[Rushing Toward a New Age] Character Creation


One Thousand Club
Players will have their choice of two character creation methods, standard or XP.

Standard Character Creation

Per the 2.5 errata, except for the houserules in place. Remember you can only claim one bonus effect per Charm purchase, and that Craft is modified.

Experience Based Character Creation


The link explains it pretty well, but to give you the quick version:

Everything that normally starts at 1 dot does so, everything that starts empty does so, Essence starts at 2, and Willpower at 6. Now spend 500 xp (use Solar xp costs) on your character to make them awesome. The link has a table with pre-calculated total xp costs for Abilities and Attributes and such. (This xp total is subject to change, as I want the characters to be roughly balanced with characters that used the standard method, so I'll look at their total starting xp and raise this method's to match.)

Backgrounds still cost double for the fourth and fifth dots (making those dots 6xp each) for XP-based characters.

Notes for Both Character Creation Methods

After creation, you'll be able to earn additional starting xp via good backstories, pictures, story hooks, and more. Anything you can give me to work with will result in me giving you back something to work with.

Maximum starting Essence is 4 dots.

In order to prevent the game from devolving into a walking armory before the players have even done anything, Backgrounds will max at 5 dots at starting, and material Backgrounds can be purchased no more than twice. Characters with appropriate enabling Backgrounds and backstory may be able to qualify for other Backgrounds they normally cannot, or for more purchases of material Backgrounds, at ST discretion. (For example, if you have Backing with an organization that could provide Arsenal, it's possible for you to start with Arsenal.)

Note the above paragraph doesn't mean that you can only start with two artifacts. It means that you can't start with more than 10 dots of artifacts. You can fit a four-dot and a one-dot into the same Background, or a three-dot and a two-dot. Same for hearthstones. (As a side note, you can split one Artifact or Manse between your two copies of Artifact if you need to, but only if you can't buy them any other way. For example, to get one four-dot and two three-dot Artifacts.)

Merits and Flaws are allowed, though they’ll be reviewed individually for some semblance of balance. Characters using BP should limit themselves to 10 points of Flaws (as Flaws are nowhere near as unbalanced when purchased with XP, there’s no hard limit there, but be reasonable), with no hard limit on Merits.
It was brought to my attention that the XP-based creation method didn't stick to the 3xp per dot style for backgrounds, and I liked their method more, so I struck that line from the above. I'd previously assumed it used a 3xp per dot with no scaling, but it uses a 1/+2/+3/+4/+5 (1/3/6/10/15) pattern instead.
And thus spake some Storyteller somewhere, and the XP total for XP-gen characters shall now be five hundred. Rejoice or something, I dunno :P
:o Shiny!

Now...to snag E4 and get that tasty Raksha-nabbing knack or put the XP elsewhere... *eyes the two in the party* No worries, promise. :3
So, I was running calculations for XPgen, and noticed that the chart on the linked Fixalted page has a minor discrepancy - on the Essence line, each listed number is the cost to upgrade from the previous value to that value, while on every other line the numbers given are cumulative totals.

If my calculations are correct, Essence should read 0/0/16/40/72, rather than 0/0/16/24/32. Some clarification on this would be appreciated, though in the meantime I have counted myself as spending 40 XP for Essence 4.
gatherer818 said:
....you can always get Life of the Hummingbird and become them without killing them :P
...that is true. Forgot that didn't have any of the Appearance knacks as a prereq. *nabs that Knack as well*

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