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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom RWBY-Glaucous Academy

GardinOfEden said:
Basic information

Name: Evan Esther

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Weapon information

Weapon name: Avarosan

Weapon description:


A bow forged out of titanium, though heavy as it is the bow itself has a draw weight of 260 lbs. It can detach itself into two pieces and become blades used for close combat or kept in it's bow form as a double ended blade.

Weapon creator:

The bow was passed down by Evan's ancestors, it was created by his own family, but the creator is unknown.

Aura information

Color of Aura: Coral pink

Amount of Aura: Evan has a high amount of aura making him be able to use it for longer.

Semblance: Ranger's Focus- All of Evan's senses are heightened, he is able to sense and scout enemies from far and wide ranges. His draw weight increases increases to 500 and is able to hit enemies from 500 kilometers. The drawback to his Semblance is it takes a huge amount of effort and energy after using it once he becomes extremely fatigue and only lasts for 1 minuet, but he only uses it for 20 seconds.

Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?:


Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?:


Have you killed your fellow man?:


Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?:


Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.


Please stamp your symbol in the space above

Accepted, high level of aura. Also hope you don't mind but I added a background so that your symbol was more visible.




Name: Miburui Kori, The Cold Shudder, Chill out.

Age: Miburui is 21 years old, but looks around the age of 18 due to his skinny stature and laid back demeanor.

Gender: Miburui is a male. Containing every organ and requirment to live up to the gender.

Species: Human. Yupp, just a straight up normal human.


Weapon Info

Weapon Name: Miburui's weapon is known as the Ko Rudo Buru. The Cold Blue.

Weapon Description: The weapon in which he wields is a Guan Dao, a large spear with a curving blade. The weapon is normally 6'5 tall,

but can extend and retract upon the will of the user.

Weapon Creator: Inari Okami (One of the Japanese Kami)


Aura Info

Color of Aura: Ice Blue, very close to white, but holding just that tint of blue to make it the color it is.

Amount of Aura:

the basis of his power is speed.

Semblance: ''Chill Out'' Mirubui's ability, Chill Out, allows him to expend aura in order to increase his speed substantially, making it seem

as though time is frozen momentarily for him, however everything is still moving, just excruciatingly slow. Due to aura limitations the ability wears out in a matter of 20 seconds, but those 20 seconds can make the difference in an individuals life. His Semblance

represents mortal life, showing how the world moves by slow while your life flies by in what seems like seconds to gods and greater beings.

Background Info

Have you been part of a criminal organization? Yeah of course! Wait. . . what does it matter to you? Huh?

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of? Yes. . .whats with you and these weird questions man. . .? Wait! Is this a test?

Shit! I think I answered wrong. Damn

Have you killed your fellow man? Yes but he deserved it I swear!

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you? No. . .Should I have been? Darnit! Thats two I've messed up on today, seems

like a bad luck streak. . .

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

Please stamp your symbol in the space above
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Aura Info

Color of Aura: Ice Blue, very close to white, but holding just that tint of blue to make it the color it is.

Amount of Aura:

the basis of his power is speed.

Semblance: ''Chill Out'' Mirubui's ability, Chill Out, allows him to expend aura in order to increase his speed substantially, making it seem

as though time is frozen momentarily for him, however everything is still moving, just excruciatingly slow. Due to his low amount of

aura the ability wears out in a matter of 20 seconds, but those 20 seconds can make the difference in an individuals life. His Semblance

represents mortal life, showing how the world moves by slow while your life flies by in what seems like seconds to gods and greater beings.

Background Info

Have you been part of a criminal organization? Yeah of course! Wait. . . what does it matter to you? Huh?

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of? Yes. . .whats with you and these weird questions man. . .? Wait! Is this a test?

Shit! I think I answered wrong. Damn

Have you killed your fellow man? Yes but he deserved it I swear!

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you? No. . .Should I have been? Darnit! Thats two I've messed up on today, seems

like a bad luck streak. . .

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

Please stamp your symbol in the space above[/bg]
Accepted, going to close sigh ups (Unless three people show interest then it will reopen for another team) for now as this makes two teams.

Also the amount you put for your characters aura is right.
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  • ?? -- Verde


    Name :: Verde Strauss, Prince Verde, both of these are names people tend to call him. However he seems to prefer the name of Verde rather than with the prince honorific. He was called Prince Verde for the fact of his kindness, along with his looks to the boot. Verde looks extremely androgynous, which gives him a type of beauty that is awkward but extremely pleasant at the same time.

    Age :: Verde had both an older brother and sister, along with a younger sister. The older brother and sister were twins, so it'd be safe to call Verde the type of middle child. Verde is nineteen, around five years of age between both the older siblings along with the younger sibling.

    Gender :: Male. Though give him a dress, makeup, he could probably easily pass off as a female. This is due to his very androgynous appearance, and to be honest he could pass off as a female with his normal clothing rather than having to be dressed up in any certain type of fashion.

    Species :: Faunus, (Imagine his ears aren't there in the image, k please?) his ears are hidden beneath his locks of green hair; his ears naturally blend in with his hair as they don't really stick out too much, though they are on the sides rather than the top of his head. The best thing he can literally be compared to, sadly enough, is a neko. Yeah, get over it.

    Appearance :: Verde, as said before, has the curves that could be stated for him to be of the female or male gender. His body being very
    slender, allowing for increased agility, along with overall flexibility. Verde has long green hair, most of the time he never even bothers with it because that would be hell in the morning on him and others around him. His skin looks very similar to porcelain, being near flawless; it has no acne scarring or any other kind of disease of the skin that might make him look grotesque. Verde isn't all that tall, though he is a good height of five feet eleven inches.

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Genocide said:
-Placeholder for sheet while I edit-
If you can find three other people you can join, sorry but kind of don't want a "stray" without a team so unless you want to be a teacher or some other staff you will have to wait until three others show interest.
I had intended on joining a team with Lockett as well as MysteryBoxy prior upon the teams being formed, we talked about it via OOC. Along with a fourth friend of ours joining to form a four-man squad.
Genocide said:
I had intended on joining a team with Lockett as well as MysteryBoxy prior upon the teams being formed, we talked about it via OOC. Along with a fourth friend of ours joining to form a four-man squad.
Wait so does this mean another member will be joining if so that's fine.
Yes, other than me another member shall be joining so that Lockett, Mysteryboxy, him, as well as I can form a team.
Genocide said:
Yes, other than me another member shall be joining so that Lockett, Mysteryboxy, him, as well as I can form a team.
That's fine then. Ignore me, glad to have you on board I'll stop advancing the plot anymore until you and that person's characters get made!
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Basic information

Name: Hollywood Cerise

Age: Hollywood has no true age and he himself doesn't even know it, most would say he looks twenty one.

Gender: Hollywood is a male.

Species: Hollywood appears to be a human and acts as such, but his abilities and actions would prove to be otherwise.(He is a robot just like penny)

Weapon information

Weapon name: Hollywood doesn't have a specific weapon seeing as how he is a giant weapon himself. His arsenal is literally within his body. Due to him being highly ignorant, naive and down right absolutely not being able to admit that he is an artificial being, he doesn't look at this as abnormal. Instead he stay positively absolutely happy, his daily outlook on life is downright cheerful no matter what he is doing.

Weapon description: Hollywood's structure is comprised solely of highly dense, non conductive, non magnetic metals which rival that of Graphene and Titanium. The metals themselves are corrosion resistant as well as high temperature resistant, meaning they are virtually rust proof and can resist high heat and cold. The metal can also survive moderate vibrations and impacts accordingly. Along with this his internal and externally body have been suited with multiple layers and even given numerous extra bone like structures to transform and change accordingly to his will. Hollywood himself operates on a higher level than the normal human, being stronger, faster and more capable of taking blows it puts him on par with many semblance users.

First off, Hollywood carries a metallic bat lodged within his arm made out of his very self. This metallic bat being just a structurally sound as he is can destroy just about anything it comes across. As if this wasn't enough it became apparent that with a single press of a small hidden button at the top of the bat it can manipulate Dust. The elemental dust is hidden within secret chambers on the bat which spew it allowing for its effects to work full blast. The following dust effects are as follows. The Wind Dust crystal allows him to spew strong winds out of various parts of the bat not only increasing his hitting power and directing the bat like a thruster, but the wind wraps off the bat reflect attacks that come near it. The Earth Dust crystal allows him to cover the blade in very dense earthen constructs able to further increase the hitting power of this slugger. Lastly the Lighting send power jolts of lighting and electricity from the bat itself.

Hollywood carries three more capabilities with him for now we will talk about his shiv and shank combos. This smallish knifes or knife(depending on how he is feeling) sacrifice length for being not only comprised of his very being but able to slice and stab very well. They also hold Dust capabilities further bolstering their power. The shank and shiv are pulled from extra structures in his fingers. The shiv and shanks hold different capabilities seeing as how a shiv is more for slicing and a shank is more for stabbing he can either use two or use one with all of the capabilities in it. The shiv side holds the Wind and Water crystals. Using it to extend its range and cutting power allowing it to slice clean through most things. The shank holds the steam and Ice crystals using the ice crystal to bolster its stabbing abilities conjuring ice on its surface even allowing him to turn it into a miniature lance and allowing for the ice to quickly be turned to steam allowing him to cook his opponents alive.

Lastly, Hollywood is equip with various thrusters within his body which hold Gravity Dust Crystals. Allowing him to manipulate his won gravity to propel at the drop of a dime in any direction. One last thing to note is that Hollywood can turn any and all of his body parts into his various weapons if he finds any not working right for him at the time.

Weapon creator: Unknown, no one knows of Hollywood's origin not even he himself, most just assume he is a weirdo and go about their day.

Aura information

Color of Aura:

Amount of Aura: Hollywood has absolutely no Aura at all.

Semblance: Hollywood has no Semblance whatsoever.

Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?: [REDACTED]

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: [REDACTED]

Have you killed your fellow man?: [REDACTED]

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: [REDACTED]

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

Please stamp your symbol in the space above.


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Yehovah said:


Basic information

Name: Hollywood Cerise

Age: Hollywood has no true age and he himself doesn't even know it, most would say he looks twenty one.

Gender: Hollywood is a male.

Species: Hollywood appears to be a human and acts as such, but his abilities and actions would prove to be otherwise.(He is a robot just like penny)

Weapon information

Weapon name: Hollywood doesn't have a specific weapon seeing as how he is a giant weapon himself. His arsenal is literally within his body. Due to him being highly ignorant, naive and down right absolutely not being able to admit that he is an artificial being, he doesn't look at this as abnormal. Instead he stay positively absolutely happy, his daily outlook on life is downright cheerful no matter what he is doing.

Weapon description: Hollywood's structure is comprised solely of highly dense, non conductive, non magnetic metals which rival that of Graphene and Titanium. The metals themselves are corrosion resistant as well as high temperature resistant, meaning they are virtually rust proof and can resist high heat and cold. The metal can also survive moderate vibrations and impacts accordingly. Along with this his internal and externally body have been suited with multiple layers and even given numerous extra bone like structures to transform and change accordingly to his will. Hollywood himself operates on a higher level than the normal human, being stronger, faster and more capable of taking blows it puts him on par with many semblance users.

First off, Hollywood carries a metallic bat lodged within his arm made out of his very self. This metallic bat being just a structurally sound as he is can destroy just about anything it comes across. As if this wasn't enough it became apparent that with a single press of a small hidden button at the top of the bat it can manipulate Dust. The elemental dust is hidden within secret chambers on the bat which spew it allowing for its effects to work full blast. The following dust effects are as follows. The Wind Dust crystal allows him to spew strong winds out of various parts of the bat not only increasing his hitting power and directing the bat like a thruster, but the wind wraps off the bat reflect attacks that come near it. The Earth Dust crystal allows him to cover the blade in very dense earthen constructs able to further increase the hitting power of this slugger. Lastly the Lighting send power jolts of lighting and electricity from the bat itself.

Hollywood carries three more capabilities with him for now we will talk about his shiv and shank combos. This smallish knifes or knife(depending on how he is feeling) sacrifice length for being not only comprised of his very being but able to slice and stab very well. They also hold Dust capabilities further bolstering their power. The shank and shiv are pulled from extra structures in his fingers. The shiv and shanks hold different capabilities seeing as how a shiv is more for slicing and a shank is more for stabbing he can either use two or use one with all of the capabilities in it. The shiv side holds the Wind and Water crystals. Using it to extend its range and cutting power allowing it to slice clean through most things. The shank holds the steam and Ice crystals using the ice crystal to bolster its stabbing abilities conjuring ice on its surface even allowing him to turn it into a miniature lance and allowing for the ice to quickly be turned to steam allowing him to cook his opponents alive.

Lastly, Hollywood is equip with various thrusters within his body which hold Gravity Dust Crystals. Allowing him to manipulate his won gravity to propel at the drop of a dime in any direction. One last thing to note is that Hollywood can turn any and all of his body parts into his various weapons if he finds any not working right for him at the time.

Weapon creator: Unknown, no one knows of Hollywood's origin not even he himself, most just assume he is a weirdo and go about their day.

Aura information

Color of Aura:

Amount of Aura: Hollywood has absolutely no Aura at all.

Semblance: Hollywood has no Semblance whatsoever.

Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?: [REDACTED]

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: [REDACTED]

Have you killed your fellow man?: [REDACTED]

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: [REDACTED]

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

Please stamp your symbol in the space above.



Genocide said:


  • ?? -- Verde


    Name :: Verde Strauss, Prince Verde, both of these are names people tend to call him. However he seems to prefer the name of Verde rather than with the prince honorific. He was called Prince Verde for the fact of his kindness, along with his looks to the boot. Verde looks extremely androgynous, which gives him a type of beauty that is awkward but extremely pleasant at the same time.

    Age :: Verde had both an older brother and sister, along with a younger sister. The older brother and sister were twins, so it'd be safe to call Verde the type of middle child. Verde is nineteen, around five years of age between both the older siblings along with the younger sibling.

    Gender :: Male. Though give him a dress, makeup, he could probably easily pass off as a female. This is due to his very androgynous appearance, and to be honest he could pass off as a female with his normal clothing rather than having to be dressed up in any certain type of fashion.

    Species :: Faunus, (Imagine his ears aren't there in the image, k please?) his ears are hidden beneath his locks of green hair; his ears naturally blend in with his hair as they don't really stick out too much, though they are on the sides rather than the top of his head. The best thing he can literally be compared to, sadly enough, is a neko. Yeah, get over it.

    Appearance :: Verde, as said before, has the curves that could be stated for him to be of the female or male gender. His body being very
    slender, allowing for increased agility, along with overall flexibility. Verde has long green hair, most of the time he never even bothers with it because that would be hell in the morning on him and others around him. His skin looks very similar to porcelain, being near flawless; it has no acne scarring or any other kind of disease of the skin that might make him look grotesque. Verde isn't all that tall, though he is a good height of five feet eleven inches.

Also Accepted!
Basic information

Name: Nathnaniel Crimson Vincent

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Weapon information

Weapon name: Crimson Moons

Weapon description:

Duel Double Barreled Revolver Scythes(May change to appearance to look nicer)

Weapon creator: Nathaniel's Father crafted it as a quick strike type weapon now past down towards him

Aura information

Color of Aura: Crimson Red

Amount of Aura: (Leave this blank I will change it for you this will depend on how strong I judge your Semblance the stronger it is the less Aura you will have to use it well.)

Semblance: Intangibility(if to OP can be Invisibility)

Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?: No

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: Not Really

Have you killed your fellow man?: No

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: Yes

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

Please stamp your symbol in the space above
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Basic information

Name: Charles Davy Ward

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Faunus

(Has retractable claws and sharper teeth)​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.8b359dee6c8910412477f4191be8c801.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.8b359dee6c8910412477f4191be8c801.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon Information
Weapon name: The Talons of Ulthar

Weapon Description: A pair of gloves, each finger having a mounted blade honed to a razor edge. Small tubes run from each blade into a small cartridge fed dust reservoir at the wrist. The blades can slide in, triggered by Charles retracting his claws.

Weapon Creator: Charles created the gloves himself in one drug fueled night of inspiration.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.3cd2adff41bbf4b7cd5890eadb703580.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpg.3cd2adff41bbf4b7cd5890eadb703580.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aura Information

Aura Color: Dark Grey

Aura strength: Medium level of aura.

Semblance: Charles undergoes a five second long transformation, his limbs lengthening, his teeth sharpening, and his gloves molding into his flesh. While transformed he gains a boost to speed, strength, and endurance. But he has trouble thinking, and loses some reasoning skills. The form can be infused with dust to change its skills and appearance somewhat.

Background Information

Have you ever been a part of a criminal organization: No

Have you ever done something you weren't proud of: Yes

Have you ever killed your fellow man: Never intentionally

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you: No

Thank you, all this information will be kept in a safe and private place we hope to see you at our academy.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.288cad3754fd9ce9bd15845130c8e15e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.288cad3754fd9ce9bd15845130c8e15e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Please stamp your symbol in the space above.



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VirtualNotoriety said:
Basic information
Name: Nathnaniel C. Vincent

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Weapon information

Weapon name: Crimson Moons

Weapon description:

Duel Double Barreled Revolver Scythes(May change to appearance to look nicer)

Weapon creator: Nathaniel's Father crafted it as a quick strike type weapon now past down towards him

Aura information

Color of Aura: Crimson Red

Amount of Aura: (Leave this blank I will change it for you this will depend on how strong I judge your Semblance the stronger it is the less Aura you will have to use it well.)

Semblance: Intangibility(if to OP can be Invisibility)

Background information

Any and all of this information can be withheld however a meeting will be set up with Lupin to discuss this.

Have you been part of a criminal organization?: No

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: Not Really

Have you killed your fellow man?: No

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: Yes

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

Please stamp your symbol in the space above
Diavolo said:
Basic information
Name: Charles Dexter Ward

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human


Weapon Information

Weapon name: The Talons of Ulthar

Weapon Description: A pair of gloves, each finger having a mounted blade honed to a razor edge. Small tubes run from each blade into a small cartridge fed dust reservoir at the wrist. The blades can slide in, sitting against their finger.

Weapon Creator: Charles created the gloves himself in one drug fueled night of inspiration.


Aura Information

Aura Color: Light Grey

Aura strength:

Semblance: Charles undergoes a five second long transformation, his limbs lengthening, his teeth sharpening, and his gloves molding into his flesh. While transformed he gains a boost to speed, strength, and endurance. But he has trouble thinking, and loses some reasoning skills. The form can be infused with dust to change its skills and appearance somewhat.

Background Information

Have you ever been a part of a criminal organization: No

Have you ever done something you weren't proud of: Yes

Have you ever killed your fellow man: Never intentionally

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you: No

Thank you, all this information will be kept in a safe and private place we hope to see you at our academy.

View attachment 205689

Please stamp your symbol in the space above.
Both your characters names have no references to names.
Diavolo said:
Basic information

Name: Charcoal Dexter Ward

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

View attachment 205686

Weapon Information
Weapon name: The Talons of Ulthar

Weapon Description: A pair of gloves, each finger having a mounted blade honed to a razor edge. Small tubes run from each blade into a small cartridge fed dust reservoir at the wrist. The blades can slide in, sitting against their finger.

Weapon Creator: Charles created the gloves himself in one drug fueled night of inspiration.

View attachment 205687

Aura Information

Aura Color: Light Grey

Aura strength:

Semblance: Charles undergoes a five second long transformation, his limbs lengthening, his teeth sharpening, and his gloves molding into his flesh. While transformed he gains a boost to speed, strength, and endurance. But he has trouble thinking, and loses some reasoning skills. The form can be infused with dust to change its skills and appearance somewhat.

Background Information

Have you ever been a part of a criminal organization: No

Have you ever done something you weren't proud of: Yes

Have you ever killed your fellow man: Never intentionally

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you: No

Thank you, all this information will be kept in a safe and private place we hope to see you at our academy.

View attachment 205689

Please stamp your symbol in the space above.

Sorry but your Semblance does not work for a human, if you were some sort of Faunus e.g. a wolf it would be fine.
I'm not really gaining any animalistic traits at all, and the only canon character with a similar semblance is human.
Diavolo said:
I'm not really gaining any animalistic traits at all, and the only canon character with a similar semblance is human.
Do you mean Tukson (the guy mercury and emerald killed, the guy who had to claw things) If so then he was a Faunus as he was known to be a member of the white fang.

Basic information

Name: Erich Zanahoria

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Weapon information

Weapon name: Azathoth's Voice


Weapon description: A Dust-infused violin. Playing the violin results in a variety of sound-based spells. Dust is stored in the belly of the violin, and is refilled through the F-holes. It is also worth noting that the bow is a sword.

Weapon creator: Erich, under Azathoth's watchful eye.

Aura information

Color of Aura: Zanahoria Orange

Amount of Aura:

Semblance: Risoluto: Large boost to physical strength.

Background information

Have you been part of a criminal organization?: No

Have you done something you aren't proud of?: Yes

Have you killed your fellow man?: No

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: Yes

Thank you, all this information will be kept in a safe and private place we hope to see you at our academy.

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Galucous Academy Initiate Form.

Basic Information:


Name: Wilbur Wisteria

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Weapon Information:


Weapon Name: Dunwich Horror

Weapon Description: A remote-controlled, dust-fueled mechanical man with enormous strength and endurance. It has no alternate form of any kind, being built for the purpose of beating things into the pavement as quickly and efficiently as possible. It does, however, have a cable-guided rocket punch.

Weapon Creator: Himself

Aura Information:

Color of Aura: Light Purple

Amount of Aura: High amount of aura.

Semblance: Mirage Veil

With Mirage Veil, Wilbur can bend light. This is normally utilized to hide people and objects from sight.

Background information:

Have you been part of a criminal organization?: No

Have you done somethings you are less than proud of?: Yes

Have you killed your fellow man?: No

Are you/were you in hiding when this letter reached you?: No

Thank You, all this information will be kept in a private and safe place we hope to see you at our Academy.

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