
Blue Puppy

Junior Member

Name: Natasha Ryan Stone

Nickname: Natty

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance::

Identification Marks: Belly button piercing, upper ear pierced

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black


Getting to know you::

Personality: Natasha is a very sweet and light-hearted girl. She is almost always upbeat and bubbly, very easy to be around. She loves to laugh, She'd rather do that than cry. She has a hard time expressing her emotions and will often push them down. So, with all her emotions building up, when she breaks down, she breaks down hard. It's not to often that she does, but it could just be the tiniest thing that sets her off. She doesn't get mad easily. When people TRY to make her mad, she finds it funny. It's when people don't even mean to do it that really gets her.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Family: No one

History: She grew up in a single parent home. One day, she told her dad that she was bisexual. He kicked her out the second he heard. She's been having to steal her food, he rob a couple stores of their money... at night when no one was inside of course. One day when wandering the streets, she went down this alley way and came across this abandoned house. When she inspected it, she found that it was still in rather good shape, a few very need repairs here and there, but it was livable and much to large for only herself. That's when she got the idea for a safe-house for other kids like her.



Name: Christy Grey

Nickname: Chris

Age: 11

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance::

Identification Marks: None

Eye Color:

Hair Color: Blonde


Getting to know you::

Personality: Christy doesn't like to be around anyone. She much rather run around finding new hideouts, places to be alone. She loves to write and read, and the quiet always helps. When she is not reading or writing she's walking along the river near the safe-house. Christy just loves the sound of moving water, in fact most of her hangouts are near water.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Family: None

History: Christy has always been a thief. She just loves doing it, it's fun for her. She ran away from home cause she wanted to be away from her parents and her loves of stealing made her very good at it, so food and money was never a problem for her.

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Spot holder! :o  


Name: Brenden Felix O'Brian

Nickname: Bren

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance::

Identification Marks: Snake Bites, dream catcher on neck(tattoo: done), tree on back(tattoo: half way done)


Eye Color: Left, bright green. Right, bright blue.


Hair Color: Blonde and brown

Getting to know you::

Personality: Brenden is a optimistic kid. He is a glass half full of whiskey type of person. After everything he has been through he cant look down on life. He is just too damn happy. His mother use to say that when he walks into a room it lights up. He is a bright light in the dark world that we all live in. He will cheer you up even if he feels down himself. On the other hand, Bren is a straight forward person. He is a lover and a fighter. He will break your nose if he has to. No if, ands, or buts. Even though he is so light hearted he suffers from anxiety, bi polar issues, and OCD. He tries to not say anything but its hard to hide his major anxiety issues.

Sexual Orientation: Straight


  • Mother: 38-deceased
  • Father: 44-deceased
  • Sister: 20-deceased
  • Sister: 14-unknown
  • Brother: 5-unknown

History: Brenden was raised in a very hippy like home. His parents were free spirited and didnt rally care what he did. That lead him to drugs, smoking, drinking and fire. At 15 years old, Bren was trying to burn some pictures he had in a bowl in his room. That lead to the house catching fire and only him, his younger sister and his younger brother getting out. He was bad with the law already, getting caught with alcohol and drugs at 13, so he left his sister and brother on the curb and left. He has been living off the streets for 2 years now, trying to keep himself from himself. He would have been charged with Arson, theft, substance abuse, and underage drinking.

Other: Odd eyed cat who he calls Joker(cat is female)


He smokes and drinks. He got off the drugs.

Name: Nicholas Dansmon

Nickname: Nick

Age:1 7

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance::

Identification Marks: Lip piercing, tattoos along back

Eye Color: Light Blue

Hair Color:Blond


Getting to know you::

Personality: Has multi-personality disorder. (Once revealed, I will update it here. So check back here and there!)

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Family: No one, that he wants to remember.


Nick is a person who doesn't fit his face, or the bad-ass attitude he gives off. He is extremely protective and cares deeply but doesn't like showing it. Like every other guy his age, Nicholas likes to be chill and not nerdy. But this doesn't tie into what he does at night. He is a kleptomaniac, a squirrel among others. The boy likes collecting a lot of valuable, or things that will increase in value, and hordes them in his pockets of his long line of random jackets. Nick moved out of the house when his disorder got worse and wanted to start anew. And this is where he met Natty.

He has a complicated relationship with this girl. Flings, and awkward moments. He cares for her but his disorder keeps at her a distance since he can change in a snap. But Nat understands him more than the others, as well as vise-versa.

Other: (Will be adding later!~)
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Bailey Reed




identification marks: tattoo on her forearm, one inch gauges in her ears.

eye color: Brown

Hair color: Blonde


Personality: Bailey is a quiet and sensitive girl. She likes to spend her time alone, as its all she is use to. She is polite and friendly when you

take time to get to know her, but has a bad temper if you make her mad. she doesn't have a lot of friends and doesn't really bother to try and make any.

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Family: She is an orphan, but has a little brother out in the world somewhere. Her goal is to one day find him.

History: Being an orphan, with no other family to look after her, she grew up in foster care. Moving from home to home until she was 13 when she met a group of kids who were always getting into trouble. They formed their little gang and broke into schools at night, stole from stores, drank and smoked. They did it all. The crime she s running from is the killing of a young boy. The boys in her gang decided to fight, and took it a little to far. Although she didn't take part she had witnessed it, and when the boy was laying on conscious with blood dripping from everywhere, they ran and she hasn't stopped since.





Phoenix March


Phee (fee)





~Physical Appearance~


Identification Marks:

Lips piercing, ear piercings (three on lobs, cartilage - Helix and scaffold-, and tragus), & tattoes


Bird- on her right shoulder. Arm: Fideli Certa Merces "To the faithful there is reward". and the blossoms on the left side. (Very illegal since she is under age.)

Eye Color:

Navy Blue

Hair Color:




~Getting to know you~


She's independent and proud. She hates it when people look at her with pity, she thinks it's belittling and that she doesn't need it. She's also very rash most of the time, speaking her mind and is usually very stubborn. This makes her hard to deal with sometimes.

She is very compassionate though, she hates mistreatment. When you earn her respect and trust she becomes a loyal friend that would go to the ends of the earth to back you up.

Sexual Orientation:





She was orphaned at a young age for unknown reasons. She's not sure if her parents gave her up or if they died but she was placed in the foster system since she was four. This has made things tough but she's gotten by. She was passed around from one family to another when she was young. However on her fourteen birthday she escaped the foster system and set out on her own. She's been living alone since then, making due on whatever she can come by.


She has a pet hedgehog.

She understands that it's strange but when she saw the little guy stranded on the side of the road she couldn't just leave him there.



I shall reserve another spot for a character I'll bring in later on. Hope you don't mind ^.^

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Name: John L. Steele

Nickname: Sometimes goes by "Lee" which is his middle name.

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance::

Identification Marks: A scar on his right arm and a tattoo over his chest.

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Looks: Above

Getting to know you::

Personality: While generally trying to be friendly with others sometimes he prefers to be alone. Never likes to talk about his past or his family and if someone pokes around it too long he'll snap. Though short-tempered on somethings he doesn't really doesn't mean to hurt anyone.

Sexual Orientation:Straight


Father: In jail. Doesn't like to talk about him or how he ended up in there.

Mother: Deceased

Has no siblings(or at least no that he knows of).

History: Growing up with his dad being a workaholic John spent most of his time with his mom whom he was really close too. His parents tended to get in arguments a lot and it didn't help that his dad would be drunk most of those times. When he was 11 argument between his parents ended badly when his dad struck her mom with an glass bottle in the head ended her with her dying. It started due to John accidentally breaking something of his dad's and he didn't take it well(it ended up getting John's scar). With his mom gone and his dad arrested over it John spent his time wandering the streets. He did have a couple of foster places but he couldn't take it and often ran. He was pretty good thief stealing from small stores,restaurants and pickpocketing random people. During time on the street he heard about the safe house for runaways and decided on using it as a down place(beats sleeping in abandoned places).

Other: None at the moment.

Name: Sarah Elisabeth

Nickname: Bethy

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance::


Identification Marks:

Scars all over her body from various beatings.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Looks: Above

Getting to know you::


Sarah is very friendly when she gets to know you. However, she will go through periods of time where she is very closed off and prefers to be alone. She doesn't like to be touched by anyone and tends to clam up around people she just met.

Sexual Orientation: straight


Mother (dead)

Father (dead)


Sarah grew up physically abused by both parents. Many times she would end up in the hospital, but no one ever believed her because she was the daughter of two very famous politicians. When she was 12 she was forced to lie in a bathtub full of ice while boiling water was poured onto her stomach. She finally had enough and poisoned her parents morning coffee. She's been on the run ever since.


A black and white boy cat named Boots.


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