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Fandom rwby >> oc/oc, canon/oc


knife prty
Howdy! I'm seeking a partner or two for some RWBY plots. One is basic, while the others are fairly weird. I'm open to oc/oc and canon/oc pairings. While I am new to RPN, I have roleplayed on different forums for over 4 years, and I hope we can write something amazing together!

About Me
  • Before I commit to a roleplay with you, I'd like to read a sample of your writing (I'll send you one of mine if you'd like), exchange character bios, and expand on the plot and characters we intend to RP.
  • In roleplay, my writing style is best described as semi-detailed, adaptable, and if we're being honest, sometimes too flowery or overdramatic. I normally write 2-4 paragraphs per character, though I write more if I'm setting a scene or controlling a lot of NPCs.
  • I can play romantic or platonic pairings, and M/F, F/F, or M/F. That said, I'm most comfortable playing female characters.
  • Also, I'm happy to play more than one character! I'll double for canon/oc roleplay (see below), or even play two ocs if that's your jam.
  • I'm 24, and prefer to play with partners who are at least 20 years old.
  • I work irregular hours, so I usually cannot reply to you immediately. That said, I am usually available in the evening, I always check messages at the end of the day, and I try to get at least one good in-character post per day. (Usually a few posts per day - one per day is my preferred minimum. I'll let you know if I need to disappear for more than a day or two.)

If you're here for canon/oc, I'm willing to play any of these characters for you:
Blake Belladonna
Emerald Sustrai
Lie Ren
Mercury Black
Pyrrha Nikos
Ruby Rose
Velvet Scarlatina
Yang Xiao Long

In return, I'd love if you could play for me:
Blake Belladonna
Mercury Black
Pyrrha Nikos
Roman Torchwick
Sun Wukong
Weiss Schnee
Yang Xiao Long

Plots and Scenarios
Months ago, a seasoned Huntress named Olwen Sylvia fought a powerful enemy with the other members of Team SNOW, where they won a Pyrrhic victory. Olwen survived, two teammates died (including the leader), and Olwen's partner was left in a coma due to injuries. Olwen took hiatus from Hunting due to her grief.

Over that time, her memories became more important than her dreams. The stories of the people she loved ended too soon, because she'd failed to protect them. The least she could do was return them to the lives they deserved. A hero, a monster, who she became didn't matter. The only important thing was to bring them back, to any world. She knew no mortal could bring back the dead, and no god would grant her wish, so she set her sight on collecting the only things that could help her: the Relics. Myths spoke of magical artifacts sealed beneath "the guilds of warriors", present-day combat schools. These Relics' powers could change anything - if all four were gathered together, they could shape reality into any story one pleased.

Her first step was to disappear. Olwen Sylvia resigned from Hunting, sold her belongings, and became one of many names in combat school records. Elsewhere, a thief named "White Queen" recruited a handful of players - a King, Bishop, Steed, Rook, and even some Pawns - to assist her heists and designs. She and her troupe tried to break into Shade Academy. While a corner of the school looked like a missile had hit it, no students were hurt, and all the thieves escaped except the White Rook. The Headmaster and police interrogated him, and he let slip that the troupe confirmed they couldn't get into Shade's vault alone. They were now searching for someone who was born as the key. The Headmaster realized the Rook was talking about the Summer Maiden, whether he realized it or not, and assigned Huntsmen to keep her safe. Meanwhile, the White Queen has no plans for what happens after she's gathered the Relics and brought back her team. She's not even sure how long she'll live. But she has contingencies to fulfill her goal even if she dies. These plans, she writes, are merely a prologue. And no matter how that prologue ends, the protagonists of such a story are the lost members of Team SNOW.

I envision us playing the Huntsmen protecting the Summer Maiden, though I'm not opposed to us prioritizing the Summer Maiden, Olwen herself, or even Olwen's surviving teammate waking from their coma. For this plot, I envision the Summer Maiden as someone with a weak grip on her Maiden powers, who is too inexperienced or too sickly (or both) to fight unaided by magic, but who ultimately wants to protect people.

"I killed someone yesterday," Muse A said, trembling inside Muse B's room. Muse A explained how and why, and how they didn't think they could stay in this kingdom anymore. They told Muse B that they were running somewhere far away - to atone, to escape punishment, to die, anything but stay here. Muse B insisted on coming with them. They were happy to leave this kingdom behind, there was somewhere they'd wanted to go for a while, and who better to travel with than their confidant Muse B? The two packed their weapons, some money, and any other essentials they could carry, and took a train out of Vale to start a new life.

I deliberately left this plot with a lot of blanks we can fill in together, based on the characters involved. Where are our Muses going? Who did Muse A kill, and why? Why is Muse B willing to leave everything behind for them? Send me a character or a pairing and we'll talk about it! (I have no preference for Muse A or Muse B, so pick whichever role you like.)

Muse A and Muse B were childhood friends, until Muse A discovered their semblance while the two were sparring - before they knew their own capabilities, Muse A's semblance sparked flames and ignited Muse B's body while their aura was low. Muse B was left with permanent scarring and a hospital stay, but that's not the part that made them angry. It's how Muse A stopped being their friend after their apologetic hospital visit - said a tear-faced goodbye and faded away. But after five years of silence, Muse A and Muse B join the same combat school and become partners. Muse A must move forward and confront their guilt, and Muse B must deal with their anger and resentment, or the team won't be able to function.

Optional plot for Muse A and Muse B's teammates:
Muse C and Muse D have never met prior to getting placed on the same team, but like one another's company. Eventually, Muse C reveals the secret they've kept - last year, they were infected by a disease-type Grimm. It attacks their joints and causes chronic pain, in addition to occasional ill-timed pain spikes. While it's not contagious, it kills its victims within three years. The only known cure is a fire dust injection that leaves affected joints unusable, but in theory, a silver-eyed warrior could vanquish the disease. Muse C has come to this Academy in hopes of finding a silver-eyed warrior. If they can't, they'll at least live the remainder of their life protecting people, which they think they can be happy about.

Muse D is willing to help care for Muse C, but later in the year, Muse C isn't the only one who's sick. Muse D is afflicted with a mental condition - trauma, depression, or something similarly serious - and the weight of that is becoming clear. Can Muse C and Muse D find a way to heal?

I have no preference for Muse A/B or C/D, so pick whichever roles you like. If you pick Muse A, their semblance doesn't necessarily have to spark flames or cause burns - the character only needs an ability that would permanently disfigure Muse B.

The plots in this spoiler were originally written by Quincunx, and used with her permission.

The stereotypical RWBY RP: our protagonists enroll in Beacon (or a different combat school) and bond with one another between extracurricular fights against mysterious evil factions. I do have a soft spot for such RPs, as well as the lighter tone and team dynamics present in the first two volumes of RWBY. As long as we use antagonists to create action and plot alongside the fun fluff and developing relationships, I would love to play this.

I'm good with carrying out a longer school arc, or leaving it behind early. Just be aware that I'd rather not write our characters into the fight against Salem, or copy the plot of Volumes 4-8 - I'd rather make a different quest with an original antagonist. One idea is porting the villain from my Berries and Cream plot to Beacon (see above), but I'm happy to make something else or hear out your ideas.

If you're here for canon/oc pairings, assume our RP starts during Team RWBY's first year at Beacon, during Volume 1 or 2.

Candy Bowl
These aren't scenarios as much as they are tropes, but I do enjoy RPing them when I can:
  • Formerly-close characters had a long and bitter estrangement, but a common enemy or circumstance has forced them to work together.
  • Characters start the RP imprisoned or kidnapped somewhere, and have to escape together. (new!)
  • Enemies to lovers, especially if the hero joins the villains' faction, or the hero and villain break away from their factions entirely.
  • Rivalry among friends, hotly competitive.
  • Team of sympathetic villain protagonists. (new!)
  • Found family.
  • Isekai. (new!)
  • Siblings. (new!)

I appreciate you taking the time to read my search. This thread may be updated with new scenarios later - please refrain from posting here so I can use my replies to bump. If a plot has caught your eye, hit me up in a PM!
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