RSS Feed!


I think this is the first time a major change to the auto-updater script worked flawlessly the first time :)
Heh, auto-updater scripts are fun, aren't they? I cobbled together my own, but I was fortunate to get most of it working fairly easily (no features really, you use scp to upload files).

But, any chance of getting the image in the RSS feed too?
I suppose I can do that.

The only problem is that at each update, the "old" comic gets moved to the "archive" and thus any links to it will be broken.
Oh, I didn't realize your comic image url moved. Is there a way of having it already in the archive, then put that image link into the RSS?
The image url itself doesn't move. What he means is that if you link to the page, it changes.
Ah, I see, koc0050.htm doesn't exist until the rollover code. Well, could you make the archive page as you update instead of on the next update? That way, the URL is consistent for RSS or people wanting to link to some awesome joke the day it comes out? :)

I don't always get to the RSS feed on Friday (I don't play on computers over the weekend that often) and sometimes I miss monday, but the RSS feed is really nice. I use it for every and all comics I can.
Frankly, I feel some trepidation at the thought of the update code being tinkered with again.
Jukashi said:
Frankly, I feel some trepidation at the thought of the update code being tinkered with again.
Bah. :P

The way it is setup, we basically see the comments for... say strip #44, but if you click on the link, it shows you 50 and you have to scroll back. It's workable, I just think it could be just a tad bit more useful.

But, the image itself is set without an update. It appears to be pretty much the same format and doesn't move from update or current page. So, all I'm asking for is a <img.../> to be put into the RSS feed that points directly to the image, and includes the comments below.
dmoonfire said:
But, the image itself is set without an update. It appears to be pretty much the same format and doesn't move from update or current page. So, all I'm asking for is a <img.../> to be put into the RSS feed that points directly to the image, and includes the comments below.
Durr.... you are correct. The image file itself never moves.

I can easily add that functionality. Trepidate not, Jukashi!
Hmm.. perhaps I spoke too soon.

I don't quite see how to embed images inside RSS 'items'. There is an 'image' tag which is meant to be used for a 'channel', but I only see 'enclosure' as an option for items.

I tried adding an 'enclosure' tag to one of the items in the feed, but I did not see it (or perhaps Akregator just doesn't support it?).

Can somone provide me with a sample code snippet?
dmoonfire said:
How I do it there should translate to RSS.
I tried using an <img> tag inside a <content> tag, similar to what you have. If I then load the XML in Firefox I don't see that item or anything after it.
Hey, that works!

Thanks. I've manually added the code to the most recent RSS item, and the script should add it to all future updates :)
Question: Does anyone have a preference as to how many items to keep in the feed?

It's currently set to 15, only because this is a guideline I read when I was investigating how to create feeds.

Does anyone have a preference? More? Fewer? Unlimited?
I think 10 to 15 would be appropriate.

Have you tried to set one up for this site by chance? I know I may have overlooked it somehow.
Coyotekin said:
Have you tried to set one up for this site by chance? I know I may have overlooked it somehow.
For the forums?
To what extent? Would it update every time someone posts?

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