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Futuristic RUIN



(Put the Main Image of your character here)










Gear or Equipment

Main Location


Survival Techniques


(As I put these up here, I expect you to be able to gauge the right amount of Abilities and Weaknesses. Along with an Over Powered Story and blah blah blah. If I have to point out that your character is Overrated or Overpowered then you will redo the whole character. If this happens a second time you cannot Join the RP)​
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Name: Zelina "Buzz Saw" Xervia


Gender: Female

Age: 26


Ambidextrous, Demolitions, Drone Repair, Science, medicine.


Draws attention, stealth, bad with fuses, not good with weapons, not a fighter.




Friendly, Quick tempered, bad mouth.

Secrets: Has started to develop psyonic powers from experiments in Haven Labs.

Gear or Equipment:

Zelina's laser pistol is a powerful close ranged weapon. It's capable of cutting through most armour with ease. Although it is a powerful weapon Zelina dislikes using due to the fact that it is hard to find/charge batteries for it.


Zelina has three sentinel drones. Sentinels are equiped with laser weapons, and an advanced sensor suite. Zelina's sentinels are her main, and in all honesty only defence in the wasteland. Even with her shields, if Zelina didn't have her Sentinels she would of died on her own.


Zelina's hardlight shield is a unique, and one of a kind peice of technology. It creates a grid of light particles around her body, which concentrate at points of impact to protect Zelina's body. The hardlight shield is nearly inpenetrable, the hardlight grid is another story due to the fact that the grid has a limited power source it can only protect a portion of Zelina's body, and is prone to overloading.

Main Location: Nomad

Story: Zelina was a researcher in Haven Labs before the leviathan hit. She was lucky, and barely survived as the lab collapsed around her. As she was escaping she raided an armoury, and found some advanced tech. Now she wanders the wastes looking for anwsers.

Survival Techniques: Zelina tends to survive by having her military grade drones provide her heavy fire support in combat. She also likes to use traps to catch enemies, and animals.

Password: Leviathan

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Name: Gwen Lia

Alias: Striker

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Abilities: Incredible aim, Tactile Camoflauge (Invisibility)

Weaknesses: Close range attacks. Becomeing visible


Personality: Mysterious, Silent, Friendly

Secrets: Gwen would rather to be with someone although she is such a loner

Gear or Equipment: Bow and Arrows

Main Location: Bank safe in america

Story: Gwen had been a loner since childhood, sort of good when all humanity has gone to hell. No one to care for, no one to care for her, No one in her life. She survives by her own wits and she makes her own story. of course, being alone for that long can cause some insanity at points, even in the strongest of people. Gwen has left almost no trace of her being in an area except for a certain marking she leaves at places of her interest.

Survival Techniques: Stealth, being alone



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.1f8a52c762b8845ce6e3aae54b595e75.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70231" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.1f8a52c762b8845ce6e3aae54b595e75.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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(I'll probably change this)

Gregory 'Grey' Cricket

" I must keep moving, or stair death in the face."

Alias: The Wraith

Gender: Male

Age: 20


Dead eyed

Master swordsman



Loner mentality

Rash decision making




Gregory, He prefers Grey, could be described as mysterious. Gregory prefers to wander what's left of the world alone. Although he does travel alone this isn't due to him being cold or arrogant.to Gregory having a group just means more people he must protect.

Gregory is actually a rather kind person. He prefers to help those he finds on his travels as best he can. Although he helps people Gregory Never travels with others for long (anymore), Nor does he speak often. Gregory lives by a very strict code, only killing when absolutely necessary.


Gregory tends to hunt for old libraries and book stores, in hopes of finding readable material.

Grey's Code

There is no Darkness or Light.

Good can not exists without Evil.

Yet Evil must not be allowed to thrive.

I will due what I must to survive

The Wraith

The name of "Wraith" is truly a brand. Gregory was given this name by survivors who have heard of the misfortune it is said he brings. At one time Gregory traveled with others.

He would work with others to survive in this harsh world. Although over time each group Gregory joined slowly deteriorated. Friends and families turned against each other until all that was left was Gregory. After realizing that no matter what he did, those who he befriended would die or simply vanish.

And now The Wraith wanders alone, hoping to one day find peace.


Gear & Equipment:

Colt Python

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.423f8daf690fa0397ba22a6931a8da59.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70230" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.423f8daf690fa0397ba22a6931a8da59.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gregory carries his father's old revolver, it's his preferred ranged weapon.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.fee10eb0a05c66ba298a60b1d69e859e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.fee10eb0a05c66ba298a60b1d69e859e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gregory stumbled across this Short Katana. He learned how to use it via several books he found.

Recurve Bow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.2db5b1b0dbbc480365c036a9badef41c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70229" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.2db5b1b0dbbc480365c036a9badef41c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gregory uses his bow mostly for hunting. He much prefers firearms.

Main Location


Grey doesn't call anywhere home.



The sun was high in the sky, the air was warm, and not a cloud in the sky. A nice day in a not so nice world.

The hunt was coming to a close. Gregory had been tracking a lone deer since early morning. His efforts where about to pay off. The skittish animal had leaped into a clearing between several buildings.

'Calm mind, Calm Body' His bow was drawn. His arrow nocked. The bow string tightened.

'3…2…1…' A noise echoed through the abandoned city. The deer's head rose swiftly and it scampered away just as the arrow past by.

' Gunfire…' Gregory stood from his crouched position, placing his bow across his back.

Raiders were approaching, The deer was gone, But at least it was a nice day.

Survival Techniques:

  • Travels alone
  • Never stays in one place
  • Travels mostly at Dusk and Dawn






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Kane Small








Cloak, Artificial Arm (Helps with hacking and increases strength in that arm), Close Quarters Combat


Long Range Combat, Thermal sensors, a little to dependent


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c41fa1310_scoutarmor.jpg.29714b5c772a1b62dff2c9df9638e294.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c41fa1310_scoutarmor.jpg.29714b5c772a1b62dff2c9df9638e294.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Quiet, Can be like a Older brother type, Friendly to people he doesn't see as a threat.


Doesn't have any one to talk with and would love to have one of these so called 'Family's'

Gear or Equipment




Main Location

Dosent stay in one unless he has to


Able was born lonely in this world his parents abandoned him in a street alley to fend for himself. After that a man took him in he was a Mercenary and a master thief, after taking in Able the man taught him everything he could before the day of Leviathan came which took away everything from him including his left arm and hand.

Survival Techniques

Loner, Stealth, enhanced strength






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Name: Nina Rockwell

Alias: Snipe

Gender: Female

Age: (just turned) Twenty-one

Appearance: Green eyes, light brown hair, Olive skin, 5'6", lean/muscular


Abilities: Good stamina and agility, main weapon is a sniper rifle, rarely misses her target.

Weaknesses: Any type of sweets (food), hand-to-hand combat, restlessness, being outnumbered.

Personality: Comes off as rude and intimidating since she rarely shows any emotion. Doesn't really like opening up to people/ gives a cold shoulder. If she does, she's a very loyal friend and will stand up to what she thinks is right. She's blunt, and isn't afraid to show it.

Secrets: Secrets are secrets... She refuses to talk about them, and plans to keep it that way.

Gear/Equipment: Sniper rifle, small throwing knives, dog tags, extra rounds.

Main Location: Started in Atlanta, but is now a roamer, and doesn't have a main location.

Storyline: She couldn't even save her little sister. Nina was with her sister, Page at the time when leviathan hit. It wasn't long before they got separated from the mass of people attempting to evacuate the area. By the time everyone was gone, her sister was nowhere to be found. Nina searched and finally spotted a small boot hidden under the rubble of a fallen building. Searching the area, Nina found her sister's limp body inside of the building in a small wardrobe that was laying face first. She was crushed by the collapsed ceiling and suffocated. Now, Nina walks alone with the determination to stay alive and push forward. To rise up and keep the human race going and reclaim earth as it should be.

Survival Techniques: Travels around pickpocketing, Nina doesn't stay in one place for a long period of time, she usually travels at night and is unseen by anyone. nobody really knows her and she doesn't get too attached in case of another attack.

Password: Leviathan

[QUOTE="Revan The Courier]When will we start?

You can start once you're accepted.
[QUOTE="Revan The Courier]When will we start?

As Joker said, You may start when you are accepted. For that I need some form of back story.
Name: Gavin Richards

Alias: Wanderer

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Abilities: Skilled Marksmanship, Expert Driver, Skilled Gunsmith, Skilled Engineer, Basic First Aid

Weaknesses: Lacking in People Skills, Detached from Others, Cynical, His Dog



Personality: Gavin is a quiet man, preferring to act rather than speak. To most he just is a gruff man that ignores most people and brings a dog around with him wherever he goes. When he does speak, Gavin has a light Irish accent and a rather deep voice. His rare conversations with people tend to be blunt and to the point rather than long and friendly. He is rather awkward with his words when he tries to talk for extended periods. While he is usually melancholic, he has a sarcastic sense of humor that occasionally shows through his normally aloof attitude.

Secrets: Most of Gavin's past can be considered a secret. The death of a two family members in particular have cut very deeply into his heart.

Gear or Equipment:

Laser Pistol


He always carries around a laser pistol as a sidearm.

Chiappa Rhino 50DS


One of Gavin's personal favorites, an alternative to his laser pistol. The Rhino is hidden under his jacket rather than holstered on his leg.

Sawed-Off Shotgun


Gavin's custom built shotgun that can take both plasma cartridges and pellet shells, making it a very versatile weapon. It's stored in a holster on his right leg.

Nebula Assault Rifle


A rare N.A.R that Gavin acquired during his time in the military. It's extremely customizable and has a built in silencer. The gun is built primarily for solid bullets, and can fire 'laser pulse' ammunition.

Combat Knife

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-21_14-33-12.jpeg.b1ea60f23874bdae4abf949379774061.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="70365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-21_14-33-12.jpeg.b1ea60f23874bdae4abf949379774061.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A simple combat knife that Gavin keeps in his boot.

Fenrir (Fen)


Gavin's former military partner and pet.

Main Location: Nomadic

Story: Before the Leviathan occurred, Gavin was a normal man with a wife and a daughter on the way. He had married at the age of 19 to his high school sweetheart, who loved deeply. A year after their daughter was born, Gavin enlisted in the Irish Defense Force and began his training as a soldier. During this time, he was partnered with a puppy, 'Fen', and was trained to become a K9 handler. The two were noted for their uncanny cooperation and incredible skill during training exercises, and were recruited by the Army Rangers Wing soon after joining the military. They went through Ranger school together and graduated, moving into the field when Gavin was 21. He served with the military for over 2 more years, until the Leviathan hit. After rushing home, he discovered that his wife and daughter had been killed in their home due to its collapse. After days of morning, he returned to the military and was assigned to be a part of US relief effort. After discovering the state of the US and the rest of the world, Gavin's unit disbanded, leaving him and his last ally to roam the wasteland that the US had become.

Survival Techniques: Rarely Interacts with Others, Never Stays in One Place, Uses Fen to Guard

Password: Leviathan




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One things, the rifle being able to fire plasma projectiles

It's not possible with any sci fi plasma weapon mechanics, or theoretical mechanics I have ever read about.
[QUOTE="Revan The Courier]One things, the rifle being able to fire plasma projectiles
It's not possible with any sci fi plasma weapon mechanics, or theoretical mechanics I have ever read about.

Hmm, Depends. If the Gun Magnetizes the Plasma as it fires it then it can be a lone projectile.
Not true.

If it is a ballistic weapon the heat generated by the plasma bolt would cause severe damage to the rifle. While if it is a plan.a weapon a balisitic round would explode in the chamber due to the mechanism.
[QUOTE="Revan The Courier]Before he starts posting can I explain?

By All means, please do so if it bothers you. I cut him slack because I saw a way it was possible. However please keep all chat in the OCC Tab.


Name: Connor Swift

Alias: The Hunter

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Abilities: Overly Perceptive and Observant

Weaknesses: Loved Ones

Appearance: Black Clothing, Such as Dark Jeans, Hood Black Jacket, Etc.

Personality: Shy, but will go great distances for those loved by him

Secrets: His Past and what happened to his family

Gear: Same as what was listed in Appearance, throwing knives, Military Enhanced Bow (Enhanced Scope, Piercing Arrows, Enhanced Power for longer distance shots and more powerful close range shots), and a Glock 18.

Main Location: Travels Around

Storyline: Survived the Leviathin, and so did the rest of his family, but later his family was burned to death in a fire, started by a group of Raiders passing through. Now Connor is abandoned, but is able to survive on his own. It has been 3 months since his family died. Connor set out the night of the fire, running wildly trying to get away. He did escape, but he is still scared from the tragic event.

Survival Techniques: Uses his Military Enhanced Bow (MEB) to take down the lesser mutated animals who are edible. Can make fires, but rarely uses them because they attract attention. Has Deadly Aim to take out the majority of Predators.

Password: Leviathin​



Francis Bolotnikov.








High stamina and extreme endurance. Hand-to-hand combat skill is high. Over time, has developed an ability to swallow emotions completely and do whatever is needed to survive, leaving him with immense courage to do almost whatever he needs to do.


Impulsive, Hot temper, cannot travel at high speeds while on foot. He's too large to really hide, so has no other choice but to dive into a fight head first. Reckless at times and a little self destructive. He's only had a year to learn how to use his weapon, as he's never handled anything like it before. Because of this, his skill with it is considerably low but slowly improving with practice.



Stands at about 6'6'' with a muscular, athletic build. Eyes are a dull blue-grey, brows often the only way of expression upon his face. Managed to scavenge an old Army camp and has put the defensive clothing to good use, although, can occasionally be caught in cargo shorts and a white sleeveless shirt if the weather is hot outside.


Gruff and often apathetic. Resourceful, courageous, introverted. Kind-hearted to those he cares about (although he can't get himself to care for others these days) and prone to nostalgia. Questionably depressed, but doesn't often show it in obvious ways. Protective, quick to lose his temper, and an insomniac.

Gear or Equipment



Main Location



Francis was a fairly successful business man before everything went down, owning a sports gear line after a lifetime of being athletic. He was raised on boxing and hockey. He had a wife, a young son and a large house. Marriage was failing due to several affairs he'd gotten entangled in. Travelling for business, he was away from his home town of Boston when the Leviathan struck. He managed to find shelter with a taxi driver he'd become fairly familiar with, and when safe to return outside, he stopped at nothing to try and contact his family, but after long distance communication became hopeless, he'd realized the fear of returning to Boston only not to find his family alive and well. He's travelled far and wide, but has always avoided Boston out of fear although the closure of his return has potential to do him well.

Survival Techniques

Mostly scavenging, avoidance of areas prone to threats. His hand-to-hand combat skill comes in handy from time to time, and he's not hesitant to use it when coming across strangers. Avoids staying in any place for too long.



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