

Senior Member

When you arrive at ANCHR, it will be by plane flight. You will be staying there, and your family will receive monthly pay for their... Cooperation. During your stay in ANCHR you will not only be subject to varying physical tests, but you will also endure mental and emotional tests that push your powers and will to the limit.

Character Skeleton

Appearance| (Would prefer real pictures, but Anime is fine)



Age| (10-18)


Restriction| (All powers come with some disadvantage.)



@Ethreal Oatmeal


My Character

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.64481360af755b4cce50271afa09f7da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.64481360af755b4cce50271afa09f7da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Emmie Greenbrier






Emmie has the ability to create illusions that affect sight, scent, hearing and touch. This includes altering her identity so that her voice is altered as well.


She is very weak in controlling this power, and it often causes more harm than good. Because of this, she has a difficult time differentiating what is real and what is not.


Emmie has a permanent air of nonchalance, seeming always happy and cheery. She often acts much younger than her age, singing many nursery rhymes and loving anything cute.




The Face of ANCHR

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.420304a403dae9b5aeb17a0a0aab17a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17549" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.420304a403dae9b5aeb17a0a0aab17a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



"Pleased to meet you. I'm Dr. Michaels. Andrew Michaels."








"ANCHR was my grandfathers company for fifteen years, and now it is everything I live for. These kids are the key to making our nation truly unstoppable, the possibilities will simply be endless."




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(Sorry, just easier to find anime stuff xD )

Name| Ryan Lors

Nickname| Ry

Age| (10+) 17

Power| Ability to use the wind and mold it. From shooting cyclones to blades of wind. He's debated trying to fly, but doesn't want to risk it.

Restriction| (All powers come with some disadvantage.) Can't stand being underground

Bio/Personality| Ryan is a friendly person most of the time, but he has a hard time controlling his power and it is easy for him to lose it in a fight. He hates when this happens and tends to try to avoid it. Sometimes he'll have to stop fighting, but more often then not he just starts shaking. After the fight he'll apologize and feel miserable that he couldn't control it, and if he put someone in danger that doesn't help much either. He's loyal to his friends and won't abandon them though.

Other| Slight firearms training, but he's never killed anyone.
Name | David Green.

Age | 12.

Power | Seer.

David can, at times, see flickers of people's past or possible future. He doesn't know what triggers his power and he considers it a curse rather than a gift. Moreover, he doesn't always know if he is seeing a past event or a future one. His visions aren't necessarily directly clear as the past or future of a given individual might also be presented to him through an array of symbols. His visions are very surreal and dream like. Though useful, he's often deeply scared by the things he witnesses through his power and has detached himself more and more from other people to avoid 'timeseeing' them.

Restriction | David is rather afraid of his own capabilities and lacks any sense of control when they are triggered. The longer he resides in anyone's past or future, the less he'll remember about himself and others. His visions are merely shards and are rarely crystal clear.

Appearance |


Bio | David did just fine in school until his power came up. Not only did it severely distract him, it also affected his ability to learn and remember causing his grades to decline, however slowly, and having his parents and teachers worry over him. Even though everyone in his family has to work hard to pay the rent, bills, taxes and food, David is very happy at home and his patents are tremendously supportive of him whenever they're not working. They truly wish the best for him and do everything in their power to help him. However, since two months they've been unable to control his weird outbursts and reclusive behaviour. The day his accident happened was the day a community worker with a degree in psychology was trying to assess his issue and help him...
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Name|Holly Knowls

Nickname| Trigger Lilly

Age| 15

Power| she is a changeling.

Restriction| she can only change into people or animals that she has seen before

Bio/Personality|Holly Knowls is always getting in trouble. she loves sneaking out, she loves partying and she loves being dramatic. she makes friends and enemies quite easily. her parents knew she was a trouble child but they had no idea about her power. when they found out they were fiercely protective but holly ended up walking out the door arm and arm with the ANCHR agent.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/6a00e54fb7301c8834013487f79bbe970c.jpg.ede8b81517a5fefed1b2a68c2d968fb0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17564" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/6a00e54fb7301c8834013487f79bbe970c.jpg.ede8b81517a5fefed1b2a68c2d968fb0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ryker Cunningham


"Ry" - To some of his close friends.




Electricity Manipulation. Ryker is basically a superconductor. He has the ability to absorb high levels of electricity and store it for later use. "Using" the stored energy is through redirecting it. Ryker also has the ability to increase or decrease the voltage at which he releases it. Regardless of how he received it. From a small static shock, to a full on lightning bolt.


His control is extremely sensitive to his emotional level. He has never actually released a bolt of lightning from being angry or anything, but he generally gains an invisible field of static that surrounds his body. Depending on the intensity of the emotion, it can become larger and more powerful. He also has to avoid water as much as possible. Mainly because he never knows how much electricity he has stored up at any given time. He has no way of measuring it.


Ryker had a very basic childhood growing up. Never actually being aware of his abilities until he went through puberty. Probably the biggest emotional rollercoaster ride anyone will have in their life. Ryker has short circuited libraries, arcades, restaurants, and even his entire school building at one point. The strange happenings seemed to follow him wherever he went. Regardless of where his family moved. He just assumed it was coincidence.

It wasn't until he was 17, that his parents told him that he had control over any bit of electricity that had contact with his body. They originally noticed it when he was a baby, small static fields that surrounded him whenever he cried. Ryker was slightly upset that they hadn't told him earlier so he could have perfected his ability, but they had just wanted it to go away if he never used it.

Ryker decided he would take this time now to learn how to control his abilities. After a year he had successfully been able to focus the electricity into a bolt of lightning. However, he still had no way of aiming the path it chose once it left his hand. Much like natural lightning, it was unpredictable. It would get to whatever he was aiming at, he just had no control over how it got from Point A to Point B.

A few months ago though, Ryker actually sent an entire city into black-out. This was significant enough that it attracted the attention of A.N.C.H.R. and they came to take him away. He debated shutting the plane down on the flight to the facility, but he decided against it.


Ryker has "Starburst" shaped scars at the base of his palm from where the lightning bolts escape from his body. Only because that is the only place he has tried focusing the energy from. He has no idea if he can release it from other places on his body.


Updates to the character will be logged here:

:Base Ability:

Electricity Manipulation

Applications learned-

Static Field Generation= Minimal Control

Lightning Generation/Manipulation= Moderate Control
Emmie: [undecided]

Ryan: [undecided]

David: [undecided]

Thalia: [Recognizes her]

Ravena: [undecided. Finds her slightly smarter than the rest, however]



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Name: Ariana Smith

Nickname: Ari, Ana, Annie

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Power: Telekinesis (Ability to move things with mind)

Restrictions: Unable to move things over 35 lb, and some things out of sight. Also, after using her power she has headaches and the more she used her power the worse it is.

Personality: Shy, smart, timid, fragile. She's easily scared and rather sensitive, but occasionally she will try to hurt people or turn into a ball of rage.



Her dress reaches below her knees. Also, she is either barefoot or wearing white sandals.

Bio/other: She looks very young and fragile for her age. Also, she's very lithe and nimble.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/49fb72e89ea9f8cb222f9c8bb8a18be4.jpg.0fe31e1ca226168477b4422d44ecddf4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/49fb72e89ea9f8cb222f9c8bb8a18be4.jpg.0fe31e1ca226168477b4422d44ecddf4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name| Thalia Jackwood

Nickname| Thal

Age| 17

Power| Pyrokinesis, the ability to make and use fire at will.

Restriction| Making fire isn't the same as using fire. It takes more energy, and tires her out quickly. Also, just because she can use it, doesn't mean it can't burn her. If she doesn't focus enough, it can get out of control and go crazy.

Bio| She was home-schooled. Grew up with two brothers, her parents, and a really grumpy cat. She discovered she had powers when she was 15 after accidentally setting the lawn on fire. In the rain. The ANCHR agent showed up at her house not long after, offering her penny-pinching parents a hefty sum, and took her away.

Personality| Hard working, reckless, sweet. Strong willpower. Loves anything funny, and would probably kill someone if she wasn't allowed to listen to music.

Other| She has various burn marks and scars all over her from accidentally burning herself.



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Is this still open to join~? ? 

((@W a s t e ; You're going to join, right? I can lend you some realistic pictures. I'm sure it'd be more fun if you contributed, as well~?))

R a v e n a

R o s e

~ ? ~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Beauty.jpg.4e121fc336cfec5f8c001f0e980717c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17651" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Beauty.jpg.4e121fc336cfec5f8c001f0e980717c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"John Smith. Duh."

Her name is Ravena Rose.


"Why do you need to know, exactly?"

Some refer to her as Raven, but some call her by her last name, Rose.


"I'm not 40, if that's what you're thinking."

She's currently the young and beautiful age of sixteen.


"I don't know whether it's a blessing or a curse..."

Ravena has a very unique ability. It doesn't have a particular name, but some refer to her as a "Push & Pull". What this means is that she can affect people's memories and emotions. She can make people remember things that may or may not actually be true, hence the "Push" quality, while she can also erase and take away someone's memories, which is where the "Pull" comes into play.


"Ah, the quirks of this so-called 'gift'. Fantastic."

If Ravena pushes or pulls someone's memories and emotions too much, altering too many details in the process, it can overwhelm her incredibly. From getting nosebleeds to fainting to even losing some of her own recent memories; there are some bad side-effects to using this skill of hers. Still, it's not like she wants to use it often, anyways. However, it appears A.N.C.H.R. has other plans for her.


"So, you want to know a little more about me, huh?"

[{ Stubborn :| : Compassionate :|: Sarcastic :|: Blunt :| : Softhearted }]

Ravena is the only child in a small family of three. Her parents were never the wealthiest of people, but their home was always filled with light and laughter regardless. Sure, Ravena may not of had all the latest gadgets or the trendiest clothes, but she was happy when she was around her parents. She was raised to be a kind, gentle, and caring girl, and that's exactly what the little Ravena was. She was the sweetest and cutest thing you could have laid your eyes on, in all honesty. Everything was fine and dandy in her childhood; it was almost perfect. However, as everyone knows, things can't remain all rainbows and butterflies forever.

As soon as Ravena realized that she had powers, which happened when she made her middle school bully start liking her, she had a dreadful feeling that things weren't going to be the same anymore. However, she had fun with it in the beginning. She tested it on a few people who didn't like her by messing with their emotions towards her and pushing in memories of happy times of them together. At first, she thought it was a nice and pleasant gift to have. However, the more she did it, the more nosebleeds and dizzy spells fell upon her. She didn't like that fact, and puzzling questions began to come from concerned parents and staff.

Ravena's parents were shocked at this sudden news.
Their daughter, being some... Emotion and memory manipulating monster?

That was when the dreadful feeling became more than just intuition. Her parents began arguing about what to do with Ravena. They began taking her to whatever psychologists and psychiatrists they could afford, claiming that their daughter must have something wrong with her brain or something. However, every single time, they told her parents that she was just like any other ordinary child. It frustrated her parents to the point of arguing with one another, debating on who was the worse parent. As if that wasn't bad enough, Ravena caught her mother calling her a monster once while fighting with her father a few days before her "accident".

That's what made her snap.

With tears flowing down her face, Ravena left her house and entered the busy streets. She was in the middle of a crowd filled with people going out to dinner, getting off of work, heading to work, and more, when all of a sudden... She just screamed. She felt the waves of energy flowing out of her, and immediately her mind went blank. The last thing she remembered was falling to the floor, and then waking up in a hospital bed the following day. An officer from A.N.C.H.R. was the first person she saw, and you can guess that was anything but pleasant. He filled her in on the chaos she caused, but she didn't believe it at first.

Why? Well.. She couldn't remember.

However, it still happened, nonetheless. After that scream and producing those violent waves of power, anyone who was in range--which just to happened to be no less than one hundred people--had their memory completely wiped. A.N.C.H.R. cleaned up the mess and had all of those innocents put into rehab like facilities, trying to help them regain whatever Ravena accidentally pulled out. Though she tried apologizing over and over, she had no choice in what was going to happen to her now. Her parents accepted A.N.C.H.R.'s offer with open arms, which completely broke Ravena's heart. Now, she's not the innocent little girl from her childhood.

She won't let these guys use her like some tool.

They're going to have to earn it.


"You sure seem to enjoy asking a lot of questions."

The key to knowing when Ravena is using her powers is to look into her eyes. If her pupils are insanely dilated, then the "pushing and pulling" is in session. Another less important detail is the fact that Ravena has quite the voice. It may not effect people as strongly as her power, but her voice is nothing less than angelic. It has it's own hypnotizing quality to it.

((Get the "Push" movie reference? ;D))



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Name: Inia Tate

Nickname: Fire

Age: 17

Power: Gravity Manipulation

Restriction: Powers are very draining unless touching her twin

Personality: Headstrong and reckless, Inia often acts before she thinks, letting her heart rule her head and not thinking about consequences, short term or long term. She can be aggressive and explosive with quite a temper on her, it’s her twin that’s the calm one, not her, after all. If Inia thinks something, she’ll say it and doesn’t really cushion her blows at all. But at the end of the day, if anyone tries anything with her twin, they better watch out.

Bio: Born as a twin with her brother Colt, it was a surprise they were two, not one. They’re parents had expected one kid, not two and so they didn’t even know if they could keep them. But they did and tried their best but the twins were always only just surviving in their lives, grateful for each other and developing a strong bond through survival. When they turned twelve, the twins discovered their powers while their parents were fighting over money after they ended up stood on the ceiling, yelling at their parents. Over the years they developed their powers, discovering that combined, they were pretty strong to say the least, although there are still things for them to learn and work out.

They were discovered by ANCHR when the twins got into a fight with some rather nasty people in a multi-storey car park and put all the cars on the ceiling by accident after Inia managed to get a bit too angry and lost control. When the representatives came for her, Colt, not about to let his sister disappear on her own, gave himself up with her.

Name: Colt Tate

Nickname: ice

Age: 17

Power: Gravity Manipulation

Restriction: weaker when not in touch with his sister, it also drains more energy then.

Personality: like Inia is fierce and energic, Colt is calm and with control. Colt rarely is one to lose control. He tends to stay near his sister, protective of her. Like she is blunt and agressive, he is a sweettalker and determined in a different way. He'll easily lie, especially to save his sister, and he can by many, be considered manipulative.

Bio: Born as a twin with his sister Inia, It was a suprise they were two and not one. They’re parents had expected one kid, not two and so they didn’t even know if they could keep them. But they did and tried their best but the twins were always only just surviving in their lives, grateful for each other and developing a strong bond through survival. When they turned twelve, the twins discovered their powers while their parents were fighting over money after they ended up stood on the ceiling, yelling at their parents. Over the years they developed their powers, discovering that combined, they were pretty strong to say the least, although there are still things for them to learn and work out.

They were discovered by ANCHR when the twins got into a fight with some rather nasty people in a multi-storey car park and put all the cars on the ceiling by accident after Inia managed to get a bit too angry and lost control. When the representatives came for her, Colt, not about to let his sister disappear on her own, gave himself up with her.

Other: enjoys reading, loves roses.
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* Lily *





Lily Logan






Ability to control the weather


As she discovered she had the power only a month ago, she doesn't have much control over it and she doesn't use it much in fear of hurting someone.


Silly, funny, Isn't very shy as she had many friends at her school before she moved to another state, friendly, social, brave; she isn't afraid of anything and isn't afraid to do or try new things.


Is an only child so her parents spoiled her a little bit. She dyed her hair to stand out from the crowd and 'show off' her power even though no one knew she had it except she and her mom. Her mom doesn't approve of her power and is honestly scared of her a little. Although Lily doesn't know of this. She was discovered by A.N.C.H.R when she made it snow in only half of the town. That day was a snow day.
about 149 cm tall

Name| Elisa Crawford

Nickname| Flowers, Elisa, Fordy

Age| 18

Power| Earth - She can make small cracks in the earth, and make plants grow or die at her will. Can also manipulate plants after her wish.

Restriction| Has to touch either the ground near the plant, or the plant itself with bare skin to have any affect.

Personality| Elisa is: Shy, naîve, innocent, easily manipulated, faithful, friendly, kind, giving.

Bio| It all started an early morning during the spring. A woman was rushed to the hospital, with a stabwound in her gut, almost having hit the child she carried. 4 weeks too early. 4 weeks before she was supposed to be born. The bills increased and increased, the mother having to work double shifts from she was released from the hospital, and until her daughters gifts were discovered by the A.N.C.H.R.

Elisa spent her first years alive living day to day, never with enough food, never getting enough care from her mother, never enough of anything. Still she found hope in every little thing, everything from how the roses bloomed every spring, to how the leaves fell in the fall, to how the fishes jumped out of the water in the summer to how the first snow felt on the tongue, falling from the sky.

It was never easy to take the faith from the young girl. Even though she was bullied as a child, she never became harsh back, all she became was more shy, more scared of talking to new people, and eventually, she shut off from everyone around herself, except for to little children and old humans who needed help. Her mother too of course she helped.

As she grew up, it was noticed how she had green fingers, the flowers always blooming to their full extend in the house, and their little vegetable garden having fresh and tastful vegetables every fall. It was like a natural talent she had ever since she was a child. No one ever noticed how she spoke to the plants, or how they spoke to her, that if she touched them, it was like there was a connection, like she gave her life to it, and it gave its life to her. A mutal exchange.

It all changed though.

One day, she was going through the forest, when a group of others from her school met her there, and they saw their chance to really show the girl where she belonged. Below anyone else. She was weird, no one could be that small without being sick.

They continued to push her between themself, making the girl more and more upset for each second that passed. Eventually, they pushed her so hard she fell between two of the other children, her hands landing on the ground and then it happened....

The ground started to open up under them, and they ran away, but someone else appeared in their place, bringing her home to her mother. those people were from A.N.C.H.R.

Since then everything went in a blur for the young girl.

Days became nights and nights became days, where she was asked about everything, even things she could not answer.

Then, she was placed on a plane, and sent away to a place far away from the one person she trusted.

Other| Elisa is vegan. She's a hopeless romantic, though she's never been in a relationship. Talks in her sleep.

Name| Senna Davi

Nickname| Sen

Age| 15

Power| Vibration Manipulation

The ability to control the vibration of molecules of everything from a small pen to the wall of a building. Can be used to create a concussive force. Her power is strongest wen touching an object.

Restriction| Since Senna is still new to her powers she doesn't have a lot of control. Her ability fluctuate with her emotions the more panicked or upset she is the more power is generated. Prolonged use is mentally and physically taxing. If not used carefully the vibration force can reverberate through her own body causing internal damage such as breaking bones.

Bio/Personality|Senna is a fairly with drawn girl, she likes to draw and read preferring the fantasy world over the real one. She is socially awkward not really knowing hot to converse with others past answering questions Only time she can really converse normaly is when discussing books. She'd tried to change this with school however has made little progress. Senna hates conflict and will try her best to avoid it as much as possible even if it means submitting to someone else.

Senna grew up in a very dysfunctional family. Her parents often fought, mostly about money. Neither of them were very supportive and often put her in the middle of their fights. She learned to cope by shutting herself in her room and focus on books even if it was the same book she'd read 100 times before she would prefer that reality than her own. Senna noticed something was off about her self however she didn't know what it was. She would be able to touch glass and cause it to vibrate enough to produce sound, few times she shattered the glass completely. She could do the same with other things but never really explored it. When ever she would get up set she notice things around her starting to vibrate, even the walls so much so it would knock items off shelves.

She kept thing bottled up not really telling her parents anything. She hid what she could do for fear of being different. This went on until one day she had reached her breaking point while being dragged into another one of her parents fights. As her emotions boiled over she lost control of her abilities causing part of the house to cave in, injuring both of her parents. Senna Felt extremely guilty about the incident so when someone from an orginization called ANCHR approached her offing her a way to help control her abilities she didn't hesitate to accept.
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(P.s thanks crystalline for telling me nicely I was in the wrong tab)

Name| Carla lex. symphony

Nickname| Lexi or the cockatiel

Age| (10-18) 16

Power| power of voice/sound she can control,mimick, Make, and delete sounds..its powerful but not overly powerful

Restriction| (All powers come with some disadvantage.) if she hears way to much noises she can go insane

Bio/Personality| she is very nice and very friendly and loves to run she loves to journey and a bit of a hopeless romantic, she blushes easily and is always thinks of what is going on, she smiles a lot but it's never a true smile, she loves to hide and hates crowds and playboys, she is stubborn and a smarty pants when she wants to be, she loves to sing and jumps to conclusion pretty quick.

She was raised in a forest her parents died from a forest fire when she was 6 but that wasn't the bad part, she lived and practically was a animal one day when she was 16 she heard a giant roar causing all the animals to begin to die, her luck

She had something covering her ears but because of her hearing her ears began to bleed but she didn't notice till she woke up 2 hours later and there were police all around she checked he head and felt dry blood on her ear, it wasn't a whole lot just enough to make you pass out without die'ing

Other| she always has a chain wrapped around her waist, her magic gives her a perfect sense of hearing

"She can over power someone's brain with noise which can make them go insane.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.dd0bf2031c9aad1975a114a73d96c1d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17794" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.dd0bf2031c9aad1975a114a73d96c1d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name| Hyata nanami

Nickname| Flower

Age| 10

Power| Plant-life (More specifically anything that has or grows vines)

Restriction| She has no control over her powers and she is weakened severely when used because of how young she is

Bio/Personality| Hyata is a bouncy and very giggly child having been loved by both her parents though she did not have a dad but instead two mom's, so she was made fun of a lot but that never damped her spirits. Until one day she had been playing with some other kids in the woods near her house, when one of them told the others to hide and when she noticed they were gone and it was rapidly getting dark that is when the other children jumped out and scared her. Which made near by vines lift from the ground. They strangled the other children and when her parents and the other parents found out, they were devastated, shocked and heart broken at the same time, Hyata did not remember what happened next beside being jabbed in the arm with something sharp then everything went black. She woke up sitting on a plane seat with a man dressed in a black suit, he told her that she was going to A.N.C.H.R and she had no choice but to accept this, she has been there for about a day.

Other| Since she is a bit young, she has not been trained as harshly as the others and is being trained to become a field medic.
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@Wishtobeawolf though it isn't my call to accept or reject character sheets, I would think that nature is too vague of a power. Then a piece of friendly advice regarding the bio you wrote, google 'run-on sentences', there's a reason for the comma and the full stop to exist, I recommend you use them as it is very hard to read a sentence that just goes on and on...just a piece of advice there ;)

Moreover, the game has only be running for one or two in-game days so she can't, as far as I know, have been there for two weeks already.

Name| Candice Jane Everlight

Nickname| Loo

Age| 16

Power| Adaptive Memory

Restriction| Can't learn how to use other powers. The more she learns the more she forgets about her past.

Bio/Personality| Loo is sweet, that is her ultimate weakness. She loves others and those around her so much she would roll over onto a grenade if it would save someone she just met. Thats why she doesn't talk, she doesn't listen, she doesn't give anyone 'the time of day'. She immediately rejects friendship out of fear of getting hurt or hurting someone else. Loo was abandoned as a baby and sent to an orphanage where she lived until they sent her into foster care for 'dukeing it out' with another child. She has never been one to just sit there and watch while someone gets hurt, especially one of her friends. She acts on impulse and once she loses it, it's hard to get her to snap back into reality. Her natural fire to act upon impulse causes her to lose sight of reality sometimes and have sudden mental break downs, and when she has sudden mental breakdowns, get away, they can last from a range of minutes, to hours, to days, just depends on how pent up she is. Loo has always refused to talk to anyone who has abilities or wants to know about her abilities, she fears that as soon as she accepts it as reality she will lose herself, and everything she has worked to become.

Other| Adaptive memory allows her to learn skills just by seeing it. She can learn all things from languages to wrestling moves within the blink of an eye.
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Macaberz was correct in saying that your power was too vague, but I think it would be good for you if your character controlled all vegetation rather than just vines. What are the chances of conveniently finding a vine in every battle lol? Otherwise, accepted


Name| Corin Mitchell Hayes

Nickname| Corin, Rin(few are allowed to call her that)

Age| 15 (her birthday is a few weeks from when she is recruited, and will turn 16 at the A.N.C.H.R. facility)

Power| Time/Speed Manipulation; She can slow down, speed up, or stop things ("things" is general because it refers to time as well as other "things," such as body processes and functions, etc...) for everyone around her, or source it to one person while everyone else remains in-time. She cannot go back, try as she might.

Restriction| She doesn't have much experience with her ability, and sometimes she can't bring things back to speed right away after freezing or slowing time, leaving her stranded in a world she's too fast for until she can find a way to fix it. This sometimes makes it appear as if she is moving with super speed if time is has been slowed, but she is not.

Bio/Personality| Corin grew up in a relatively poor family, with a mother unhappy with the life she married into, and a father that worked all day as a contractor to make enough money to try and appease his vain wife. They made enough to always be able to pay for their home, but they never lived a lavish lifestyle or had an excess of anything. Corin was always a daddy's girl, but when she was nine he had an accident at work and died a few days later in the hospital from irreparable damage.

The day he died was the first time she had an episode. She doesn't remember much about it, other than that as the monitor next to her father went from slow beeps to one continuous keening sound her breathing increased to the point of rapid hyperventilation and yet her heartbeat nearly stopped, and the lack of oxygen circulating resulting from this caused her to collapse, where the doctor's that came to try and resuscitate her father found her on the floor. She wasn't waking up and appeared to be seizing, so they sent her off for an emergency brain scan once the seizing stopped, and found that her brain was sending electrical impulses randomly at a much faster speed than they should, causing misfires in her head that easily could have killed her.

The doctor's diagnosed her as epileptic, because they couldn't think of anything else that made sense, and thought it best she get a service dog to help warn of any future "fits," as they called them. She and her mother went to a facility that trained all kinds of service dogs and after a week of extensive interviews and personality tests, she was paired with a dog, a male German Shepherd she named Cronus.

After her husband's death, Corin's mother grew more distant than before, becoming cold and hard to her only daughter and neglecting the few motherly duties she did previously. Short of buying food and taking Corin and Cronus to school (both of which she stopped once she deemed Corin old enough), she left Corin to raise herself and Cronus as best as she could.

Up until she was recruited by A.N.C.H.R., Cronus was Corin's closest and only companion. She never talks about why or how she was recruited, but she wears a black dog collar that reads CRONUS on it adjusted to fit around her neck. Corin never takes it off, and when asked about it she doesn't say anything, just grows quiet and melancholy.

Other| Has a soft spot for dogs. She would gladly save one over a human.
Appearance| (Would prefer real pictures, but Anime is fine)


Name|Adam Sift

Nickname|Atom Shift

Age| (10-18) 17

Power|Changes/manipulates atoms

Restriction| (All powers come with some disadvantage.) Cannot stay solid.

Bio/Personality|Smart, adam demonstrates a massive disdain for those who are not as smart as him. He was discovered in a colledge, where he accidentally warped a room into crystal, and turned into a gas (nitrogen). He had been having similar problems everywhere, but he was kept secret and few even knew he existed.

Other|He hates it when things are messy, and is extremely uncomfortable to public displays of affection.
((I noticed this still allows for sign-ups, but it looks like it's been quite some time since the last app. I'll submit my idea anyway and catch up on the RP just in case I am allowed in!))



Name| Darren DeLuca

Nickname| Dare

Age| (10-18) 17

Power| Conjuration – the ability to conjure objects at will.

Restriction| Can only conjure an object for a certain amount of time, and only small, hand-held, inanimate objects.

Bio/Personality| Ryan is a procrastinator with a perfectionist air. If he can’t get the job done well, he just can’t seem to motivate himself. He struggles with anxiety during the time he tries to do a task that doesn’t come easy to him which ultimately results in him shutting down and quitting. He plays it off coolly, giving him the appearance of a lazy ass who gets by with a B average in school. With friends he’s warm and kind-hearted, but with people he doesn’t know he’s abrasive and skeptical. He has trust issues, which makes his friendships important to him. He’ll never use the word “friend” lightly.

Other| He oddly likes to skateboard. It was a struggle that didn’t come easy to him, but before he could quit his first friend helped him overcome it. He won’t try anything crazy, but he can do a few tricks. He's very defensive if people compare that struggle with everything else he gives up on.
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