Staff that is a very long scythe in scythe form, and a double bladed staff with blades on each end in staff form. Collapses into a sort of throwable disk.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses: Becomes frantic and careless under the threat of death, and can harm others while in this state. Will disregard others for his own agenda at times

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet: Amnesiac with Implanted Memories (Thinks he is Garret Orvus, who discovered his semblance at a young age and was accepted to Beacon after a few years of training, a week before he left for beacon his parents were killed in a fire which left severe burns on his hands and left eye)

The songs I like to listen to:

Just some other misc. things about me: I attack and move in the rhythm of music, my burns and scars are jet black with red markings
"If you mess with one of my comrades, you mess with me."


Hello, my name is: Maylea Aflora

I am: 17

If you can't tell what I am, I am: Female

I am a: Faunus

My orientation is: Heterosexual (Straight)

I am about: 6'

I weigh about: 148 lbs.

Look at my scars: None

Distinguished Features: Cat ears and tattoos on her face, torso, and left arm.

Team: (This will be filled out later once the teams are made)

I really like:

  • My friends
  • My family
  • The outdoors

I really don't like:

  • Bullies
  • Being stuck indoors
  • Grimm

Some of the thing I like to do:

  • Being in nature
  • Fighting Grimm
  • Protecting people

My semblance is:

Photosynthesis Healing: Maylea's semblance is a low-level rapid heeling factor. As long as she's in sunlight or light that simulates sunlight any damage that her Aura didn't protect her from heals faster than it normally would. Photosynthesis Healing doesn't heal instantly, but it'll will take days off of regular healing time. If she broke her arm after her aura was exhausted it would only take a couple hours to heal instead of days. In her Photosynthesis Healing state her body can also process and neutralize toxins.

I can also:

Hear things really well due to Faunus cat ears, see in the dark, survive in the wilderness, and determine what plants are safe or poisonous.

My weapon I use is:

Tetzu Bara (Iron Roses) - A pair of light battle axes that combine to form a large battle ax, Great Ax Tetzu Bara, that deals out more damage but is slower. The travel form looks like it's great ax form without the extended handle. When loaded with Dust, Maylea can fire energy waves from her axes in either form. Different effects occur depending on the Dust element.

Maylea's preferred Dust elements are earth, wind, and fire and her weapon has a spinner to select the element. With Earth Dust she can cause earthquakes by slamming her weapon into the ground; Great Ax Tetzu Bara makes larger and stronger earthquakes than in dual wield form. Wind Dust causes strong winds. Fire Dust creates flame blasts.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

  • Easily angered by bullies.
  • Will try to rescue comrades without thinking about traps.
  • Focuses more on living life than studying.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

Maylea grew up in the slums of Vale with her loving parents, Aster Aflora and his wife Iris. Since her family and herself are Faunus they were looked down upon by the human citizens. Daisy lived in poor conditions and grew up sleeping on the floor huddled beside her mom and dad. When the White Fang movement started up she went to the peaceful protests with her parents.

When the White Fang started taking a more violent approach, Maylea's family and other like minded Faunus moved toward Vacuo and lived out in the wilderness between the two kingdoms. The Faunus settlers started living a more tribal lifestyle out in the woods. Maylea quickly picked up on the outdoor lifestyle. The settlement became a mostly peaceful place for the Faunus that lived there, every now and then Creatures of Grimm would show up.

The first Grimm attack occurred when Maylea was 13. The settlers were having a hard time fighting the creatures. Luckily for the them a skilled Huntress. Clara Dianne, noticed the new Grimm activity between Vale and Vacuo. Clara showed up in the middle of the attack. At the time Maylea was trying to fight the Grimm with her axes, but became another addition to number of injured. Clara finished the fight and lingered around to treat the wounded. When treating Maylea's wounds Clara could sense her faint Aura and unlocked Maylea's potential. A couple hours later Maylea's injuries were fully healed, but she didn't realize it was due to her semblance until later.

Clara left the settlement to get better weapons for the settlers so that they could fight against the Grimm. When Clara returned she trained the villagers how to fight. Clara taught Maylea the basics of Aura, Semblance, fighting, and using Dust. Afterward Clara encouraged her to try out one of the Huntsmen academies. Maylea decided to check out Beacon Academy since Clara graduated from that academy.

The songs I like to listen to:

Anything with a Celtic flare

Just some other misc. things about me:

Maylea's symbol is a yellow Celtic knot flower located on the right hip area on her pants.

Full of life and full of fight, Maylea is always ready for adventure. As a Faunus she realizes that other people may have preconceived notions about her, but she tries not to care about what other people think and proudly displays her Faunus cat ears. She dislikes it when a Faunus (or anyone) is picked on. She'll try to ignore the bullying when she's being picked on, but she can't ignore it if someone else is being bullied.Maylea is the outdoorsy type that likes to bring elements of the outdoors inside. She likes feeling earth under her feet, the wind in her hair, and the texture of plant life. She prefers sleeping on the ground (with or without a sleeping bag) or in a hammock. It's hard for her to sleep in a regular bed. Maylea doesn't like destroying plant life and is remorseful when seeing the aftermath of a forest fight. However she thinks human (and Faunus) lives are more important than plants.Maylea is more street smart than book smart. Academically she's an average student and is more battle minded, preferring action when the time for battle arises. In fights she has a playful spirit and banters with her opponents. Her lighthearted nature may make it seem like she doesn't take fighting seriously, but she'll go all out to protect her allies and the people of Remnant.
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"The sword may pierce the body, but music pierces the soul."


Hello, my name is: Raven Daae

I am: 17

If you can't tell what I am, I am: Female

I am a: Human

My orientation is: Heterosexual (Straight)

I am about: 5'11"

I weigh about: 145 lbs.

(Actually don't) look at my scars: Raven has a burn caused scar on the left side of her face.

Distinguished Features: Red eyes and white hair.

Team: (This will be filled out later once the teams are made)

I really like:

  • Classical music
  • Reading books
  • Drinking tea
  • Business suits

I really don't like:

  • Fire and fire dust
  • Grimm
  • People trying to look under my mask
  • Being unprofessional

Some of the things I like to do:

  • Play music/listen to music.
  • Read
  • Write
  • Study

My semblance is:

Angel of Sound: Raven can create angel wings for herself out of sound waves and can fly as long as she maintains her semblance.

I can also:

Raven doesn't have any special abilities other than her semblance. She has a sharp whit that helps her solve puzzles or figure out confusing events. She's also very good at reading and writing; she has strong penmanship.

My weapon I use is:

Phantom's Violin: A violin that can generate sound wave based attacks that can stun or knock back opponents. The Phantom's Violin has a compartment for Dust ammo so that the violin can either be fired like a pistol or infuse the Dust element into the sound waves. The bow also doubles as a short sword.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

  • Emotionally distant
  • Secretive
  • A little afraid of fire and fire dust

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

Raven was born into a wealthy family and grew up in a mansion in the outskirts of Vale. Her father, Phoenix Daae, is a business tycoon and her mother, Viola Daae, was a musician. Raven spent more time with her mom during her early years. When Raven was 8 years old, Viola started to teach her how to play the violin. Back then Raven couldn't have guessed what would happen 2 years later.

When Raven was 10 years old, she woke up one night after hearing the fire alarm. The fire had caught everyone unawares. Raven searched the burning mansion for her parents. She was knocked unconscious by debris before she could find them. The next thing Raven knew was that she was inside an ambulance being treated for burns on the left side of her face. She learned that she had been rescued by fire fighters and that her mother didn't make it.

Raven was scarred physically and mentally. She started to wear a mask hide her scar from public view and from herself when looking at her reflection. Raven stopped acting like a care free kid and began to be emotionally distant. She also couldn't stop thinking about the mansion fire every time she saw the element at work.

After the fire, Raven accompanied her father to work, where his professional nature began to rub off on her. In an attempt to get his lively daughter back, Silver enrolled Raven into Signal Academy. Seeing this as a way to distance herself from her past, Raven played along. Raven built her violin weapon, became a proficient fighter, and discovered her semblance while studying at Signal. She recently graduated from Signal Academy and is now going to Beacon as a first year student.

The songs I like to listen to:

Classical music

Just some other misc. things about me:

Raven's symbol is a white clef on her suit.

Raven is a calm, reserved, and serious individual with a dry whit. She tends to be emotionally distant and has a melancholy air about her. Raven likes to keep her secrets "close to her chest" and is usually seen with her mask on. She's really defensive when people want to see under the mask since people are usually shocked by the nasty scar on her face; Raven is even hesitant to remove her mask when a faculty member asks her to. She doesn't like to be found by others without her mask on.Deep down Raven is a kind-hearted person. She's polite and tries to act professional (even going as far as wearing suits as her typical attire.) Raven can usually be found by herself playing her violin (which is also her weapon). Since Raven doesn't usually smile, it easier for a bystander to sneak a peak at her grin as she's playing music. Music reminds Raven of her mother and she's just as passionate about music as her mother was. Due to how her mother died, Raven is wary of fire and the element tends to bring back painful memories. This wariness of fire also applies to Fire Dust.
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nekob (1).jpg ( sh sh )

I am: 16

If you can't tell what I am, I am: Female

I am a: faunus

My orientation is: ( unknown)

I am about: 5'0

I weigh about: 105

Look at my scars: (none )

My most distinguishing features: My tail, my everchanging randomness.

My team is called: (This will be filled out later once the teams are made)

I really like: cats, hugs, frends

I really don't like: dogs ( rude dogs ), bullies

Some of the thing I like to do: Play games

My semblance is: Dust manipulation. ( I can change anything that involves dust. If I can touch it that is... )

I can also: Use swords, snipers, and many other weapons.

My weapon I use is: angel devil ( it switches into one of four forms. Blast cannon ( devil ), Sniper ( neutral ), dual gauntlet ( Made out of dust, and some metal. can be manipulated.  Gaurdian ( reflection shield, reflects most types of attacks.)

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses: I am easily manipulated if I think it will actually help someone, I sometimes blank out. ( when she blanks out, she will attack anything in her way. )

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet: 

- left empty, because people wouldn't know. but nothing special. I will give you small details -

I grew up on a military camp, training with my mom. But then grim attacked.  I never got to learn the fourth form

The songs I like to listen to: heheh.... Umm...

Just some other misc. things about me: I am a kitsune faunus! ( mom had two tails. I don't. )

Takashima Yasutoki

I am

If you can't tell what I am, I am

I am a
Escaped Aura Grimm / Dragon Grimm

My orientation is

I am about

I weigh about

Look at my scars
He has two large 'x' shape scars going across his entire back and chest that he keeps hidden most of the time. Other then that, he also has a large slash-like mark going down his right eye that he tends to keep shut for particular reasons of his own abilities as it is.

Distinguished Features
Nearly at all times, he has a small hairclip that resembles the head of the Dragon Grimm somewhere within his hair. Other then that, his right arm is nearly always wrapped in a large white cloth due to underneath his entire right arm is pitch black from the side affects after the injections of the Grimm blood being poured into him. Ever since then, he has been unable to change his arm back from how it had been forcibly turned practically into the arm of a Grimm permanently. Whenever he opens his right eye, the color of his eye is a black and golden yellow rather then the usual crimson red as it is on his left eye.


I really like
Music, Writing, Reading, Mediating, Training, Tinkering, Quiet places, collecting plants, spicy foods, sweets, exotic animals and plants, and many more.

I really don't like
Extensive amounts of blood, losing control, small spaces, large crowds, burnt food, cocky people, lectures, disturbing nature.

Some of the thing I like to do
Cook, mediate, read, playing music on nearly any instrument he can find, training to push himself passed his own limitations, fighting without the use of his powers and many more.

My semblance is
After being injected with the essence of the Dragon Grimm; although he is currently unable to it much at all. His power is able to control the darker and more corrupted versions of the elements themselves. Easily being able to tell the difference due to the elements he uses are normally pitch black.

I can also
Due to the essence of the Grimm within him, he is able to regenerate his own wounds much quicker then a normal being; however it may not be instant, his wounds can slowly heal themselves if given him enough rest. Throughout most of his life of running after escaping from the experiments that had been placed upon him, he has become much more agile and learned how to increase his own reflexes to notice incoming dangers before they would make contact with him. As well as obviously, due to the Grimm within him; his own physical strength has increased dramatically.

My weapon I use is
A large black scythe that's blade curves downwards in a long shape that seems to be similar to that of a crescent moon. Underneath the blade are several large threads that when he wishes to; he is able to break the scythe into two separate halves to allow him to use the threads as his long range weaponry.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses
Although he is an Aura Grimm, he can still take painful injuries just as any ordinary person would take upon him even if he regenerates his wounds. At times, due to him being unable to still control the Grimm within him; he will go into immense amounts of pain causing him to become immobile for quite a large amount of time.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet
Being born and raised right outside the walls of the Atlas Kingdom, Takashima had always lived a simple life deep within the forest with both his mother and father who had cared deeply for him. His entire family since the very beginning had always been simple farmers if not just traders who had gone to the city within the walls of Atlas from time to time to trade goods and make a decent profit whenever they could. None of his family had ever been known to be actual fighters or warriors and their thought about Hunters and Huntress were always negative; the entire family had always believed that there had been no need for such weapon to throw away their lives on using just ordinary weapons that could shift only slightly with the extra help of small things such as semblance to pull them through constant battles. They had always believed that the only thing the world ever needed was simply the power that came from the Atlas military; everyone except for little Takashima who had always had big dreams that one day he would be able to become a Hunter to be able to help those in need and be known by nearly everyone around him as someone actually important rather then some ordinary kid who lived an ordinary life. It wasn't the fact that he had thought of his life as boring, but rather he had believed that there were greater threats out in the world that even the military would one day be unable to stand against and the help of others stronger would be needed.

Every time that Takashima had brought up such thoughts to his mother and father about how he wanted to join the Atlas Academy one day and be able to become a Hunter to help protect the world, he would end up being either hit by his father or slapped by his mother about the whole idea; telling him that he was a foolish kid who was trying to throw his life away for nothing. However, no matter how many times he had been told this or punished for even having such thoughts, Takashima had never changed his ideas of what he wanted to become one day.

So, as the days had gone by and soon turning to months. Everyday Takashima had snuck off away from his home during the late evenings to be able to make his way around the land to find small pieces left and right from time to time of iron and steel around that had been dropped during the battles against the military and the Grimm that had wandered the lands outside of the walls of Atlas. With each new piece he had gotten, he would've always brought it back to the large stable of his parents' home where he would spend several hours each day whenever his mother and father hadn't been around to craft his own weapon. Although, without the proper teaching of a professor or that of a Hunter or Huntress leading him to show him how to build a weapon that could shift into another; Takashima had gone through multiple failures for several months. However, soon enough; on the day of his own 10th birthday, Takashima had just nearly completed his weapon when the sound of what had seemed to had been gunshots had echoed throughout the house that he had heard from the stables.

Rushing his way to hurry into the house, the last thing he could remember seeing were two men that had been dressed in all black taking notice of Takashima before everything had gone completely black due to being knocked out. Once awakening, he found himself in a completely unknown place and having his legs and arms strapped to a metal chair. No matter how much the young boy shouted for answers and questioned to wonder if anyone was around; nothing but silence was given in return before soon enough what had seemed to had been a man dressed in a lab coat had stepped into a room with a needle in his grasp had entered the room and approached Takashima. Without so much as a second thought, the young boy had been injected with some sort of strange black liquid into his veins from his neck that ended up sending Takashima into a world of surging pain before finally knocking him unconscious from the pain being unbearable.

Spending several years in this unknown place and with each and every single day being more painful than the last, Takashima had been put through constant rigorous tests that pushed his limits to their own fullest extent and then even beyond that. Each time he had been pushed beyond his own limit however, those who had injected him with the strange liquid had received even further information that they had wished to receive at once; each time being different in one way or another. First had been the change of the color of his skin, next his voice, third his own physical attributes and finally the last had been what had seemed to had been the mask of the dragon Grimm itself appearing on his entire face. What those who had tested the young boy hadn't realized though was the more they had put Takashima through this pain with the constant tests, the more and more he grew slightly used to the power he held before one day when yet another test had been run upon his body. He used his new fond ability to break through the containment he was placed within to leave the entire place as quickly as he possibly could.

Chasing him as he ran through the Atlas kingdom to reach his old home the whole time, by the time Takashima had reached his home only to find that his weapon had still remained in the stable for all those years in it's same hiding spot. Even if it had been incomplete, he had used it against his pursuers. Although, he was able to defeat these men before him; before he was able to fully even think of running away even further; he had been shot with a strange needle that held a drug to erase practically all of his memories of what had happened to him during his time in captivity and even part of his own past life when he was still with his family. Of course this had happened gradually allowing Takashima to be able to escape the land to find himself soon enough on a small ship on it's way over towards the kingdom of Vacuo.

Spending most of his life there and the only knowledge he had left in him was that he still wished to one day become a Hunter, Takashima slowly but surely found himself a job within the Kingdom walls as a simple helper of a Dust merchant. Making just enough money to be able to rent a small apartment right above the Dust shop. Each day, whenever he could; he would spend his time attempting to train himself to the best of his ability alone since he doubted he could ever be accepted into the Shade Academy due to being from Atlas originally. With that, as the years passed and he grew older; without so much as a warning, a letter had come to his doorstep one day. A letter from Beacon.

The songs I like to listen to

Just some other misc. things about me


Hello, my name is: Chartreuse "Charlie" Floros
I am: 17
If you can't tell what I am, I am: Male
I am a: Faunus (Wolf-based)
My orientation is: TBA
I am about: 166 cm / roughly 5"5 ft
I weigh about: 59.8 kg / 132 lbs
Look at my scars: There's a few in different places, but all of them are small and fairly faded.
My most distinguishing features: A long, furry tail, blue eyes, and seems to usually be carrying a tablet.
My team is called: TBA
I really like: History; old architecture and art; and technology
I really don't like: Crowds; ignorance; and bugs
Some of the things I like to do: Whistling; reading or research; and practicing combat
My semblance is: Masking - This semblance is very limited; essentially, it prevents people and creatures that can sense others' presence from sensing his. It doesn't camouflage or make him invisible, it only affects any sort of few with that sort of ability. He considers it to be pretty useless.
I can also: Natural night vision due to being a Faunus. Pretty agile and quick, in terms of fighting, running, and things like writing.
My weapon I use is: Viride Venator - Its most commonly seen form is a lightweight pistol, and is what he generally attacks with. It uses quite a few dust types, including fire and water. If needed, it can also shift into small, javelin-esque pole, made mostly for throwing. The weapon is a silvery color decorated with jade green accents. 
I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses: Usually communicates through hand gestures and a text-to-speech program, however, in the heat of a battle, the latter in particular is hard to do. Does much poorer with close quarters combat, and isn't the greatest when it comes to raw physical strength or defense.
Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet: Being born as a faunus doesn't make life easy, with entering into a bigoted society and seen as a beast. He was a witness and subjected to that treatment as well. He grew upset with the unfair treatment, sympathizing with those who couldn't stand up for themselves, and hating those who lived their lives holding such disrespectful views. However, he wasn't really that strong of a person, and one day, the stress of everything got to him so much he stopped talking almost entirely. He hated feeling this weak, and deciding that he couldn't stand it anymore, he sought out to become stronger, leading him to Beacon at long last.
The songs I like to listen to: Warriors - Imagine Dragons

Just some other misc. things about me: N/A
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[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Hello, my name is:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Sapphire Cozure [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I am: (Age goes here~)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]If you can't tell what I am, I am: (be whatever gender you want)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I am a: (Human/Faunus/Escaped Aura Grimm)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]My orientation is:[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I am about: (your height)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I weigh about:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]120 lbs[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Look at my scars:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]One small one on my right arm, second one on my left cheek[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]My most distinguishing features:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Long blue hair, white hoodie, blue t-shirt with blue pants.  Bright blue eyes.  I have light skin,  I wear shorts most of the time.  [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]My team is called: (This will be filled out later once the teams are made)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I really like:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Being quiet, working with a team, fighting[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I really don't like:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Talking too much, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Some of the thing I like to do:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Study, excercise[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]My semblance is: (completely up to you, this is your power)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Dexterity - ability to strike and move very quickly in combat.  Outside combat, I move at a regular speed.  It's essentially reaction time. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I can also: (This is for abilities that don't use your powers)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]My weapon I use is:[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Frostblade - [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Painted blue and white[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I don’t get angry easily, but when I do, I’m angry.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]I was born and raised in Vale, by a wealthy family.  I got private lessons since I was 6, training with the classic sword.  When I was 12, I crafted my gunblade with my father, whom I looked up to.  He went on several missions, and was a very successful huntsman.  I want to follow in his footsteps.  When I was 10, I was sent to my local combat school, and further sharpened my skills there.  I applied to Beacon Academy on my first go.  I was on top of my class before applying to Beacon.  I was essentially a role model.  They say I was born to become a huntress.  I guess we’ll find out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The songs I like to listen to:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Anything but country, pop, and death metal. Specifically, this:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Just some other misc. things about me:[/SIZE]
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Hello, my name is: Lani Argente

I am: 16

If you can't tell what I am, I am: Female

I am a: Ferret Faunus (Although she hides it)

My orientation is: Aromantic/Asexual

I am about: 5'2"

I weigh about: 113 lbs

Look at my scars: I don't have any as of yet!

My most distinguishing features: My small ferret ears (almost exclusively hidden under a hat), my short stature

My team is called: N/A

I really like: Challenging myself (especially fighting larger opponents!), spicy foods and stargazing

I really don't like: Ignorant people, large crowds, studying or staying still for long periods of time 

Some of the thing I like to do: Watching the grimm from a safe distance, drawing, testing my sniping, sightseeing, taking photos 

My semblance is: Speed! I can go quite fast and it leaves behind a trail of autumn leaves. Too bad I can only use it in short bursts.

I can also: See in the dark from the faunus heritage and hear fairly well (it's a bit muffled for my animal ears when I have a hat on..)

My weapon I use is: Amber Regalia; a silver and rusty orange hunting rifle that can be loaded with dust-infused ammo for elemental attacks. The rifle can collapse into a double-sword for close combat needs.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses: I can get distracted quite easily as well as getting tired. I'm also more suited for long range fighting than close combat if I can get a good vantage point.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet: Lani stayed out of the way of the White Fang, believing that she wanted the faunus to have rights but all of the protests weren't the way to do it, especially once they had turned violent. Her parents made sure she had her heritage hidden and did so throughout the majority of her life. This gave her the chance to get through school and learn without being bullied as much as her other faunus classmates. She had been learning to fight since she was strong enough to lift a weapon, with her father being a huntsman and teaching her a lot more than what the schools had taught her. 

The songs I like to listen to: Folk songs or songs with folk instruments (fiddles, banjos, etc.) are normally my go-to. Reminds me of home~

Just some other misc. things about me: She keeps a notebook on her where she writes down notes about the Grimm she learns about/encounters, just in case she needs it on the field.

Hello, my name is: Mark Cordelius

I am: 17

If you can't tell what I am, I am: Male

I am a: Human

My orientation is: Homosexual

I am about: About 6'

I weigh about: 173 lbs.

Look at my scars: A couple small ones on my arms and shoulders and one large one on my back, nothing too major though

My most distinguishing features: My bright blue eyes and my pink tinged hair!

My team is called: N/A

I really like: Telling jokes, making people smile in general, planning and working with a team

I really don't like: People who are too serious, when others can't work in a team, being confused and not in the know

Some of the thing I like to do: Rock out to music, party in general, taking in nature

My semblance is: It's called Powerhouse! His semblance releases the limiter on Mark's physical strength, making his attacks hit harder and cut deeper. The longer he uses it, the more fatigued he gets and his metabolism goes up, eventually to the point of unconsciousness. 

I can also: Whistle really loudly with two fingers and eat pretty fast. I'm also good at thinking on my feet and adapting to situations. 

My weapon I use is: A simple sword and shield, named Gudbrande and Agne respectively! I'm a man of the classics. Okay maybe they're not that simple. The sword can shift into a pistol and the sides of the shield are sharpened for a makeshift weapon (it's a good-sized shield). The sword clips into the back of the shield and rest on my back out of battle for easy transport.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses: I'm specifically a front line fighter. I can take hits, but I'm not fast or good in ranged combat. 

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet: Mark didn't have much of an interesting history. He was raised by his parents, two humans that owned a restaurant, and decided when he was young that he wanted to become a huntsman. He was born and raised in Mistral before choosing to move to Vale just to go to Beacon. Sadly, his parents were not very fond of the faunus so he was brought up in a negative light of them. Because of this, he doesn't know much about them or their actual history, but he tries his best to learn about them and keep an open mind, not wanting to end up like his parents in that sense.

The songs I like to listen to: Mostly techno and electronic music, but anything with a hard beat he'll listen to. 

Just some other misc. things about me: Despite having prescription glasses, he doesn't wear them on combat missions or any time he fights in fear they'll fall off and break. Instead he has a pair of goggles with blue frames and pink/orange tinged lenses with the same prescription that he wears as a replacement. They have an elastic strip that keeps them attached to his head.
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Hello, my name is: Perseus Aegle

I am: 16 (Almost 17)

If you can't tell what I am, I am: Male

I am a: Human

My orientation is: Heterosexual

I am about: 5'6

I weigh about: 195lb

Look at my scars: Several Dotting his hands from crafting his weapons

Distinguished Features: Is almost never seen without his signature shades and Headset. Embolden on the side of both is his Symbol. Around his neck is a silver locket (also bearing his symbol). Inside are two pictures: One is his sister Alena, and the other is of his mother Ameythest, and his father Melancton.

Team: (This will be filled out later once the teams are made)

I really like: Music, the color white, Gaming, Reading, Technology in General

I really don't like: People Abusing others, Soap Opera's, and Spoil-sports.

Some of the things I like to do: Dance, Play games on my kick-ass Laptop

My semblance is: Technomancy

I also: Have incredible perception, normally able to spot things most others would miss.

My weapon I use is:

'Daylights Talons'

Dual Interchangeable Submachine guns (Preffered Rounds: Ice dust) and Climbing hammers

Submachine Form

Climbing Hammers

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

Easily Distracted

Quick to rush into things

Don't always think thing through

I can come off as an Eccentric

I can deal damage, but I'm not good at taking it.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

I've been a lot of things: A hacker, a street performer, a thief, and on one occasion, a hero. I grew up in Atlas, where things were always so freaking cold and it snowed constantly. I loved it there, and my attire was meant to match my homeland. At around the age of 10, we moved to Vale. Gotta say, the mixed cultures are nice, but what interested me more was the full pockets everyone had. I made my fortune by using my semblance to rob people blind. With a lot of reliance on the CCT and such, that made things incredibly easy. I used my 'well-earned' fortune to buy myself anything electrical and machine-working. I used my funds to also help me build Daylights Talons. Most of my gear I retro-fit with upgrades to suit my needs, so I may come off as a tech fiend.

Now, this wasn't to say I was a bad person, or that I didn't care about others: I used my 'talents' to help my friends if they ever needed the hand. Hell, one time I saw that this orphanage was under the risk of closing, so I hacked into a nearby bank and transferred some of their cash into the Orphanages account. I also hacked into the work-order for a renovator, and got the place fixed up with proper heating and lighting. I like to consider myself a 'Modern Day Electronical Robin Hood'

The story of how I became a hero is actually kind-of ironic: I wanted to push my luck, and see if I could steal from the Schnee Dust Corporation. By accident, I discovered a plot to take out one of the board-members by a White-Fang Sympathizer. Now, I may think these rich pricks need to get whats coming to them, but I sure as hell don't agree to killing them. I sent a tip to the CEO, and they caught the guy before he could strike. The CEO rewarded me with a fully-paid tuition at Beacon Academy (if I could pass the tests). I got a spotlight in the papers for it, and after I managed to pass the entrance tests, I'm now on my way to Beacon.

Man, this is why I don't believe in Karma.

The songs I like to listen to:


Just some other misc. things about me:

I have an AI in my scroll (Atlas Military Grade). Helps me keep an eye on my Aura, as well as assess a quick plan of action, and is quite the conversationalist, when she isn't being sarcastic as hell. She calls herself Nura.


The Alpha Series Survivor


Bone Armor Var.

Hello, my name is:

Former- Devaria Oricalcum

Subject Tag- DO-F-(WF)-B.W.A.S.-16-5'6

Current- Aurora Amethera

I am:


If you can't tell what I am, I am:


I am a:

Former - Wolf Faunus

Current - Escaped Aura Grimm Beowulf-Alpha

My orientation is:


I am about:


I weigh about:

Ask again, and I'll rip out your damn throat.

Look at my scars:

- Various injection scars over her body. Covered up by Tattoos.

- Hands are scarred on both sides, as if dragged across jagged glass.

- 3, in the form of claw marks, over throat.

Distinguished Features:

- Due to her being an Aura Grimm, Aurora has the red markings almost all over her body. The markings are primarily on her cheeks, forehead and a bit on her back. Some of the red markings make some symbols.

- Aurora has the ears of a Beowulf. Considering her heritage, she can pass off as a wolf faunus.

- Shimmering bloodstone eyes.

- Carries a her subject dog-tags, as a sign of respect for the dead. Scratched on the back of both are 'Never Forgive' 'Never forget'.



I really like:

- Grimm

- Fire

- Fighting

- Roaming in my Berserk Form

- Reading

- Being alone

- Painting

I really don't like:

- Humans

- Scientists

- The serve headaches

- Remembering her past during experimentation

- Being called useless

- Being considered a thing

- Faunus

- More to come

Some of the thing I like to do:

- Painting

- Gaming (occasionally)

- Camping

- Eat

- Sleep

- Wood Carving

- Stone Carving

- Body Carving

- Fight (Do I really have to spell that out idiot?)

My semblance is:

Darkness Manipulation

I can also:

-Can Conscript Lesser Grimm in Beastial Form

- Feed off negativity

- Commune with Animals

- Read and speak Multiple Languages

My weapon I use is:

Nightmare's Grasp

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

- Hates Daytime

- Prefers to tear and rend, not really all that good at long-range (except with explosions, cause how can you miss?)

- I often find myself having to go out on late night hunts to relieve stress, thus leaving me somewhat exhausted the next day.

- Lacks understanding of basic studies (Mathematics, Culinary, Scientific, and History)

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

My life, when I was still human, wasn't pretty: I got a good look at the true nature of mankind. My mother died at a young age, she was a huntress. My father, a human, didn't want to raise a 'dog child' so he threw me in an orphanage. I can remember kids kicking me around, forcing me to do all the chores like some pack mule, the 'caretakers' beating me like some kind of rabid dog, and everyone pulling at my ears, calling me names, 'Freak' 'Animal' 'Monster' being the kindest.

I hated them. I hated the humans, who treated me like a beast. I hated the faunus, who ignored my pleas for help, thankful it was not them. I hated the caretakers, who allowed this to happen and took part in it. I hated everything! The only thing that I had of value was a small stuffed wolf-toy that my mom gave me, and then one day, a new kid took it from me, and she ripped it's head off.

I didn't know how to react at first. Horror, Sadness, despair.....then, I felt it. I felt a burning sensation, pouring out of my body. The next thing I knew, they were pulling me off of her, and handcuffing me: I had beaten her face silly, and damaged one of her eyes beyond repair. Good, I say. She deserved to have that stupid pretty face messed up.

Then, the next thing I know, I was in this cage with these doctors, talking about how I'll 'save' human and faunus kind, along with a bunch of other kids.. HA! I had to keep myself from laughing at this. Like many of the others, they injected me with the essence of a Grimm. However, I was the first (and to my knowledge only) test subjected injected with the essence of an Alpha-variant....who had survived.

The Grimm in me....It tried to take over, to bend me to it's will. However, I turned the tables. I broke the beast in me, I forced it down. But, instead of killing it? I embraced it. Everything inside me: my anger, my hatred, my rage....they lit me up like a fire, and for the first time in my life, I felt 'alive!'. I lived, the others died, and now I had power. But, instead of just breaking free and trying to repair the broken shards of my life, I threw them away...and made a new one.

Killing the guards was easy, and killing some of the scientists was even easier: They never expected one of their precious pets to escape. Living among the Wild Grimm for a year, I felt...like I finally belonged. United by hatred, I killed, I destroyed, and I took out all my fury upon the races that once used and abused me. At my side were my brothers and sisters in the Grimm.I felt whole, complete....at home. But then? I met them


They hunted my newfound brethren like animals. Though we kill many of them, they seem to kill more of us. I felt my anger burst with renewed purpose: I wouldn't let them rip away my people, who I finally felt belonging with. It is why I am here now: I had a transcript forged, so I could enter this stupid academy. I will learn from these humans: Their Techniques, Their Training, and what they know about my people.

And I will use it to Destroy them all. Let the hunt begin!

The songs I like to listen to:


Just some other misc. things about me:


"All is burned and scattered
My trust has been betrayed
The price of all that mattered
Is one that cannot be paid.
I have buried all of the dead
But they have not gone in vain
For all that I’ve suffered
I will bring them endless pain.
My heart has grown cold
And my soul has become numb
I will have my vengeance
Now see what I’ve become."



Hello, my name is:

Chiyori Tomoki

I am: 


If you can't tell what I am, I am: 


I am a: 


My orientation is: 

Straight, Heterosexual

I am about:


I weigh about:

100 Ib

Look at my scars:


My most distinguishing features:

Behind the eye patch on her right eye is a different colored eye, (a darker red) she keeps this hidden as people tend to freak out of her eyes. She is always seen with torn stockings as people always try to mess with her as they find her "strange", she just tends to ignore them mostly. Chiyori mostly keeps either hair tied into two long pony tail or on rare occasions, lets the entire length of her hair out.


My team is called: (This will be filled out later once the teams are made)

I really like:



My Semblance


I really don't like:

Annoying People



Stupid People

Talking to people

Some of the thing I like to do:

Read Books

Walking in the moonlight

Smelling the ocean breeze

My semblance is: Using the power of water. She can control water from the simplest of forms.

[SIZE= 16px]I can also: [/SIZE]Due to her being able to be more flexible than most people in her family, she can move stealthily against the battlefield and strike quickly when least expected.

My weapon I use is:

A simple Katana, Chiyori doesn't believe in the most updated weapons that involves guns. However she did make her own weapon from scratch, everything down from the hilt to the blade.


I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

Due to not actually training for most of her life prior to enrolling in Beacon, her ablities are limited to those of "new borne" faunus trying out their insticts for the first time. Although she is very nimble when it comes to battle, her reaction time isn't as swift when compared to others. This is a huge down point for her as it means the difference between life and death when battling against grim. She is still learning her semblance, so she can't do most things as what people who have more experience than her can. Her Aura can break easily, leaving her more prone to taking painful amounts of damage from attacks.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

Being born into the world of privileged has its ups and downs, mostly downs. Many people except so much of you, Chiyori grew up resenting the way that her family treated her and the faunus. They would always tease them and toss food at them, laughing at their misfortune. Chiyori however would stay behind once they had left and helped the faunus that her family was picking on, apologizing always in the process. Well when she received word of the grim hunting school of Beacon, she jumped at the chance to enroll against the wishes of her parents. Chiyori was going to prove to all of her family that they can't control her life anymore, she will prove that she is very capable of defending the weak along with helping out the poor.

The songs I like to listen to:

Just some other misc. things about me:

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(Australian accent.) "That's not a knoife. Now This is a knoife."

Hello, my name is: "Jet Knight"

I am: "8,545,360 minutes." (16 years)

If you can't tell what I am, I am: "A male, and a sexy one at that."

I am a: "Human, plain and simple. Not like those faunus freaks."

My orientation is: "Straight as an arrow."

I am about: "Six feet even."

I weigh about: "180lbs. All muscle, baby."

Look at my scars: "Nope. No scars on me. I'm untouchable."

My most distinguishing features: "I'll be the one surrounded by sheilas."

My team is called: TBD

I really like:

-Sharp objects




I really don't like:




-People who are no fun.

Some of the things I like to do:

-Jump off of things

-Jump out of things

-Jump through things

-Stab some things

My semblance is: "I can create a smoke screen so thick, you wouldn't be able to see a flare in front of your own face. And it can be of just about any color I want. Only I can see through it. Other people can't."

I can also:


-Survive a great deal of time in the desert.

-Down an entire bottle of BBQ sauce in one chug.

My weapon I use is: "Jamie and Sarah. They're me knives. They're a pretty simple construction. Except, I've fitted mini-rocket boosters into the handles. Makes'em stab harder, and faster."

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

-Subpar aura strength

-Low DPS

-very unprofessional. 

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

"I got me start in Vacuo. You know, the shithole in the sad. Well, unlike the rest of the C.U.N.Ts out there, I have ambitions. I wanted a good future with glory and action. Not exactly something you get from living in Vacuo. So I started working for a *ahem* 'legitimate' business, protecting cargo. I gotta say I learned a thing or two about morals while under they're employment....It was hard work but eventually I worked up enough of that sweet lien to get me to Vale. 

Now hear I am... teach me something."

The songs I like to listen to:

Just some other misc. things about me: "Mates before hoes."
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Virgo Capri: The Blunder of JUSTICE!

How I Look:

Virgo has light brown skin that seems to almost radiate with youth, and his vibrant green eyes and almost baby-like face proves it further. His hair is a black buzz cut, always shiny with hair grease and brushed to near perfection. To even further add on to his resemblance of a child, he's rather...short for someone his age, being about four feet and seven inches in height and weighing about 85 pounds despite his chubby build.

 His normal appearance is a light blue T-shirt with black joggers and timberland boots he cleans daily. When at home, he normally wears a normal white T-shirt with black basketball shorts and fuzzy blue slippers, his bracelet off and always in the dresser. When he hangs out with his friends, you'll see him wearing a yellow hoodie with his light-blue T-shirt underneath, along with regular grey sweatpants and normal white sneakers. But the one thing, and I mean ONE THING, you'll always see him wearing...is his cape, with its soft white fabric that has black tips at the end that reaches down to the back of his legs. He ALWAYS wears this cape, even when he takes a shower!

Hello, my name is:

Virgo Capri

 I am:


 If you can't tell what I am, I am:


 I am a:


Look at My Scars:

Virgo has a large scar, a bit black from age, across his belly

My Most Distinguishing Features:

Is missing one of his front teeth

Eyes seem to shine brighter when excited

 My orientation is:


 I am about:


 I weigh about:


Team: (This will be filled out later once the teams are made)

 I really like:

-Any food or drink  that has Caramel in it

-Comic Books nnd Mangas of any genre

-Cooking his own dishes

-Watching and Gushing over Anime

-A Nice Cold Root Beer

-Helping others 


 I really don't like:

-Seeing someone hurt, sad, or upset

-His friends and Future Friends fighting

-Not doing anything to help

-People touching his cape

-People performing acts of evil

-Letting others down.

-Anything to do with Atlas

 Some of the thing I like to do:

-Training with anyone willing to spar with him,

-Cook for his Team and Friends. Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, and Snack.

-Playing Video games, whether alone or with company

-Hanging out with friends/team and getting to know them

-Talking about JUSTICE, Sing about JUSTICE, Possibly Write about JUSTICE, anything that involves JUSTICE!

 My semblance is:

Power of Words: Virgo has the ability to channel his aura into his Lungs, allowing him to release said Aura in a powerful shout, causing a shock wave that'll disorient his enemies and send them flying.

I can also:

Do well at long-ranged/medium-ranged attacks.

Good at dodging

Has surprising strength during the time when he's actually enraged

Is pretty durable, half due to determination, and the other half due to his aura

Also has a large amount of Aura and Stamina, able to stay up for hours upon hours.

Is quite the cleaner upper

 My weapon I use is:

Righteous- A medium-sized gold shield that is shaped like a star. He straps it on his back under his cape.

Virtuous and Exemplary-Two .367 magnums that shoots dust bullets of his choosing. He has holster on his sides where he stores them.

 I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

He's weak at close-combat, not really having the physical strength...well, when calm.

Is guilty about not entering the school the right way, known to visibly panic when reminded of it. Is also enraged by Faunus bullying.

Has acute insomnia, his strive for JUSTICE and his past always keeping him awake at night

Is Naive, treating people he SHOULD consider enemies and complete strangers as friends and helping anyone without asking first.

Is touchy with his cape, known to lash out at friends or the wrong crowd should they decide to mess with it

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

[SIZE= 13px]Virgo's life wasn't exactly the happiest. He was always different from the other kids. While some liked to be proper and clean, he'd like to run around outside and play. While some liked to use their free-time to study, he liked to use his free-time making friends and reading comics. His classmates had stayed away from him, most of them because of instinct, but the others because their parents called him a "Problem Child begging for trouble". Virgo was always sad when he was alone at Recess, but he was even sadder when there seemed to be one girl who looked lonelier than him. She looked to be a Faunus, and although Virgo was only a child at the time, he knew no one liked her because of it. Everything inside him told him he should go talk to her. But he was afraid she'd reject him like all the others did. He wasn't heroic enough like the cool Atlas guards to give her a friend...his mother had said so.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]Virgo's father was around for a few years before he died of an unexplained Illness Virgo, to this day, did not know of. His mother, pained with sadness and regret, pinned the blame on Virgo, sometimes even telling him that Virgo caused the illness due to extreme stress at the costs of raising him, and with no benefits. The two had a very strained relationship after, his mother, a business woman, always leaving her son alone. She never spoke to him unless she yelled, never touched him unless to hit him upside the head for making a mistake or shoving him in his room when she didn't want to look at him. Yet still, Virgo tried to remain happy, deciding to put his interests in anime to relieve himself of the real world, loving how anyone could make friends even at the worst possible times. And this worked...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]at least, until that one day...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]He was just walking home from school, minding his own business, until he saw the most horrific thing he saw: the Atlas Guards, once his idols, now petty thieves taking from a little faunus girl...the girl from his class. Paralyzed with shock, he could only watch as things began to escalate, a crowd forming and actually a few cheering for the guards as the girl was beaten, the parents trying to get to her, yet to no avail thanks to the second guard holding them back. His eyes connected with the girl's, and as he watched them slowly close, he heard someone beside him...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]"Now that's the proper justice of the world." And that's when he ran. He ran all the way home, went into his room, locked the door, and cried. Cried because he didn't do anything. Cried because he DIDN'T do anything. And as the days went on, he began to see just how strict and heartless Atlas was becoming. His home, nothing more than a land of merciless business and mindless military services. Wracked with guilt, and not wanting to see anymore, he ran away at the age of ten, the cape his dad had brought him as a birthday gift around his neck. [/SIZE]Two years later, he had managed to wander his way to the kingdom of vale, where he met a quiet and reserved blacksmith who took him in after he collapsed at her doorstep. Time went by, and the two's relationship grew stronger, Virgo's enthusiasm and optimism, even at his worst times, weaseling their way into the blacksmith's heart.

Sensing his need for Justice, she began to train him at the age of thirteen, forging weapons of his (Hesitant) choice and sparring him, testing him, awakening his aura for him, helping him find his semblance, everything. And after two years, he was finally ready for his admission to signal. But the blacksmith noticed that although Virgo thought signal was fun, his eyes were set for something better and more challenging...beacon. But due to Virgo's age and Atlas background he'd rather not let anyone know about due to shame, she had to resort to another method...forged transcripts.

The songs I like to listen to:

Virgo's not one to choose just one song. He loves any type of music and always finds a way to make it seem better than it may already be. Yet he seems to enjoy videogame soundtracks and alternative music a bit more.
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Hello, my name is 

Valeria Brunneus

I am


If you can't tell what I am, I am


I am a 


My orientation is


I am about

1.71 m (5'6'')

I weigh about

"I'm not telling."

Look at my scars

A thin scar that crosses her left eye.

My most distinguishing feature

Valeria is never seen without her silver bracelet, shaped as a snake around her wrist and forearm.

My team is called


I really like





I really don't like



-Exaltation of Self

-Grimm ("I really dislike them.")

-Sappy romance novels


-Grimm ("Once more, just so they'll get it.")

Some of the thing I like to do


-Playing war games/ strategy games

-Experimental cooking



My semblance is (completely up to you, this is your power)

Aura of Valour: Her Aura can be amplified to reach other people close to her, inspiring them to fight harder, while empowering their abilities. The effects tax on her, and tend to drain her energy faster the more people affected. Those under its effects become faster, stronger, and more resistant, as well as having their own semblances become more effective.

I can also (This is for abilities that don't use your powers)

Valeria has a very strong memory, and even with her stature, is a very agile and skilled front line combatant. She is a great strategist, and very intelligent.

My weapon I use is

Unguis: A short and sharp gladio sword, that interchanges with a dust round revolver. The change is quick, allowing for hybrid attacks with both forms.

Custodio: A large scutum, that can change to three forms: a static bulwark for resisting assaults, something akin to a riot shield, and a smaller parma for direct conflict.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses

-Can come out as somewhat arrogant.

-Lacks confidence on her own abilities.

-Is very weak at long range engagements.

-Can sometimes overplan for stuff.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet

 Valeria was raised in a small house in a small town in the kingdom of Mistral by her parents, Gaius Brunneus and his wife Valentina. Her father a merchant, and her mother a sculptor, the Brunneus family wasn't exactly rich, but wasn't poor, either. They lived comfortably for most of it, and even had enough for a few luxuries here and there.

 Her parents always wanted Valeria to be something bigger than themselves, and so, started her training at a rather young age. They wanted her to be a huntress, like Gaius' father before him, and their objective was to make her one of the greatest. They even gave up on a few of their luxuries to give her the best training they could find, and so, she bloomed on that midst as a very skilled fighter.

 When she was around 12, the creatures of grimm started to grow too close to their village, and the inhabitants were forced to move. This was when she first entered a preparatory school for huntsmen and huntresses.

The songs I like to listen to

Just some other misc. things about me

Valeria's symbol is the golden silhouette of a charging bull.

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Hello, my name is:

Medusa Salvatore

I am:


If you can't tell what I am, I am:


I am a:


My orientation is:


I am about:


I weigh about:

T-that’s considered classified information, isn’t it?

My most distinguishing features:

I’d say I’m a particularly normal looking girl. I don’t try to be distinguishing. The spotlight’s not for me.

My team is called: (This will be filled out later once the teams are made)

I really like:

Weaponry. There is nothing more beautiful than a well-forged sword, or a genius combination of both gun and melee weapons. I live for the experience of a new weapon in my hands.

I also like industrial rock.

I really don't like:

The Grimm. Filthy Faunus sub-humans. Such abominations shouldn’t exist. Faunus should just crawl back to whatever hole they came from and stay there instead of sullying this world with their presence.

Some of the thing I like to do:

Stock-taking. Making sure my weapons are all fully loaded and ready to go.

My semblance is:

I wish I knew. Apparently, I have none. Don’t worry, though, I’ll keep up.

I can also:

Set up and maintain a communications network with my helmet, which also comes with built-in night vision, zoom and enhance functions, and a voice-changer. Pretty neat, huh?

I guess I can also smell the scent of a Grimm or a Faunus. Daddy taught me the smells of the disgusting creatures and the sub-humans. 

My weapon I use is:

●KSL-17 Submachine Gun: Standard issue high velocity submachine gun provided to militant support units. Powerful enough to keep medium sized Grimm at bay, but only just enough to kill them with several full magazines of 40 rounds.

●Dust-operated Combat Knife: A unique combat knife. When loaded with Dust in the handle, it can produce immense heat at the edge of the blade, allowing it to pierce and cut anything in its path.

●Throwing Knives: Six of them, on every deployment. They are holstered on her leg, kept in place with a unique snap-on mechanism in their holsters.

●Collapsible Goliath Suppression Rifle (CGSR): A powerful rifle which has a foldable stock and barrel into the main body. It is easily transported around, and rather light, and yet packs a huge punch to be called an Goliath Suppression weapon. Its only drawback is its ability to only load one shot into the barrel at any given moment, and operates on a bolt-action loading system, making it slow and cumbersome after every shot.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

I-I’m not strong at all. If you need firepower, I’ve got it in truckloads, b-but please don’t rely on me too much. I’ve only got so much ammo.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

Medusa Salvatore is the daughter of Medus Salvatore, a Grimm hunter of some repute. He was also a rather strong anti-Faunus racist. Medusa grew up with equal amounts of lessons to be the best assault support hunter and anti-Faunus libel. Both of these made her the girl she is today- a friendly, gun-obsessed teenager, who turns on a dime the moment a Faunus enters the picture, her usual kind words switching to ones of brutal, sarcastic acid.

Though she never developed a Semblance for whatever reason, she kept up with the others with nothing but training and perseverance. Described as resourceful and full of potential, she was recommended to Beacon and subsequently accepted. Oddly enough, the transcripts never mention her abject distaste for Faunus.

The songs I like to listen to:

Just some other misc. things about me:

Medusa seems to have some less noticeable traits that make her nice girl next door act a bit less perfect, her abject hatred for Faunus and their supporters notwithstanding. One such trait in particular is her cynical view that her weapons are just that: weapons, which can be used by anyone to kill anyone.

Medusa is named not after the Gorgon, but after the meaning behind the Gorgon’s name, just as her father was. But perhaps…
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Hello, my name is:

Former: Alben Raine

Subject: SRPNT51XX

Current: Grayson Harper

I am: 17

If you can't tell what I am, I am: Agender (uses they/them pronouns)

I am an: Escaped Aura Grimm, King Taijitu to be exact. I don't remember what I formerly was.

My orientation is: Pansexual

I am about: 5'7"

I weigh about: 158lbs

Look at my scars: Two long ones from the bottom of my lip going all the way down to the my collarbone

My most distinguishing features: My scars, my red eyes like most of my kind have, my white hair with black undersides and the red Grimm markings on my back, neck and upper arms

My team is called: N/A

I really like:

Being around people who aren't judgmental/know what I am

Faunus (I find them interesting, b-but not in a weird way!)

My alone time


I really don't like:

Listening to the voices of Mordred (black Taijitu head) and Sindri (white Taijitu head)

Using the Grimm's powers

Being around, or associated with, other Aura Grimm

People who are too loud or obnoxious

Some of the things I like to do:

Playing string instruments; preferably guitar, ukulele, banjos and similar instruments

Listening to other people play music

Writing poems (they aren't too good though, just a way to get out thoughts)

Crosswords and other puzzles that make you think

Doing things that take their mind off of their current situation

My semblance is: Tremor Sense: When focused, which involves having my eyes closed and complete concentration, I can locate where people or creatures are if they are moving. If they are standing still or not touching the ground, I can't sense them. I can also only sense things if I am standing on the same plane (can't sense things that are on the ground when Grayson is up in a tree; would only be able to sense the things that are moving around in the tree). It also makes me dizzy when used too much.

I can also:

Sense other Aura Grimm in the area, like all of my kind

Have a higher pain tolerance

Talk to Mordred and Sindri telepathically (though I try not to)

Sing fairly well

Read body language and social cues quite well

Be generally fast and have good agility skills, particularly in climbing

My weapon I use is: A pair of hand crossbows that can shift into a pair of sickles. They're grey and black in color with dark green accents. Gray commonly uses them in crossbow form before jumping in for an attack with the sickles.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses: I can get distracted easily, especially having two voices in my head unlike other Aura Grimm who I believe only have one. I'm also no good at being a tank, despite the higher pain tolerance. I prefer to go in, hit hard and then get out as fast as possible.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet: I don't remember much from before the experiments, or even during them. The last thing I remember was getting out of...whatever that place was with weird red markings on my skin and tattoos. Did I get those done myself? Oh and two voices in my head that didn't sound like my own voice. They sound similar, but also fairly distinctive so I gave them names. They tried to put ideas in my head... Now I chose to enroll in Beacon. I feel like it was my dream as a child to be a huntsman, but could that be another idea put into my head?

The songs I like to listen to:

Just some other misc. things about me: They have two tattoos on their back from the experimentation; two entwined snakes in the middle of their back as well as their experiment name between their shoulder blades. They also carry their dogtag from their experiment, but doesn't wear them. They don't want any more association with that.
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Hello, my name is: David Listman

I am: 25

If you can't tell what I am, I am: Male

I am a: Human/Draconian Escaped Aura Grimm

My orientation is: Straight

I am about: 6'1" human / 8'6" Draconian

I weigh about: 220 Human / 558 Draconian

Look at my scars: Left eye vertical 3"

My most distinguishing features: Stark Blonde Hair and azure blue eyes Human / Red Scales and yellow eyes Draconian

My team is called: Don't have one. He has been rejected by all so far due to his transformational abilities. It often gets confused with those who go berserk.

I really like: The Bible, peace ad quiet, fruit and fruit juice, coffee, dark skinned women, clean romance.

I really don't like: Hate, corruption

Some of the things I like to do:

My semblance is: Blue massive sword blast that will cut just about anything. He can transform into Draconian at will. The transformation will occur involuntarily if innocents are being slaughtered. This has been confused with berserking, though David has full control of his senses. He can breathe fire while in Draconian form (flamethrower, concentrated fire shotgun) and use his wings as swords.

I can also: Jump from impossible heights, run at incredible speed and break concrete with bare hands in either form.

My weapon I use is: Longsword and Short Sword. Longsword is also Sniper Rifle; Short Sword is also Shotgun

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses: He can be overtaken quickly if surrounded.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

   He escaped from being a Grimm after his father, Goldenter, rescued him using scripture and the prayer of the Church. He saw his father for the first time that day, and he was shocked when he realized he was the son of a draconian.

Goldenter sacrificed himself to save his son, as he was slightly wounded when they did the ceremony to free him. It was too taxing for his wounded body. David remembers holding his father as he slipped, the last words being, "My son...trample the wicked...protect...the weak..."

   His mother, a human, reintroduced him into society. He found the love of his life, only to have her eaten by a Grimm. He found his transformational ability early on after his freeing, and the Church took him in and helped him hone it. Anyone outside of the Church shunned him if they found his history.

   He now owns a large legal firm that has a permanent contract with the Haven Academy, and resides outside Beacon. He has a private shuttle that can taxi to and from space, and a small army of elite security.

The songs I like to listen to: Everthing Gospel. He loves "Friend of a Wounded Heart" when hurting, "Mercy Seat" while on rescue missions, "Love is Stronger" while in tough situations, "Dare to Believe" while retreating, and "I Went to the Enemy's Camp" while on a chase.


Red Draconian.jpg

Ky Kiske Fight.jpg
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Hello, my name is
Former Name: Unknown

Test Subject: M.O.S.E.

Current Name: Luciana "Lucy or Ana" Darkholme

I am

If you can't tell what I am, I am

I am a

Escaped Aura Grimm (Griffin)

My orientation is

I am about

I weigh about

Look at my scars
-A small scar going across her eye and one running along her eyebrow

-Puncture scars on her neck

Distinguished Features
-Red eyes with a single yellow going through the middles

-The ends of her hair is black while the rest is stark white

-Piercing in the upper part of her right ear and left feline ear


-Feline ears and lion tail.  The tips of her ears and tail or black and the rest is white.


(This will be filled out later once the teams are made)

I really like
-Ice Cream






I really don't like
-Bitter Food

-Losing control


-Her Grimm Aura

-Losing Control



Some of the thing I like to do

-Getting to know her teammates

-Meditating to control her Grimm half

-Finding the other escapees

-Enjoying nature



My semblance is
Guardianship - Luciana is able to tag a person or object.  Once tagged she is able to attach a buff to the person or item.The tags can be attached with physical contact or Luciana's aura arrows.  Once tagged Luciana is able to switch places with or teleport to the person or item.

I can also


-Aura Precision



-Aura constructs (Mostly arrows)

-Assassin & Stealth

-Griffin Physiology

-Supernatural Condition (Basic)

-Small healing factor

My weapon I use is
Melancholy Ascent

Luciana wields a composite bow that allows her to use real arrows and aura arrows while the bow has bladed ends.  The drawstring is a hard light construct that forms every time the bow is fully formed.  The arrows and the bow itself can be filled with dust to produce a variety of effects.  Luciana has an assortment of arrows to use besides the basic arrows; such as smoke bomb, net, flashbang, sonar, scatter, etc.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses
-Her physical arrows are finite and can run out leaving her to either focus on physical combat or expend her aura to create aura arrows.

-Luciana has a trigger word that puts her into a trance

-Luciana also has a trigger that puts her into "kill" state

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet
The blood of hundreds shall forever be stained on Luciana's hands.  She was created to be the ultimate assassin.  To get in and get out without being seen.  She was not the first to be created, but she was the best that lived. The A.G.A.s (Aura Grimm Assassin) that came before her were all her biological relatives.  Her sisters, brothers, and cousins were all snatched from their homes and their memories erased through hypnosis.  With their memories erased they were released into the "wild" to fend for themselves.  Over time they gave into their feral natures.  Luciana, her brothers, and sister are lion Faunus so they naturally formed their own pride.  Her cousins all formed their own packs, tribes, prides, and groups; all coming together based on their animalist features.


A year went by and all of the captured faunus, including Luciana and siblings, were completely feral

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[SIZE= 28px]NOEL KINSEY: The Possessing Possessive Fox[/SIZE]


Hello, my name is:

Former: Audrey ???

Test Subject: G0ST-Geist Grimm

Current Name: Noel Kinsey

I am:


If you can't tell what I am, I am:


I am a:

Escaped Aura Grimm

My orientation is:


I am about: 


I weigh about:


Look at my scars:

Multiple purple scars across her arms, which were bruises that had been split open.

My most distinguishing features:

-The collar around her neck. Although she has the key, she still like to wear it at times for...unknown reasons.

-Small fox ears hidden under her hair, as well as a bushy white fox tail behind her, its tip black

-The necklace of broken blade tips. It was said she gathered them from those who'd had tried to re-capture her. And due to the fact that some seem more damaged than others, they weren't really successful.

-A red marking that suspiciously looks like a large eye on her back.

-Two eyes of a violent pool of red with a yellow streak going through them. She uses purple contacts to try and hide them, but you can still see the glowing red beneath.

-A sharp white hairpin that blends in with her hair.

My team is called: (N/A)

I really like:

Learning Human Behavior

Sneaking around and surprising

Dark areas

Staying up late

All kinds of sour foods

Hoarding objects

Looking down at people, not in an arrogant way, but in a "People look more cuter up here" kind of way.

I really don't like:

People touching her stuff without permission

People from Atlas

People asking about her scars

When the Grimm in her head tells her not to do something

Talking a lot

Some of the thing I like to do:

Sometimes stealing possessions if she really really wants it.

Hiding and just watching people interact

Possessing Objects

Jumping out and surprising people

Lazing around

Hanging around other humans to see how they act

My semblance is:

Noel has the strange ability to eat different kinds of Dust and change it into sticky, gooey Ectoplasm in her body. She can secrete it basically anywhere, from her fingers, to her hands, to her legs, to even her eyes if she wanted to. And each kind of dust turns her glowing Ectoplasm into different colors, as well as giving it different effects.

I can also:

-Feed off of Negative Energy

-Hide in an actual inanimate object, yet the object turns purple and slightly sticky in return.

-Mimic anyone's handwriting

-Can steal from those quickly, quietly, and with no traces

My weapon I use is:

The Exorcists: Two large clawed gauntlets with holes at the fingertips to let her Ectoplasm out. Not only do they leave nasty injuries, but they also leave nasty injuries with also nasty substances as well.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

-Her tone always sounds cynical and lazy, meaning that although she can say things out of excitement and cheer, it sounds like she's being more sarcastic

-She's a hoarder, knowing to stuff objects she finds interesting into every trunk, closet, pocket, and/or mattress for looking at later

-Doesn't understand most Human Concepts

-Isn't really strong when it comes to receiving or giving long-ranged attacks.

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

Audrey was a normal girl in Atlas, having owned a small dust shop with her family in a quaint little town. Although most of the residence had hated her and her family due to their faunus heritage, she was still happy with her life, still having a nice education and money to live. She wasn't exactly as social as she could help, but there were multiple times where she did try to make a friend. She was too scared to talk to the other kids, but there was always one kid who would sit by himself at recess, just reading comics. He seemed intresting and always eager to make new friends, but just like her, kids would always shut him down. She never had the courage to talk to him...and she never did talk to him. It all happened so fast. A normal family outing, turned to two rookies Atlas guards taking her money, and after Audrey protested...she was beaten. Harshly. And as she blacked out from the pain, the last thing she saw was the shocked face of the same boy at recess...

And than Audrey became Project G0ST

G0ST, like most of her 'Brothers and Sisters', didn't remember how she got there, or her past, or the experiments that had happened to her. She just remembers waking up in various cells from time to time, sometimes restrained, sometimes now. Her insides always felt like they were on fire. As if something was inside them.  And than there was the time she woke up outside. And something in her head, something that seemed more than just her conscience in her head, told her to run far away from that place. And she did. She was told by the voice in her head she had powers and abilities normal humans wouldn't have. And than came the big question:

"Wh-What...are humans?"

She was left fending for herself, yet she survived by always watching the humans. How they walked, talked, interacted. It all fascinated her. It gave her an Idea that maybe, just maybe, if she acted like a Human, she'd be able to get the answers she needed, as well as obtain things she was never able to obtain before. And so, she learnt how to be more human, from wearing more appropriate clothes than the rags at the facility and choosing her own name, to how to obtain the neat devices and objects the humans had by stealing them after a demonstration by a thief on the run. It wasn't a perfect life, what with the fact of the protesting Grimm in her head and no home...but it was her life. A human life.

After awhile, however, she'd been having...dreams. Strange dreams. They were different, ranging from a smaller and cleaner version playing in the park, to her sitting at a desk staring at a blank chalkboard, and even her hugging people. People who were blurry and that she couldn't recognize. And it all stopped after one night, she dreamed of a large dark figure just...beating into her. But there was something weird that they all had in common. They just had that...golden figure that was watching from the distance. And then she woke up. Now wanting more answers, she managed to somehow enter a transcript to Beacon, faking a letter of recommendation. And now, she was on her way. On her way for answers...

And more things.

The songs I like to listen to:

Noel isn't picky. She likes to listen to whatever sounds good to her ears! There are a few songs she's listened to that sounded good!
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Hello, my name is: Violet Craver

I am: 17

If you can't tell what I am, I am:Female

I am a: Human

My orientation is:Bi

I am about: 5'11

I weigh about:110lb

Look at my scars:Don't have any.

My most distinguishing features: My eyes glow blue,red and gold,but more on that later.

My team is called: (This will be filled out later once the teams are made)

I really like: Cats. Like I always thought nekos were so adorable. I want one for my own one day.

I really don't like: People who look down on me! Also people who are cocky, which is ironic cause people say I'm cocky!

Some of the thing I like to do:Train, and play gutiar.

My semblance is: My lifeforce. Like when I'm happy my eyes glow blue, i can make a aura appear around me and shoot enegry blasts from my hands. It turns red when I'm pissed. Someone told me that when I tried to save a small girl from a wreck I turned gold.  

I can also: I'm very very fast.

My weapon I use is: None, don't need them.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:I'm headstrong sometimes. I get involved in fights I shouldn't and even though i'm smart I get baited into fights. 

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:I have a interesting past. I have two sisters who may end up being stronger than me. Me and Silver have a rivalry going on. Dad seems to like her more than me, which already ticked me off. i broke her arm on accident and ran away from home. I haven't seen Silver in years. I may seem happy and ready for a fight, but there is a capacity for evil within me,a nd saddness.

The songs I like to listen to: I enjoy most things

Just some other misc. things about me:


Azuma Daishi

I am:

"Well sure...I guess I can tell you."



If you can't tell what I am, I am:

"You really can't tell...? Are you blind?"



I am a:

"Heh...You might be surprised.."

Aura Grimm


My orientation is:

"I'm nooottt telling....hehe."



I am about:




I weigh about:

"I eat plenty!!..."



Look at my scars:

"That's none of your business..."

He has two large slash marks on the corners of his mouth to make it seem as though he has a Glasgow smile across his lips. Hence why he always wears his mask most of the time.


My most distinguishing features:

"You'll never see my face..."

His mask that he always wears, two crimson stars right above his eyebrows and his piercing red eyes, as well as his smile whenever it is actually shown.


My team is called:





I really like:

"OoOhH..sweets! I LoVe sweets!"











Mind Games/Board Games/etc

Many more~


I really don't like:

"Hmm...I'm not sure I can think of anything!~"

Burnt food

People that don't share

Trying to 'save the day'



Having to use full contact as his fighting style

Cheesy magic


Many others~


Some of the thing I like to do:

"...Wanna pLaY with mE?..."

Testing and experimenting different sorts of advancements on his own weapon no matter how lethal it could be. 'Playing' with his opponents, torturing those he kills, leading people into ambushes of Grimm.


My semblance is:

"They are like siblings to me...DoN't HuRt tHeM"

Azuma has six large floating probe-like machines that follow around him nearly at all times other than when they are hidden, they are within a small pack that he keeps around his waist behind him. The six probes are able to shoot small beams of lasers from their single 'eye's. However, whenever they begin to come together and spiral rapidly, their beam become much larger and stronger the quicker they spin together. Whenever they open however, much larger beams are shot out from the opening if not they are able to create shields made out from pure energy to keep Azuma protected; followed by the shield, if the shield is attacked, it will end up shooting out a large sonic wave each time it is damaged in anyway. 


I can also:

"I'm normal...I swear! I am!..."

Unlike every other human, even if Azuma is not in tune with his inner Grimm; after the experimentations upon his own body, he is able to move at a speed that easily is able to outmatch that of nearly any mortal. His own physical strength is also enhanced greatly thanks to the experimentations as well, all of this is enhanced even further passed his own limitations once his Grimm decides to awaken.


My weapon I use is:

"I made them myself!..."

Six probe-like machines that float around him nearly at all times that have many different uses within them.


I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

"N-no...Y-you don't need to know this!!..."

Azuma has a horrible phobia of water and prefers to stay as far as possible away from it; it does not mind drinking it or being near a small fountain or even small bodies of water in general, however large bodies of water such as the sea is something he would be terrified to ever go near it.

Although he is good at hand-to-hand combat, it is not his specialty nor does his weapon have the capability to turn into a full melee weapon so he is unable to really have a hand-to-hand combat against someone with a sword or really anything too sharp.


Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:



The songs I like to listen to:



Hello, my name is:

Luno O. Hana

I am: 


If you can't tell what I am, I am:


I am a: 


My orientation is:


I am about: 


I weigh about:


Look at my scars:

- Has a tattoo on his chest that says, "The Child of Pain."

My most distinguishing features:

-The tattoo

My team is called: 


I really like:


-His sister



-People who he loves


I really don't like:


-Getting mad

-Bad talk about his sister




Some of the thing I like to do:


-Visit my sister's grave



-Watch the petals of a tree dance in the wind


My semblance is: 

[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]Berserk: Enhances the stats of the user tremendously from 3 seconds, but causes the user to black out and become tired.[/COLOR]

I can also: 

-Use a sword

My weapon I use is:

[COLOR= rgb(152, 157, 160)]The Peace of War: A katana that is able to consume dust, and use that dust as effects. Such if the blade was covered in fire dust, the dust would burn the enemy hit by the sword.[/COLOR]

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

-Bad temper

-Not well in teamwork

-Not good in pressure

-Very harsh

Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

Luno was born in the kingdom of, Vacuo, and lived with his father and sister. Luno's mother died from giving birth to Luno, which caused his father to grow very abusive towards Luno. Luno's father began to always blame Luno for killing his wife, and once Luno reached the age of 5, he began to get beat up by his father. Luno's sister was very scared of defending, so Luno had to get beaten by his father until he reached the age of 7. At the age of 7, Luno's sister began to abused by the father, since Luno's sister disagreed to becoming huntress.

Luno noticed this during the night of his own birthday, and right before Luno's father hit Luno's sister, Luno took the punch to his face. Luno's sister was very surprised that Luno took the punch, and asked, "Why did you take the punch?! I haven't defended you at all!" Luno looked at his sister with a black eye, and said, "I don't care. You don't have to defend me. I will defend you forever, since I love you. You are my sister. I trust you." Luno's sister was very surprised about this, but Luno's father didn't care and he pushed Luno out of the way to go and hurt his sister. This unlocked Luno's semblance, Berserk, allowing his normal stats (strength, speed, etc.) to grow.

Luno then began to beat up on his father, killing him after a bunch of punches towards the face. Little did Luno know, his semblance's after effects caused Luno to make him and his semblance only lasted for about three seconds. Luno's sister knew that they both would get into trouble, so she picked up Luno and began running off. Her plan was to make it to, Vale, to hopefully start a new life with her younger brother. Luno didn't realize this, until he woke up in a forest with his sister laying against him.

Luno's sister woke up, and told him everything he needed to know. Luno was fairly surprised, but in the end he was fine with everything. Luno's sister began to teach him what his semblance was, and how to really control it. This took a lot of time, and Luno's sister had to deal with training Luno, causing her to get hurt a lot since Luno would black out during his semblance. This caused Luno to grow anger issues, but his sister would always calm him down.

So, Luno and his sister trained in the forest a lot, and spent a lot of time together walking towards Vale. In order to not starve, they would hunt for food and such. One day, Luno's sister was getting food when she was attacked by three grimms. Luno had no idea what to do, but Luno's sister was able to defend herself. She was badly injured, and Luno tried to take care of her.

Since Luno's sister wasn't able to help Luno control his semblance, she taught him how to use her own sword, "The Peace of War." Luno began to train with this sword, and grew attached to it since it was his sister's sword. He was took care of it, since Luno's sister wasn't in the right condition of being able to use it. Luno grew up having to take care of his sister, until the age of 14 when they finally reached, Vale. Luno searched for someone that could possibly help his sister, and on one day Professor Ozpin found him asking for help.

He called over the nurse of Beacon Academy, and they found of that Luno's sister wasn't able to be cured from the injures she suffered from. Luno wasn't able to take that, and he grew mad at himself for not being able to defend his sister. He would stay with his sister in the hospital, and would walk around with his sister in the hallways of the hospital. On Luno's 15th birthday, his sister gave him the ownership of, "The Peace of War". Luno was very happy of this, and asked what could he ever do to repay his sister.

"To become at peace with yourself. To become a hunter. To defend this world. To defend who you love. I want these four to be your morals. Please.", Luno's sister said to him. Luno promised this, and later that night she died. Luno was in pain from this, and didn't know where he would possibly go from this. Professor Ozpin heard the things his sister said, and said to Luno, "I will give you the chance to follow your morals. I invite you to, Beacon Academy." Of course, Luno accepted this offer, and he now starts his first day into Beacon Academy.

The songs I like to listen to:







Hello, my name is:

Julian Silver Blood


I am:

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

74 looks about the age of 31


If you can't tell what I am, I am:

"What do you think"



I am a:

"You're not gonna like it."

Former - Human(?)

Current - Aura Grimm Basilisk


My orientation is:

"Why is this so important?"

Straight, but known to experiment


I am about:

"I'm sure I am taller than you."



I weigh about:

"Sorry love, I'm not allowed to tell you."


Look at my scars:

"Aren't they beautiful? I did most of them myself."

- Like most Aura Grimm, he has the deep cuts on his wrists, ankles, and back.

- His most unique scar is on his back. They are nine deep nasty open gashes.

- Large self-inflicted wounds running along his arms, sides, neck, and legs.

- Severe burns on his forearms.

- His tongue has several scars on it, it's also not attached to the jaw of his mouth.

- Each of his fingertips have small scars on them. This is mainly because he took off his own fingernails.


My most distinguishing features:

"You are a very curious one, aren't you?"

- Soft white hair

- His right eye is all black with a red iris.

- His left eye is white with the red iris, but he has a yellow line through it.

- Red markings all over his body.

- Blood red fingertips.

- His jaw can unhinge.

- His long fangs said to each about 7 to 10 inches.

- His fork tongue.

- Snake tail.

- Very fair skin.

- Claws said to be 3 inches long.

- His self-inflicted scars.


My team is called:

"A team? How cute, but I'm not interested in your little fairytale games."


I really like:

"Ahh, a more interesting topic."

- His son

- Crooked logic

- Pain

- Sweets

- Corrupting people

- Manipulating

- Warping minds

- Breaking people

- Cute little kittens

- Learning about new Grimm

- Grimm

- Getting things done

- Breaking things

- Technology

- Killing

- Blood

- Testing new things

- Sour things

- Puns

- Biting

- New test subjects

- More to come


I really don't like:

"I HATE these tHiNgS"

- Failure

- Unreliable people

- Those who fail a mission

- Disappointment

- Humans

- Faunus

- The Kingdoms

- Justice

- Unemotional people

- Those who don't scream

- Boring people

- Those who hurt his son. Only he is allow to do that.

- Staring

- Annoying little brats who have no discipline


Some of the thing I like to do:

"You should try teasing Azuma, it's hilarious."

- Teasing his son

- Cooking

- Learning new things

- Working on his laptop

- Working with poisons

- Stalking people


My semblance is:


I can also:

- Telepathy


My weapon I use is:

A pair of pure silver half sword. These can shoot compressed bolts of aura towards its victims. The blades can, at times, connect to the blood tendrils that come out of his back. These are handy when it comes to attacking without the use of his Aura.


I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

- While Julian can use his own Aura to fight, if he wants to use someone else's Aura against him, he will have to pick only three people.

- Julian can only use one colored aura at a time. If he is in the middle of using one, he can't switch to the only until he is finished.

- His son is only of his biggest weaknesses. While he enjoys hurting him at times, if someone were to use him as a human shield, he won't attack.

- Sebastian, his Grimm, is know for talking to him during his fights. This ultimately distracts him for a few minutes.

- More to come


Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:



The songs I like to listen to:


Just some other misc. things about me:

- Like all Aura Grimm, Julian ages very slowly.

- Sebastian sometimes threatens to hurt Azuma. Julian retails by breaking his fangs to remind him who is in charge.

- Because of Sebastian, Julian is immune to poison.

- Julian was convicted of murder several times, but he was released due to no evidence being found.

- Julian likes cooking.

- Even though Julian doesn't like Humans or Faunus, he will hurt a racist.

- Julian once poured acid down an a patient's throat just to see if they could survive.
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Hello, my name is:

Fiona Uallas

"They also call me Fiona the Volatile."

I am: 


If you can't tell what I am, I am:


"And don't you dare thinking otherwise!"

I am a:


My orientation is:


I am about:

1.85 m (6'0") (On heels)

1,75 m (5'7") (Normally)

I weigh about:

"Why do you wish to know?"

Look at my scars:

A scar crosses her back diagonally, from her left shoulder shoulder to her hips.

"I was careless."

My most distinguishing features:

-Ghostly blue eyes.

-Pale blonde hair cut short.

-Wears a full set of armour.

-Sometimes paints her face blue and white.

My team is called:


I really like:

-Epic tales.



-Unfavourable odds.




I really don't like:





Some of the thing I like to do:





-Fibre art.

My semblance is:

Heart of the Clan

I can also:

My weapon I use is:

Tapaidh Cree- A huge claymore, as tall as Fiona herself, that doubles as a semi-automatic dust round rifle. Even with its huge size, it is still very light, enabling Fiona (or any others) to wield it with ease. The user can load dust on the hilt and give the blade that same effect.

I may be strong, but I have my weaknesses:

-Headstrong and stubborn.


Now here is my most exciting backstory, maybe not, not too sure yet:

The songs I like to listen to:

Just some other misc. things about me:
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