[Rushing Toward a New Age] Cynis Denovah Szaiya, the subtle observer


New Member
Szaiya was not raised in the comforts normally associated with the dynastic families - the Denovah line of the family had only produced a single exalt in generations, and Avaku - while notable - had not yet had time to significantly raise the family's standing significantly. Besides which, he was only a cousin - her mother's nephew. Szaiya's parents didn't have the ability to bribe a proper school into accepting their daughter, so her future appeared no less bleak then their own.

Desperate to make something of herself, at 19 Szaiya managed to work her way into house Cynis' spy network - after working for a year as a prostitute under Cynis Belar Rokujai, before she was reassigned to more traditional intelligence gathering. Trained in basic combat - both armed and unarmed - as well as stealth and observation, Szaiya spent several years serving house Cynis in the shadows, gathering information on its business rivals, customers, and enemies.

When she was 24, one of Szaiya's assignments went south - she was on her way out of the compound with the information she had been sent to retrieve when a guard came out of a side room and the two ran directly into each other. It wasn't a regular patrol, or even a scheduled check - the man was off duty and taking a walk to clear his head, but it was enough to blow her stealth. He quickly raised the alarm as Szaiya sprinted for the exit, and the house's guards mobilized to catch her. They would have succeeded, if she hadn't exalted on her way out - arriving in the entrance courtyard, the main gate was swinging closed with half a dozen guards between her and the quickly closing doors. Desperate to escape and survive, Szaiya sprinted for the gate, and seemed to vanish in a flicker of golden light, reappearing only moments later outside the gate, still sprinting away faster than they could possibly follow. Szaiya had escaped.

But she could not return to house Cynis - not now that she had been chosen by the Unconquered Sun. Years of dynastic and immaculate teachings warred in her mind with ancient memories of other people, and she knew that she was now Anathema - she would find only fire and death at the hands of her former allies. So she fled - she visited several local house Cynis drop points and collected as much money and equipment as she could to give her an edge, then she did her best to vanish entirely. The house spymasters quickly realized that she had gone rogue, and dispatched several agents to find her and bring her back for questioning - though her pursuers are unaware of her Exalted nature, Szaiya is still working to avoid them as best she can; she is enough of a threat as a rogue spy, with as much knowledge as she has of the house's intelligence network, and if they realized that she was now Anathema as well, they would quickly mobilize forces to find and destroy her, to protect both their secrets and reputation.

While her short term goals mostly involve survival and escape, she has given some thought to more long-term ideas, including the formation of an independent intelligence network that would be able to infiltrate the Realm and perhaps co-opt parts of the Dynastic society to support (openly or not) whatever allies and causes she ends up siding with.

Motivation: create the most powerful intelligence network in Creation.

Theme song: [media]

[/media] (in reference to the conflict between her old mindset - dynastic upbringing and immaculate training - and her new position as a Solar exalt)
Concept pic:





Yes, I'm using Balsa from Seirei no Moribito as my character model. She fits.
OK, here's the sheet. Still missing intimacies. Everything else is finished.

Name: Cynis Denovah Szaiya

Caste: Night

Concept: Nimble Spy

Motivation: Create the most powerful intelligence network in Creation

Anima: Golden crystal prisms of light


Strength: 3

Dexterity: 5

Stamina: 3

Charisma: 3

Manipulation: 4

Appearance: 3

Perception: 4

Intelligence: 3

Wits: 4




Martial Arts (f): 5

Melee: 2

Thrown: 3



Integrity (f): 3

Performance: 2

Presence: 2

Resistance (f): 3

Survival: 2



Investigation (f): 4

Lore: 2



Night (Caste):

Athletics: 5

Awareness: 5

Dodge: 5

Larceny: 4

Stealth: 4



Linguistics (f): 3 (Native: High realm. Learned: Low realm, Rivertongue, Flametongue)



Socialize: 3


Martial Arts: Crystal Chameleon Style (3)

Socialize: Lying (2)

Athletics: Sprinting (2)


Permanent: 4

Personal: 20

Peripheral: 48

Committed: 10


Compassion: 2

Conviction: 4

Temperance: 3

Valor: 3

Virtue Flaw: Heart of Flint

Limit: 0

Willpower: 8


Fleet of Foot 3

Acute Sense (Vision 1, Hearing 1)

Past Lives 2


Dark Secret 2 (Renegade Cynis agent)

Code of Honor 2 (Honest & Loyal to allies)

Wanted 3 (House Cynis)


Just Another Branch Deceit

Light-Treading Technique

Flashing Passage

Crystal Chameleon Form

Flashing Leaves Evasion

Shattered Crystal Rebuke

Razor-Edged Prism Assault

Death From Nowhere Method

Stepping Beyond Light Prana

First, Second, and Third Martial Arts Excellencies

Durability of Oak Meditation (Hardy)

Spirit Strengthens the Skin (Hardy)

Shadow Over Water

Reflexive Sidestep Technique

Leaping Dodge Method

First, Second, and Third Dodge Excellencies

Lightning Speed

Racing Hare Method

Monkey Leap Technique

Foe-Vaulting Method

Graceful Crane Stance

Feather-Foot Style

Spider-Foot Style

First, Second, and Third Athletics Excellencies

Crafty Observation Method

Judge's Ear Technique

First and Second Investigation Excellencies

Integrity-Protecting Prana

Second Integrity Excellency

Sagacious Reading of Intent

Second Linguistics Excellency

Mastery of Small Manners

Second Socialize Excellency


Artifact: 4 (Oricalcum Dire Lance, Mask)

Manse: 3 (Wood: Stone of Resilient Bamboo)

Resources: 2 (costs 6 XP because of Wanted flaw)

Health: -0/-1/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated


Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 3B, Defense -, Rate 1

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 6B, Defense 4, Rate 2

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 3B, Defense 6, Rate 3

Oricalcum Dire Lance: Speed 5, Accuracy 14, Damage 8L/8L/2, Defense 7 (6.5), Rate 3, Tags: 2, L, O, R, Th


Dodge MDV: 8

Parry MDV: 2

Dodge DV: 7

Soak: 3B / 3L / 0A

Hardness: 0B / 0L

Fatigue: 0


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