Viewpoint RP veterans, what have you observed has changed over time in roleplays ?


New Member
EDIT: Sorry Mods! It seems I've posted this in the wrong section at first. Thank you for moving it to the right place!

Greetings to you! Thank you for stopping by!
Last time I joined a roleplay community and actively did collaborative writing was in the 2010s and only decided to come back to it recently. And wow things have both very much changed...and also not at all? I haven't started rolelpaying with anyone on here yet, I have just been observing and lurking to understand the current linguo and such. And I thought that it would be fun to talk about how roleplaying online has evolved!

Here's what I've observed so far:

-First off holy shit did RP site rules change and become SO SAFE it's amazing! Back in the day wherever I went, every group roleplay I used to partake in always seemed to turn into an ERP, it might've been just a thing in the communities I was a part of but MAN is it refreshing to find so many cool ideas that only focus on the lore and have fully fleshed out characters that aren't just created with the intent of having them bone.

- Still about safety but people seem to be so much more open about their boundaries !!! Back then I used to only see someone say "No godmodding and no one liners" and that's all. It's so cool how people know exactly what they like and don't like in an RP partner, AND COMMUNICATE IT. Hell I'm so impressed by so many adult roleplayers openly state that they feel uncomfortable roleplaying with minors. Which is so godamn reassuring to see because man, roleplaying used to be like playing a weird game of russian roulette where if you were a kid and RPing with other kids it was so likely that you'd end up talking to some creepy ass people.

- Idk if again that is specific to the communities I used to be in but I miss people referring to character sheets as 'skellies' (short for character skeletons) and other cute names and abreviations for different parts of the RP setup. I was honestly expecting that to have evolved into some whacky terms, but I understand that using less niche language makes rolpelaying more accessible to everyone so I'm not critiquing or anything.

- It's heartwarming to see that theres so much more options out there to customize and 'beautify' an RP thread. Like what you can do with a little bit of coding on here is so godamn cool and I can't help but feel so happy for the writers that love curating aesthetics to go along with their writing. Back then I never came across a website or a place that could do more than allow you to add pictures, and even then it was so hard to size pics correctly you'd often cross a post with a very obnoxious signature at the end or way too tiny pictures you couldn't see jack shit of.

- While looking around this website I can tell when someone's been writing with one specific OC they've had FOREVER. And usually they've evolved and have been so very well fleshed out, but I can just SEE what they might've been in the past when that OC was probably just a knockoff Sasuke character written by an angsty teen with an overly used anime picture as a reference and it cracks me up but also kinda fills me with pride to see y'all sticking to your craft for so long. Kudos to y'all, stay determined.

-I'm so glad post signatures are still a thing. And that there are rules to discourage users from making them too flashy/obnoxious by using gifs or huge pics. But they still have that good old cheesy nature to them with quotes and funny shit. I'm so glad that's still a thing.

-Even after all this time, SCPs and creepypastas are still alive and thriving. I did not expect that lmao.
I'll list a few that stand out.

-Far more LGBTQA+ pairings. When I started these did exist, but it was pretty niche. It's not really my thing as I usually prefer MxF pairings, but it's cool that the option is out there I suppose for people that want it. Fitting into this as well I guess would be far more of a conscious effort by RPers to include POC, disabled characters, etc. in their stories.

-Trigger warnings. It's not really something I ever thought about too deeply as I don't have any triggers myself so it's really only something I've noticed upon observing others.

-RP's generally being far more complex than they used to be. Maybe this is just an observation I've made due to the crowds I RP with, but RP has really become more like a form of collaborative storytelling rather than simply playing a role. This means far more worldbulding, inclusion of more NPC's, etc.

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