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Realistic or Modern Running With Wolves|RP


Four Thousand Club
Running with Wolves

The year is 2023. ISIS has grown immensely and military powers like America, Russia, and Britain have had no success in stopping them. Now a threat to the world's powers, many other countries have decided to put their differences aside and fight a common enemy. An elite counter terrorist organization was formed to fight the seemingly unstoppable war machine known as the Islamic State. The name of this organization is the Wolfpack. Countries from all over have sent the best of the best to the Wolfpack training facility, many being rejected. The training is vigorous and harsh work, but it's all about separating the wheat from the chaff. You however, have made it here. The true question now is, will you prove your worth?
Alpha's Office
A new command has come from higher up. This time, it isn't recon or scouting. It was a sabotage mission. It read;
Attention Wolfpack Command at Richmond, VA
Recent reports from Marine forces in Al-Jabir have shown that the insurgents have set up SAM and artillery sites inside the city. The SAM sites are being powered by two power plants inside the city. We want your team to infiltrate the city, destroy the power plants, and mark any artillery sites in your path with strobes for a predator strike. All needed equipment will be sent to your facility shortly. Happy hunting.

Alpha's Office
A new command came from higher up today. This time it wasn't recon, not scouting, it was a sabotage mission. It read;

Attention Wolfpack Command at Richmond,VA
Recent reports from Marine forces in Al-Jabir show that the insurgents have installed SAM and artillery sites deep inside the city. The sites seem to be powered by two power plants inside the city. Your job is to infiltrate the city, destroy the power plants, mark any artillery sites with strobes for a predator strike, and make it out alive. All needed equipment will be sent to your facility soon. Happy hunting.

Alex shook his head. "At least its sabotage" he said to himself. He began to think of a rough attack plan for the op and decided it was to be called Operation Blackout. He reached to his radio and called to his second in command. "Hoax, meet me in my office. We got another sabotage op from command" he said into the radio. He then reached to the intercom on his desk. "Alright everyone, report to the briefing room ASAP" Alex ordered.

(Second in command Mendaian Mendaian )
(Everyone else to the briefing room Tasteless Tasteless DankWaffles DankWaffles JustWhipIt JustWhipIt r e i r e i Datbrony Datbrony
Wolfpack Command at Richmond,VA
Ewan "Hoax" Alexeev
For Ewan the morning had been a dull one, filled with solace, and television surfing. With a frown plastered across his face, as he propped his legs and feet up on his steel desk, with the television remote in his right hand using his thumb, to flick through the channels. He had always wondered why Americans found so much pleasure in sitting back and mindlessly watching people do idiotic things across the world. Letting out a soft sigh, Ewan settled on an American international news station CNN, in which we watched their reporting on the war within the middle east, along with the actions of the current American president. Shaking his head Ewan couldn't believe the load of crap he had heard the last couple days, that the American President was confiding with the Russian Leader. It was obvious to all Russians that they wanted nothing to do with the American people, nor their elections. With a soft grunt, he removed his feet from the top of his desk, and stood up. Furrowing his brow, and letting out a soft snort, Ewan turned his back from the Television, and walked towards the window within his office, and looked out the window at the world around. It had been six long years since he had been home, to his mother country of Russia, and to a degree he longed to be home, the American way was most definitely not for him, yet he dealt with it as any man who was fighting for his country would, tough it out. Turning to his left now Ewan stared at himself in the mirror, his frown still apparent. He could at least be happy he didn't have to deal with anyone else within the Wolfpack so far today, as it some of it's members were.... quite childish in his eyes. Always looking to beat each other for top spot, bragging rights. "What does a top spot even get you when your opposite still lives? Beating someone once only means they can learn from their mistakes and beat you, when you least expect it." He spoke to himself, and let out a sigh, knowing he was no better to speak, as he did enjoy beating the new and older members, however he did not enjoying having to spar over and over with the same people, who always made the same mistakes. The barrack room fell quiet momentary before the silence was broken by the sound of his walkie-talkie crackling to life, and the sound of Alpha's voice coming through loud and clear. Ewan knew at this point his day could either go in one of two ways, better as it meant a member of the Wolfpack and fucked up in some manner, and proper punishment was to be dealt out, or worse as a new mission would come in. While it had been some time since a mission had come in, Ewan figured it wouldn't, nor couldn't have been too much longer before a new mission would come in. If it were the latter than it meant Ewan had to brief the others on the mission to come, which normally never ended well in his eyes, too many questions, not enough order following. Moving toward the walkie-talkie, which was attached to his camouflaged vest that hung on his coat rack, Ewan grabbed the receiver and pressed the side-button as he spoke " Roger that, On my way Alpha.". Once he was finished speaking Ewan released the receiver button, and pulled his vest from the rack, and pulled it over his black shirt. With his vest on Ewan looked back at his desk and scowled at the Television, before grabbing his keys, and making his way out of his office, making sure the lock it before making his way to Alpha's office.

Making his way down the hallway, Ewan looked around the Wolfpack complex, to which he had spent the last six years within, working with other members. Being one of the most veteran members of the command had allowed Ewan the opportunity to meet several great, and talented soldiers, but with that had forced him to witness many of them die, some very horrific deaths. With most of their missions being very spy, and sabotage based missions, causalities could never be ruled out, and sadly at time when things could go wrong they had. Keeping his eyes forward Ewan, made a right turn down another hallway before reaching the end, in which he stood before a dark grey steel door, with the title of "Commanding Officer" labeled at eye level. Using his right hand Ewan knocked on the door, and awaited permission to enter the Office.
Alpha's Office
Alex tapped his desk as he waited for Hoax to show up. He organized a few things on his mess of a desk. He thought to himself Damn, 5 years and I still have a mess of a desk. He sifted through some papers and found some papers from 5 years ago. "Jesus. I need to get my shit together" he said to himself. A few second later he heard a knock on his door. Alex got up and walked to the door. He opened it to see his second standing in front of it. "Ahh, good. Come in. Got a new op from command" he told Hoax with sigh.
Mendaian Mendaian

Just a heads up, all other characters are either in the training room or their personal rooms.
Wolfpack Command at Richmond,VA
Ewan "Hoax" Alexeev

Alpha's Office
Placing his arms behind his back, Ewan waited patiently for his Commanding officer to give him permission to enter, however his ears perked up when he heard movement, and the sounds of footsteps towards the door. It wasn't very common, as far as Ewan remembered for Alpha to get up to let someone into his office. Hearing the clicking of the mechanism of the doorknob Ewan was then face to face with his superior, Alpha or as he knew him behind closed doors Alex. Ewan was greeted by the American, to which he simply nodded, and stepped through the doorframe into the office. " I see, I was figuring that one would come in soon enough, things had gotten a little too quiet.". The Russian spoke as he looked around the American's office, before speaking once again " How is it that a man, who prides himself on meticulous, micromanagement of other's lives, keep such disorganized room?" Ewan couldn't help but laugh, as a small smirk came across his face. Making his way past his superior, Ewan sat in the seat opposite of Alpha's, turning to look back at him. "So tell me, Alpha, what shit are we fucking with this time?"

Raku Raku
Alpha's Office
A smile creeped it's way onto Alex's face. "Well, managing a small fire team, an armory, and planning doesn't leave much time for me to clean up my desk" Alex said as he sat in his chair. He handed the printed email from command to Ewan. "Another sabotage operation. We gotta save the Marines asses once more. They're getting hammered by artillery and SAMs, and we have to deal with them" he said in an unhappy tone. He was very happy with command for not giving him a more head on op. Alex just wants to see some real action.
Mendaian Mendaian
Wolfpack Command at Richmond,VA
Ewan "Hoax" Alexeev

Alpha's Office

"You know all I'm hearing is excuses, Alpha. If anything you have plenty of workers, out there who could clear your bloody office. It's not like any of them doing anything of importance beside keeping their thumbs up their ass." Ewan looked into the American's eyes and gave a soft smile, before pointing back towards the door with his right thumb. Using his left hand Ewan, reached out and accepted the printed email, and began to read it, before throwing the piece of paper over his left shoulder out of annoyance. " I wish I could say, I'm surprised at the choice of mission. How is it you Americans always seem to get caught in these positions? Who is heading that force, a bunch of fucking headless chickens?" His tone being one which was filled with annoyance, before he swore to himself in Russian. "Though I must say, these sabotage missions are never a sure fire mission, we have lost people plenty of times to missions such as these Alpha,so I must recommend that you do not act complacent, we all want to see more action. But someone has to play back-up." Looking up at the ceiling as he Spoke Ewan, couldn't believe what he had just said, but he knew it to be truth. That's all Wolfpack was to the US government, as safety measure or back-up plan to bail out their own men. If the Russians were in charge of the Wolfpack, this war of ISIS would be over, before it had even started. The entire lot of them would have been slaughtered where they slept, and no remorse would have been taken, but the Americans believe is "Fairness", which in Ewan's mind is the downfall of the Great nation of the United States. "So Alpha, how long till we ship out?"
Alpha's Office
Alex listened to Ewan's rant. He nodded along as he kept bringing up action. "I'm planning on leaving in about 3 hours for a carrier just of the coast of Al-Jabir, then we commence the operation. Another thing, believe me. I want some more action too, but my hands are tied. I can't go against orders or I'm gone. Besides, after this op I'm telling command that we need more field time. Don't worry, we'll be out there soon enough." he told Ewan. Alex turned to an old picture on the wall from when he was in the SEALs. He sighed. "I wish it was just like old times" he mumbled to himself.
Mendaian Mendaian
Wolfpack Command at Richmond,VA​

Callie "Shadow" Kingson

It was another night of nightmares and waking up not even 2 hours after going to sleep. Callie looks up at the ceiling of the training room silently, she thinks that maybe it was time to get up and take a sleeping pill since after waking up from the nightmare she refuses to talk about or talk at all, she decided to go and train until now. Her body doesn't even try to refuse what she wants anymore, it grew used to the training after training that she put it through. She was just now rising up to go to her room when she heard the intercom and sighed. No sleep again, she thought as she gets up to go to change in her room. She was just in a sweaty tank top, and some Navy Seals shorts.

Callie began walking to her room silently, she looks at no one and stares straight ahead until she gets into her room. She relaxes slightly, as she switches out of her tank top into a black long sleeve with 3 buttons and gray training pants. She then grabs her necklace of a heart, her father gave her when she was a young girl. It was her mothers and it was the only thing she has of hers. She puts it on, and walks out of her room locking the door. She then jogs to the briefing room, going in there and seeing no one else there. She sat down and waited quietly. Patience is something she valued strongly, and she has a lot of it. She wonders what this meeting is gonna be about....probably another mission. She smirks thinking I hope I get to have some action.​
Wolfpack Command at Richmond,VA
Ewan "Hoax" Alexeev

Alpha's Office

" I see, I suppose if we are to leave so soon, then I suppose we should, brief the others. Do you have a set list in mind of who will be in which squads?" Ewan watched the Commander, before speaking as he watching him stare into an old picture. Action was something that he knew, everyone in the Wolfpack wanted more of. It was the reason why many of them even signed up to be apart of such task force. It wasn't like any of them were getting any pay raises, or anymore time with their loved ones/corner workers. At the thought of strippers Ewan couldn't help but chuckle to himself, as he knew a couple of the Wolf pack members would seemed to fancy spending their time at the local club. Looking back towards he front of the room, Ewan gently pushed back on the chair and stood up, beginning to gently rub his neck with his left hand. " If you don't have anything planned as of now, that is alright, we can figure something out in the briefing room, however I do ask you take the Frenchie, He is quite.... the talker... if I do remember correctly. He seems more like your type than mine.". Giving Alpha a gentle smile, and a gentle pat on the shoulder, before turning and walking towards the door. " Proshchay Alpha. I will see you in the Briefing room." Opening the door with his left hand, Ewan walked through the doorway, and closed the door behind him, to which he released a deep sigh, and shook his head. "Another Sab mission, Fuck me..." He'd mumble under his breath and made his way to the briefing room.

Pushing open the Briefing room door with a sizable force using his right hand Ewan was not expecting anyone to within the room. With the door slammed against the wall, Ewan looked around, and found himself to be wrong, there was one person within the room already. Shadow, which shouldn't have surprised Ewan, as she was normally one of the few members of the Wolfpack to show up on time. "Shadow" He spoke as he walked into the room, and began to take his seat the the head of the briefing room's long table, as he propped his feet up on the table, and looked up groaning, and placing his hands over his face.
Alpha's Office
Alex nodded to Ewan as he left. "Guess I could get the French guy in line" he said to himself. He began thinking of the squads and who went with who. Having his mind set, Alex got up and exited his office with his planbook in hand. He walked to the briefing room at a slow pace as he read through his plan. He arrived at the briefing room and opened the door to see only two people. "Well, I'm glad someone's on time. Thank you Shadow" he said. Alex then proceeded to the front of the room. Reaching to his radio, he switched it to the intercom frequency. "EVERYONE GET YOUR ASSES IN THE BRIEFING ROOM NOW!" he shouted into it. It blared over the intercom. "Sorry about your ears" Alpha said to the two in front of him.
Mendaian Mendaian r e i r e i (Briefing room)

Datbrony Datbrony JustWhipIt JustWhipIt DankWaffles DankWaffles Tasteless Tasteless

We are gonna hold here until the others arrive

Dita "Bear"
She was in her personal chambers, changing out of her training clothing. When Alpha blared over the intercom, she hurried her pace. Slipping into a dark gray long sleeve, and black pants, she left her chambers.
She calmly walks down the corridors, her face calm and nearly expressionless. Her beautiful eyes were trained forward, not meeting any gaze of the others who flowed past her.
Once she approaches the briefing room, she opens the door only to have Alpha shout over the intercom just as she enters. Her gaze remained calm, and she met Alphas gaze. "
Sir." She says politely in greeting. Her hair was pulled back in a professional yet elegant ponytail, strands of hair framing her soft features.
She swiftly takes a seat, and begins to think of why they were in briefing. She guessed they would be placed on another mission, which made her lips quiver in a smirk. She enjoyed her job, if people saw her as cruel, it wasn't her issue. She enjoyed her job, she enjoyed protecting others to the best of her abilities.

Last edited:
Alpha's Office
A new command came from higher up today. This time it wasn't recon, not scouting, it was a sabotage mission. It read;

Attention Wolfpack Command at Richmond,VA
Recent reports from Marine forces in Al-Jabir show that the insurgents have installed SAM and artillery sites deep inside the city. The sites seem to be powered by two power plants inside the city. Your job is to infiltrate the city, destroy the power plants, mark any artillery sites with strobes for a predator strike, and make it out alive. All needed equipment will be sent to your facility soon. Happy hunting.

Alex shook his head. "At least its sabotage" he said to himself. He began to think of a rough attack plan for the op and decided it was to be called Operation Blackout. He reached to his radio and called to his second in command. "Hoax, meet me in my office. We got another sabotage op from command" he said into the radio. He then reached to the intercom on his desk. "Alright everyone, report to the briefing room ASAP" Alex ordered.

(Second in command Mendaian Mendaian )
(Everyone else to the briefing room Tasteless Tasteless DankWaffles DankWaffles JustWhipIt JustWhipIt r e i r e i Datbrony Datbrony

More sleepless nights. Frostbite had spent the night trying to perfect his so called "frostbits," 9.72MM caliber bullets custom made for his custom built rifle. It was all he spent his time doing when he wasn't trying to perfect his aim. He was startled by a voice coming from his radio. He jolted up in his seat and awoke from his "sleep." He left his chamber and headed to the briefing room.
"Sorry sir, I was up all night. I'm here now." He grunted and noticed that he was only wearing one shoe. His hair was messed up as usual, and he had left his visor back at his work desk.
Mitchell Patterson

Being something of a perfectionist had all sorts of benefits—it's gotten Mitchell admitted to the Wolfpack, after all. Punctuality, however, was not one of those benefits. Hearing Alpha over the intercom had prompted the Brit to at the very least get up from his seat and scan his closet for appropriate clothing. Throwing on an arbitrary combination of a long-sleeved shirt and pants, he left his room and began his stroll over towards the briefing room. Potentially a factor in Mitchell's slowness was the current state of the Wolfpack. Of course, its members understood the struggle of idling around all day too well. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't felt discouraged over the last few weeks due to the lack of field work. But, that mindset was practically asking for disappointment, something Mitchell had tried to hammer in his head. Especially now with the prospect of getting some good news, Mitchell found it in him to pick up the pace.

Much to nobody's surprise, the majority of the Wolfpack had already gathered in the room by the time he had arrived. Closing the door behind him, as he entered, he gave a minuscule nod towards the others. Morning," he greeted, though he knew better than to expect an overly positive response. Regardless, he slipped into a seat and awaited further instruction. Fingers crossed.
Briefing Room
"Good, we got everyone. Now, we got a new op!" Alex bellowed. He stepped up to the front of the room with a map of the AO behind him. "So here's what we got. Marines in Al Jabir have run into heavy resistance from artillery inside the city. We tried getting air support in there but there are SAM sites in the city as well. Our job is to get into the city, destroy the two power plants supplying the SAMs, and plant strobes on any artillery pieces we run into. I will be taking Gelure and Shadow. Hoax, you got Bear and Falcon. We will be heading out in 3 hours for an aircraft carrier just off the coast, from there we will get on separate helos and parachute into the AO, then proceed to target. The equipment shipment we are getting will have all we need. You have three hours to get warmed up and something to eat. More info will follow. Now get going" Alpha instructed. He waved everyone out of the room as he looked back over his plans.

(Sorry for the delay)
Mendaian Mendaian Tasteless Tasteless JustWhipIt JustWhipIt Datbrony Datbrony r e i r e i
Frostbite wanted to ask what he would be doing, as he normally stayed out of the chaos of the missions, and instead set up a long distance away from it, picking off key targets. He cut himself off mid word, as it was clear to him that Alex didn't want any backlash.
Wolfpack Command at Richmond,VA​

Callie "Shadow" Kingson

Callie was thinking when Hoax walked in, and when he spoke her codename. She nodded to him in respect. She didn't exactly hate or like her comrades. It was neutral for her since she has only been in the wolfpack for a year and a half. She hasn't really talked all that much since she was assigned to the wolfpack. She was interrupted with her thoughts as Alpha walked in. She nodded in acknowledgment to him and his words. She winces as Alpha yelled over the intercom. Right as he did, the only other girl in the wolfpack Bear showed up. She was calm as usually. Which doesn't surprise her, as Bear is an excellent soldier probably trained to not show any emotion.

Callie went off into her mind as the rest of the wolfpack walked into the briefing room. When all of the pack was in the room. Alpha started to speak, going over the mission, She smirked because it was gonna be a sab mission meaning her skills would be needed but frowned soon after because with a sab mission, there are little to no action at all. You get in there and you get out. She nodded when the Alpha finished explaining the mission. She will be with him this mission. Must be important for me to be on his team this mission. She stood up and walked out of the briefing room going to her quarters to take shower and get her uniform ready.​

Dita "Bear"
She silently listened to Alpha briefing the mission, her dark gaze set firmly on him as he spoke. Once he finished the briefing and dismissed them, she stood up slowly. She watches as Callie exits the room, and she walks out behind her.
Bear walks down the corridor, taking a few lefts and rights before she arrives at her quarters. She furrows her brow slightly, when she noticed a rather large man leaning against the wall by her door. Her mind flickers with the warnings her mother and father gave her to be cautious, and she felt her stomach tingle when she noticed the corridor she was in was empty. She approaches the door, and felt his gaze turn onto her. She kept a straight face, until she reached for the handle and felt his hand on her shoulder. "
Hey, Bear right?" He asks, and she keeps her gaze on her door. "Get your hand off of me, please." She says softly, her mind racing. The man exhales heavily, "oh please huh? I like being called sir more." He growls like a hungry animal "Come on. A litter interaction won't harm you." He finishes, pulling her away from the door slightly. "If you want to keep that hand, get it off of me." She growls, her gaze still set on the door. "Feisty little bitch-" He begins threateningly, yet is caught off guard when Bear grabs his wrist firmly, and yanks him onto his knees. She wraps his arm behind his back, one hand on the back of his neck, pushing his face downward. Her other hand forcing his hand between his shoulder blades. The man groans and yelps, yet the more he struggles the higher she pushes. "I told you to get your hand off of me, brute." She snaps, straining his arm enough to nearly break. The man wails in agony, struggling to breathe due to the pain.
Finally, Bear shoves the man forward, releasing him to fall onto the ground. He pants and squirms, gripping his shoulder as he pulls himself away from Bear. "
You crazy bitch!" He spits, "I'll be sure your commander hears about this." He threatens, yet it falls on deaf ears.
Bear lunges for him, and he flinches, bringing up his hand to protect his face. She smirks, before turning to enter her quarters, proud of herself for defending herself.
Alpha:Briefing Room
Alex smiled as he watched what went down between Bear and the armory manager. Jared had always been a little playful with the ladies. "You earned that one Jared" Alpha said as he laughed. It was a funny thing to watch when a big guy like Jared gets taken down by a girl. He walked up to Jared and helped him off the floor. "Did you see that? She attacked me!" Jared said. Alex smiled. "Jared, we both know how that went down. Remember the last time you tried that and you got a taser pulled on you?" he said. Jared stuttered a few words before storming out the door cause he knew it was true. Alpha stuck his head out the door in the direction of Bear and made a "tsst" sound. He put a thumb up and waited for her to turn around.
Tasteless Tasteless Mendaian Mendaian Datbrony Datbrony r e i r e i JustWhipIt JustWhipIt

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