Other RPNation: The Roleplay: The Most Meta Idea Ever Conceived By The Human Mind: The Game: The Meme™


The God-Emperor of Mankind
Weird Roleplay Idea - Experimentation StageSo, I've recently had a thought gestating in my mind, but before you hear me out: Know that this is probably one of the most stupid and weird, yet at the same time doubtful things you've heard.

How about a RP about... RPNation? (RPCeption)

Imagine me, with the appearance of my avatar, creating this... "persona," in the Nation of Roleplay, trying to rule over a portion of it as the King of Memes, or some insurgency movement. Just how everyone else would be reflected by it in some way, depending on who they are not in real life - but relative to the site. The Dark Wizard would be like an ancient god that created the universe and then took on the disguise of a mage. The Staff would be a great monster-shark created by the gods that hunts for somebody to love.

I think this is mostly just a fiction that will never come alive, that's why this is not an interest check. But why not address it and discuss?

Also, don't take that TM in the title seriously. Added it for comedic effect.
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That sounds pretty cool though. You kinda go meta on yourself while poking fun at roleplaying in general. The hard part IS the self-insertion that is usually a problem with roleplaying. But... if I were to insert myself into this...

I'd just be that one piece of trash user that never roleplays. : D
That sounds pretty cool though. You kinda go meta on yourself while poking fun at roleplaying in general. The hard part IS the self-insertion that is usually a problem with roleplaying. But... if I were to insert myself into this...

I'd just be that one piece of trash user that never roleplays. : D
I'd compare that to a wise druid that lives in the forest and provides those who pass by with intrinsic information.

Why I draw that conclusion is because one could compare RP to a nation/city/society, and this is a "Roleplay Nation," and since you "never roleplay," you'd be far away from that civilization. And you just provided me with your opinion and some other info. And you even have druidic runes as your custom title! (Yes, I know it's Japanese.)
I'm a really weird way this kind of exists. Your are the king of memes on your profile. I really like this idea actually. But it would REALLY weird lol
This Is a neat idea

What would mods and admins be?
Gods, and other eldritch beings of great power.

This is, because when you interpret it in one way. They guide our actions, they guard order, and they have power above all mortal beings (users.)
The Dark Wizard, as I mentioned would be the creator of the universe, while The Staff (Shark-chan,) would be a huge, legendary sea-beast that was created by the gods, and it is constantly looking for somebody to love.

First, my account in RPNation is not a character. It's my real-life persona dumbed down for the internet, so if you say I'm roleplaying as my account, it's basically me playing as myself.

Which I already do 24/7 in realspace, so what's the point?

Now if we're playing as established memes or having meme power, on the other hand... *wink wink nudge nudge*

First, my account in RPNation is not a character. It's my real-life persona dumbed down for the internet, so if you say I'm roleplaying as my account, it's basically me playing as myself.

Which I already do 24/7 in realspace, so what's the point?

Now if we're playing as established memes or having meme power, on the other hand... *wink wink nudge nudge*
The thing is, a roleplay like this would be ALL about your profile.

See your avatar? You would not be yourself. You'd be a cat that lives in a shoe, and we build it off from there to adapt it into a whole world.

Then again, I did say this probably will never happen.
lol that would mean my avatar would be the Stardust Dragon xD

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