Rules and Combat


Florian Society Member

Detail- As the tags suggest, this will be a very detailed RP. I expect good writing, and lots of it. If you are unable to write well, have little experience, or are lacking thereof, you are not welcome here. I'm not an elitist, I just want everyone that's committed to this RP to have a good time, and for its players to increase in their writing skills every day.

Post Length- AT MINIMUM I would like two good chunks worth of paragraphs per post. We're making a story here, not a chatroom. As with detail, if you are unable to meet the minimum requirements, you are not welcome here. EXCEPTIONS: if we come across a lengthy dialouge scene, or a boss fight where you become stun locked, this rule may be pardoned.

Conduct- All roleplayers are expected to be respectful and non-judgemental of others until given reason to be so. If you walk in with an attitude, I will throw you out on your ass with that attitude.


The combat system is based off of your stats, and stats of enemies found on the Wikia link in the RP quickbar.

Dodging- Dodging shall be done with a die roll of 20 faces, and a modifier from your endurance stat. If your roll is higher than a third of the enemies soul value (again, found on the wikia) you have sucessfully dodged.

Blocking- Blocking requires no die roll, however when blocking, your stamina regeneration is halved. For each blow your block absorbs, you loose the equivalent of the damage as stamina. If you have no stamina left, your block will be broken and you will be staggered.  

Attacking- Attacking requires no roll, however the damage that is done is determined by a multitude of factors determining stats, weapons, and scaling, something far too complicated to explain here, so I will refer you to the wikia.

                 Two-Handed Attacks: Attacking with two hands multiplies your characters strength by 1.5 times. Thus, they'll deal more damage. However, while two handing a weapon, you may not block, nor parry.

Taking Damage- Any damage taken is removed from your health bar, which is determined by your vitality, after armor is considered. Once your health reaches zero, you die.

Death- Upon death, players are removed from play temporarily, and are not able to interact or react to anything until: A) All players die, or B) Anyone rests at a bonfire. Players loose all souls and/or humanity, which can be picked up by other people via bloodstain, upon which the souls will be returned to the owner.

Bonfires- When all players rest at a bonfire, all respawnable enemies will respawn. Individuals may rest at a bonfire without this happening. When resting at a bonfire, all health and stamina is recovered, estrus flasks are replenished, and players may acess a multitude of options, also found on the wikia.

Souls- Souls are the currency of the game. For times sake, all soul values of consumable items and enemies will be doubled to speed up gameplay and prevent the need for grinding. This does not affect the roll required for dodging. All souls from fallen enemies will be granted to all players simultaneously.

Loot- Loot collected will be given to all players simultaneously except for severed tail weapons, unique weapons, and weapons looted from static corpses. For each enemy killed, a 100 sided die will be rolled for each respective loot item. Loot values depend on the item, and the item type. For each failed roll, a modifier of the drop chance will be added to the next.

         Unique Weapons: In the case of a severed tail weapon or uniqe weapon dropping from a boss, the character who severed the tail or struck the final blow to the boss will recieve the weapon. In case of a weapon being looted from a static corpse, the player who looted the weapon will recieve the weapon. 
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