RPN's The Walking Dead (SU)


A Magical Sprite
Just like in the show, Survive waves of zombies, the strike of hunger and thirst, the fight against other survivors. Can you survive in the world of filled with walking dead ? Where a single bite can kill you in a matter of hours. No one is safe. Will you go alone in this world filled with death ? Or will you group up with other survivors just like yourself and survive together in this post-apocalyptic world. That is not for me but for you to decide.


Atlanta Georgia

Do note in your history where you come from and how you got in your present situation


  • Obviously, No one-liners.
  • Be literate in making your post, Minimum of two paragraphs
  • No Godmodd, Gary/Mary sue, meta gaming, and bunnying.
  • Write "BRAINS" in any part of your CS if you've read the rules
  • Chain of command goes ACE>admin>mod>me.
  • You may have to ask the owner of the character before killing him/her.
  • NPCs may be used within reasons. Like family members, guards, random guys and whatevs
  • This is a survival RP, Things like MAJICK is not allowed. or Imma Lezly Chao yo bottom.

CS :

Name :

Age :

Gender :

Former Occupation :

Short History :

Personality :

Appearance :

Others :

I shall post mine in a moment.
Name : Marco Vega

Age : 25

Male : Yes Male

Former Occupation : Technician in some small town electronics shop called "BRAINS"

Short History/Personality :

"Zombies? What about them? They're slow and I'm fast and that's all there is to it.....but a steel pipe to the face works just as good too."

Vega was an immigrant looking to make a life for himself outside his home country. As far as the US gov't was concerned, Vega was an illegal immigrant. After all, he was smuggled into the country and given a fake ID. Not that any of that matters now in an apocalypse. He had to screw over a lot of people when the outbreaks started to save his skin. In his defense, those people were on the other side of the law anyway.

Upon hearing news that there was safe haven in Atlanta, Vega immediately set out for it, trusting no one and keeping to himself. It took roughly a week and a half to get to Atlanta and from the way everything looked, that talk of safe Haven was utter bull. He was a crafty piece of sh*t and quick on his feet and so decided to go further into Atlanta to scavenge or maybe clear out an area nearer the city's borders and call it his own. It was hard for him to trust anyone, seeing as he already screwed over some people and believed in Karma. He believed in his luck too, but paranoid enough to know that luck would not simply cut it.

He was closed book and an efficient liar before and Vega believes it will be a skill that will serve him well in dealing with whatever groups of people he came across. Better still for Vega was that no one outside the town knew him which meant he was free to feed whatever BSed past he could come up with and no one would really know the truth.

"It's all about sizing up your mark and feeding them the right amount of bullsh*t."

Appearance :


Others :

Did I do it right?
Name: Julie Maria Alister

Age: 25

Height: 5'4

Weight: 120lb



(Julies point of View.)

To every story there is a beginning, a middle, and a end. For some it starts rather sweet or tragic, for others its just your average life., for me..Well..

The beginning:

I was raised in a pretty mediocre town, with regular parents. My father, Jack Alister was a doctor, while my mom. Jaclyn Holister was your normal home maker. We lived in Florida with all the sand, beaches and not to mention the heat. It was our own little home along with my brother. Carl, he was twenty-two. My mom and dad retired at an early age to be "Treasure Hunters." You know, like those people who go to old construction sites and dig around. They were always into the antics and history of things. Then there was my little sister, Emily. She was such a sweet little girl, eight. Heh. Her eyes could light up even the darkest room and Carl? Well. He was a fully out Military man. In his life he didn't really have many things he was good at, drawing? No. Potter? Na-da. But..Well, being paid to do as he was told, no questions asked? Bingo. Of course, he wasn't like those normal "jarheads." He was always sweet and loving towards his family and a fun guy to be around..

The Middle:

A few years passed, I was nine-teen now and a freshmen in Georgia state. My family decided to move here after much thought on a new change of pace. Carl was going to be living there for a while anyways for training, so it gave us time to see him more often. Emily was so happy, you see..Carl hadn't been part of her life much. With Training and constant traveling. I on the other hand was to busy with nursing school and working a part-time job as a pre-K teacher, I loved the kids and to be honest I would have much preferred just being a teacher. But, I knew since the day I was born that I wanted to help people, no matter how or in what ways. I just wanted to help. Though, in the great words of Uncle Ben "With great power comes great responsibility." and I never realized how much that was true till the day the door bell rang. It was a Saturday, and I was at home prepping for an exam while looking up some new activity's for the little kids. I heard something shatter, sounded like a vase as I ran down the stairs.My mom had collapsed in a sobbing fit and my Dad and Emily surrounded her. From the uniform the man was wearing? I knew what it meant. July 20th, Carl Alister was pronounced MIA and assumed to be dead after a rad in Iraq. I was broken, my big brother was dead. Roughly a few weeks later they held a memorial. Ironic, it was Emily's ninth birthday and she blew out the candles. When my mother said. "What did you wish for?" She smiled brightly and replied."That Carl is looking down on us." My mother began to cry. I had to be strong, for all of them. Dad, mom. Emily. I finished school but only because I dropped out after getting my CNA licenses. My mom and dad went back to business as if nothing had happened, and not much later I moved out. More time, and time passed and it felt like Carl was slowly becoming a dream, or. Was it a nightmare? I was Twenty-three now and this was a particular strange day. The sky was bright and it seemed so nice. Mom had asked me if I could watch Emily since they had to attend a Dusty Rose antic show, I didn't mind. After all I loved spending time with her. So, I went to their house. They seemed so worried and I just laughed and told them to have a good time. A day passed, Emily was outside playing in the backyard on the swing sets and I had only left for a minute or two just to make us some lunch. That's when it happened, I heard her scream and I ran out. There was some guy and from my angle it looked like he was kissing her, I panicked and yelled as I ran at him, but he didn't even move. So, I grabbed the garden hoe and..I swung the blade into the side of his face, he went down as well did my little sister. There was so much blood everywhere. I was trembling, running inside the house I went to grab the house phone but there was no service. My cellphone was dead.. A sudden gurgling noise started to come from the living room. I slowly peered my heard about when I saw her, her mouth torn and missing. She was dead though? Wasn't she? I thought.."Emily.." I cried, but no. If I had known what I did now then. Maybe I could have saved her. I always wandered that. The moment she grabbed for me, and nearly bit me with a groan was the moment I realized it. I screamed, trying to get her off of me, the man from outside had even come back. I fought, I cried..I just remember grabbing the black table lamp mom always liked, I had knocked her out for at lease a moment or two after breaking it against her temple. Next thing I know, I was in the car heading for Atlanta. I heard so many people screaming that day, so many bodies splayed on the ground...

The End:

A year went by, life was nothing as we knew it anymore. I considered myself to be a wandering medic, and pretty good with a knife if I might add. I knew the forest and all the little tricks my parents and Carl taught me on camping trips or hikes. I don't know what happened to my mom or dad, I can only hope they are still alive and one day I'll find them. For now? I help those I can back to their groups. I much prefer to travel alone these days. I couldn't live with the thought of being the reason someone got hurt, wither trying to save me or myself trying to save them. I've been able to get supplies off various Walkers, a backpack, food. Lighters, matches, I even found a tent once. Worked for a while till I was almost swarmed. I try to look on the bright side of things, and I see life for what it is now, a blessing I have even managed this far. "Yeah, its a prison, just a few good miles. We were going to head there, but we heard of another safe haven, even closer. You're more then willing to come with us." It was an elderly man, I was able to get him some medicine for an infection and get him back safely to his son and daughter. "Thanks, but. I'll pass. I'm looking for something to after all." I smiled, patting his head."Even angels need protection." I never understood that phrase, but I always held his words to heart. Sometimes it was lonely, other times. I was really scared. But, I would always lay my head wherever safely I could, with a picture of family. So, maybe this isn't the end...Just not yet. Those things were definitely out there and maybe in search of BRAINS?


Julie is very caring and often radiating that motherly personality accompanied with the "Glass is half way full." Attitude towards things. All attempts to keep her hope and faith that she won't go insane in this new world. Often traveling alone she holds a bit of self pity and tries not to allow herself to get too close to others in fear that they will only die.

Other: Likes Cheesecake and catfish.
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Name : Hayden Hayes

Age : 28

Male : No, sorry. This is a female.

Former Occupation : Worked at her fathers auto shop. :D

Short History : Hayden was born a disappointment, her father wanted a son. He named her Hayden and turned her into a tomboy. She learned how to fight from her father when she entered her teens and grew boobs. He was like every father, worried about his little girl. She spent most of her time with her dad working on cars, hunting, and at the gun range. She didnt have it in her when he turned. She left him in her home and took off in her Chevy pickup, not looking back.

Personality : (written in Haydens POV) "What am I like? Well, thats not hard to explain. Im a hardheaded, stubborn, cocky, full of it, bad-mouth, violent person. You can thank my dad for that! He taught me good. So dont f-ck with me of Ill end up cutting your finger off. Got it!? Good..."

Others : She has her fathers hunting knife and a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it.

*clears throat* Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, BRAINS. Testing... *walks away*

Its short and I'm tired. LOVE HAYDEN!

Also props to Nohara Rin ... "This is our Mexican."
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Both acceptud btw

Name : Daniel "Danny" McMiller

Age : 43

Gender : Male

Former Occupation : Bartender

Short History : Daniel was a family man with two children. The eldest was a 23 year old son named Aaron, and the youngest was a 17 Year old high school girl named Sasha. His wife was 10 years behind him, Her name is Jenna. Jenna didn't mind for Daniel to have his occupation has a Bartender in some bar in Atlanta Georgia. She didn't mind him coming home late, within reason of course for Daniel. They were living a quiet and happy life. Until everything went to hell for Daniel. He lost his wife and daughter. And he got separated from his only son, Aaron. Daniel nearly lost his mind from the lost of his family, But that didn't stop him. He continued to live in this hell, in search of his only son.

Personality : Daniel is pretty much a serious type of person when it comes to looking for his son. And also, he loves to smoke, but due to the situation right now, looking for a single joint is as hard as looking for a hay in a needle stack ( yes needle stack ) . He takes almost all shit seriously, sometimes, he gives out bad jokes that only he gets.

" An axe to the head ? I guess that's what they call a 'Splitting Headache' "

Appearance :

Others : Carries a m1911 handgun, and a m21 hunting rifle. 
All three are accepted btw. Just saiyan ~
Name : David Kimura

Age : 14

Gender : Male

Former Occupation :Worked with his mom's produce store and helped with garden,

Short History : He was helping his mom in the store the day of the outbreak. They lived a few miles away from Atlanta. His mom was strict but loving and very kind to customers. Their father went to Atlanta to sell some produce there. A customer walked in and was injured. He was groaning and walked limply. That was when it went downhill. My mom caring as she is goes over to help him. He was infected and ate my mom's BRAINS. David seeing his mom gone grabbed his backpack, food and supplies runs out of the store. One of his mom's customers grabs him and they start driving to Atlantis. On they highway they ran into a group of zombies. Sacrificing themselves the customer told David to run and he will handle the zombies. As David ran towards Atlanta, he hears screams from behind him, not looking back he runs faster to hopefully find his dad...

Personality : He is quiet and obedient. He is very shy and a bit traumatized due to the infection. He already lost 2 people to zombies. He knows a lot about agriculture due to years working with plants.

Appearance : Small and scrawny. He wears a long grey sleeve shirt with black jeans. His backpack is blue and has 2 pockets and 1 pocket on each side. His eyes are an ocean blue, his hair is spiky parting on his far left and curves right. He wears his only possession that reminds him of his parents, a silver necklace with a dog tag on it containing a picture of his mom and dad together.

Others : He is not familiar with Atlanta and has a small but very sharp kitchen knife he hides in his right sleeve.
ThatFatsoHachi That's up to you, to summarize, All of us in the RP aren't together yet, We just made our opening post and obviously, The RP only just started. You can start off anywhere. Read the other posts, it might give you an idea on where you can start.

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