

Panda Hero

Introduction Runa a hybrid between a dragon and an elf. She resembles both her lineages and thus is hunted by certain groups. She has yet to gain her wings and is not sure she ever will but is still hopeful. She has issues being primerily cold blooded she has to keep her body warm in order for it to function her father was hunted and killed her mother then abandoned her so her social skills are not very good.


Name: Runa

Age: 25

Race: Dragon human hybrid

Gender: Female

  • Personality

    Runa is a mistrusting girl, she rather avoid humans except when she is working. She became a mercenary at the age 20. She is valued for her stealth and speed. Runa can be very aggressive if provoked or threatened. She doesn't talk much choosing to speak draken rather then any form of common most cant understand her anyway. Runa is half Dragon, Her father having fallen in love with a beautiful elven maiden had used a human like form to court and ultimately marry the elf, their daughter coming out looking dragon like spooked the maid and made her alert the hunters of a dragon in guise. Dieing of the hunters arrows and a broken heart the dragon's last words were to his daughter. "may all my power be yours as I pass... Runa," The mother out of obligation raised the little girl till she could walk and potentially fend for herself then abandoned her in the mountains. Runa who was saddened by her abandonment almost ied in the days that followed. She was taken in by a traveling hedge witch and nursed to health taught to hunt and gather however the hedge witch was old passing of age soon after saving Runa. Runa again left on her own decied she would o all she could to live, her fathers blood running strong in her. She learned how to make weapons to hunt useing bones and rocks and how to make a fire to maintain her heat better at night. When she was found by a group of bandits they attacked and she ha killed them her talent catching the eye of mercenaries who adopted her as one of them


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