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Fantasy Runespark:: character page



The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Thanks for getting this far, the CS below is the bare minimum I'd like you to fill out but feel free to add whatever you feel is needed. Everyone's character was born or has lived in the land called Slate. The major City is called Dunwel but your right to make up/name villages or towns.
If you are a Runeborn that means before the age of four you were subject to a ritual that allow you to naturally use magic due to your heart being replaced with a Rune.
You can choose what rune you want,
red = Fire
purple = poison
Go like that or ask questions on the check or in a PM
Please only post character sheets here.
If I get time today I shall post my character as a example
(easy right?)

(all runeborn are close in age, at most three or four years apart so 18 to 22. Anyone else can be whatever)

(please provide a picture and brief explanation. Things one can notice easy. Hair colour height etc)

(At the age of seven or eight you were taken to Dunwel to train with runes and combat. List what your character had interest for or if they are talented. Archery, fire, electricity, swords etc etc get creative)

(No one is perfect, and if it's stuff like "doesn't get on well with others" prepare to not get on well with OTHERS. As in every OTHER character hate your guts off the bat)

Brief backstory:
(You don't have to go crazy here, at the minimum say "moved to Dunwel at age eight and was trained by master suchansuch to use....)

(If you choose to make a Runeborn character label what rune replaced your heart. I'd rather everyone have something different but I won't FORCE that rule. I'll just imply it'd be much better if we was all different)
Name: Lalo Teep

Age: 22

Somewhat short at 5ft8
Brown eyes that have been compared to a dead fish
Messy hair, a rare colour of grey/white

Lalo enjoys boomerangs and archery, He is pretty accurate.
Trained swordsman, prefers hand to hand or a smaller blade.
Adept with three kinds of runes. Shadows, poison, fire.
Sneaky sort.
Deceptively strong

Lalo isn't terribly smart.
Way to confident in himself.
Night terrors when sleeping unless drunk or worse.
Jealous of people taller then him, and handsome people, and rich people, and normal people and....
Sarcastic jaded and mean at most times.
Notable white hair. White/grey hair is easy to spot in a crowd and easy to remember when giving details about a criminal. "The person had white hair!" Narrows the search in most locations fairly easy.

Brief backstory:
Lalo was raised in a small farming village, his father Lelo knew the boy would one day be taken so he did little to teach Lalo about growing crops and living off the land. Lalo spent the majority of his time hunting and practicing all that involves. Moving quietly, a steady hand and accurate aim. By the time Lalo was escorted to Dunwel he could kill a large wolf with a boomerang from twenty feet away. With a bow and the right wind conditions the distance could be doubled. Since early days in Lalo's youth he would have nightmares. Lelo would often feed Lalo certain berries or let him drink/eat things with certain properties to them.

Lalo has trouble sleeping unless under the influence of something. While training in Dunwel he would often stay awake all night because he wasn't allowed anything and couldn't forage the berries he had grown so fond of. When finally falling asleep he was usually to exhausted to wake up or make to much noise. Lalo spent his time awake practicing his aim or learning about Runes. His master Ains Don was particularly great with purple runes and red runes. Under his tutelage Lalo learned all he could about poison and fire, Ains sometimes having to beat and burn the lesson into him. Despite the beatings Ains was rather impressed and proud of the dumbass boy who barely felt pain. That pride turned to disgust as Lalo grew old enough to drink. Ains realised he spent so much of his dying years teaching a dumb addict how to murder.

Hopefully he doesn't doom the rest of the runeborn with his antics.

Runeborn: A black rune formed in place of Lalo's heart. Allowing the boy to manipulate shadows and darkness.
Ethrin Hendaire

Age: 20

Stands at 5 feet and 6 inches.
Black hear, blue eyes, pale complexion.
Physically lean.

Exceptional use of ice-based magic, his innate abilities.
Respectable use of fire-based, electric-based, and water-based magic, utilized through runes.
Repeated bouts of illness resulted in the necessity for Ethrin to learn about potions and medicines. As such, he knows quite a lot about them.
Has a gifted level of intelligence, but is not a genius.

Low Strength, meaning he would lose any test of physical strength.
Low Endurance, and could not take much damage.
Low Stamina, resulting in extended physical efforts exhausting him quickly.
Compromised immunity, meaning Ethrin catches illnesses much more easily than anyone else would normally.

Brief backstory:

Ethrin comes from a small town to the North of Slate, born into an aristocratic family, the third child. Given that Ethrin's father already the acchieved the required 'heir and a spare', there was not much room for Ethrin in the family's future. When the Runemasters appealed for children to be turned into Runeborn, Ethrin was given in tribute at the tender age of two, and the Runemasters took care of Ethrin and began teaching him rudamentary magic until he became old enough to undergo the ritual.

The transformation into Runeborn was successful, but not without its consequences. For Ethrin, the process had been hard on his body, weakening him physically and even damaging his natural abilities to resist and fight disease. Despite these shortcomings, Ethrin proved to possess an exceptional talent for magic, and so the Runemasters kept Ethrin to train him themselves. Ethrin spent most of his years with Master Fornen, a master of ice-based magic, but Ethrin would also be taken to other Runemasters to be taught other forms of magic. The Runemasters also provided Ethrin with instruction in the use of potions and medicines, to help him deal with his ailing health, which included potions that could augment his physical limitations for short amounts of time.

Though Ethrin knows that his poor health is not his fault, he still felt shame for it. He has tried to exercise and improve his health throughout his life, and though small improvements have been acchieved, none of it is anywhere near enough to make him physically capable by his own personal strength. This frustrates him terribly, and he hates his reliance on potions.

Light-Blue Rune, gifting him with ice abilities.

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