Other Rude Customer Stories


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So I don't know if anybody else has already posted a thread like this, but I work at the deli at grocery store close to where I live and I was wondering if anybody here has ever encountered a rude customer? I've already been working at this deli for at least three years now and let me tell you during all that time I have encountered more than a few rude customer from time to time. I'll start this thread off with a story of my own.

This happened maybe a few months ago and it was pretty damn annoying! So I had this customer come up wanting some catfish strips. So I proceed to get him what I thought was the biggest and crispiest looking one. But nope apparently that one was not good enough. So, I'm like okay and I then proceed to get him the next best looking one. But no still not good enough. I kid you not I end up going through every single one of those catfish strips with him saying no to all of them. Finally, I go, 'Well that was the last one. You didn't like any of them. Do you need me to go see if any fresh ones are coming out soon?"

Thankfully one of my coworkers overhearing this came to my rescue. While the man was pretty short and rude to me he was all nice and friendly to her. And do you want to know which catfish strip she ended up getting for him that he thought was the best looking one? You'll never guess it. That's right the very first one that I was going to give him. I kid you not my eyes were twitching away and I was just mentally facepalming. I couldn't stand it! I regret not calling him out on it!

But after he had left I turned to my coworker and told her, "thanks for the save, buuuut I swear that was the same catfish I was originally trying to give him that he refused and called garbage." She couldn't believe it either! So apparently in this guy's mind the catfish strip I originally offered him became magically better just because my coworker was getting it for him.

So my fellow retail workers what stories of jerky customers do you bring to me or just work related pet peeves in general? Also how do you personally deal with jerks? Do you call them out on their rude behavior, do you just ignore them entirely, or do you ask someone else like a manager to deal with them instead?
I had another rude customer encounter that happened a little more recently. This older woman who might have been somewhere in between her sixties to seventies with her grandkids came in acting super entitled. At first she had me give each of her grandkids a potato wedge (she had like 4 grand kids with her) then she started to act like she knew which things she could sample and made it seem like she wanted me to give each of her grand kids a free piece of chicken; which of course I could not do. Those pieces cost two dollars a piece. I can't just give them away. I would get in trouble. So I try to explain that to her then she gets all red in the face and screamed at me and even proceeded to cuss at me in front of her grand kids who were all very little and impressionable.

I asked her to calm down and to stop acting like that in front of her grand kids only to be told to shut up; that it wasn't my place to tell her what to do. I was about to bring over my manager for help when she declared that she wasn't going to buy anything from the deli because she was already spending a lot of money on other stuff. I was just like, "lady, at this point I really don't care because I refuse to serve you anymore. If you want anything in the deli you will have to ask one of my coworkers because I'm not helping you anymore!" I then walked off with her still screaming her head off at me. I wanted to give her the finger, but didn't mainly because her grand kids were watching. I felt super bad for her grand kids who were all well behaved since their grandmother was acting like a total entitled bitch in front of everyone. If I were them I'd be so embarrassed!

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