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Fandom RWBY: Special Operations CS

Field Marshall

Eight Thousand Club

  • The skeleton is a bare minimum, feel free to go above and beyond
  • Least a paragraph for personality and two for back story
  • If your character is the child of a canon, fill in parent pairing under Relatives
  • * means optional
  • You will in between Arcs get chances to update your Cs. For example say your character upgrades his weapon or loses a limb and gets a prosthesis.
[Appearance Image]








Kingdom of Origin:

Academy Attended:






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Name: Vanta Ironwood

Alias: Chief Warrant Officer Ironwood

Color named After: Vantablack

Age: 20

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heteosexual

  • Father - James Ironwood
  • Mother - Glynda Goodwitch

Primary Color: Black

Aura Color: Dark Purple

Crown for Glynda
Five Stars for Ironwood

Appearance Description: Vanta has a very young appearance which serves him well in some situations and not too well in others. He only stands at about 5'6 and has short and straight black hair. He has an impressive figure boasting 160 pounds of pure muscle concealed well by his combat outfit and not easily noticed because of his great agility and mobility.

Kingdom of Origin: Atlas

Academy Attended: Atlas

Occupation: Chief Warrant Officer in the Atlesian Military, Atlas Special Operative, CATK Member

Personality: Vanta was born to be a huntsman and leader, he knows what kind of person to be and the right time and place to be that person. He is often a friendly, easy going, and humorous person when in times of leisure and friendly interaction. He is not one to be serious all the time as good leader must understand when it's time to fight and time to rest physical, emotionally, and mentally. He is strong willed by nature, yet loyal to his comrades, allies, and friends. At the same time he is able to make the tough decisions or put his own life on the line for the greater good.

When duty calls he quickly transforms into this sharp, cool, and commanding soldier with the ability to think tactically and strategically. He often believes in himself more than his allies often trusting his own intuition over anything else. This can lead him to being very stubborn, blunt, and arrogant because of hi strong willed nature. He has no qualms about doing things his own way and doing what is neccessary, ethics and morals sometimes take a back seat to this. He always has good intentions behind his actions, yet his methods often cloud those intentions in a debate of whether the ends justify the means. He is often his own biggest critic on the inside thought he doesn't let that inner voice impede him merely allows himself to learn while going forward. This also helps him be a stern disciplinary to his subordinates when the situation calls for it as well as be understanding towards them willing to note the positives and negatives.

He knows when and to show respect to as well as those to show disrespect to. His respect is not given but earned most often through courage, selflessness, and duty traits his parents respected. If one earns his respect they earn his courtesy, generosity, and loyalty. At the same time, his disrespect is not given but earned through cowardice, ignorance, and apathy. Being guilty of one of those things and you earns his disdain. That's why he dislikes politicians, wealthy elite, and bureaucrats who are disconnected from their own people. He considers himself the avatar of those he serves and protects that he carries their hopes and dreams in his very being.

Backstory: When your mother is Glynda Goodwitch and father is James Ironwood you can expect nothing but a strict yet rewarding upbringing. Vanta was raised in Atlas by both of his parents already destined to be a Huntsman and even more so a member of the Atlesian Special Operatives Unit. His mother was the main disciplinary and father the main instructor. They only flip flopped roles for specific occasions which were few and far between. There was much love and care to go around in this household though, so it was strict but not a cold upbringing.

Vanta attended a specific prep school, one meant for those aiming to be Atlesian Special Operatives in the future. He excelled in his class not because he was a good student but more so because he had a good foundation and preparation to build on. His father taught him strategy, tactics, military customs, leadership, martial arts, Markmanship, and drill. His mother taught history, civics, citizenship, life lessons, and more. By the time he went to the prep school he was well beyond what a beginning student should be, this is evident in how he became a C/NCO or cadet non commissioned officer in just his first year at the school. By his second year he was a cadet officer and was a high ranking cadet in various leadership positions all through his years till his senior year where he was the cadet commander of the entire battalion. He pretty much breezed through the prep school because of his prior teachings.

The only thing he did actually learn was swordsmanship which he took the initiative in taking this elective course and choosing to continue with it through his years of study. His experience at the prep school was not a waste as he gained much experience and enhanced what he already knew. He went on to attend Atlas Academy and to keep up his stellar performance. In Atlas Academy he really developed his skills with his aura and especially his semblance. He took part in the Vytal Festival Tournament each year and managed to win it with his team his senior year. Upon graduation he joined the Atlas Military and became a member of their Special Operatives Unit being granted the rank of Warrant Officer W-1. He worked his way up to the title or rank of Chief Warrant Officer with pay grade of W-4.

  • Fatal - A heavy pistol that fire both bullets and dust rounds. It doesn't change form but rather it's rate of fire. It can change between semi automatic, full automatic, and 3 round burst.
  • Phantom - It's a sword with a dust compartment, when activated the blade of the sword is infused with the element of the dust used. The sword can launch all the element infused into the blade as a ranged arc or sword beam, this also consumed the entire clip and therefore the dust clip has to be replaced after using that function.
Semblance: Fade to Black

His body essentially comes apart breaking down into a series of homogeneous particles that can come apart and reform at another location as a form of teleportation. He can come apart but remain relatively in the same spot as a form of intangibility. While in that for, he is invulnerable but he is also unable to strike until he is completely solid and whole.
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Name: Clint Marz

Appearance: Cline has a slight, athletic build, like a gymnast. He dresses light to maximize mobility and minimize air resistance. Specifically, he wears a hunting vest over a Pumpkin Pete t-shirt with leather bracers on his forearms, simple jeans, and good hiking boots. Also, red tinted goggles for high speed flight. He has an outdoorsman's tan, with short, unkempt blond hair, and brown hawk's wings.

Age: 31

Race: Hawk Faunus

Gender: Male

Sexuality: We'll see when/if this comes up


Kingdom of Origin: Menagerie

Academy Attended: Mistral/Haven

Occupation: Scout, Mistral Sentinel, CATK member

Personality: Brash and headstrong, but a fiercely loyal. He will walk through hell and back and face any foe for his friends, but he's also not above going a bit rogue if he thinks his talents are being misused. He speaks his mind, whether those around him want to hear it or not.

Backstory: Cline didn't attend a formal combat school. He started by learning small "h" hunting with his family in the dangerous wilderness of Menagerie. Tracking and survival were their bread and butter, and he picked up supplemental combat lessons the hard way. Though he did have a natural affinity for combat, it wasn't enough when his family was ambushed by Grimm. It was all he could do to escape with his own life.

He spent the next year doing everything he could think of to gain a recommendation to one of the Huntsmen Academies so he could learn to prevent similar tragedies. From vigilantism, to straight-up picking fights, to hunting Grimm on his own. It was at that point, a visiting Huntsman rescued Cline, and upon hearing his story, realized he wouldn't stop, even if it killed him. So the Huntsman took Cline home to Mistral to learn the skills that would give him a chance at surviving the path he stubbornly followed.

Through school, he made up for his lack of formal education with natural talent and dedication. His rapid improvement, however, resulted in a brash cockiness that has gotten him into trouble as many times as his skill has gotten him out. He was recommended for CATK in the hopes it would be a balancing influence on him.

Weapon(s): "Hawkeye" - A bow, which detaches into two parts which transform into sickles, forming a dual kusarigama connected by the bowstring. Also, Dust-tipped arrows, naturally.

Semblance: Clint is able to "zoom in" his vision to see great distances.

Other: As a Hawk Faunus, Clint has wings and is capable of flight.
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Name: Xanadu Falu

Alias: The Wandering Hunting Monk

Nickname(s): Xan

Age: 25

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Kingdom of Origin: N/A

Academy Attended: Shade Academy/Vacuo

Occupation: (Former) Theif, Wondering Huntsman. (Current) Vacuo Shadows, CATK member

Xanadu, like many in his family, believes in working incredibly hard to get things done. He likes to work incredibly hard and rarely takes the 'easy' route when going about his day to day activities, only breaking this trend when absolutely necessary. He is known to always finish what he starts, and often goes well out of his way to see things done, and will even cause this way of doing things to extend to others around them, picking up their slack and finishing whatever they were doing. Of course, this doesn't extend to his enemies trying to kill him, or anything so ridiculous, but many would say he may be obsessed with 'completion'.

Unlike most in his family, however, he is prone to lying. In fact, he has a habit to lie about things that he otherwise would not need to, sometimes even hindering many people around him. While he's not exactly stuck on lying, regardless, the sheer volume of lies he does spout happen to make those who have heard of him consider him a hard person to believe about anything, even simple things like his own name. However, when he does choose to tell the truth, it is typically in situations that are important (as he sees it), and so he isn't completely impossible to believe or depend on...just very hard to.

Xanadu is also fairly laid back, despite his normally hard-working demeanor, causing him to not take many actual jobs that are offered to him (or at least wishing he could avoid them) and spending a lot of his free time simply relaxing. This part of him simply means that he's calm and cool in most situations, and even allowing him to remain perfectly calm in ever the worst sort of situations; it allows him to think through circumstances easily enough, and even fight past grief in order to see the real answer to what he should do.

Xanadu is, naturally, incredibly obsessive; when he likes something, he obsesses over the thing continuously, never wavering from what he wants to do with it, but also to the point that he will put all of his effort into it, often leaving him drained and exhausted. Or often to the point where he finds himself unable to complete tasks that the had set out to do prior to obtaining a new obsession, often leading to him obsessing over the thing he had forgotten about in order to obsess over the thing he finished. This has a constant trend of making him fairly odd in relationship, and he often ends up coming off as slightly 'crazy' to those who don't know him all that well.

Funny enough, Xanadu is also incredibly confident, well on its way to arrogance. He believes he is truly good at what he does, and often finds it hard to understand when others best him. While he can be aware of those stronger, he often figures that it's only because he had failed to train just hard enough, and opts to focus on training, even more, working himself to exhaustion, and often keeping him from doing much else but train. Often times, it is hard to get him out of this train of thought, and he often finds himself struggling with trying to work with others with any capacity that said they were even. As a result, he tends to be a loner, often spending his time alone due to many not being able to handle his superior attitude.

Despite his faults, however, Xanadu is not a bad person; he does not wish any ill will on anyone other than his worst enemies, and will often do what he can to help inspiring individuals along the way. He tends to be very helpful indeed and tries to help others as much as he can without making it hard for himself, which he often fails at due to his inherent nature. Much time is spent on others, despite the way he acts, and he often takes on burdens that could be seen as far too much for a single individual, much less an entire group.

Xanadu is a man of many stories. Some say he killed one hundred Grimm by the age of 10 others that he killed and robbed more men than anyone would like to guess. In reality his younger years while being more dramatic than most people was nothing compared to the stories that most have heard. He alone does not talk about his past but to those very few that know it, it goes a lot like this;

Xanadu was born beyond any safe zones, outside of the walls, of the cities to a place where you fight or you fall. Xanadu was raised by two people neither his parents. They taught him everything, to fight, to craft and even to steal. His life was filled with hardship constant training and surviving. The years went on and Xanadu gained strength, age and knowledge. Once he reached the age of fourteen one of the two that looked after him perished, she suffered from a fever and from being away from any of the cities help was not there.

When she perished the other who looked after him grew tired, tired of the troubles that came with living free, living outside of the cities and there walls. As such he decided to move them both into Vacuo. Life was hard they had nothing so together they stole, they stole anything and everything food, dust, water anything they wanted they took. They began to form a group mostly of the poor, they trained them turned them into a force one to be feared.Their crime spree when on and the police well...the police feared them, after all, every engaged ended with several police injured or killed and none of the Raiders.

Days went on and the group crimes got bigger and bigger from simple thief to murder all the way to terrorism. After another year Xanadu despised the group he wished to leave but the only way to do that would be to beat a man said to be unbeatable...the man who is classed as his father. Xanadu took his opportunity when the two shared a training session caught off guard and unexpected a attacked reached the man. Only to be deflected by an invisible force.

Unknown what happened the two engaged but every hit the man took didn't faze him, every hit Xanadu had injured him. The worst took an eye. The battle lasted nearly three hours before one of them fell. One of Xanadu's hits final did something it crushed his throat. Xanadu left the place they stayed only to walk out to a bloodbath. A group of hunters was dispatched to deal with them. They questioned him on who he was and he replied. "The lord of the Raiders but you may call me Captain Xan." The group of hunters readied themselves only to be left starstruck when the man in front of them fell, covered from head to toe in blood, some of it his father's most of it his own.

When he awoke he was in a room surrounded by the four. The first question that came out was "Who was the dead man in the room." A slight laugh escaped his mouth before smirking. "The old Lord of the Raiders and the creator of it...the man I killed." The room when silent for a while before another of them spoke this time a woman. "You know whats going to happen to you however they is a way out of it. I witnessed the strength of the Raiders and saw your fight with the old lord, the force that you could not break, the shield man used was one called aura and for you to best someone only using skill and endurance is incredible." Xanadu shrugged before letting out a yawn. "If your going to kill me or throw me in jail get on with it." Xanadu spoke his tone one of boredom. The woman's voice spoke again. "We can get you out of jail within a year on the terms you become a hunter after." A slight laugh exampled Xanadu's mouth before he nodded. "Sure."

A year spent in jail was nothing compared to living and running with the Raiders and before long he was out, having a promise to keep he applied to several of the school his first being Shade Academy which strangely enough accepted him right away despite knowing who he was and his past. For him, most of the time spent in Shade Academy was purely focused on training and studying eventually become one of the best students in the year. He easily aced most of the test and even along with his team was placed second in the Vytal Festival, which in his eyes they would have won if they allowed Xanadu to take place in the final round.

As his final year at Shade came to an end he was offered a place in the Vacuo Shadows, however, he asked for two years to get some personal things out of the way, accepting Vacuo's Shadows played him on hold for the next two years. During that time he spent most of it traveling and giving a hand to people that needed it, he never gave out a name to these people only an Alias "The Hunting Monk" or "The Wanderer" eventually people put the two together finding out that they are the same person. As his two years went by he finally accepted The Shadow's request joining them. He stuck with them for many years until a chance to join a group called CATK came about to which he accepted right away.

Xanadu doesn't have a big fancy weapon but instead uses a simple weapon consisting of his bare hands which is his primary weapon. His second weapon is a simple device that allows him to release a lightweight metal alloy in the form of a wire which he uses to restrain or get close to opponents, he also uses it to work as a grappling hook type by wrapping it around an object.

His last weapon is his clothing it's self which is his most advanced weapon. He has a dust manipulating device equipped on his clothing allowing him to use different types of dust on his clothing and allowing him to equip dust based attacks on his fists.

Praying Mantis: Xanadu emits a multi-armed (Ranging from 2-10 depending on the amount of aura he uses.) Aura construct behind himself which takes the form of the upper half of Xanadu himself. By clasping his hands together as in praying then striking after which one of the arms on the statue strike down upon his target in conjunction with Xanadu's own hand motion. This construct is around double the size of Xanadu's body allowing it to have a further range than what Xanadu has.

Name: Payne Zenoelea
View media item 32754Age: 25
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Kingdom of Origin: Atlas
Academy Attended: Atlas
Occupation: Special Operative for Atlas SOU​
Personality: Payne values knowledge and believes the best way to gain it is through criticism and questioning. Mysteries should be solved, darkness should be illuminated, ignorance should not be given an excuse. This translates to him trying to teach others by example and not supplying all the answers. Unfortunately for those around him he's got an ego the size of a Goliath and a deeply sarcastic soul. He sees respect as something to be earned on a personal level, which often results him him butting heads with those used to blind obedience. He uses his cane to punctuate his points when speaking, often pointing it uncomfortably close to the person he's addressing.

Backstory: Payne had an...unusual childhood. His parents were nobodies, two unremarkable bureaucrats with one interesting ancestor between them. That ancestor was Gilty Rand, who had been an infamous 'philosopher.' She'd written numerous lengthy pseudo-religious tracts disguised as novels glorifying sociopathy and decrying any emotion other than absolute certainty and absolute selfishness. She'd been a prime advocate for the suppression of art and emotion in Mantle before eventually dying in disgrace decades later. Her extended family (she'd never had children) changed their surname to avoid association. Spending most of his time outside of school and combat training (his parents wanted him to join the military) alone in his home, Payne started reading books. Eventually he came upon his ancestor's magnum opus: a book detailing the ideal emotional state and way of life. Payne read through it...and realized it was rubbish. The text put more effort into sounding appealing (and failing) than actually making the arguments work, and the mindset detailed was insanity. Payne started writing notes in the book out of boredom, but soon found that criticizing it was more fun than reading it.
Payne discovered that applying a critical mindset to combat worked for him. By constantly looking for flaws in his opponents' defenses he could exploit them while keeping ahead with his Semblance. After graduating from Atlas Academy, Payne moved on to military work, where he repeatedly butted heads with his superior officers. Ironwood managed to rein him back in by gaining his grudging respect. He's still a hassle, so Payne is kept in a back office filing paperwork until they need him. Payne is currently waiting for his next assignment.
Weapon:Universal Critic: A larger than usual metal cane activated by switches on the hand-hold. One causes the cane to fold out into a sword when the weapon is activated (rather than the blade needing to be pulled out), another causes a separate shift into a one-barreled shotgun, and a third turns either of the first two back into the cane.

Semblance: Arrow Paradox: Payne removes freezes objects in motion into a motionless state. He can end it to cause them to resume their normal speed. This only works on objects in motion, and Aura protects a subject from this ability.

Other: Based on Zeno of Elea. The ancestor was Ayn Rand if it wasn't obvious.​
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Name: Payne Zenoelea
View media item 32754Age: 25
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Kingdom of Origin: Atlas
Academy Attended: Atlas
Occupation: Independent Contractor for Atlas Special Circumstances Unit (ASCU).​

Personality: Payne values knowledge and believes the best way to gain it is through criticism and questioning. Mysteries should be solved, darkness should be illuminated, ignorance should not be given an excuse. This translates to him trying to teach others by example and not supplying all the answers. Unfortunately for those around him he's got an ego the size of a Goliath and a deeply sarcastic soul. He sees respect as something to be earned on a personal level, which often results him him butting heads with those used to blind obedience. He uses his cane to punctuate his points when speaking, often pointing it uncomfortably close to the person he's addressing.

Backstory: Payne had an...unusual childhood. His parents were nobodies, two unremarkable bureaucrats with one interesting ancestor between them. That ancestor was Gilty Rand, who had been an infamous 'philosopher.' She'd written numerous lengthy pseudo-religious tracts disguised as novels glorifying sociopathy and decrying any emotion other than absolute certainty and absolute selfishness. She'd been a prime advocate for the suppression of art and emotion in Mantle before eventually dying in disgrace decades later. Her extended family (she'd never had children) changed their surname to avoid association. Spending most of his time outside of school and combat training (his parents wanted him to join the military) alone in his home, Payne started reading books. Eventually he came upon his ancestor's magnum opus: a book detailing the ideal emotional state and way of life. Payne read through it...and realized it was rubbish. The text put more effort into sounding appealing (and failing) than actually making the arguments work, and the mindset detailed was insanity. Payne started writing notes in the book out of boredom, but soon found that criticizing it was more fun than reading it.
Payne discovered that applying a critical mindset to combat worked for him. By constantly looking for flaws in his opponents' defenses he could exploit them while keeping ahead with his Semblance. After graduating from Atlas Academy, Payne moved on to military work, where he repeatedly butted heads with his superior officers. His skills were too valuable to lose, but his attitude towards authorities wasn't working, so they shifted him to the Atlas Special Circumstances Unit. The ASCU (Ask-You is the slang term for it) is an ostensibly non-military government agency where those who don't fit into the military but are too useful to remove are assigned. When a particular set of skills is required the member with those skills is moved to the place where they're needed. Otherwise the job mainly involves filing paperwork to keep it running. Payne has no better plans, so he's currently waiting for his next assignment.
Weapon:Universal Critic: A larger than usual metal cane activated by switches on the hand-hold. One causes the cane to fold out into a sword when the weapon is activated (rather than the blade needing to be pulled out), another causes a separate shift into a one-barreled shotgun, and a third turns either of the first two back into the cane.

Semblance: Dichotomy Paradox: Payne either travels half the distance to a point he designates, or causes an opponent to only be able to move in half-distances that halve every time they move. Either use ends if he uses the other one or moves.

Other: Based on Zeno of Elea. The ancestor was Ayn Rand if it wasn't obvious.​
If he graduated Atlas and join its Military he would have been in Special Operatives Unit which takes orders directly from, in canon case, Ironwood. If he can't take orders from Ironwood, Atlas wouldn't bother keeping him.
Ruby has super speed, my character has half-way teleportation/slowing down his opponents. What would you suggest that still fits with Zeno of Elea?
Possibly the "Arrow paradox" pretty much for a small amount of time you can freeze a few non-organic items in a motionless state.

Or maybe "Achilles and the tortoise" you mark a target giving it an increased movement speed that it cannot fully control giving it a 'headstart' after a few seconds you become even faster than the target while at the same time slowing down the target. (Not fully the idea behind Achilles and the tortoise but the best that I can see working as a Semblance)







Kingdom of Origin:

Academy Attended:





Wintry Schnee

Wintry Schnee








Wintry's outfit.png

Weiss Schnee - Mother
Neptune Vasilias

Kingdom of Origin:

Academy Attended:
Atlas Academy

Specialist and a Member of CATK



Appearance Description:
Wintry is a tall young man with fair skin and waist length white hair pulled into a low pony with bangs framing his face and partially covering his right eye. He has a rather attractive and effeminate appearance and slender build with long legs and arms that belies his true physical strength. His eyes are lilac and are sharp, giving him that intense gaze that gives him a much more intimidating appearance when he is angry.

Much like his mother, Wintry is nice but can bitchy and is sarcastic to a fault even to his own mother and father though it's usually him being playful. He incredibly intelligent and can read others fairly easily. He cares for his family and friends greatly, willing to go as far as risking his life to save them. He has a rather strong sense of justice and unshakeable morals. Due to how his mother raised him, he is constantly trying to better himself and has a very low tolerance for most of his fellow Atlesian's lifestyles and general ignorance. He generally will be one the first to try and help someone in need and the first to protect them if needed. He has caring and nurturing, almost motherly side to him that appears when he is around children or people who are hurt. He also has a tendency to flirt

Despite his positive traits, Wintry also has negative ones such as his extremely foul temper and the violent tendencies that come with them. It doesn't take much to get him annoyed and he also very spiteful. He hates those who have no respect for others and doesn't hesitate to fight if provoked.

Wintry is the first son of Weiss Schnee and Neptune Vasilias and the heir to the Schnee Dust Company. His childhood was rather different compared to his mother's. While he was trained from a young age just like his mother due to his mother being overprotective and wanting him to be able to defend himself if needed, he was actually given a choice in what he wanted to do. Growing up he heard stories about his mother and father's adventures as Huntsmen which made him want to become one himself. His mother and father always tried their best to spend time with him and give him a comfortable family life.

He went to special combat school before he eventually enrolled in Atlas Academy. While there, he worked incredibly hard and was usually the top of the class along with his teammates. A year after graduation, Wintry joined the military, wanted to explore what it's like to be a huntsman before committing to the military. After he joined, he quickly climbed the ranks and eventually became a lieutenant.

Winter Song- Wintry uses a rapier similar to his mother's that can be used with dust for a variety of effects though unlike his mother he can only use one element at a time.

Wintry's semblance is Glyphs, the hereditary semblance of the Schnee family. His glyphs have a variety of effects on both humans and monsters as well as objects. At it's most basic form, Wintry can use glyphs to repel, attract and propel himself as well as use them as platforms or shields. He can use them to accelerate objects or slow them down. He can use his glyphs with dust to perform a variety of actions such shooting ice shards, shooting fire, creating shields of ice and rock etc. He can also use an ability called time dilation to speed up actions when using lightning dust with his glyphs.

Another ability of his Glyphs is summoning. Wintry can summons versions of enemies he has defeated in the past and have them fight along his side. These summons can also teleport via glyphs, react to events outside of Wintry's field of vision and be summoned as miniature versions of themselves which can grow to their original size. So far Wintry can summon a Queen Lancer, a Beowulf, and a Boarbatusk.

-His favorite color is Lilac.
-His favorite season is Winter.
-He hates the heat with a passion.
-He is was ranked in the top 5 according to looks and ability by the girls in Atlas Academy before he graduated.
-He literally flirts with everyone but while only date guys.
-Wintry favors Ice and Lightning Dust
-He is very flexible and knows acrobatics
-He is decent marksman due his father's training



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