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Realistic or Modern runaway teens? A witch? Oh my!-- Characters


Reiia silver

Queen of romance!
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[anime only]

βœžβ˜ π’©π’Άπ“‚π‘’β˜ οΈŽβœž
Rachel Walker

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βœžβ˜ π’Ÿπ’Ύπ“ˆπ“π’Ύπ“€π‘’π“ˆβ˜ οΈŽβœž
her father
overly dark places
being misunderstood

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goal orientated
easily angered

βœžβ˜ π’·π’Ύπ‘œβ˜ οΈŽβœž
Rachel comes from a very difficult household, she had an old brother who was pretty much the person that her parents wished she would be. Her mother died when she was rather young still, causing her father to turn to substances to help him get through everything. Then things only took a turn for the worse when her brother suddenly died, he went through a downward spiral and was pretty abusive. One day she just could not take it anymore, without a word she slipped into the night and was going to attempt to make it on her own. This would prove to be rather difficult, because she was not an adult yet and not very many people would probably hire a 16-year-old. Nevertheless, anything in her mind was better than staying at her house anymore.
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Name: Olivia "Liv" Prentiss

Age: 16

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Mysteries, Reading, Justice

Dislikes: Injustice, Lies

Personality traits: Trusts her Instincts, Never gives up, Lack of Empathy, Vindictive, Doesn't show her emotions

Bio: She's the daughter of a P.I. that died in an accident, her father raised her to be a regular kid but that wasn't in her plans. As soon as she got the chance she started to unveil the secrets of her city, even helped the police to solve some cases. This eventually resulted in the discovery that her mother had actually died while following a lead from one of her cases, in some weird town, under suspicious circumstances. She runned away from home looking for answers on how and who killed her.
Name: Mark Hamlin

Age: 16

Sexuality: Heterosexual

- Bugs and entomology
- Drawing
- Fantasy books

- Overly long conversation
- Not knowing
- Bullies

Personality Traits:
- A thinker; always curious about what ifs and maybes
- Doesn't speak unless spoken to, but very talkative, especially when passionate about something
- Calm and calculating, but always smiling in a good mood
- Bad habit of not showing signs of stress in the moment, but taking out anger and stress out on others later on

Mark grew up as a mostly normal kid, had two loving parents and an older sister, as well as a few friends. At a young age, he took an interest in bugs, which creeped out some of his elementary school classmates, but at least gave him a career path he would soon pursue. Going into middle school would change that though. Due to his unpopular fascination with bugs and already being a rather quiet person made him a pretty easy target for bullies. A few years of this would lead to him becoming more distant and even resentful, both with his friends and his family while slowly being eaten away by the regular verbal and even physical abuse. He hoped that it would all end after leaving middle school, but it would only get worse as he entered his first year of high school.

One night on his way home after staying late at school for some research, the same bullies just so happen to be outside the school, loitering and being typical delinquents. Unfortunately, Mark was not in a good mood that day and was very tired, both physically and mentally, so when they began to do their same abusive acts, Mark deemed today would be the end of it. After what seemed like endless torture from the same guys, years of pent up rage was suddenly unleashed as he picked up the nearest steel rod and proceeded to beat the small gang of four to death. Blood and brain smeared the cement, four bodies laid dead, and a relieved freshman was now panicking at the crime committed by his own hand. As it was night time, there were no witnesses as far as he knew, but Mark knew this wouldn't end well if left like this. He dug a hole for the bodies and proceeded to run away on his bike, not saying goodbye to anyone or even taking much with him except what was on him while at school.

Not really sure where to go, he just kept riding and riding through the night until he found something or someone that could help, constantly wondering if the people he left behind will be alright and preparing for the worst case scenario where the police are after him.
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Guitar.jpgName: Victoria (Tori) Jones

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

  • Guitar/Music in general
  • Rain
  • Warm drinks (Tea, coffee, etc.)
  • People who take life too seriously
  • Decisions being made for her
  • Waking up early

Personality Traits:
  • Laidback/easy-going
  • Optimistic
  • Major procrastinator
  • Tends to brush important issues off

Tori came from a fairly well-off family. In most people’s eyes, she didn’t have much to complain about. Her parents were kind enough. She had a nice house. She really didn’t struggle in school. Yet, she was always unhappy. Her parents were both lawyers and she was expected to follow their footsteps. Or at the very least, if she didn’t want to go a legal route, she could go into the medical field. Either way, it was expected of her to graduate from some esteemed university and make a name for herself. Well, of course, she wanted to make a name for herself! Just not by being something as boring as an attorney. She would just die if she had to sit at a desk in some stuffy outfit all day! Instead, her passion lied with music. First, it was the piano when she was 6. After she got older, Tori was able to pick up the guitar and instantly fell in love.

One night, she confessed to her parents that she wanted to tour the world as a musician. They argued that she would β€œnever be able to make money that way” and if she went that route, she was destined for failure. Wouldn’t it be so much easier to use her parents’ connections to ensure herself a cushy job? She knew there was no convincing them and so, with little more than a couple of changes of clothes and the acoustic guitar on her back, she ran. She didn’t need her parents’ wealth or connections. She would show them! Determined to support herself using her musical talent, she searched for a new life.
Name: Jonathan Carswell
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: Tinkering, old cars, nature, exploring.
Dislikes: Bullies, cruelty to animals, Not knowing things
Personality traits: Kindhearted, Empathetic, Nosy, Prone to rushing in.

Bio: From a young age, Jonathan had always thought he'd been born in the wrong century. While other kids played video games, Jonathan was tinkering, and reading maps. Having studied history, Jonathan was well aware of the unkindness and tyranny of the world, and was moved to treat everyone with kindness, and get to know them before judging. This can lead to awkwardness, as Jonathan tends to ask personal questions, even of people he had just met. Jonathan had always wanted to be like the explorers in his books, and so one day when he felt he was ready, he set off into the world to seek out the sights he'd only seen in his book, and to earn his fortune like the great explorers before him.
Name: Lysander Green
Age: 16
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: Cooking, Eating, helping out around the house.
Dislikes: Working out, dieting, people who call him fat
Personality traits: Bubbly, warm, easily bossed around, slow thinking

Bio: Lysander Green is used to being self reliant. Orphaned at a young age, he was sent to live with his grandmother. She taught him how to cook, and how to clean, and soon he was running the household. She worked him hard, but Lysander never minded. It allowed him to work on his one true love: Food. Lysander's favorite thing to do is to spend all day in the kitchen, working on more and more complicated dishes. After the death of his grandmother, Lysander found himself homeless. These days he roams around looking for a purpose, and a place to show off his cooking skills.

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