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Fandom RWBY: A New Story


Ancient Chinese Warlord Batman
I am going with a more unique CS this time. Describe your characters to the best of your ability. Their weaponary, fighting style, background, and personal details. It doesn't have to be TOO long, or use BBcode. But add detail if you wish.
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Legends tell of a great warrior,

whose mastery over various weaponry made him lethal in even the most grave of situations.

Over time, the Team ZPYR (Zephyr) made its mark upon the world. Originating from Atlas in the far north, the team performed mission after mission with skill and precision. Their history would be made by those that witnessed them, their resourcefulness and tactical advantage over combat.

Every hero meets their downfall, every legend has a period, and, eventually, books reach their final page.

A massacre. False information, or maybe something more sinister, gave Team ZPYR their final mission. Their task failed horribly, and each one was slaughtered before the might of an unknown assailant. The bodies never recovered, only whispers in the wind and blood on the ground told of their deaths.​

Images are based on story and legend, and legends are ever so rarely true.


Their leader, Zareff Leset, held a deep knowledge for vast types of weaponry. Carrying multiple simpler weapons, he found ways to attack opponents using advanced tactics with the weapon he chose to use, even going so far as to be able to disarm opponents and attack with their own weaponry. Though his speed was not anything to write home about, his power and skill was of top notch quality.

His main weapons of choice were between a lengthened longsword and a massive broadsword. Such weapons were devoid of major mechanical improvements, instead opting for better holding support and cutting power by letting a current of Dust energy along the length of the blades. This left wisps of crackling sparks in the blade's wake.

His ivory, bone-colored hair stood out in small spikes, covering his Caucasian-colored skin over his face. Sky blue eyes stared outwards from his head, which was devoid of much blemishes and imperfections. The heavier armor he wore rose up from his chest in a small collar surrounding the neck, protecting it, but still allowing unrestricted head movements. As such, wrapped around this collar was a thin red scarf, which trailed down his back, which quickly became his identifier and namesake.

Heroes are left to legend.

Forgotten and broken, told only in stories to make the young children want to grow up to be just like them.


Sapphire Stone


Name: Sapphire Stone

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Wolf Faunus

Active Member of the White Fang (undercover at Beacon)

A Bit More Appearance

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 139 lbs

Armor: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c519e4f0d_Screenshot2015-09-25at4.09.08PM.png.6539ca06103f2d96638662d21a3f9745.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c519e4f0d_Screenshot2015-09-25at4.09.08PM.png.6539ca06103f2d96638662d21a3f9745.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mental Characteristics

Personality: Overall, Sapphire is sarcastic, easily tempered, and awkward. She is terrible at making friends, most of the time bluntly saying that she doesn't like people (humans and Faunus both). If she tries making friends with people (which is rare), she will mostly screw it up with awkwardness. Sapphire has a horrible temper, so any high pitched noises, or people arguing and blabbing about nonsense, will set her off. Though she has a set reason for coming to this school, she still longs to make some friends.

Strengths: Melee fighting, tracking (by means of scent), sleeping, eating, keeping secrets (maybe).

Weaknesses: Communication, following orders, people.

Fears: She is deathly afraid of fire, if Sapphire comes near it, it will render her helpless and usually in a ball on the floor, whimpering for help. Letting her father down.

Likes: Meat, listening to music, sleeping, being praised (even if she rarely does anything to deserve it).

Dislikes: High pitched noises, enclosed spaces, crowds

History and Other

History: As a child, her father was one of the original members of the White Fang and he along with several others planned on it's reform for a long time. Her father was the best there could be, however and treated her well. He even told her their plans for reform, giving her reasons as to why it should happen. And as she grew older, Sapphire watched the peaceful rallies, waiting for the day all chaos would break loose like she wanted it to. The old White Fang disgusted her, all the hopeful optimists in the crowd, thinking little posters could fix the world. Sapphire had just turned 16 the day everything changed for the seemingly better. The day the White Fang became more violent than usual, and new recruits trickled in slowly and surely, things were looking up for the Faunus. She was one of the highest ranking members, and would remain that way for as long as she was in the White Fang. The White Fang may have reformed, but other than robberies and violence, they never had a true plan in place yet. Most nights, Sapphire's father would stay up, working to put plans in place, yet he and the other's never could come to a solid one. It made her father angry, and every time she tried to comfort him, he would push her away. They grew apart, rarely talking to each other unless he was ordering Sapphire to do something. One day, however, he came up to his daughter and gave her specific orders: She would go off to the nearest school for Hunter's and Huntresses and study their weaknesses, as well as see if she could convince anyone to join the White Fang.

Other: She has a White Fang 'Tattoo' burned onto her right shoulder. When the subject of White Fang comes up, she will almost subconciously touch her shoulder.




  • Screenshot 2015-09-25 at 4.09.08 PM.png
    Screenshot 2015-09-25 at 4.09.08 PM.png
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"Paninis are super badass, they're like an excuse to eat a sandwich at 6 in the morning."

Johann Merlot


(Namesake: Johann Tobias Bürg discovered The Antares Star, the largest known red giant, and Merlot is a shade of red after wine, depicting elegance, class, and a refined hangover.)

So, guess I should start with the horns, I am a Faunus. I got adopted when I was 4 so I don'the really remember much from the foster home. I'm also from Atlas, y'know the "I'm so rich, I'm going to tape a gun to my vacuum cleaner and get it to fight monsters" Atlas. I was pretty different from an early age. Something about oversized weaponry and high caliber round drew me into the world of hunters and huntresses. My parents didn't really care, the company, Titania Economics, was going to my brother anyway. So, I got them to buy me an expensive piece of weaponry and I set off training and whatnot. You can bet the first time I shot a hole through the wall it turned a few heads. Well, my parents thought it would be a good idea to get the real hunter experience, and the best way to do that was going to boarding school. I was sent to Signal Academy. Don't get me wrong it'sounds a nice place, but the transit in between Atlas and Vale is killer long. So, I guess I'm kind of a delinquent, but between my academic scores, battle aptitude, and a considerably large grant, I got into Beacon. So, that's fun.

Thunder and Lightning.

That's what Johann named his gauntlets, they extend to his elbow. On of them has a painting of a lightning bolt while the other has storm clouds. From each of the gauntlets extends a sword that comes about 6 inches from Johann's hand. On the Thunder gauntlet, Johann has a chain gun, while on the lightning gauntlet, he uses a shotgun. Both have limited power due to their size, but still pack a punch.


Making allies, finding information, determining weakpoints


Listening, retreating, waiting to strike

In battle, Johann wears a free-flowing suit, similar to the one shown in the picture. It allows mobility, and prestige.

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Zab said:

Legends tell of a great warrior,

whose mastery over various weaponry made him lethal in even the most grave of situations.

Over time, the Team ZPYR (Zephyr) made its mark upon the world. Originating from Atlas in the far north, the team performed mission after mission with skill and precision. Their history would be made by those that witnessed them, their resourcefulness and tactical advantage over combat.

Every hero meets their downfall, every legend has a period, and, eventually, books reach their final page.

A massacre. False information, or maybe something more sinister, gave Team ZPYR their final mission. Their task failed horribly, and each one was slaughtered before the might of an unknown assailant. The bodies never recovered, only whispers in the wind and blood on the ground told of their deaths.​

Images are based on story and legend, and legends are ever so rarely true.


Their leader, Zareff Leset, held a deep knowledge for vast types of weaponry. Carrying multiple simpler weapons, he found ways to attack opponents using advanced tactics with the weapon he chose to use, even going so far as to be able to disarm opponents and attack with their own weaponry. Though his speed was not anything to write home about, his power and skill was of top notch quality.

His main weapons of choice were between a lengthened longsword and a massive broadsword. Such weapons were devoid of major mechanical improvements, instead opting for better holding support and cutting power by letting a current of Dust energy along the length of the blades. This left wisps of crackling sparks in the blade's wake.

His ivory, bone-colored hair stood out in small spikes, covering his Caucasian-colored skin over his face. Sky blue eyes stared outwards from his head, which was devoid of much blemishes and imperfections. The heavier armor he wore rose up from his chest in a small collar surrounding the neck, protecting it, but still allowing unrestricted head movements. As such, wrapped around this collar was a thin red scarf, which trailed down his back, which quickly became his identifier and namesake.

Heroes are left to legend.

Forgotten and broken, told only in stories to make the young children want to grow up to be just like them.

RedLikeRoses said:

Sapphire Stone


Name: Sapphire Stone

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Wolf Faunus

Active Member of the White Fang (undercover at Beacon)

A Bit More Appearance

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 139 lbs

Armor: View attachment 179202

Mental Characteristics

Personality: Overall, Sapphire is sarcastic, easily tempered, and awkward. She is terrible at making friends, most of the time bluntly saying that she doesn't like people (humans and Faunus both). If she tries making friends with people (which is rare), she will mostly screw it up with awkwardness. Sapphire has a horrible temper, so any high pitched noises, or people arguing and blabbing about nonsense, will set her off. Though she has a set reason for coming to this school, she still longs to make some friends.

Strengths: Melee fighting, tracking (by means of scent), sleeping, eating, keeping secrets (maybe).

Weaknesses: Communication, following orders, people.

Fears: She is deathly afraid of fire, if Sapphire comes near it, it will render her helpless and usually in a ball on the floor, whimpering for help. Letting her father down.

Likes: Meat, listening to music, sleeping, being praised (even if she rarely does anything to deserve it).

Dislikes: High pitched noises, enclosed spaces, crowds

History and Other

History: As a child, her father was one of the original members of the White Fang and he along with several others planned on it's reform for a long time. Her father was the best there could be, however and treated her well. He even told her their plans for reform, giving her reasons as to why it should happen. And as she grew older, Sapphire watched the peaceful rallies, waiting for the day all chaos would break loose like she wanted it to. The old White Fang disgusted her, all the hopeful optimists in the crowd, thinking little posters could fix the world. Sapphire had just turned 16 the day everything changed for the seemingly better. The day the White Fang became more violent than usual, and new recruits trickled in slowly and surely, things were looking up for the Faunus. She was one of the highest ranking members, and would remain that way for as long as she was in the White Fang. The White Fang may have reformed, but other than robberies and violence, they never had a true plan in place yet. Most nights, Sapphire's father would stay up, working to put plans in place, yet he and the other's never could come to a solid one. It made her father angry, and every time she tried to comfort him, he would push her away. They grew apart, rarely talking to each other unless he was ordering Sapphire to do something. One day, however, he came up to his daughter and gave her specific orders: She would go off to the nearest school for Hunter's and Huntresses and study their weaknesses, as well as see if she could convince anyone to join the White Fang.

Other: She has a White Fang 'Tattoo' burned onto her right shoulder. When the subject of White Fang comes up, she will almost subconciously touch her shoulder.


Deadkool said:

"Paninis are super badass, they're like an excuse to eat a sandwich at 6 in the morning."

Johann Merlot


(Namesake: Johann Tobias Bürg discovered The Antares Star, the largest known red giant, and Merlot is a shade of red after wine, depicting elegance, class, and a refined hangover.)

So, guess I should start with the horns, I am a Faunus. I got adopted when I was 4 so I don'the really remember much from the foster home. I'm also from Atlas, y'know the "I'm so rich, I'm going to tape a gun to my vacuum cleaner and get it to fight monsters" Atlas. I was pretty different from an early age. Something about oversized weaponry and high caliber round drew me into the world of hunters and huntresses. My parents didn't really care, the company, Titania Economics, was going to my brother anyway. So, I got them to buy me an expensive piece of weaponry and I set off training and whatnot. You can bet the first time I shot a hole through the wall it turned a few heads. Well, my parents thought it would be a good idea to get the real hunter experience, and the best way to do that was going to boarding school. I was sent to Signal Academy. Don't get me wrong it'sounds a nice place, but the transit in between Atlas and Vale is killer long. So, I guess I'm kind of a delinquent, but between my academic scores, battle aptitude, and a considerably large grant, I got into Beacon. So, that's fun.

Thunder and Lightning.

That's what Johann named his gauntlets, they extend to his elbow. On of them has a painting of a lightning bolt while the other has storm clouds. From each of the gauntlets extends a sword that comes about 6 inches from Johann's hand. On the Thunder gauntlet, Johann has a chain gun, while on the lightning gauntlet, he uses a shotgun. Both have limited power due to their size, but still pack a punch.


Making allies, finding information, determining weakpoints


Listening, retreating, waiting to strike

In battle, Johann wears a free-flowing suit, similar to the one shown in the picture. It allows mobility, and prestige.

All accepted.

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