Chitchat RPN 2015 New Year Resolutions


Connoisseur of Romance
I am working on a TOP-SECRET project here on RPN that I... oh right, shouldn't have told you it was top secret. >.> Well, you may know me as "that Fellow that made those three sorta-shitty tutorials we pretend to like." That's right, I'm on to you. For my not-top-secret project I'd like to know what 2015 New Year Resolutions you have!

If you do not want to respond to this thread, you can feel free to PM them to me, but the answers will be made public at a later time. If you PM me, it will just be a surprise to everyone until the project is revealed.

So, what's your New Year's Resolution?
Next big year goal for 2015 is earning enough money to move out of state. (oWo)-b
Pass my final exam with flying colors so I leave my country and get into a good uni in England.
Hmmm.... my goal is to kick my depression for good. Find a medicine that works, get my life in order... that kind of thing.
My resolution is to sort out the madness in my life, become a healthier person (both on a physical AND mental health front) and try to seek out a job that better suits my skills, that is willing to pay me for said skills.

If I can do all that? Freakin' cakewalk, man. =P
Be better with time management, improve artistically, and get an even better understanding of myself. c:
Uh, this may ruin the positive vibe y'all have going on, but in all honesty, my resolution is to be better than everyone else on guitar. I was told I couldn't do it, so y'know, I have to take that novelty approach of working head-over-heels until my dream is accomplished and those who doubted me can wallow in their sore judgement... uh, y'know, if it DOES end up working out.

I also want to be more active on here, because I keep disappearing and abandoning some quality people in the unfortunate and semi-involuntary process.

Oh, and to publish my short stories to the local publisher. That'd be pretty gnarly.
I want to become more flexible, greatly lessen my procrastination, kill my artist's block, and vape more/smoke less. Doin it.
I want to figure out and focus on what makes me happy, and not lose it, because I know I will probably flub something up and ruin it. And also try to devote some more time to watching art how-to videos and less time playing video games (and roleplaying a tad less.. Sorry. RPNation, you're just too addicting!)

And I want to work out my complicated relationship with music and stop procrastinating. lots 'o work to do.

Sent from my Android via Tapatalk. Please excuse typos/grammar mistakes/short posts.
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My resolution is to get straight A's again for the next two semesters. I'm going to culinary school to actually enter the food service industry, I might as well work as hard as I can to make sure I get a good job.
to develop a catsona again

My resolutions are to be more academically eager, to not bullshit work/studies, and to get a little better at doodling \ o/

specific resolutions are specific
To see people dressed like this and ride my hoverboard to work.

My New Years Resolutions are to get further used to college (i.e, stop procrastinating and make more friends), improve my writing skills, and build up my self confidence.
Getting my family somewhere to live, and getting a bed to sleep in! (Also finally saving money for world travel)

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