Rune of Singular Hate and the Death lords...


Ten Thousand Club
IF (and I know this may be a pretty huge assumption) a rune of singular hate is used on a Deathlord... would it work?

Secondly... perhaps more importantly if it worked would his malfean master be able to "repair him" Via Endowment.
If they don't have a method to stop it, I don't see why not. The spell doesn't specify any immunity for such. Their masters likely would be able to repair them, similarly, a practitioner of Citrine Poxes of Contagion could allow them to buy each damaged trait back at a cost of 1 xp for each dot...just like any other being affected by such. Of course, nothing prevents you from granting Deathlords such protection.

Note however that it's been mentioned that Deathlords can summon Third Circle Demons. It is possible they might have such a being around who is capable of Adamant Countermagic.
I need a way to dispose of the mask of winters for a game im running Where im wanting a "happy ending" (Ok go ahead and retch and tell me cliche happy endings are bad for exalted)
Do you mean "happy ending" as in "happy ending massage"? Because, according to your hypothetical DB game, you roll like that.
Throw the bastard into the Well of the Void. That should do the trick. ;) Of course, Rune of Singular Hate is likely to make this much easier. Or you could kick his Deathlord ass and then forge him into a Soulsteel weapon or armor. I'm sure anyone would love to own a Royal Warstrider named Mask of Winters. Maybe even keep his consciousness around as its AI...if sufficiently enslaved.

No one said the heroes of Creation were nice.
Flagg said:
Do you mean "happy ending" as in "happy ending massage"? Because, according to your hypothetical DB game, you roll like that.
That made me laugh louder than I wished...
FluffySquirrel said:
Actually, people are saying that all the time... it's usually said by the heroes themselves. They're often -very- convincing, whether it's true or not.
And people wonder why I'm fond of Integrity and various forms of Perfect Mental Defense. The need for such is one of the signs that many such aren't particullarly nice...though they may be needed against even those that are...sometimes.
or best of all just tohught of make him swear an eclipse caste sanctified oath to "Leave Creation for a millenia "

of course you KNOW what this is implying will HAPPEN in a millenia.
Is that going to be in human years or dog years?
human years.

hmmn... He might also make a good Thing to help make a N/A abyssal Desmense out of... do you think?

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